path: root/libs/assimp/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCReaderGen_2x3.h
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/assimp/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCReaderGen_2x3.h')
1 files changed, 4380 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/assimp/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCReaderGen_2x3.h b/libs/assimp/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCReaderGen_2x3.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f87f121
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/assimp/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCReaderGen_2x3.h
@@ -0,0 +1,4380 @@
+Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP)
+Copyright (c) 2006-2020, ASSIMP Development Team
+All rights reserved.
+Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
+with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
+following conditions are met:
+* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+ following disclaimer.
+* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
+ copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
+ following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
+ materials provided with the distribution.
+* Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its
+ contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
+ derived from this software without specific prior
+ written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team.
+/** MACHINE-GENERATED by scripts/ICFImporter/ */
+#include "AssetLib/Step/STEPFile.h"
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(push)
+# pragma warning( disable : 4512 )
+#endif // _MSC_VER
+namespace Assimp {
+namespace IFC {
+ namespace Schema_2x3 {
+ using namespace STEP;
+ using namespace STEP::EXPRESS;
+ struct NotImplemented : public ObjectHelper<NotImplemented,0> {
+ };
+ // ******************************************************************************
+ // IFC Custom data types
+ // ******************************************************************************
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcAbsorbedDoseMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAccelerationMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcAccelerationMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcAmountOfSubstanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAngularVelocityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcAngularVelocityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAreaMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcAreaMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBoolean
+ typedef BOOLEAN IfcBoolean;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBoxAlignment
+ typedef STRING IfcBoxAlignment;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure
+ typedef ListOf< INTEGER, 3, 3 > IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcContextDependentMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcContextDependentMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCountMeasure
+ typedef NUMBER IfcCountMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurvatureMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcCurvatureMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDayInMonthNumber
+ typedef INTEGER IfcDayInMonthNumber;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDaylightSavingHour
+ typedef INTEGER IfcDaylightSavingHour;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDescriptiveMeasure
+ typedef STRING IfcDescriptiveMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDimensionCount
+ typedef INTEGER IfcDimensionCount;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcDoseEquivalentMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcDynamicViscosityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcElectricCapacitanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricChargeMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcElectricChargeMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricConductanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcElectricConductanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricCurrentMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcElectricCurrentMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricResistanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcElectricResistanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricVoltageMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcElectricVoltageMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcEnergyMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcEnergyMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFontStyle
+ typedef STRING IfcFontStyle;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFontVariant
+ typedef STRING IfcFontVariant;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFontWeight
+ typedef STRING IfcFontWeight;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcForceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcForceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFrequencyMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcFrequencyMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcGloballyUniqueId
+ typedef STRING IfcGloballyUniqueId;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcHeatFluxDensityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcHeatingValueMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcHeatingValueMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcHourInDay
+ typedef INTEGER IfcHourInDay;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcIdentifier
+ typedef STRING IfcIdentifier;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcIlluminanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcIlluminanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcInductanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcInductanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcInteger
+ typedef INTEGER IfcInteger;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure
+ typedef INTEGER IfcIntegerCountRateMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcIonConcentrationMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcIonConcentrationMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcIsothermalMoistureCapacityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcKinematicViscosityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLabel
+ typedef STRING IfcLabel;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLengthMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLengthMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearForceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLinearForceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearMomentMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLinearMomentMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLinearStiffnessMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLinearVelocityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLinearVelocityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLogical
+ typedef LOGICAL IfcLogical;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLuminousFluxMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLuminousFluxMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLuminousIntensityDistributionMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcLuminousIntensityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMagneticFluxDensityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMagneticFluxMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMagneticFluxMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassDensityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMassDensityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassFlowRateMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMassFlowRateMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMassMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMassPerLengthMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMassPerLengthMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMinuteInHour
+ typedef INTEGER IfcMinuteInHour;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcModulusOfElasticityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcModulusOfLinearSubgradeReactionMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcModulusOfRotationalSubgradeReactionMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcModulusOfSubgradeReactionMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMoistureDiffusivityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMolecularWeightMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMolecularWeightMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMomentOfInertiaMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMonetaryMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcMonetaryMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMonthInYearNumber
+ typedef INTEGER IfcMonthInYearNumber;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcNumericMeasure
+ typedef NUMBER IfcNumericMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPHMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPHMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcParameterValue
+ typedef REAL IfcParameterValue;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPlanarForceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPlanarForceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPlaneAngleMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPlaneAngleMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPositiveLengthMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPositiveLengthMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPositiveRatioMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPositiveRatioMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPowerMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPowerMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPresentableText
+ typedef STRING IfcPresentableText;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPressureMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcPressureMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRadioActivityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcRadioActivityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRatioMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcRatioMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcReal
+ typedef REAL IfcReal;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcRotationalFrequencyMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRotationalMassMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcRotationalMassMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcRotationalStiffnessMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSecondInMinute
+ typedef REAL IfcSecondInMinute;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSectionModulusMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcSectionModulusMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcSectionalAreaIntegralMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcShearModulusMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcShearModulusMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSolidAngleMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcSolidAngleMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSoundPowerMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcSoundPowerMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSoundPressureMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcSoundPressureMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcSpecificHeatCapacityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecularExponent
+ typedef REAL IfcSpecularExponent;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecularRoughness
+ typedef REAL IfcSpecularRoughness;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcTemperatureGradientMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcText
+ typedef STRING IfcText;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextAlignment
+ typedef STRING IfcTextAlignment;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextDecoration
+ typedef STRING IfcTextDecoration;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextFontName
+ typedef STRING IfcTextFontName;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextTransformation
+ typedef STRING IfcTextTransformation;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcThermalAdmittanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalConductivityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcThermalConductivityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcThermalExpansionCoefficientMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalResistanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcThermalResistanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcThermalTransmittanceMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcTimeMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeStamp
+ typedef INTEGER IfcTimeStamp;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTorqueMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcTorqueMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcVaporPermeabilityMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcVolumeMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcVolumeMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcVolumetricFlowRateMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWarpingConstantMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcWarpingConstantMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWarpingMomentMeasure
+ typedef REAL IfcWarpingMomentMeasure;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcYearNumber
+ typedef INTEGER IfcYearNumber;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcActionSourceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcActionSourceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcActionTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcActionTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcActuatorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcActuatorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAddressTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAddressTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAheadOrBehind
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAheadOrBehind;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAlarmTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAlarmTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcArithmeticOperatorEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBSplineCurveForm
