#include "hs_tests.h" static int testfunc1(lua_State *L) { return 0; } static int testfunc2(lua_State *L) { return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * tests for hs_create_table * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(table_correct_index) { int top_old = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table(L); mu_assert("the stack is unchanged!", lua_gettop(L) != top_old); mu_assert("returned incorrect index!", index == lua_gettop(L)); return 0; } #define load_key(index, value, pushf) do { \ pushf(L, value); lua_gettable(L, index); \ mu_assert("value at key '" #value "' is nil!", \ !lua_isnil(L, -1)); \ } while(0) #define loadkey_bool(index, value) \ load_key(index, value, lua_pushboolean) #define loadkey_int(index, value) \ load_key(index, value, lua_pushinteger) #define loadkey_num(index, value) \ load_key(index, value, lua_pushnumber) #define loadkey_str(index, value) \ load_key(index, value, lua_pushstring) #define loadkey_tbl(index, value) do { \ lua_pushvalue(L, value); lua_gettable(L, index); \ mu_assert("value at table (index '" #value "') is nil!", \ !lua_isnil(L, -1)); \ } while(0) #define loadkey_func(index, value) do { \ lua_pushvalue(L, value); lua_gettable(L, index); \ mu_assert("value at function (index '" #value "') is nil!", \ !lua_isnil(L, -1)); \ } while(0) #define loadkey_cfunc(index, value) \ load_key(index, value, lua_pushcfunction) #define loadkey_user(index, value) do { \ lua_pushvalue(L, value); lua_gettable(L, index); \ mu_assert("value at userdata (index '" #value "') is nil!", \ !lua_isnil(L, -1)); \ } while(0) #define loadkey_light(index, value) \ load_key(index, value, lua_pushlightuserdata) #define check_value(is_type, typestring, type, conversion, comparison) \ do { \ mu_assert("value is not of type " typestring, is_type(L, -1)); \ type value = conversion(L, -1); lua_pop(L, 1); \ mu_assert("test " #comparison " failed!", (comparison)); \ lua_pop(L, 1); /* remove key */ \ } while(0) #define checkval_bool(expected) \ check_value(lua_isboolean, "boolean", bool, lua_toboolean, value==expected) #define checkval_int(expected) \ check_value(lua_isnumber, "integer", lua_Integer, lua_tointeger, value==expected) #define checkval_num(expected) \ check_value(lua_isnumber, "number", lua_Number, lua_tonumber, value==expected) #define checkval_str(expected) \ check_value(lua_isstring, "string", const char *, lua_tostring, strcmp(value, expected)) #define checkval_tbl(expected) \ check_value(lua_istable, "table", const void *, lua_topointer, value==lua_topointer(L, expected)) #define checkval_func(expected) \ check_value(lua_isfunction, "function", const void *, lua_topointer, value==lua_topointer(L, expected)) #define checkval_cfunc(expected) \ check_value(lua_iscfunction, "C function", lua_CFunction, lua_tocfunction, value==expected) #define checkval_user(expected) \ check_value(lua_isuserdata, "userdata", void *, lua_touserdata, value==lua_topointer(L, expected)) #define checkval_light(expected) \ check_value(lua_islightuserdata, "light userdata", void *, lua_touserdata, value==expected) #define store(name) \ lua_pushvalue(L, -1); \ int name ## _ref = luaL_ref(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX); \ int name = lua_gettop(L); #define load(name) \ lua_rawgeti(L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, name ## _ref); \ name = lua_gettop(L); /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * boolean keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_bool_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_bool(true, true), hs_bool_bool(false, true)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_bool(true); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_int(true, 15), hs_bool_int(false, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_int(15); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_num(true, 2.718), hs_bool_num(false, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_str(true, "hello"), hs_bool_str(false, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_tbl(true, value1), hs_bool_tbl(false, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_func(true, value1), hs_bool_func(false, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_cfunc(true, testfunc1), hs_bool_cfunc(false, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_user(true, user1), hs_bool_user(false, user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_bool_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_bool_light(true, light1), hs_bool_light(false, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_bool(index, true); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_bool(index, false); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * integer keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_int_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_bool(15, true), hs_int_bool(25, true)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_bool(true); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_int(15, 15), hs_int_int(25, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_int(15); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_num(15, 2.718), hs_int_num(25, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_str(15, "hello"), hs_int_str(25, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_tbl(15, value1), hs_int_tbl(25, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_func(15, value1), hs_int_func(25, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_cfunc(15, testfunc1), hs_int_cfunc(25, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_user(15, user1), hs_int_user(25, user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_int_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_int_light(15, light1), hs_int_light(25, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_int(index, 15); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_int(index, 25); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * number keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_num_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_bool(43.3f, true), hs_num_bool(23.56f, false)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_bool(false); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_int(43.3f, 15), hs_num_int(23.56f, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_int(15); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_num(43.3f, 2.718), hs_num_num(23.56f, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_str(43.3f, "hello"), hs_num_str(23.56f, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_tbl(43.3f, value1), hs_num_tbl(23.56f, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_func(43.3f, value1), hs_num_func(23.56f, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_cfunc(43.3f, testfunc1), hs_num_cfunc(23.56f, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_user(43.3f, user1), hs_num_user(23.56f, user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_num_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_num_light(43.3f, light1), hs_num_light(23.56f, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_num(index, 43.3f); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_num(index, 23.56f); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * string keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_str_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_bool("c:", true), hs_str_bool(":)", true)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_bool(true); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_int("c:", 15), hs_str_int(":)", 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_int(15); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_num("c:", 2.718), hs_str_num(":)", 