title: Embedding
description: A guide on how to embed the cargs command line parser library for C/C++.

In order to embed **cargs**, you will have to download it.
You can do so using git (or download it from [here](https://github.com/likle/cargs/archive/stable.zip)).  

git clone -b stable git@github.com:likle/cargs.git
**Note**: The *stable* branch points to the latest stable version. You should 
always use a stable version in production code.

## Using CMake to embed cargs
If you are using CMake it is fairly easy to embed **cargs**. 
This only requires two lines, you don't even have to specify the include directories.
The following example shows how to do so:
# Some basics you will need in your cmake file.
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.9.2)
project(example C)
add_executable(example_target main.c)

# Replace your_path_to_cargs with the path to your cargs copy. 
# This could be something like "${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/lib/cargs".

# Replace example_target with the target name which requires cargs.
# After this, there is no need to specify any include directories.
target_link_libraries(example_target cargs)

After that, you should be able to use cargs in your source code:
#include <cargs.h>

## Directly embed cargs in your source
If you don't use CMake and would like to embed **cargs** directly, you could 
just add the two files ``src/cargs.c`` and ``ìnclude/cargs.h`` to your project.
The folder containing ``cargs.h`` has to be in your include directories 
([Visual Studio](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/cpp/ide/vcpp-directories-property-page?view=vs-2017), 