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcBSplineCurveForm;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBeamTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcBeamTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBenchmarkEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcBenchmarkEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBoilerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcBoilerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBooleanOperator
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcBooleanOperator;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcChangeActionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcChangeActionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcChillerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcChillerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCoilTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCoilTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcColumnTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcColumnTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCompressorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCompressorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCondenserTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCondenserTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcConnectionTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcConnectionTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcConstraintEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcConstraintEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcControllerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcControllerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCoveringTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCoveringTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurrencyEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCurrencyEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDamperTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDamperTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDataOriginEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDataOriginEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDerivedUnitEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDerivedUnitEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDimensionExtentUsage
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDimensionExtentUsage;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDirectionSenseEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDirectionSenseEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDocumentConfidentialityEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDocumentStatusEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDocumentStatusEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorPanelOperationEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorPanelPositionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricCurrentEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricCurrentEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcElementCompositionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcElementCompositionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcEnergySequenceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcEnergySequenceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcEnvironmentalImpactCategoryEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcEnvironmentalImpactCategoryEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFanTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFanTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFilterTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFilterTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFlowDirectionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFlowDirectionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFootingTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcFootingTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcGeometricProjectionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcGeometricProjectionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcHumidifierTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcHumidifierTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcInternalOrExternalEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcInternalOrExternalEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcInventoryTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcInventoryTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLampTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLampTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLayerSetDirectionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLightDistributionCurveEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLogicalOperatorEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcLogicalOperatorEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMemberTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcMemberTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcNullStyle
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcNullStyle;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcObjectTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcObjectTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcObjectiveEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcObjectiveEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcOccupantTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcOccupantTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcOutletTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcOutletTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPermeableCoveringOperationEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPhysicalOrVirtualEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPileConstructionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPileConstructionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPileTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPileTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPlateTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPlateTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcProcedureTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcProcedureTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcProfileTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcProfileTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPropertySourceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPropertySourceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPumpTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcPumpTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRailingTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcRailingTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRampFlightTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcRampFlightTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRampTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcRampTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcReflectanceMethodEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcReflectanceMethodEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcResourceConsumptionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcResourceConsumptionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRibPlateDirectionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcRibPlateDirectionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRoleEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcRoleEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcRoofTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcRoofTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSIPrefix
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSIPrefix;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSIUnitName
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSIUnitName;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSectionTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSectionTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSensorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSensorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSequenceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSequenceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcServiceLifeFactorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcServiceLifeFactorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSlabTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSlabTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSoundScaleEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSoundScaleEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpaceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSpaceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStairFlightTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcStairFlightTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStairTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcStairTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStateEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcStateEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStructuralCurveTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcStructuralCurveTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStructuralSurfaceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcStructuralSurfaceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceSide
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSurfaceSide;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceTextureEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSurfaceTextureEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTankTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTankTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTendonTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTendonTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextPath
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTextPath;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcThermalLoadSourceEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcThermalLoadTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTimeSeriesDataTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTransformerTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTransformerTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTransitionCode
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTransitionCode;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTransportElementTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTransportElementTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTrimmingPreference
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTrimmingPreference;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcUnitEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcUnitEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcValveTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcValveTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWallTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWallTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowPanelOperationEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowPanelPositionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcWorkControlTypeEnum
+ typedef ENUMERATION IfcWorkControlTypeEnum;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcActorSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcActorSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAppliedValueSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcAppliedValueSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcAxis2Placement
+ typedef SELECT IfcAxis2Placement;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcBooleanOperand
+ typedef SELECT IfcBooleanOperand;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCharacterStyleSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcCharacterStyleSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcClassificationNotationSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcClassificationNotationSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcColour
+ typedef SELECT IfcColour;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcColourOrFactor
+ typedef SELECT IfcColourOrFactor;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcConditionCriterionSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcConditionCriterionSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCsgSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcCsgSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurveFontOrScaledCurveFontSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcCurveFontOrScaledCurveFontSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurveOrEdgeCurve
+ typedef SELECT IfcCurveOrEdgeCurve;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcCurveStyleFontSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcCurveStyleFontSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDateTimeSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcDateTimeSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDefinedSymbolSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcDefinedSymbolSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDerivedMeasureValue
+ typedef SELECT IfcDerivedMeasureValue;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDocumentSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcDocumentSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcDraughtingCalloutElement
+ typedef SELECT IfcDraughtingCalloutElement;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcFillStyleSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcFillStyleSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcGeometricSetSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcGeometricSetSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLayeredItem
+ typedef SELECT IfcLayeredItem;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLibrarySelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcLibrarySelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMaterialSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcMaterialSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMeasureValue
+ typedef SELECT IfcMeasureValue;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcMetricValueSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcMetricValueSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcObjectReferenceSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcObjectReferenceSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcOrientationSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcOrientationSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPointOrVertexPoint
