name: MSBuild MSVC Project File CI on: [push, pull_request] env: # Path to the solution file relative to the root of the project. SOLUTION_FILE_PATH: ./build/msvc/portaudio.sln VCPROJ_FILE_PATH: ./build/msvc/portaudio.vcproj VCXPROJ_FILE_PATH: ./build/msvc/portaudio.vcxproj VCXPROJ_FILTERS_FILE_PATH: ./build/msvc/portaudio.vcxproj.filters VCXPROJ_USER_FILE_PATH: ./build/msvc/portaudio.vcxproj.user DEF_FILE_PATH: ./build/msvc/portaudio.def jobs: build: runs-on: windows-latest strategy: matrix: BUILD_CONFIGURATION: [Release] BUILD_PLATFORM: [Win32, x64] steps: - name: Add MSBuild to PATH uses: microsoft/setup-msbuild@v1 - uses: actions/checkout@v2 - name: Upgrade VC Project File # We maintain our vcproj file in an old format to maintain backwards compatibility # This step upgrades the project to the latest version of MSVC # see # pipe to file to ensure that it terminates # discussion of using vswhere.exe here: run: | $devenv = & vswhere.exe '-property' productPath Write-Output "$devenv" & $devenv "${{env.VCPROJ_FILE_PATH}}" /Upgrade /NoSplash | Out-Null Write-Output "devenv launched" while (!(Test-Path "${{env.VCXPROJ_FILE_PATH}}")) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } Write-Output "vcxproj found" while (!(Test-Path "${{env.VCXPROJ_FILTERS_FILE_PATH}}")) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 } Write-Output "vcxproj.filters found" Start-Sleep -Seconds 10 Write-Output "done." - name: Remove ASIO Files and Enable PA_USE_DS=1 # Process the project files to remove ASIO-related sources and includes (since we can not access the ASIO SDK in a public build) run: | # Process .vcxproj file: remove source files $xdoc = new-object System.Xml.XmlDocument $vcxprojFile = resolve-path("${{env.VCXPROJ_FILE_PATH}}") $xdoc.load($vcxprojFile) $namespace = New-Object -TypeName "Xml.XmlNamespaceManager" -ArgumentList $xdoc.NameTable $namespace.AddNamespace("vs", $xdoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI) $nodes = $xdoc.SelectNodes("//vs:ClCompile[contains(@Include, '..\src\hostapi\asio')]", $namespace) Write-Output "deleting ASIO related compilation nodes from .vcxproj:" Write-Output $nodes ForEach($node in $nodes) { $parent = $node.ParentNode $parent.RemoveChild($node) } # Enable DirectSound host API $nodes = $xdoc.SelectNodes("//vs:PreprocessorDefinitions[contains(., 'PA_USE_DS=0')]", $namespace) ForEach($node in $nodes) { $text = $node.InnerText $node.InnerText = $text -replace 'PA_USE_DS=0', 'PA_USE_DS=1' } $$vcxprojFile) # Process .vcxproj.filters file: remove source files and includes $vcxprojFiltersFile = resolve-path("${{env.VCXPROJ_FILTERS_FILE_PATH}}") $xdoc.load($vcxprojFiltersFile) $namespace = New-Object -TypeName "Xml.XmlNamespaceManager" -ArgumentList $xdoc.NameTable $namespace.AddNamespace("vs", $xdoc.DocumentElement.NamespaceURI) $nodes = $xdoc.SelectNodes("//vs:ClCompile[contains(@Include, '..\src\hostapi\asio')]", $namespace) Write-Output "deleting ASIO related compilation nodes from .vcxproj.filters:" Write-Output $nodes ForEach($node in $nodes) { $parent = $node.ParentNode $parent.RemoveChild($node) } $nodes = $xdoc.SelectNodes("//vs:ClInclude[contains(@Include, 'pa_asio.h')]", $namespace) Write-Output "deleting ASIO related include nodes from .vcxproj.filters:" Write-Output $nodes ForEach($node in $nodes) { $parent = $node.ParentNode $parent.RemoveChild($node) } $$vcxprojFiltersFile) # Process .def file: remove PaAsio_ symbols Set-Content -Path "${{env.DEF_FILE_PATH}}" -Value (Get-Content -Path "${{env.DEF_FILE_PATH}}" | Select-String -Pattern 'PaAsio_' -NotMatch) - name: Build working-directory: ${{env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE}} # Add additional options to the MSBuild command line here (like platform or verbosity level). # See run: msbuild /m /p:Configuration=${{matrix.BUILD_CONFIGURATION}} /p:Platform=${{matrix.BUILD_PLATFORM}} ${{env.VCXPROJ_FILE_PATH}}