'use strict'; import Voronoi from './3rdparty/rhill-voronoi-core.js'; import { lerp, clamp, useAverage } from './modules/Util.js'; import { dist, AABB, QuadTree } from './modules/Geometry.js'; /* from here on up, we always assume that points live in the range [(0,0), (1,1)) */ function lloydRelax(point_set, density) { /* setup quadtree and averages */ let tree = new QuadTree(1,1); let averages = {}; for (let i=0; i ({x: Math.random(), y: Math.random()}); this.min_height = 0; this.max_height = 0; let seed_points = []; for (let i=0; i (a.x - b.x)**2 + (a.y - b.y)**2; const sigma = radius/3; const beta = 1/(2*sigma*sigma); const center = { x, y }; const power = pt => Math.exp(-beta * dist2(pt, center)); for (let pt of points) f(pt, strength * power(pt)); } getNeighbors(point) { const indices = Array.from(this.graph[point.index]); return indices.map( index => this.voronoi.vertices[index] ); } renderGrid(ct) { ct.save(); ct.lineWidth = 0.001; for (let edge of this.voronoi.edges) { ct.fillStyle = `hsl(${edge.va.height}, 100%, 50%)`; ct.beginPath(); ct.arc(edge.va.x, edge.va.y, 0.0005, 0, 2*Math.PI); ct.closePath(); ct.fill(); /*ct.beginPath(); ct.moveTo(edge.va.x, edge.va.y); ct.lineTo(edge.vb.x, edge.vb.y); ct.closePath(); ct.stroke(); */ } ct.restore(); } render(ct) { function rgb(r, g, b) { this.r = r; this.g = g; this.b = b; } const renderRgb = rgb => `rgb(${rgb.r}, ${rgb.g}, ${rgb.b})`; const lerpColors = (a, b, alpha) => new rgb( lerp(a.r, b.r, alpha), lerp(a.g, b.g, alpha), lerp(a.b, b.b, alpha) ); const getBucket = (value, min, max, numBuckets) => { const delta = max - min; const step = delta/numBuckets; return clamp(Math.floor((value-min)/step), 0, numBuckets-1); } const getColor = (value, min, max, colors) => { if (value < min) return colors[0]; if (value >= max) return colors[colors.length-1]; const step = (max - min)/(colors.length - 1); const index = getBucket(value, min, max, colors.length-1); const alpha = (value - (index*step) - min)/step; const color = lerpColors( colors[index], colors[index+1], alpha ); if (color.r <= 0) console.log(value, index, alpha, color); return color; } const colors = [ /* ocean */ new rgb(31, 59, 68), new rgb(68, 130, 149), /* land */ new rgb(229, 199, 169), new rgb(198, 133, 67), new rgb(117, 89, 61), /* mountain */ new rgb(82, 74, 64), new rgb(82, 74, 64), new rgb(255, 255, 255), ]; ct.save(); for (let cell of this.voronoi.cells) { ct.beginPath(); let height = 0; let count = 1; for (let edge of cell.halfedges) { const p0 = edge.getStartpoint(); const p1 = edge.getEndpoint(); height += p0.height; count += 1; ct.lineTo(p0.x, p0.y); ct.lineTo(p1.x, p1.y); } ct.closePath(); height /= count; height = 10 * Math.floor(height/10); const color = getColor(height, 0, 100, colors); if (color.r <=0) console.log(color); ct.fillStyle = renderRgb(color); ct.strokeStyle = renderRgb(color); ct.stroke(); ct.fill(); } ct.restore(); } } export { lloydRelax }; export default Terrain;