+ typedef SELECT IfcPointOrVertexPoint;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcPresentationStyleSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcPresentationStyleSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcShell
+ typedef SELECT IfcShell;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSimpleValue
+ typedef SELECT IfcSimpleValue;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSizeSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcSizeSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSpecularHighlightSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcSpecularHighlightSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcStructuralActivityAssignmentSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceOrFaceSurface
+ typedef SELECT IfcSurfaceOrFaceSurface;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcSymbolStyleSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcSymbolStyleSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextFontSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcTextFontSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTextStyleSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcTextStyleSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcTrimmingSelect
+ typedef SELECT IfcTrimmingSelect;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcUnit
+ typedef SELECT IfcUnit;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcValue
+ typedef SELECT IfcValue;
+ // C++ wrapper type for IfcVectorOrDirection
+ typedef SELECT IfcVectorOrDirection;
+ // ******************************************************************************
+ // IFC Entities
+ // ******************************************************************************
+ struct IfcRepresentationItem;
+ struct IfcGeometricRepresentationItem;
+ struct IfcCurve;
+ struct IfcBoundedCurve;
+ struct IfcCompositeCurve;
+ struct Ifc2DCompositeCurve;
+ struct IfcRoot;
+ struct IfcObjectDefinition;
+ struct IfcObject;
+ struct IfcControl;
+ struct IfcActionRequest;
+ struct IfcActor;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcActorRole; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcTypeObject;
+ struct IfcTypeProduct;
+ struct IfcElementType;
+ struct IfcDistributionElementType;
+ struct IfcDistributionControlElementType;
+ struct IfcActuatorType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcAddress; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDistributionFlowElementType;
+ struct IfcFlowControllerType;
+ struct IfcAirTerminalBoxType;
+ struct IfcFlowTerminalType;
+ struct IfcAirTerminalType;
+ struct IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType;
+ struct IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType;
+ struct IfcAlarmType;
+ struct IfcDraughtingCallout;
+ struct IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout;
+ struct IfcAngularDimension;
+ struct IfcProduct;
+ struct IfcAnnotation;
+ struct IfcStyledItem;
+ struct IfcAnnotationOccurrence;
+ struct IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence;
+ struct IfcAnnotationFillArea;
+ struct IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence;
+ struct IfcAnnotationSurface;
+ struct IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence;
+ struct IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence;
+ struct IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcApplication; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcAppliedValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcAppliedValueRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcApproval; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcApprovalActorRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcApprovalPropertyRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcApprovalRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcProfileDef;
+ struct IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef;
+ struct IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef;
+ struct IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids;
+ struct IfcGroup;
+ struct IfcAsset;
+ struct IfcParameterizedProfileDef;
+ struct IfcIShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcPlacement;
+ struct IfcAxis1Placement;
+ struct IfcAxis2Placement2D;
+ struct IfcAxis2Placement3D;
+ struct IfcBSplineCurve;
+ struct IfcElement;
+ struct IfcBuildingElement;
+ struct IfcBeam;
+ struct IfcBuildingElementType;
+ struct IfcBeamType;
+ struct IfcBezierCurve;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSurfaceTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcBlobTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcCsgPrimitive3D;
+ struct IfcBlock;
+ struct IfcBoilerType;
+ struct IfcBooleanResult;
+ struct IfcBooleanClippingResult;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryEdgeCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryFaceCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryNodeCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcBoundaryNodeConditionWarping; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSurface;
+ struct IfcBoundedSurface;
+ struct IfcBoundingBox;
+ struct IfcHalfSpaceSolid;
+ struct IfcBoxedHalfSpace;
+ struct IfcSpatialStructureElement;
+ struct IfcBuilding;
+ struct IfcBuildingElementComponent;
+ struct IfcBuildingElementPart;
+ struct IfcBuildingElementProxy;
+ struct IfcBuildingElementProxyType;
+ struct IfcBuildingStorey;
+ struct IfcCShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcFlowFittingType;
+ struct IfcCableCarrierFittingType;
+ struct IfcFlowSegmentType;
+ struct IfcCableCarrierSegmentType;
+ struct IfcCableSegmentType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCalendarDate; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPoint;
+ struct IfcCartesianPoint;
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator;
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D;
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform;
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D;
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform;
+ struct IfcCenterLineProfileDef;
+ struct IfcFeatureElement;
+ struct IfcFeatureElementSubtraction;
+ struct IfcEdgeFeature;
+ struct IfcChamferEdgeFeature;
+ struct IfcChillerType;
+ struct IfcConic;
+ struct IfcCircle;
+ struct IfcCircleProfileDef;
+ struct IfcCircleHollowProfileDef;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcClassification; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationItem; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationItemRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationNotation; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationNotationFacet; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcExternalReference; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcClassificationReference; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem;
+ struct IfcConnectedFaceSet;
+ struct IfcClosedShell;
+ struct IfcCoilType;
+ struct IfcColourSpecification;
+ struct IfcColourRgb;
+ struct IfcColumn;
+ struct IfcColumnType;
+ struct IfcProperty;
+ struct IfcComplexProperty;
+ struct IfcCompositeCurveSegment;
+ struct IfcCompositeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcFlowMovingDeviceType;
+ struct IfcCompressorType;
+ struct IfcCondenserType;
+ struct IfcCondition;
+ struct IfcConditionCriterion;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionCurveGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionPointGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionPointEccentricity; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionPortGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConnectionSurfaceGeometry; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraint; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraintAggregationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraintClassificationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcConstraintRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcResource;
+ struct IfcConstructionResource;
+ struct IfcConstructionEquipmentResource;
+ struct IfcConstructionMaterialResource;
+ struct IfcConstructionProductResource;
+ struct IfcNamedUnit;
+ struct IfcContextDependentUnit;
+ struct IfcControllerType;
+ struct IfcConversionBasedUnit;
+ struct IfcCooledBeamType;
+ struct IfcCoolingTowerType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCoordinatedUniversalTimeOffset; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcCostItem;
+ struct IfcCostSchedule;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCostValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcCovering;
+ struct IfcCoveringType;
+ struct IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcCrewResource;
+ struct IfcSolidModel;
+ struct IfcCsgSolid;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCurrencyRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcCurtainWall;
+ struct IfcCurtainWallType;
+ struct IfcCurveBoundedPlane;
+ struct IfcPresentationStyle;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyleFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyleFontAndScaling; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcCurveStyleFontPattern; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDamperType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDateAndTime; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDefinedSymbol;
+ struct IfcDerivedProfileDef;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDerivedUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDerivedUnitElement; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDiameterDimension;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingCalloutRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDimensionCalloutRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDimensionCurve;
+ struct IfcTerminatorSymbol;
+ struct IfcDimensionCurveTerminator;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDimensionPair; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDimensionalExponents; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDirection;
+ struct IfcElementComponent;
+ struct IfcDiscreteAccessory;
+ struct IfcElementComponentType;
+ struct IfcDiscreteAccessoryType;
+ struct IfcDistributionElement;
+ struct IfcDistributionFlowElement;
+ struct IfcDistributionChamberElement;
+ struct IfcDistributionChamberElementType;
+ struct IfcDistributionControlElement;
+ struct IfcPort;
+ struct IfcDistributionPort;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentElectronicFormat; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentInformation; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentInformationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDocumentReference; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDoor;
+ struct IfcPropertyDefinition;
+ struct IfcPropertySetDefinition;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDoorLiningProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDoorPanelProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDoorStyle;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedItem; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedColour; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingPreDefinedColour; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedCurveFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingPreDefinedCurveFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedTextFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcDraughtingPreDefinedTextFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcDuctFittingType;
+ struct IfcDuctSegmentType;
+ struct IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType;
+ struct IfcDuctSilencerType;
+ struct IfcEdge;
+ struct IfcEdgeCurve;
+ struct IfcLoop;
+ struct IfcEdgeLoop;
+ struct IfcElectricApplianceType;
+ struct IfcFlowController;
+ struct IfcElectricDistributionPoint;
+ struct IfcFlowStorageDeviceType;
+ struct IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType;
+ struct IfcElectricGeneratorType;
+ struct IfcElectricHeaterType;
+ struct IfcElectricMotorType;
+ struct IfcElectricTimeControlType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcEnergyProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcElectricalBaseProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSystem;
+ struct IfcElectricalCircuit;
+ struct IfcElectricalElement;
+ struct IfcElementAssembly;
+ struct IfcElementQuantity;
+ struct IfcElementarySurface;
+ struct IfcEllipse;
+ struct IfcEllipseProfileDef;
+ struct IfcEnergyConversionDevice;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcEnvironmentalImpactValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcEquipmentElement;
+ struct IfcEquipmentStandard;
+ struct IfcEvaporativeCoolerType;
+ struct IfcEvaporatorType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcExtendedMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedHatchStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedSurfaceStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcExternallyDefinedTextFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSweptAreaSolid;
+ struct IfcExtrudedAreaSolid;
+ struct IfcFace;
+ struct IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel;
+ struct IfcFaceBound;
+ struct IfcFaceOuterBound;
+ struct IfcFaceSurface;
+ struct IfcManifoldSolidBrep;
+ struct IfcFacetedBrep;
+ struct IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralConnectionCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcFailureConnectionCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcFanType;
+ struct IfcFastener;
+ struct IfcFastenerType;
+ struct IfcFeatureElementAddition;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcFillAreaStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcFillAreaStyleHatching;
+ struct IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle;
+ struct IfcFillAreaStyleTiles;
+ struct IfcFilterType;
+ struct IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType;
+ struct IfcFlowFitting;
+ struct IfcFlowInstrumentType;
+ struct IfcFlowMeterType;
+ struct IfcFlowMovingDevice;
+ struct IfcFlowSegment;
+ struct IfcFlowStorageDevice;
+ struct IfcFlowTerminal;
+ struct IfcFlowTreatmentDevice;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcFluidFlowProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcFooting;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcFuelProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcFurnishingElement;
+ struct IfcFurnishingElementType;
+ struct IfcFurnitureStandard;
+ struct IfcFurnitureType;
+ struct IfcGasTerminalType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcGeneralMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcGeneralProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcGeometricSet;
+ struct IfcGeometricCurveSet;
+ struct IfcRepresentationContext;
+ struct IfcGeometricRepresentationContext;
+ struct IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext;
+ struct IfcGrid;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcGridAxis; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcObjectPlacement;
+ struct IfcGridPlacement;
+ struct IfcHeatExchangerType;
+ struct IfcHumidifierType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcHygroscopicMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcImageTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcInventory;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTimeSeries; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcIrregularTimeSeries; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcIrregularTimeSeriesValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcJunctionBoxType;
+ struct IfcLShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcLaborResource;
+ struct IfcLampType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcLibraryInformation; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcLibraryReference; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcLightDistributionData; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcLightFixtureType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcLightIntensityDistribution; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcLightSource;
+ struct IfcLightSourceAmbient;
+ struct IfcLightSourceDirectional;
+ struct IfcLightSourceGoniometric;
+ struct IfcLightSourcePositional;
+ struct IfcLightSourceSpot;
+ struct IfcLine;
+ struct IfcLinearDimension;
+ struct IfcLocalPlacement;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcLocalTime; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcMappedItem;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterial; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialClassificationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcProductRepresentation;
+ struct IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialLayer; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialLayerSet; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialLayerSetUsage; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMaterialList; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcMeasureWithUnit;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMechanicalMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMechanicalConcreteMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcMechanicalFastener;
+ struct IfcMechanicalFastenerType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMechanicalSteelMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcMember;
+ struct IfcMemberType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMetric; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcMonetaryUnit; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcMotorConnectionType;
+ struct IfcProcess;
+ struct IfcTask;
+ struct IfcMove;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcObjective; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcOccupant;
+ struct IfcOffsetCurve2D;
+ struct IfcOffsetCurve3D;
+ struct IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor;
+ struct IfcOpenShell;
+ struct IfcOpeningElement;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcOpticalMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcOrderAction;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcOrganization; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcOrganizationRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcOrientedEdge;
+ struct IfcOutletType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcOwnerHistory; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPath;
+ struct IfcPerformanceHistory;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPermeableCoveringProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPermit;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPerson; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPersonAndOrganization; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPhysicalQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPhysicalComplexQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPhysicalSimpleQuantity; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPile;
+ struct IfcPipeFittingType;
+ struct IfcPipeSegmentType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPixelTexture; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPlanarExtent;
+ struct IfcPlanarBox;
+ struct IfcPlane;
+ struct IfcPlate;
+ struct IfcPlateType;
+ struct IfcPointOnCurve;
+ struct IfcPointOnSurface;
+ struct IfcPolyLoop;
+ struct IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace;
+ struct IfcPolyline;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPostalAddress; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedDimensionSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedPointMarkerSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPreDefinedTerminatorSymbol; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPresentationLayerAssignment; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPresentationLayerWithStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPresentationStyleAssignment;
+ struct IfcProcedure;
+ struct IfcProductDefinitionShape;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcProductsOfCombustionProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcProject;
+ struct IfcProjectOrder;
+ struct IfcProjectOrderRecord;
+ struct IfcProjectionCurve;
+ struct IfcProjectionElement;
+ struct IfcSimpleProperty;
+ struct IfcPropertyBoundedValue;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyConstraintRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyDependencyRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcPropertyEnumeration; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcPropertyListValue;
+ struct IfcPropertyReferenceValue;
+ struct IfcPropertySet;
+ struct IfcPropertySingleValue;
+ struct IfcPropertyTableValue;
+ struct IfcProtectiveDeviceType;
+ struct IfcProxy;
+ struct IfcPumpType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityArea; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityCount; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityLength; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityTime; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityVolume; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcQuantityWeight; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRadiusDimension;
+ struct IfcRailing;
+ struct IfcRailingType;
+ struct IfcRamp;
+ struct IfcRampFlight;
+ struct IfcRampFlightType;
+ struct IfcRationalBezierCurve;
+ struct IfcRectangleProfileDef;
+ struct IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef;
+ struct IfcRectangularPyramid;
+ struct IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcReferencesValueDocument; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRegularTimeSeries; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcReinforcementBarProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcReinforcementDefinitionProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcReinforcingElement;
+ struct IfcReinforcingBar;
+ struct IfcReinforcingMesh;
+ struct IfcRelationship;
+ struct IfcRelDecomposes;
+ struct IfcRelAggregates;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssigns; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToControl; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsTasks; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToActor; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToGroup; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToProcess; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToProduct; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToProjectOrder; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssignsToResource; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociates; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesAppliedValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesApproval; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesClassification; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesConstraint; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesDocument; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesLibrary; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesMaterial; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelAssociatesProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRelConnects;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsElements; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsPathElements; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsPortToElement; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsPorts; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsStructuralActivity; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsStructuralElement; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsStructuralMember; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsWithEccentricity; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelConnectsWithRealizingElements; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelCoversBldgElements; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelCoversSpaces; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRelDefines;
+ struct IfcRelDefinesByProperties;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelDefinesByType; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRelFillsElement;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelFlowControlElements; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelInteractionRequirements; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelNests; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelOccupiesSpaces; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRelOverridesProperties;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelProjectsElement; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelReferencedInSpatialStructure; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelSchedulesCostItems; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelSequence; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelServicesBuildings; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelSpaceBoundary; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRelVoidsElement;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRelaxation; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRepresentation;
+ struct IfcRepresentationMap;
+ struct IfcRevolvedAreaSolid;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcRibPlateProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcRightCircularCone;
+ struct IfcRightCircularCylinder;
+ struct IfcRoof;
+ struct IfcRoundedEdgeFeature;
+ struct IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef;
+ struct IfcSIUnit;
+ struct IfcSanitaryTerminalType;
+ struct IfcScheduleTimeControl;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSectionProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSectionReinforcementProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSectionedSpine;
+ struct IfcSensorType;
+ struct IfcServiceLife;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcServiceLifeFactor; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcShapeAspect; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcShapeModel;
+ struct IfcShapeRepresentation;
+ struct IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel;
+ struct IfcSite;
+ struct IfcSlab;
+ struct IfcSlabType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSlippageConnectionCondition; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSoundProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSoundValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSpace;
+ struct IfcSpaceHeaterType;
+ struct IfcSpaceProgram;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSpaceThermalLoadProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSpatialStructureElementType;
+ struct IfcSpaceType;
+ struct IfcSphere;
+ struct IfcStackTerminalType;
+ struct IfcStair;
+ struct IfcStairFlight;
+ struct IfcStairFlightType;
+ struct IfcStructuralActivity;
+ struct IfcStructuralAction;
+ struct IfcStructuralAnalysisModel;
+ struct IfcStructuralItem;
+ struct IfcStructuralConnection;
+ struct IfcStructuralCurveConnection;
+ struct IfcStructuralMember;
+ struct IfcStructuralCurveMember;
+ struct IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying;
+ struct IfcStructuralLinearAction;
+ struct IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoad; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcStructuralLoadGroup;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadStatic; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadLinearForce; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadPlanarForce; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacement; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleDisplacementDistortion; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleForce; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadSingleForceWarping; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralLoadTemperature; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcStructuralPlanarAction;
+ struct IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying;
+ struct IfcStructuralPointAction;
+ struct IfcStructuralPointConnection;
+ struct IfcStructuralReaction;
+ struct IfcStructuralPointReaction;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcStructuralResultGroup;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcStructuralSteelProfileProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection;
+ struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMember;
+ struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying;
+ struct IfcStructuredDimensionCallout;
+ struct IfcStyleModel;
+ struct IfcStyledRepresentation;
+ struct IfcSubContractResource;
+ struct IfcSubedge;
+ struct IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid;
+ struct IfcSweptSurface;
+ struct IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion;
+ struct IfcSurfaceOfRevolution;
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyle;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSurfaceStyleLighting; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSurfaceStyleRefraction; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyleShading;
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyleRendering;
