if (NOT PLIBSYS_SIZEOF_VOID_P EQUAL 4) if (CMAKE_VERSION VERSION_LESS 2.8.10) message (WARNING " Unable to detect PGI compiler version. Beware that old PGI versions doesn't support shared libraries on 64-bit macOS. ") elseif (CMAKE_C_COMPILER_VERSION VERSION_LESS 18.4) message (FATAL_ERROR " PGI compiler before verison 18.4 doesn't support 64-bit shared libraries on macOS. Use older 32-bit version of the compiler instead. ") endif() endif() set (PLIBSYS_THREAD_MODEL posix) set (PLIBSYS_IPC_MODEL posix) set (PLIBSYS_TIME_PROFILER_MODEL mach) set (PLIBSYS_DIR_MODEL posix) set (PLIBSYS_LIBRARYLOADER_MODEL posix) set (PLIBSYS_PLATFORM_DEFINES -D_REENTRANT )