--- name: Bug report about: Create a report to help us improve title: '' labels: '' assignees: '' --- (Please use the mailing list for support requests and general discussion. This is only for actual bugs.) **Describe the bug** A clear and concise description of what the bug is. **To Reproduce** Steps to reproduce the behavior. Include code if applicable. 1. **Expected behavior** A clear and concise description of what you expected to happen. **Actual behavior** What actually happened. Include a recording if helpful. Error messages or logs longer than a page should be attached as a .txt file. **Desktop (please complete the following information):** - OS: [e.g. Mac OS] - OS Version [e.g. 22] - PortAudio version: stable, nightly snapshot (which?), current (please give date and/or Git hash): - If Windows or Linux, which Host API (e.g. WASAPI): **Additional context** Add any other context about the problem here.