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures;
+ struct IfcSweptDiskSolid;
+ struct IfcSwitchingDeviceType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcSymbolStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcSystemFurnitureElementType;
+ struct IfcTShapeProfileDef;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTable; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTableRow; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcTankType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTelecomAddress; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcTendon;
+ struct IfcTendonAnchor;
+ struct IfcTextLiteral;
+ struct IfcTextLiteralWithExtent;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyle; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleFontModel; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleForDefinedFont; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleTextModel; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextStyleWithBoxCharacteristics; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureCoordinate; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureCoordinateGenerator; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureMap; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTextureVertex; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcThermalMaterialProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTimeSeriesReferenceRelationship; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcTimeSeriesSchedule;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcTimeSeriesValue; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcTopologyRepresentation;
+ struct IfcTransformerType;
+ struct IfcTransportElement;
+ struct IfcTransportElementType;
+ struct IfcTrapeziumProfileDef;
+ struct IfcTrimmedCurve;
+ struct IfcTubeBundleType;
+ struct IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor;
+ struct IfcUShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcUnitAssignment;
+ struct IfcUnitaryEquipmentType;
+ struct IfcValveType;
+ struct IfcVector;
+ struct IfcVertex;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcVertexBasedTextureMap; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcVertexLoop;
+ struct IfcVertexPoint;
+ struct IfcVibrationIsolatorType;
+ struct IfcVirtualElement;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcVirtualGridIntersection; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcWall;
+ struct IfcWallStandardCase;
+ struct IfcWallType;
+ struct IfcWasteTerminalType;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcWaterProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcWindow;
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcWindowLiningProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ typedef NotImplemented IfcWindowPanelProperties; // (not currently used by Assimp)
+ struct IfcWindowStyle;
+ struct IfcWorkControl;
+ struct IfcWorkPlan;
+ struct IfcWorkSchedule;
+ struct IfcZShapeProfileDef;
+ struct IfcZone;
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentationItem
+ struct IfcRepresentationItem : ObjectHelper<IfcRepresentationItem,0> { IfcRepresentationItem() : Object("IfcRepresentationItem") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricRepresentationItem
+ struct IfcGeometricRepresentationItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcGeometricRepresentationItem,0> { IfcGeometricRepresentationItem() : Object("IfcGeometricRepresentationItem") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCurve
+ struct IfcCurve : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcCurve,0> { IfcCurve() : Object("IfcCurve") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBoundedCurve
+ struct IfcBoundedCurve : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcBoundedCurve,0> { IfcBoundedCurve() : Object("IfcBoundedCurve") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCompositeCurve
+ struct IfcCompositeCurve : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcCompositeCurve,2> { IfcCompositeCurve() : Object("IfcCompositeCurve") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcCompositeCurveSegment >, 1, 0 > Segments;
+ LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for Ifc2DCompositeCurve
+ struct Ifc2DCompositeCurve : IfcCompositeCurve, ObjectHelper<Ifc2DCompositeCurve,0> { Ifc2DCompositeCurve() : Object("Ifc2DCompositeCurve") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRoot
+ struct IfcRoot : ObjectHelper<IfcRoot,4> { IfcRoot() : Object("IfcRoot") {}
+ IfcGloballyUniqueId::Out GlobalId;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > OwnerHistory;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name;
+ Maybe< IfcText::Out > Description;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcObjectDefinition
+ struct IfcObjectDefinition : IfcRoot, ObjectHelper<IfcObjectDefinition,0> { IfcObjectDefinition() : Object("IfcObjectDefinition") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcObject
+ struct IfcObject : IfcObjectDefinition, ObjectHelper<IfcObject,1> { IfcObject() : Object("IfcObject") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ObjectType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcControl
+ struct IfcControl : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcControl,0> { IfcControl() : Object("IfcControl") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcActionRequest
+ struct IfcActionRequest : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcActionRequest,1> { IfcActionRequest() : Object("IfcActionRequest") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out RequestID;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcActor
+ struct IfcActor : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcActor,1> { IfcActor() : Object("IfcActor") {}
+ IfcActorSelect::Out TheActor;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTypeObject
+ struct IfcTypeObject : IfcObjectDefinition, ObjectHelper<IfcTypeObject,2> { IfcTypeObject() : Object("IfcTypeObject") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ApplicableOccurrence;
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcPropertySetDefinition >, 1, 0 > > HasPropertySets;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTypeProduct
+ struct IfcTypeProduct : IfcTypeObject, ObjectHelper<IfcTypeProduct,2> { IfcTypeProduct() : Object("IfcTypeProduct") {}
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentationMap >, 1, 0 > > RepresentationMaps;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Tag;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElementType
+ struct IfcElementType : IfcTypeProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcElementType,1> { IfcElementType() : Object("IfcElementType") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ElementType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionElementType
+ struct IfcDistributionElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionElementType,0> { IfcDistributionElementType() : Object("IfcDistributionElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionControlElementType
+ struct IfcDistributionControlElementType : IfcDistributionElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionControlElementType,0> { IfcDistributionControlElementType() : Object("IfcDistributionControlElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcActuatorType
+ struct IfcActuatorType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcActuatorType,1> { IfcActuatorType() : Object("IfcActuatorType") {}
+ IfcActuatorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionFlowElementType
+ struct IfcDistributionFlowElementType : IfcDistributionElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionFlowElementType,0> { IfcDistributionFlowElementType() : Object("IfcDistributionFlowElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowControllerType
+ struct IfcFlowControllerType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowControllerType,0> { IfcFlowControllerType() : Object("IfcFlowControllerType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAirTerminalBoxType
+ struct IfcAirTerminalBoxType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcAirTerminalBoxType,1> { IfcAirTerminalBoxType() : Object("IfcAirTerminalBoxType") {}
+ IfcAirTerminalBoxTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTerminalType
+ struct IfcFlowTerminalType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowTerminalType,0> { IfcFlowTerminalType() : Object("IfcFlowTerminalType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAirTerminalType
+ struct IfcAirTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcAirTerminalType,1> { IfcAirTerminalType() : Object("IfcAirTerminalType") {}
+ IfcAirTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType
+ struct IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType,0> { IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType() : Object("IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType
+ struct IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType,1> { IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType() : Object("IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType") {}
+ IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAlarmType
+ struct IfcAlarmType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcAlarmType,1> { IfcAlarmType() : Object("IfcAlarmType") {}
+ IfcAlarmTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDraughtingCallout
+ struct IfcDraughtingCallout : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcDraughtingCallout,1> { IfcDraughtingCallout() : Object("IfcDraughtingCallout") {}
+ ListOf< IfcDraughtingCalloutElement, 1, 0 >::Out Contents;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout
+ struct IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout : IfcDraughtingCallout, ObjectHelper<IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout,0> { IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout() : Object("IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAngularDimension
+ struct IfcAngularDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper<IfcAngularDimension,0> { IfcAngularDimension() : Object("IfcAngularDimension") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProduct
+ struct IfcProduct : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcProduct,2> { IfcProduct() : Object("IfcProduct") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcObjectPlacement > > ObjectPlacement;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcProductRepresentation > > Representation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotation
+ struct IfcAnnotation : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotation,0> { IfcAnnotation() : Object("IfcAnnotation") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStyledItem
+ struct IfcStyledItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcStyledItem,3> { IfcStyledItem() : Object("IfcStyledItem") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcRepresentationItem > > Item;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcPresentationStyleAssignment >, 1, 0 > Styles;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationOccurrence
+ struct IfcAnnotationOccurrence : IfcStyledItem, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationOccurrence,0> { IfcAnnotationOccurrence() : Object("IfcAnnotationOccurrence") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence
+ struct IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence,0> { IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence() : Object("IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationFillArea
+ struct IfcAnnotationFillArea : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationFillArea,2> { IfcAnnotationFillArea() : Object("IfcAnnotationFillArea") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > OuterBoundary;
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcCurve >, 1, 0 > > InnerBoundaries;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence
+ struct IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence,2> { IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence() : Object("IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcPoint > > FillStyleTarget;
+ Maybe< IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum::Out > GlobalOrLocal;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationSurface
+ struct IfcAnnotationSurface : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationSurface,2> { IfcAnnotationSurface() : Object("IfcAnnotationSurface") {}
+ Lazy< IfcGeometricRepresentationItem > Item;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > TextureCoordinates;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence
+ struct IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence,0> { IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence() : Object("IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence
+ struct IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence,0> { IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence() : Object("IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence
+ struct IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence : IfcAnnotationOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence,0> { IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence() : Object("IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProfileDef
+ struct IfcProfileDef : ObjectHelper<IfcProfileDef,2> { IfcProfileDef() : Object("IfcProfileDef") {}
+ IfcProfileTypeEnum::Out ProfileType;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ProfileName;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef
+ struct IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef,1> { IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef() : Object("IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > OuterCurve;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef
+ struct IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef,1> { IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef() : Object("IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef") {}
+ Lazy< IfcBoundedCurve > Curve;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids
+ struct IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids : IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids,1> { IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids() : Object("IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcCurve >, 1, 0 > InnerCurves;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGroup
+ struct IfcGroup : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcGroup,0> { IfcGroup() : Object("IfcGroup") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAsset
+ struct IfcAsset : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcAsset,9> { IfcAsset() : Object("IfcAsset") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out AssetID;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > OriginalValue;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > CurrentValue;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > TotalReplacementCost;
+ IfcActorSelect::Out Owner;
+ IfcActorSelect::Out User;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > ResponsiblePerson;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > IncorporationDate;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > DepreciatedValue;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcParameterizedProfileDef
+ struct IfcParameterizedProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcParameterizedProfileDef,1> { IfcParameterizedProfileDef() : Object("IfcParameterizedProfileDef") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement2D > Position;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcIShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcIShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcIShapeProfileDef,5> { IfcIShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcIShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallWidth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallDepth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef : IfcIShapeProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef,4> { IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TopFlangeWidth;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > TopFlangeThickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > TopFlangeFilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPlacement
+ struct IfcPlacement : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcPlacement,1> { IfcPlacement() : Object("IfcPlacement") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Location;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAxis1Placement
+ struct IfcAxis1Placement : IfcPlacement, ObjectHelper<IfcAxis1Placement,1> { IfcAxis1Placement() : Object("IfcAxis1Placement") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAxis2Placement2D
+ struct IfcAxis2Placement2D : IfcPlacement, ObjectHelper<IfcAxis2Placement2D,1> { IfcAxis2Placement2D() : Object("IfcAxis2Placement2D") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > RefDirection;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcAxis2Placement3D
+ struct IfcAxis2Placement3D : IfcPlacement, ObjectHelper<IfcAxis2Placement3D,2> { IfcAxis2Placement3D() : Object("IfcAxis2Placement3D") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > RefDirection;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBSplineCurve
+ struct IfcBSplineCurve : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcBSplineCurve,5> { IfcBSplineCurve() : Object("IfcBSplineCurve") {}
+ INTEGER::Out Degree;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint >, 2, 0 > ControlPointsList;
+ IfcBSplineCurveForm::Out CurveForm;
+ LOGICAL::Out ClosedCurve;
+ LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElement
+ struct IfcElement : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcElement,1> { IfcElement() : Object("IfcElement") {}
+ Maybe< IfcIdentifier::Out > Tag;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElement
+ struct IfcBuildingElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingElement,0> { IfcBuildingElement() : Object("IfcBuildingElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBeam
+ struct IfcBeam : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcBeam,0> { IfcBeam() : Object("IfcBeam") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementType
+ struct IfcBuildingElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingElementType,0> { IfcBuildingElementType() : Object("IfcBuildingElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBeamType
+ struct IfcBeamType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcBeamType,1> { IfcBeamType() : Object("IfcBeamType") {}
+ IfcBeamTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBezierCurve
+ struct IfcBezierCurve : IfcBSplineCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcBezierCurve,0> { IfcBezierCurve() : Object("IfcBezierCurve") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCsgPrimitive3D
+ struct IfcCsgPrimitive3D : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcCsgPrimitive3D,1> { IfcCsgPrimitive3D() : Object("IfcCsgPrimitive3D") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBlock
+ struct IfcBlock : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper<IfcBlock,3> { IfcBlock() : Object("IfcBlock") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XLength;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YLength;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out ZLength;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBoilerType
+ struct IfcBoilerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcBoilerType,1> { IfcBoilerType() : Object("IfcBoilerType") {}
+ IfcBoilerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBooleanResult
+ struct IfcBooleanResult : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcBooleanResult,3> { IfcBooleanResult() : Object("IfcBooleanResult") {}
+ IfcBooleanOperator::Out Operator;
+ IfcBooleanOperand::Out FirstOperand;
+ IfcBooleanOperand::Out SecondOperand;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBooleanClippingResult
+ struct IfcBooleanClippingResult : IfcBooleanResult, ObjectHelper<IfcBooleanClippingResult,0> { IfcBooleanClippingResult() : Object("IfcBooleanClippingResult") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurface
+ struct IfcSurface : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcSurface,0> { IfcSurface() : Object("IfcSurface") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBoundedSurface
+ struct IfcBoundedSurface : IfcSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcBoundedSurface,0> { IfcBoundedSurface() : Object("IfcBoundedSurface") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBoundingBox
+ struct IfcBoundingBox : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcBoundingBox,4> { IfcBoundingBox() : Object("IfcBoundingBox") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Corner;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XDim;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YDim;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out ZDim;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcHalfSpaceSolid
+ struct IfcHalfSpaceSolid : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcHalfSpaceSolid,2> { IfcHalfSpaceSolid() : Object("IfcHalfSpaceSolid") {}
+ Lazy< IfcSurface > BaseSurface;
+ BOOLEAN::Out AgreementFlag;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBoxedHalfSpace
+ struct IfcBoxedHalfSpace : IfcHalfSpaceSolid, ObjectHelper<IfcBoxedHalfSpace,1> { IfcBoxedHalfSpace() : Object("IfcBoxedHalfSpace") {}
+ Lazy< IfcBoundingBox > Enclosure;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSpatialStructureElement
+ struct IfcSpatialStructureElement : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcSpatialStructureElement,2> { IfcSpatialStructureElement() : Object("IfcSpatialStructureElement") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > LongName;
+ IfcElementCompositionEnum::Out CompositionType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuilding
+ struct IfcBuilding : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper<IfcBuilding,3> { IfcBuilding() : Object("IfcBuilding") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > ElevationOfRefHeight;
+ Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > ElevationOfTerrain;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > BuildingAddress;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementComponent
+ struct IfcBuildingElementComponent : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingElementComponent,0> { IfcBuildingElementComponent() : Object("IfcBuildingElementComponent") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementPart
+ struct IfcBuildingElementPart : IfcBuildingElementComponent, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingElementPart,0> { IfcBuildingElementPart() : Object("IfcBuildingElementPart") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementProxy
+ struct IfcBuildingElementProxy : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingElementProxy,1> { IfcBuildingElementProxy() : Object("IfcBuildingElementProxy") {}
+ Maybe< IfcElementCompositionEnum::Out > CompositionType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingElementProxyType
+ struct IfcBuildingElementProxyType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingElementProxyType,1> { IfcBuildingElementProxyType() : Object("IfcBuildingElementProxyType") {}
+ IfcBuildingElementProxyTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcBuildingStorey
+ struct IfcBuildingStorey : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper<IfcBuildingStorey,1> { IfcBuildingStorey() : Object("IfcBuildingStorey") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > Elevation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcCShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCShapeProfileDef,6> { IfcCShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcCShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Width;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WallThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Girth;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > InternalFilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInX;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowFittingType
+ struct IfcFlowFittingType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowFittingType,0> { IfcFlowFittingType() : Object("IfcFlowFittingType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCableCarrierFittingType
+ struct IfcCableCarrierFittingType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper<IfcCableCarrierFittingType,1> { IfcCableCarrierFittingType() : Object("IfcCableCarrierFittingType") {}
+ IfcCableCarrierFittingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowSegmentType
+ struct IfcFlowSegmentType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowSegmentType,0> { IfcFlowSegmentType() : Object("IfcFlowSegmentType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCableCarrierSegmentType
+ struct IfcCableCarrierSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper<IfcCableCarrierSegmentType,1> { IfcCableCarrierSegmentType() : Object("IfcCableCarrierSegmentType") {}
+ IfcCableCarrierSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCableSegmentType
+ struct IfcCableSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper<IfcCableSegmentType,1> { IfcCableSegmentType() : Object("IfcCableSegmentType") {}
+ IfcCableSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPoint
+ struct IfcPoint : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcPoint,0> { IfcPoint() : Object("IfcPoint") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianPoint
+ struct IfcCartesianPoint : IfcPoint, ObjectHelper<IfcCartesianPoint,1> { IfcCartesianPoint() : Object("IfcCartesianPoint") {}
+ ListOf< IfcLengthMeasure, 1, 3 >::Out Coordinates;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcCartesianTransformationOperator,4> { IfcCartesianTransformationOperator() : Object("IfcCartesianTransformationOperator") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis1;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis2;
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > LocalOrigin;
+ Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator, ObjectHelper<IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D,0> { IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D() : Object("IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D, ObjectHelper<IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform,1> { IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform() : Object("IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform") {}
+ Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale2;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator, ObjectHelper<IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D,1> { IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D() : Object("IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > Axis3;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform
+ struct IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform : IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D, ObjectHelper<IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform,2> { IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform() : Object("IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform") {}
+ Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale2;
+ Maybe< REAL::Out > Scale3;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCenterLineProfileDef
+ struct IfcCenterLineProfileDef : IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCenterLineProfileDef,1> { IfcCenterLineProfileDef() : Object("IfcCenterLineProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Thickness;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFeatureElement
+ struct IfcFeatureElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFeatureElement,0> { IfcFeatureElement() : Object("IfcFeatureElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFeatureElementSubtraction
+ struct IfcFeatureElementSubtraction : IfcFeatureElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFeatureElementSubtraction,0> { IfcFeatureElementSubtraction() : Object("IfcFeatureElementSubtraction") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEdgeFeature
+ struct IfcEdgeFeature : IfcFeatureElementSubtraction, ObjectHelper<IfcEdgeFeature,1> { IfcEdgeFeature() : Object("IfcEdgeFeature") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FeatureLength;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcChamferEdgeFeature
+ struct IfcChamferEdgeFeature : IfcEdgeFeature, ObjectHelper<IfcChamferEdgeFeature,2> { IfcChamferEdgeFeature() : Object("IfcChamferEdgeFeature") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Width;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Height;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcChillerType
+ struct IfcChillerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcChillerType,1> { IfcChillerType() : Object("IfcChillerType") {}
+ IfcChillerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConic
+ struct IfcConic : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcConic,1> { IfcConic() : Object("IfcConic") {}
