rejoinder ========= **rejoinder** is a dead-simple comments system. Adding comments to a page is as simple as adding a single link. rejoinder does not require user registration and provides for basic moderation. build ---- ``` git clone mkdir rejoinder/build cd rejoinder/build cmake .. make ``` usage ----- rejoinder requires two files to function: a configuration file, specified by the environment variable `REJOINDER_CONFIG` or the fallback `/etc/rejoinder.rc`, and a database file, whose location is specified either globally or on a site-specific basis by the configuration file. dependencies ------------ * libsqlite3 * cmake * that's it thanks ------ rejoinder relies on [iniparser] by Nicolas Devillard. This project would not have been created without the very helpful [CGI scripting pages] by Marshall Brian. I also took significant structural inspiration from [cgit] by Jason Donenfeld. And last but most certainly not least, the support of the lovely people at [Layer Zero] was extremely helpful in writing this code. Thank you all! [iniparser]: [CGI scripting pages]: [Layer Zero]: [cgit]: