/** @file patest_converters.c @ingroup test_src @brief Tests the converter functions in pa_converters.c @author Ross Bencina Link with pa_dither.c and pa_converters.c see http://www.portaudio.com/trac/wiki/V19ConvertersStatus for a discussion of this. */ /* * $Id: $ * * This program uses the PortAudio Portable Audio Library. * For more information see: http://www.portaudio.com/ * Copyright (c) 1999-2008 Ross Bencina and Phil Burk * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining * a copy of this software and associated documentation files * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, * subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, * EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF * MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. * IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR * ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF * CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION * WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * The text above constitutes the entire PortAudio license; however, * the PortAudio community also makes the following non-binding requests: * * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. It is also * requested that these non-binding requests be included along with the * license above. */ #include #include #include #include #include "portaudio.h" #include "pa_converters.h" #include "pa_dither.h" #include "pa_types.h" #include "pa_endianness.h" #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI (3.14159265) #endif #define MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT (2048) #define MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT (8) #define SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT (6) static PaSampleFormat sampleFormats_[ SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT ] = { paFloat32, paInt32, paInt24, paInt16, paInt8, paUInt8 }; /* all standard PA sample formats */ static const char* sampleFormatNames_[SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT] = { "paFloat32", "paInt32", "paInt24", "paInt16", "paInt8", "paUInt8" }; static const char* abbreviatedSampleFormatNames_[SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT] = { "f32", "i32", "i24", "i16", " i8", "ui8" }; PaError My_Pa_GetSampleSize( PaSampleFormat format ); /* available flags are paClipOff and paDitherOff clipping is usually applied for float -> int conversions dither is usually applied for all downconversions (ie anything but 8bit->8bit conversions */ static int CanClip( PaSampleFormat sourceFormat, PaSampleFormat destinationFormat ) { if( sourceFormat == paFloat32 && destinationFormat != sourceFormat ) return 1; else return 0; } static int CanDither( PaSampleFormat sourceFormat, PaSampleFormat destinationFormat ) { if( sourceFormat < destinationFormat && sourceFormat != paInt8 ) return 1; else return 0; } static void GenerateOneCycleSineReference( double *out, int frameCount, int strideFrames ) { int i; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ *out = sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ); out += strideFrames; } } static void GenerateOneCycleSine( PaSampleFormat format, void *buffer, int frameCount, int strideFrames ) { switch( format ){ case paFloat32: { int i; float *out = (float*)buffer; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ *out = (float).9 * sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ); out += strideFrames; } } break; case paInt32: { int i; PaInt32 *out = (PaInt32*)buffer; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ *out = (PaInt32)(.9 * sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ) * 0x7FFFFFFF); out += strideFrames; } } break; case paInt24: { int i; unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*)buffer; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ signed long temp = (PaInt32)(.9 * sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ) * 0x7FFFFFFF); #if defined(PA_LITTLE_ENDIAN) out[0] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 8) & 0xFF; out[1] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 16) & 0xFF; out[2] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 24) & 0xFF; #elif defined(PA_BIG_ENDIAN) out[0] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 24) & 0xFF; out[1] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 16) & 0xFF; out[2] = (unsigned char)(temp >> 8) & 0xFF; #endif out += 3; } } break; case paInt16: { int i; PaInt16 *out = (PaInt16*)buffer; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ *out = (PaInt16)(.9 * sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ) * 0x7FFF ); out += strideFrames; } } break; case paInt8: { int i; signed char *out = (signed char*)buffer; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ *out = (signed char)(.9 * sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ) * 0x7F ); out += strideFrames; } } break; case paUInt8: { int i; unsigned char *out = (unsigned char*)buffer; for( i=0; i < frameCount; ++i ){ *out = (unsigned char)( .5 * (1. + (.9 * sin( ((double)i/(double)frameCount) * 2. * M_PI ))) * 0xFF ); out += strideFrames; } } break; } } int TestNonZeroPresent( void *buffer, int size ) { char *p = (char*)buffer; int i; for( i=0; i < size; ++i ){ if( *p != 0 ) return 1; ++p; } return 0; } float MaximumAbsDifference( float* sourceBuffer, float* referenceBuffer, int count ) { float result = 0; float difference; while( count-- ){ difference = fabs( *sourceBuffer++ - *referenceBuffer++ ); if( difference > result ) result = difference; } return result; } int main( const char **argv, int argc ) { PaUtilTriangularDitherGenerator ditherState; PaUtilConverter *converter; void *destinationBuffer, *sourceBuffer; double *referenceBuffer; int sourceFormatIndex, destinationFormatIndex; PaSampleFormat sourceFormat, destinationFormat; PaStreamFlags flags; int passFailMatrix[SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT][SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT]; // [source][destination] float noiseAmplitudeMatrix[SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT][SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT]; // [source][destination] float amp; #define FLAG_COMBINATION_COUNT (4) PaStreamFlags flagCombinations[FLAG_COMBINATION_COUNT] = { paNoFlag, paClipOff, paDitherOff, paClipOff | paDitherOff }; const char *flagCombinationNames[FLAG_COMBINATION_COUNT] = { "paNoFlag", "paClipOff", "paDitherOff", "paClipOff | paDitherOff" }; int flagCombinationIndex; PaUtil_InitializeTriangularDitherState( &ditherState ); /* allocate more than enough space, we use sizeof(float) but we need to fit any 32 bit datum */ destinationBuffer = (void*)malloc( MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT * sizeof(float) ); sourceBuffer = (void*)malloc( MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT * sizeof(float) ); referenceBuffer = (void*)malloc( MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * MAX_CHANNEL_COUNT * sizeof(float) ); /* the first round of tests simply iterates through the buffer combinations testing that putting something in gives something out */ printf( "= Sine wave in, something out =\n" ); printf( "\n" ); GenerateOneCycleSine( paFloat32, referenceBuffer, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT, 1 ); for( flagCombinationIndex = 0; flagCombinationIndex < FLAG_COMBINATION_COUNT; ++flagCombinationIndex ){ flags = flagCombinations[flagCombinationIndex]; printf( "\n" ); printf( "== flags = %s ==\n", flagCombinationNames[flagCombinationIndex] ); for( sourceFormatIndex = 0; sourceFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++sourceFormatIndex ){ for( destinationFormatIndex = 0; destinationFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++destinationFormatIndex ){ sourceFormat = sampleFormats_[sourceFormatIndex]; destinationFormat = sampleFormats_[destinationFormatIndex]; //printf( "%s -> %s ", sampleFormatNames_[ sourceFormatIndex ], sampleFormatNames_[ destinationFormatIndex ] ); converter = PaUtil_SelectConverter( sourceFormat, destinationFormat, flags ); /* source is a sinewave */ GenerateOneCycleSine( sourceFormat, sourceBuffer, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT, 1 ); /* zero destination */ memset( destinationBuffer, 0, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * My_Pa_GetSampleSize( destinationFormat ) ); (*converter)( destinationBuffer, 1, sourceBuffer, 1, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT, &ditherState ); /* Other ways we could test this would be: - pass a constant, check for a constant (wouldn't work with dither) - pass alternating +/-, check for the same... */ if( TestNonZeroPresent( destinationBuffer, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * My_Pa_GetSampleSize( destinationFormat ) ) ){ //printf( "PASSED\n" ); passFailMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex] = 1; }else{ //printf( "FAILED\n" ); passFailMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex] = 0; } /* try to measure the noise floor (comparing output signal to a float32 sine wave) */ if( passFailMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex] ){ /* convert destination back to paFloat32 into source */ converter = PaUtil_SelectConverter( destinationFormat, paFloat32, paNoFlag ); memset( sourceBuffer, 0, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * My_Pa_GetSampleSize( paFloat32 ) ); (*converter)( sourceBuffer, 1, destinationBuffer, 1, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT, &ditherState ); if( TestNonZeroPresent( sourceBuffer, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT * My_Pa_GetSampleSize( paFloat32 ) ) ){ noiseAmplitudeMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex] = MaximumAbsDifference( (float*)sourceBuffer, (float*)referenceBuffer, MAX_PER_CHANNEL_FRAME_COUNT ); }else{ /* can't test noise floor because there is no conversion from dest format to float available */ noiseAmplitudeMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex] = -1; // mark as failed } }else{ noiseAmplitudeMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex] = -1; // mark as failed } } } printf( "\n" ); printf( "=== Output contains non-zero data ===\n" ); printf( "Key: . - pass, X - fail\n" ); printf( "{{{\n" ); // trac preformated text tag printf( "in| out: " ); for( destinationFormatIndex = 0; destinationFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++destinationFormatIndex ){ printf( " %s ", abbreviatedSampleFormatNames_[destinationFormatIndex] ); } printf( "\n" ); for( sourceFormatIndex = 0; sourceFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++sourceFormatIndex ){ printf( "%s ", abbreviatedSampleFormatNames_[sourceFormatIndex] ); for( destinationFormatIndex = 0; destinationFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++destinationFormatIndex ){ printf( " %s ", (passFailMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex])? " ." : " X" ); } printf( "\n" ); } printf( "}}}\n" ); // trac preformated text tag printf( "\n" ); printf( "=== Combined dynamic range (src->dest->float32) ===\n" ); printf( "Key: Noise amplitude in dBfs, X - fail (either above failed or dest->float32 failed)\n" ); printf( "{{{\n" ); // trac preformated text tag printf( "in| out: " ); for( destinationFormatIndex = 0; destinationFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++destinationFormatIndex ){ printf( " %s ", abbreviatedSampleFormatNames_[destinationFormatIndex] ); } printf( "\n" ); for( sourceFormatIndex = 0; sourceFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++sourceFormatIndex ){ printf( " %s ", abbreviatedSampleFormatNames_[sourceFormatIndex] ); for( destinationFormatIndex = 0; destinationFormatIndex < SAMPLE_FORMAT_COUNT; ++destinationFormatIndex ){ amp = noiseAmplitudeMatrix[sourceFormatIndex][destinationFormatIndex]; if( amp < 0. ) printf( " X " ); else printf( " % 6.1f ", 20.*log10(amp) ); } printf( "\n" ); } printf( "}}}\n" ); // trac preformated text tag } free( destinationBuffer ); free( sourceBuffer ); free( referenceBuffer ); } // copied here for now otherwise we need to include the world just for this function. PaError My_Pa_GetSampleSize( PaSampleFormat format ) { int result; switch( format & ~paNonInterleaved ) { case paUInt8: case paInt8: result = 1; break; case paInt16: result = 2; break; case paInt24: result = 3; break; case paFloat32: case paInt32: result = 4; break; default: result = paSampleFormatNotSupported; break; } return (PaError) result; }