local md = [[ portfolio ========= These are a collection of some of the things I'm proud to have worked on! [tulsa-water-wall] ------------------ A really neat interactive, where visitors could create drawings on a touchscreen kiosk and then see them recreated physically via falling water. [iowa-rover] ------------ Lots of complicated microcontroller interactions on this one! Visitors could program a rover via RFID pieces and then see their commands remotely executed by a tiny replica Curiosity rover. [argent] -------- When I got frustrated with how many static site generators broke when their host language changed, I wrote this one which carries its own Lua interpreter in a C99 program. It's how this site is built! [lily-test] ----------- A single-header C99 unit test library. All the test frameworks seem to target C++, so I wrote one for C! [honey-engine] -------------- My COVID project. 😊 An OpenGL game engine written in C99 with LuaJIT scripting support. [marigold-cgi] -------------- A library for building CGI scripts with Lua. Since writing this I've used it in a ton of other things. The one I probably use the most is my conlanging tool [amaryllis](https://sanine.net/utils/amaryllis/amaryllis.cgi). I also made the webring my site is in with it. [phlox] ------- A funky 'lil reverse-proxy daemon written in Go. I made it so that I could serve some weird web apps I was building that I didn't quite trust not to have major security flaws, so phlox could provide at least some protection. [tulsa-water-wall]: https://github.com/scimusmn/tulsa-water-wall [iowa-rover]: https://github.com/scimusmn/iowa-rover [argent]: https://sanine.net/git/argent/tree/ [lily-test]: https://sanine.net/git/lily-test/tree/ [honey-engine]: https://git.cyberia.club/sanine/honey-core [marigold-cgi]: https://sanine.net/git/marigold-cgi/tree/ [phlox]: https://sanine.net/git/phlox/tree/?h=config-file ]] return { title='about me', layout='base', markdown=md, }