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_str("c:", "hello"), hs_str_str(":)", "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_tbl("c:", value1), hs_str_tbl(":)", value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_func("c:", value1), hs_str_func(":)", value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_cfunc("c:", testfunc1), hs_str_cfunc(":)", testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_user("c:", user1), hs_str_user(":)", user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_str_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_str_light("c:", light1), hs_str_light(":)", light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_str(index, "c:"); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_str(index, ":)"); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * table keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_tbl_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_bool(tbl1, true), hs_tbl_bool(tbl2, false)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_bool(false); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_int(tbl1, 15), hs_tbl_int(tbl2, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_int(15); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_num(tbl1, 2.718), hs_tbl_num(tbl2, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_str(tbl1, "hello"), hs_tbl_str(tbl2, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_tbl(tbl1, value1), hs_tbl_tbl(tbl2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_func(tbl1, value1), hs_tbl_func(tbl2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_cfunc(tbl1, testfunc1), hs_tbl_cfunc(tbl2, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_user(tbl1, user1), hs_tbl_user(tbl2, user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_tbl_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl1); lua_newtable(L); store(tbl2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_tbl_light(tbl1, light1), hs_tbl_light(tbl2, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(tbl1); load(tbl2); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl1); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_tbl(index, tbl2); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * function keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_func_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_bool(func1, true), hs_func_bool(func2, false)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_bool(false); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_int(func1, 15), hs_func_int(func2, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_int(15); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_num(func1, 2.718), hs_func_num(func2, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_str(func1, "hello"), hs_func_str(func2, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_tbl(func1, value1), hs_func_tbl(func2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_func(func1, value1), hs_func_func(func2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_cfunc(func1, testfunc1), hs_func_cfunc(func2, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_user(func1, user1), hs_func_user(func2, user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_func_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(func2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_func_light(func1, light1), hs_func_light(func2, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(func1); load(func2); loadkey_func(index, func1); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_func(index, func2); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * boolean keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_cfunc_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_bool(testfunc1, true), hs_cfunc_bool(testfunc2, true)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_bool(true); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_int(testfunc1, 15), hs_cfunc_int(testfunc2, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_int(15); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_num(testfunc1, 2.718), hs_cfunc_num(testfunc2, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_str(testfunc1, "hello"), hs_cfunc_str(testfunc2, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_tbl(testfunc1, value1), hs_cfunc_tbl(testfunc2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_func(testfunc1, value1), hs_cfunc_func(testfunc2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_cfunc(testfunc1, testfunc1), hs_cfunc_cfunc(testfunc2, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_user(testfunc1, user1), hs_cfunc_user(testfunc2, user2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_user(user1); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_user(user2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_cfunc_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_cfunc_light(testfunc1, light1), hs_cfunc_light(testfunc2, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc1); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_cfunc(index, testfunc2); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * userdata keys * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ TEST(create_table_user_bool) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_bool(user1, true), hs_user_bool(user2, false)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_bool(true); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_bool(false); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_int) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_int(user1, 15), hs_user_int(user2, 25)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_int(15); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_int(25); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_num) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_num(user1, 2.718), hs_user_num(user2, 1.618)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_num(2.718); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_num(1.618); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_str) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_str(user1, "hello"), hs_user_str(user2, "world")); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_str("hello"); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_str("world"); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_tbl) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); lua_newtable(L); store(value1); lua_newtable(L); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_tbl(user1, value1), hs_user_tbl(user2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_tbl(value1); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_tbl(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_func) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('hello')"); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_func(user1, value1), hs_user_func(user2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_func(value1); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_func(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_cfunc) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_cfunc(user1, testfunc1), hs_user_cfunc(user2, testfunc2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_cfunc(testfunc1); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_cfunc(testfunc2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_user) { int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(value1); lua_newuserdata(L, sizeof(char)); store(value2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_user(user1, value1), hs_user_user(user2, value2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); load(value1); load(value2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_user(value1); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_user(value2); return 0; } TEST(create_table_user_light) { int a1 = 5; void *light1 = (void *) &a1; int a2 = 6; void *light2 = (void *) &a2; int oldtop = lua_gettop(L); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user1); luaL_loadstring(L, "print('')"); store(user2); int index = hs_create_table (L, hs_user_light(user1, light1), hs_user_light(user2, light2)); mu_assert_equal(oldtop + 1, lua_gettop(L)); load(user1); load(user2); loadkey_user(index, user1); checkval_light(light1); loadkey_user(index, user2); checkval_light(light2); return 0; } /* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * test suite * * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ void hs_create_table_tests() { printf("running hs_create_table() tests...