#include #include #include #include #include #include #include "honeysuckle.h" /* minunit testing macros modified from those at www.jera.com/techinfo/jtns/jtn002.html */ #define mu_assert(message, test) do { if (!(test)) return message; } while (0) #define mu_run_test(name, test) do { \ lua_State *L = luaL_newstate(); \ luaL_openlibs(L); \ char *message = test(L); \ lua_close(L); \ tests_run++; \ if (message) { \ printf("test '%s' failed: %s\n", name, message); \ tests_failed++; \ } \ } while (0) #define TEST(name) static char* name(lua_State *L) int tests_run = 0; int tests_failed = 0; /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * tests for hs_type_to_string * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(hs_bool_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_BOOL does not result in 'boolean'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_BOOL), "boolean") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_int_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_INT does not result in 'integer'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_INT), "integer") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_num_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_NUM does not result in 'number'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_NUM), "number") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_str_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_STR does not result in 'string'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_STR), "string") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_tbl_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_TBL does not result in 'table'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_TBL), "table") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_func_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_FUNC does not result in 'function'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_FUNC), "function") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_cfunc_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_CFUNC does not result in 'C function'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_CFUNC), "C function") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_user_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_USER does not result in 'userdata'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_USER), "userdata") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_light_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_LIGHT does not result in 'light userdata'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_LIGHT), "light userdata") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_nil_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_NIL does not result in 'nil'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_NIL), "nil") == 0); return 0; } TEST(hs_any_to_string) { mu_assert("HS_ANY does not result in 'any'!", strcmp(hs_type_to_string(HS_ANY), "any") == 0); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * tests for hs_parse_args * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(parse_bool) { lua_pushboolean(L, true); bool b = false; hs_parse_args(L, HS_BOOL, &b, HS_END); mu_assert("failed to properly parse boolean!", b); return 0; } TEST(parse_int) { lua_pushinteger(L, 420); int i = 0; hs_parse_args(L, HS_INT, &i, HS_END); mu_assert("failed to properly parse integer!", i == 420); return 0; } TEST(parse_num) { lua_pushnumber(L, 40.5f); lua_Number n = 0; hs_parse_args(L, HS_NUM, &n, HS_END); mu_assert("failed to properly parse number!", n == 40.5f); return 0; } TEST(parse_str) { lua_pushstring(L, "hello, world!"); char *s = ""; hs_parse_args(L, HS_STR, &s, HS_END); mu_assert("failed to properly parse string!", strcmp(s, "hello, world!") == 0); return 0; } int testfunc(lua_State *L) { return 0; } TEST(parse_func) { lua_pushcfunction(L, testfunc); lua_CFunction f; hs_parse_args(L, HS_FUNC, &f, HS_END); mu_assert("failed to properly parse function!", f == testfunc); return 0; } TEST(parse_cfunc) { lua_pushcfunction(L, testfunc); lua_CFunction f; hs_parse_args(L, HS_CFUNC, &f, HS_END); mu_assert("failed to properly parse C function!", f == testfunc); return 0; } int should_fail(lua_State *L) { lua_CFunction f; hs_parse_args(L, HS_CFUNC, &f, HS_END); return 0; } TEST(fail_parse_noncfunc) { lua_pushcfunction(L, should_fail); lua_getglobal(L, "assert"); mu_assert("incorrectly parsed non-C function!", lua_pcall(L, 1, 0, 0) != 0); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * tests for hs_pushstring * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(push_noformat) { hs_pushstring(L, "a string"); mu_assert("no string at top of stack!", lua_isstring(L, -1)); const char *string = lua_tostring(L, -1); mu_assert("string != 'a string'", strcmp(string, "a string") == 0); return 0; } TEST(push_formatint) { hs_pushstring(L, "%d is 5", 5); mu_assert("no string at top of stack!", lua_isstring(L, -1)); const char *string = lua_tostring(L, -1); mu_assert("string != '5 is 5'", strcmp(string, "5 is 5") == 0); return 0; } TEST(push_formatstring) { hs_pushstring(L, "%s is 'hello'", "hello"); mu_assert("no string at top of stack!", lua_isstring(L, -1)); const char *string = lua_tostring(L, -1); mu_assert("string != 'hello is 'hello''", strcmp(string, "hello is 'hello'") == 0); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * RUN TESTS * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ int main() { printf("================ start tests ================\n\n"); printf("running hs_type_to_string() tests...\n"); mu_run_test("bool to string", hs_bool_to_string); mu_run_test("int to string", hs_int_to_string); mu_run_test("num to string", hs_num_to_string); mu_run_test("str to string", hs_str_to_string); mu_run_test("tbl to string", hs_tbl_to_string); mu_run_test("func to string", hs_func_to_string); mu_run_test("cfunc to string", hs_cfunc_to_string); mu_run_test("user to string", hs_user_to_string); mu_run_test("light to string", hs_light_to_string); mu_run_test("nil to string", hs_nil_to_string); mu_run_test("any to string", hs_any_to_string); printf("\n"); printf("running hs_parse_args() tests...\n"); mu_run_test("parse bool", parse_bool); mu_run_test("parse int", parse_int); mu_run_test("parse num", parse_num); mu_run_test("parse str", parse_str); mu_run_test("parse func", parse_func); mu_run_test("parse cfunc", parse_cfunc); mu_run_test("fail parse noncfunc", fail_parse_noncfunc); printf("\n"); printf("running hs_pushstring() tests...\n"); mu_run_test("hs_pushstring (no printf formatting)", push_noformat); mu_run_test("hs_pushstring (integer formatting)", push_formatint); mu_run_test("hs_pushstring (string formatting)", push_formatstring); printf("\n"); printf("\n=============== tests finished ===============\n\n"); printf("ran %d tests, %d failed\n", tests_run, tests_failed); return 0; }