\n"); mu_run_test("return correct stack index", table_correct_index); /* boolean keys */ mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and boolean values", create_table_bool_bool); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and integer values", \ create_table_bool_int); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and number values", \ create_table_bool_num); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and string values", \ create_table_bool_str); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and table values", \ create_table_bool_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and function values", \ create_table_bool_func); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and C function values", \ create_table_bool_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and userdata values", \ create_table_bool_user); mu_run_test("create table with boolean keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_bool_light); /* integer keys */ mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and boolean values", create_table_int_bool); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and integer values", \ create_table_int_int); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and number values", \ create_table_int_num); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and string values", \ create_table_int_str); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and table values", \ create_table_int_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and function values", \ create_table_int_func); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and C function values", \ create_table_int_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and userdata values", \ create_table_int_user); mu_run_test("create table with integer keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_int_light); /* number keys */ mu_run_test("create table with number keys and boolean values", create_table_num_bool); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and integer values", \ create_table_num_int); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and number values", \ create_table_num_num); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and string values", \ create_table_num_str); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and table values", \ create_table_num_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and function values", \ create_table_num_func); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and C function values", \ create_table_num_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and userdata values", \ create_table_num_user); mu_run_test("create table with number keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_num_light); /* string keys */ mu_run_test("create table with string keys and boolean values", create_table_str_bool); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and integer values", \ create_table_str_int); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and number values", \ create_table_str_num); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and string values", \ create_table_str_str); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and table values", \ create_table_str_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and function values", \ create_table_str_func); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and C function values", \ create_table_str_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and userdata values", \ create_table_str_user); mu_run_test("create table with string keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_str_light); /* table keys */ mu_run_test("create table with table keys and boolean values", create_table_tbl_bool); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and integer values", \ create_table_tbl_int); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and number values", \ create_table_tbl_num); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and string values", \ create_table_tbl_str); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and table values", \ create_table_tbl_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and function values", \ create_table_tbl_func); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and C function values", \ create_table_tbl_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and userdata values", \ create_table_tbl_user); mu_run_test("create table with table keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_tbl_light); /* function keys */ mu_run_test("create table with function keys and boolean values", create_table_func_bool); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and integer values", \ create_table_func_int); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and number values", \ create_table_func_num); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and string values", \ create_table_func_str); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and table values", \ create_table_func_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and function values", \ create_table_func_func); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and C function values", \ create_table_func_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and userdata values", \ create_table_func_user); mu_run_test("create table with function keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_func_light); /* C function keys */ mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and boolean values", create_table_cfunc_bool); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and integer values", \ create_table_cfunc_int); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and number values", \ create_table_cfunc_num); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and string values", \ create_table_cfunc_str); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and table values", \ create_table_cfunc_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and function values", \ create_table_cfunc_func); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and C function values", \ create_table_cfunc_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and userdata values", \ create_table_cfunc_user); mu_run_test("create table with C function keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_cfunc_light); /* userdata keys */ mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and boolean values", create_table_user_bool); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and integer values", \ create_table_user_int); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and number values", \ create_table_user_num); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and string values", \ create_table_user_str); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and table values", \ create_table_user_tbl); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and function values", \ create_table_user_func); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and C function values", \ create_table_user_cfunc); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and userdata values", \ create_table_user_user); mu_run_test("create table with userdata keys and light userdata values", \ create_table_user_light); }