+ IfcAxis2Placement::Out Position;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCircle
+ struct IfcCircle : IfcConic, ObjectHelper<IfcCircle,1> { IfcCircle() : Object("IfcCircle") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCircleProfileDef
+ struct IfcCircleProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCircleProfileDef,1> { IfcCircleProfileDef() : Object("IfcCircleProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCircleHollowProfileDef
+ struct IfcCircleHollowProfileDef : IfcCircleProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCircleHollowProfileDef,1> { IfcCircleHollowProfileDef() : Object("IfcCircleHollowProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WallThickness;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem
+ struct IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem,0> { IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem() : Object("IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConnectedFaceSet
+ struct IfcConnectedFaceSet : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcConnectedFaceSet,1> { IfcConnectedFaceSet() : Object("IfcConnectedFaceSet") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcFace >, 1, 0 > CfsFaces;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcClosedShell
+ struct IfcClosedShell : IfcConnectedFaceSet, ObjectHelper<IfcClosedShell,0> { IfcClosedShell() : Object("IfcClosedShell") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCoilType
+ struct IfcCoilType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcCoilType,1> { IfcCoilType() : Object("IfcCoilType") {}
+ IfcCoilTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcColourSpecification
+ struct IfcColourSpecification : ObjectHelper<IfcColourSpecification,1> { IfcColourSpecification() : Object("IfcColourSpecification") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcColourRgb
+ struct IfcColourRgb : IfcColourSpecification, ObjectHelper<IfcColourRgb,3> { IfcColourRgb() : Object("IfcColourRgb") {}
+ IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out Red;
+ IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out Green;
+ IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out Blue;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcColumn
+ struct IfcColumn : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcColumn,0> { IfcColumn() : Object("IfcColumn") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcColumnType
+ struct IfcColumnType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcColumnType,1> { IfcColumnType() : Object("IfcColumnType") {}
+ IfcColumnTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProperty
+ struct IfcProperty : ObjectHelper<IfcProperty,2> { IfcProperty() : Object("IfcProperty") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out Name;
+ Maybe< IfcText::Out > Description;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcComplexProperty
+ struct IfcComplexProperty : IfcProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcComplexProperty,2> { IfcComplexProperty() : Object("IfcComplexProperty") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out UsageName;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcProperty >, 1, 0 > HasProperties;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCompositeCurveSegment
+ struct IfcCompositeCurveSegment : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcCompositeCurveSegment,3> { IfcCompositeCurveSegment() : Object("IfcCompositeCurveSegment") {}
+ IfcTransitionCode::Out Transition;
+ BOOLEAN::Out SameSense;
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > ParentCurve;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCompositeProfileDef
+ struct IfcCompositeProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCompositeProfileDef,2> { IfcCompositeProfileDef() : Object("IfcCompositeProfileDef") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcProfileDef >, 2, 0 > Profiles;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Label;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowMovingDeviceType
+ struct IfcFlowMovingDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowMovingDeviceType,0> { IfcFlowMovingDeviceType() : Object("IfcFlowMovingDeviceType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCompressorType
+ struct IfcCompressorType : IfcFlowMovingDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcCompressorType,1> { IfcCompressorType() : Object("IfcCompressorType") {}
+ IfcCompressorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCondenserType
+ struct IfcCondenserType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcCondenserType,1> { IfcCondenserType() : Object("IfcCondenserType") {}
+ IfcCondenserTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCondition
+ struct IfcCondition : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcCondition,0> { IfcCondition() : Object("IfcCondition") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConditionCriterion
+ struct IfcConditionCriterion : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcConditionCriterion,2> { IfcConditionCriterion() : Object("IfcConditionCriterion") {}
+ IfcConditionCriterionSelect::Out Criterion;
+ IfcDateTimeSelect::Out CriterionDateTime;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcResource
+ struct IfcResource : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcResource,0> { IfcResource() : Object("IfcResource") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionResource
+ struct IfcConstructionResource : IfcResource, ObjectHelper<IfcConstructionResource,4> { IfcConstructionResource() : Object("IfcConstructionResource") {}
+ Maybe< IfcIdentifier::Out > ResourceIdentifier;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ResourceGroup;
+ Maybe< IfcResourceConsumptionEnum::Out > ResourceConsumption;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcMeasureWithUnit > > BaseQuantity;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionEquipmentResource
+ struct IfcConstructionEquipmentResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper<IfcConstructionEquipmentResource,0> { IfcConstructionEquipmentResource() : Object("IfcConstructionEquipmentResource") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionMaterialResource
+ struct IfcConstructionMaterialResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper<IfcConstructionMaterialResource,2> { IfcConstructionMaterialResource() : Object("IfcConstructionMaterialResource") {}
+ Maybe< ListOf< IfcActorSelect, 1, 0 >::Out > Suppliers;
+ Maybe< IfcRatioMeasure::Out > UsageRatio;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConstructionProductResource
+ struct IfcConstructionProductResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper<IfcConstructionProductResource,0> { IfcConstructionProductResource() : Object("IfcConstructionProductResource") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcNamedUnit
+ struct IfcNamedUnit : ObjectHelper<IfcNamedUnit,2> { IfcNamedUnit() : Object("IfcNamedUnit") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > Dimensions;
+ IfcUnitEnum::Out UnitType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcContextDependentUnit
+ struct IfcContextDependentUnit : IfcNamedUnit, ObjectHelper<IfcContextDependentUnit,1> { IfcContextDependentUnit() : Object("IfcContextDependentUnit") {}
+ IfcLabel::Out Name;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcControllerType
+ struct IfcControllerType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcControllerType,1> { IfcControllerType() : Object("IfcControllerType") {}
+ IfcControllerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcConversionBasedUnit
+ struct IfcConversionBasedUnit : IfcNamedUnit, ObjectHelper<IfcConversionBasedUnit,2> { IfcConversionBasedUnit() : Object("IfcConversionBasedUnit") {}
+ IfcLabel::Out Name;
+ Lazy< IfcMeasureWithUnit > ConversionFactor;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCooledBeamType
+ struct IfcCooledBeamType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcCooledBeamType,1> { IfcCooledBeamType() : Object("IfcCooledBeamType") {}
+ IfcCooledBeamTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCoolingTowerType
+ struct IfcCoolingTowerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcCoolingTowerType,1> { IfcCoolingTowerType() : Object("IfcCoolingTowerType") {}
+ IfcCoolingTowerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCostItem
+ struct IfcCostItem : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcCostItem,0> { IfcCostItem() : Object("IfcCostItem") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCostSchedule
+ struct IfcCostSchedule : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcCostSchedule,8> { IfcCostSchedule() : Object("IfcCostSchedule") {}
+ Maybe< IfcActorSelect::Out > SubmittedBy;
+ Maybe< IfcActorSelect::Out > PreparedBy;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > SubmittedOn;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Status;
+ Maybe< ListOf< IfcActorSelect, 1, 0 >::Out > TargetUsers;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > UpdateDate;
+ IfcIdentifier::Out ID;
+ IfcCostScheduleTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCovering
+ struct IfcCovering : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcCovering,1> { IfcCovering() : Object("IfcCovering") {}
+ Maybe< IfcCoveringTypeEnum::Out > PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCoveringType
+ struct IfcCoveringType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcCoveringType,1> { IfcCoveringType() : Object("IfcCoveringType") {}
+ IfcCoveringTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef,12> { IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallHeight;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseWidth2;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Radius;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadWidth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth2;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth3;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseWidth4;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth1;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth2;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth3;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef,9> { IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out OverallHeight;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadWidth;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Radius;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth2;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out HeadDepth3;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth1;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BaseDepth2;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCrewResource
+ struct IfcCrewResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper<IfcCrewResource,0> { IfcCrewResource() : Object("IfcCrewResource") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSolidModel
+ struct IfcSolidModel : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcSolidModel,0> { IfcSolidModel() : Object("IfcSolidModel") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCsgSolid
+ struct IfcCsgSolid : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper<IfcCsgSolid,1> { IfcCsgSolid() : Object("IfcCsgSolid") {}
+ IfcCsgSelect::Out TreeRootExpression;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCurtainWall
+ struct IfcCurtainWall : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcCurtainWall,0> { IfcCurtainWall() : Object("IfcCurtainWall") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCurtainWallType
+ struct IfcCurtainWallType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcCurtainWallType,1> { IfcCurtainWallType() : Object("IfcCurtainWallType") {}
+ IfcCurtainWallTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcCurveBoundedPlane
+ struct IfcCurveBoundedPlane : IfcBoundedSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcCurveBoundedPlane,3> { IfcCurveBoundedPlane() : Object("IfcCurveBoundedPlane") {}
+ Lazy< IfcPlane > BasisSurface;
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > OuterBoundary;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcCurve >, 0, 0 > InnerBoundaries;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPresentationStyle
+ struct IfcPresentationStyle : ObjectHelper<IfcPresentationStyle,1> { IfcPresentationStyle() : Object("IfcPresentationStyle") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDamperType
+ struct IfcDamperType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcDamperType,1> { IfcDamperType() : Object("IfcDamperType") {}
+ IfcDamperTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDefinedSymbol
+ struct IfcDefinedSymbol : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcDefinedSymbol,2> { IfcDefinedSymbol() : Object("IfcDefinedSymbol") {}
+ IfcDefinedSymbolSelect::Out Definition;
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D > Target;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDerivedProfileDef
+ struct IfcDerivedProfileDef : IfcProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcDerivedProfileDef,3> { IfcDerivedProfileDef() : Object("IfcDerivedProfileDef") {}
+ Lazy< IfcProfileDef > ParentProfile;
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D > Operator;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Label;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDiameterDimension
+ struct IfcDiameterDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper<IfcDiameterDimension,0> { IfcDiameterDimension() : Object("IfcDiameterDimension") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDimensionCurve
+ struct IfcDimensionCurve : IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcDimensionCurve,0> { IfcDimensionCurve() : Object("IfcDimensionCurve") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTerminatorSymbol
+ struct IfcTerminatorSymbol : IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcTerminatorSymbol,1> { IfcTerminatorSymbol() : Object("IfcTerminatorSymbol") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence > AnnotatedCurve;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDimensionCurveTerminator
+ struct IfcDimensionCurveTerminator : IfcTerminatorSymbol, ObjectHelper<IfcDimensionCurveTerminator,1> { IfcDimensionCurveTerminator() : Object("IfcDimensionCurveTerminator") {}
+ IfcDimensionExtentUsage::Out Role;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDirection
+ struct IfcDirection : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcDirection,1> { IfcDirection() : Object("IfcDirection") {}
+ ListOf< REAL, 2, 3 >::Out DirectionRatios;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElementComponent
+ struct IfcElementComponent : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcElementComponent,0> { IfcElementComponent() : Object("IfcElementComponent") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDiscreteAccessory
+ struct IfcDiscreteAccessory : IfcElementComponent, ObjectHelper<IfcDiscreteAccessory,0> { IfcDiscreteAccessory() : Object("IfcDiscreteAccessory") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElementComponentType
+ struct IfcElementComponentType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcElementComponentType,0> { IfcElementComponentType() : Object("IfcElementComponentType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDiscreteAccessoryType
+ struct IfcDiscreteAccessoryType : IfcElementComponentType, ObjectHelper<IfcDiscreteAccessoryType,0> { IfcDiscreteAccessoryType() : Object("IfcDiscreteAccessoryType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionElement
+ struct IfcDistributionElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionElement,0> { IfcDistributionElement() : Object("IfcDistributionElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionFlowElement
+ struct IfcDistributionFlowElement : IfcDistributionElement, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionFlowElement,0> { IfcDistributionFlowElement() : Object("IfcDistributionFlowElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionChamberElement
+ struct IfcDistributionChamberElement : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionChamberElement,0> { IfcDistributionChamberElement() : Object("IfcDistributionChamberElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionChamberElementType
+ struct IfcDistributionChamberElementType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionChamberElementType,1> { IfcDistributionChamberElementType() : Object("IfcDistributionChamberElementType") {}
+ IfcDistributionChamberElementTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionControlElement
+ struct IfcDistributionControlElement : IfcDistributionElement, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionControlElement,1> { IfcDistributionControlElement() : Object("IfcDistributionControlElement") {}
+ Maybe< IfcIdentifier::Out > ControlElementId;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPort
+ struct IfcPort : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcPort,0> { IfcPort() : Object("IfcPort") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDistributionPort
+ struct IfcDistributionPort : IfcPort, ObjectHelper<IfcDistributionPort,1> { IfcDistributionPort() : Object("IfcDistributionPort") {}
+ Maybe< IfcFlowDirectionEnum::Out > FlowDirection;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDoor
+ struct IfcDoor : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcDoor,2> { IfcDoor() : Object("IfcDoor") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallHeight;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallWidth;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertyDefinition
+ struct IfcPropertyDefinition : IfcRoot, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertyDefinition,0> { IfcPropertyDefinition() : Object("IfcPropertyDefinition") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertySetDefinition
+ struct IfcPropertySetDefinition : IfcPropertyDefinition, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertySetDefinition,0> { IfcPropertySetDefinition() : Object("IfcPropertySetDefinition") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDoorStyle
+ struct IfcDoorStyle : IfcTypeProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcDoorStyle,4> { IfcDoorStyle() : Object("IfcDoorStyle") {}
+ IfcDoorStyleOperationEnum::Out OperationType;
+ IfcDoorStyleConstructionEnum::Out ConstructionType;
+ BOOLEAN::Out ParameterTakesPrecedence;
+ BOOLEAN::Out Sizeable;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDuctFittingType
+ struct IfcDuctFittingType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper<IfcDuctFittingType,1> { IfcDuctFittingType() : Object("IfcDuctFittingType") {}
+ IfcDuctFittingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDuctSegmentType
+ struct IfcDuctSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper<IfcDuctSegmentType,1> { IfcDuctSegmentType() : Object("IfcDuctSegmentType") {}
+ IfcDuctSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType
+ struct IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType,0> { IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType() : Object("IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcDuctSilencerType
+ struct IfcDuctSilencerType : IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcDuctSilencerType,1> { IfcDuctSilencerType() : Object("IfcDuctSilencerType") {}
+ IfcDuctSilencerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEdge
+ struct IfcEdge : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcEdge,2> { IfcEdge() : Object("IfcEdge") {}
+ Lazy< IfcVertex > EdgeStart;
+ Lazy< IfcVertex > EdgeEnd;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEdgeCurve
+ struct IfcEdgeCurve : IfcEdge, ObjectHelper<IfcEdgeCurve,2> { IfcEdgeCurve() : Object("IfcEdgeCurve") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > EdgeGeometry;
+ BOOLEAN::Out SameSense;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLoop
+ struct IfcLoop : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcLoop,0> { IfcLoop() : Object("IfcLoop") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEdgeLoop
+ struct IfcEdgeLoop : IfcLoop, ObjectHelper<IfcEdgeLoop,1> { IfcEdgeLoop() : Object("IfcEdgeLoop") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcOrientedEdge >, 1, 0 > EdgeList;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricApplianceType
+ struct IfcElectricApplianceType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricApplianceType,1> { IfcElectricApplianceType() : Object("IfcElectricApplianceType") {}
+ IfcElectricApplianceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowController
+ struct IfcFlowController : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowController,0> { IfcFlowController() : Object("IfcFlowController") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricDistributionPoint
+ struct IfcElectricDistributionPoint : IfcFlowController, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricDistributionPoint,2> { IfcElectricDistributionPoint() : Object("IfcElectricDistributionPoint") {}
+ IfcElectricDistributionPointFunctionEnum::Out DistributionPointFunction;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedFunction;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowStorageDeviceType
+ struct IfcFlowStorageDeviceType : IfcDistributionFlowElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowStorageDeviceType,0> { IfcFlowStorageDeviceType() : Object("IfcFlowStorageDeviceType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType
+ struct IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType : IfcFlowStorageDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType,1> { IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType() : Object("IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType") {}
+ IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricGeneratorType
+ struct IfcElectricGeneratorType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricGeneratorType,1> { IfcElectricGeneratorType() : Object("IfcElectricGeneratorType") {}
+ IfcElectricGeneratorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricHeaterType
+ struct IfcElectricHeaterType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricHeaterType,1> { IfcElectricHeaterType() : Object("IfcElectricHeaterType") {}
+ IfcElectricHeaterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricMotorType
+ struct IfcElectricMotorType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricMotorType,1> { IfcElectricMotorType() : Object("IfcElectricMotorType") {}
+ IfcElectricMotorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricTimeControlType
+ struct IfcElectricTimeControlType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricTimeControlType,1> { IfcElectricTimeControlType() : Object("IfcElectricTimeControlType") {}
+ IfcElectricTimeControlTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSystem
+ struct IfcSystem : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcSystem,0> { IfcSystem() : Object("IfcSystem") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricalCircuit
+ struct IfcElectricalCircuit : IfcSystem, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricalCircuit,0> { IfcElectricalCircuit() : Object("IfcElectricalCircuit") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElectricalElement
+ struct IfcElectricalElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcElectricalElement,0> { IfcElectricalElement() : Object("IfcElectricalElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElementAssembly
+ struct IfcElementAssembly : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcElementAssembly,2> { IfcElementAssembly() : Object("IfcElementAssembly") {}
+ Maybe< IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum::Out > AssemblyPlace;
+ IfcElementAssemblyTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElementQuantity
+ struct IfcElementQuantity : IfcPropertySetDefinition, ObjectHelper<IfcElementQuantity,2> { IfcElementQuantity() : Object("IfcElementQuantity") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > MethodOfMeasurement;
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > Quantities;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcElementarySurface
+ struct IfcElementarySurface : IfcSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcElementarySurface,1> { IfcElementarySurface() : Object("IfcElementarySurface") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEllipse
+ struct IfcEllipse : IfcConic, ObjectHelper<IfcEllipse,2> { IfcEllipse() : Object("IfcEllipse") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis1;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis2;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEllipseProfileDef
+ struct IfcEllipseProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcEllipseProfileDef,2> { IfcEllipseProfileDef() : Object("IfcEllipseProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis1;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out SemiAxis2;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEnergyConversionDevice
+ struct IfcEnergyConversionDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcEnergyConversionDevice,0> { IfcEnergyConversionDevice() : Object("IfcEnergyConversionDevice") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEquipmentElement
+ struct IfcEquipmentElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcEquipmentElement,0> { IfcEquipmentElement() : Object("IfcEquipmentElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEquipmentStandard
+ struct IfcEquipmentStandard : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcEquipmentStandard,0> { IfcEquipmentStandard() : Object("IfcEquipmentStandard") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEvaporativeCoolerType
+ struct IfcEvaporativeCoolerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcEvaporativeCoolerType,1> { IfcEvaporativeCoolerType() : Object("IfcEvaporativeCoolerType") {}
+ IfcEvaporativeCoolerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcEvaporatorType
+ struct IfcEvaporatorType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcEvaporatorType,1> { IfcEvaporatorType() : Object("IfcEvaporatorType") {}
+ IfcEvaporatorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSweptAreaSolid
+ struct IfcSweptAreaSolid : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper<IfcSweptAreaSolid,2> { IfcSweptAreaSolid() : Object("IfcSweptAreaSolid") {}
+ Lazy< IfcProfileDef > SweptArea;
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcExtrudedAreaSolid
+ struct IfcExtrudedAreaSolid : IfcSweptAreaSolid, ObjectHelper<IfcExtrudedAreaSolid,2> { IfcExtrudedAreaSolid() : Object("IfcExtrudedAreaSolid") {}
+ Lazy< IfcDirection > ExtrudedDirection;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFace
+ struct IfcFace : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcFace,1> { IfcFace() : Object("IfcFace") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcFaceBound >, 1, 0 > Bounds;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel
+ struct IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel,1> { IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel() : Object("IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcConnectedFaceSet >, 1, 0 > FbsmFaces;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceBound
+ struct IfcFaceBound : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcFaceBound,2> { IfcFaceBound() : Object("IfcFaceBound") {}
+ Lazy< IfcLoop > Bound;
+ BOOLEAN::Out Orientation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceOuterBound
+ struct IfcFaceOuterBound : IfcFaceBound, ObjectHelper<IfcFaceOuterBound,0> { IfcFaceOuterBound() : Object("IfcFaceOuterBound") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFaceSurface
+ struct IfcFaceSurface : IfcFace, ObjectHelper<IfcFaceSurface,2> { IfcFaceSurface() : Object("IfcFaceSurface") {}
+ Lazy< IfcSurface > FaceSurface;
+ BOOLEAN::Out SameSense;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcManifoldSolidBrep
+ struct IfcManifoldSolidBrep : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper<IfcManifoldSolidBrep,1> { IfcManifoldSolidBrep() : Object("IfcManifoldSolidBrep") {}
+ Lazy< IfcClosedShell > Outer;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFacetedBrep
+ struct IfcFacetedBrep : IfcManifoldSolidBrep, ObjectHelper<IfcFacetedBrep,0> { IfcFacetedBrep() : Object("IfcFacetedBrep") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids
+ struct IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids : IfcManifoldSolidBrep, ObjectHelper<IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids,1> { IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids() : Object("IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcClosedShell >, 1, 0 > Voids;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFanType
+ struct IfcFanType : IfcFlowMovingDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcFanType,1> { IfcFanType() : Object("IfcFanType") {}
+ IfcFanTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFastener
+ struct IfcFastener : IfcElementComponent, ObjectHelper<IfcFastener,0> { IfcFastener() : Object("IfcFastener") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFastenerType
+ struct IfcFastenerType : IfcElementComponentType, ObjectHelper<IfcFastenerType,0> { IfcFastenerType() : Object("IfcFastenerType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFeatureElementAddition
+ struct IfcFeatureElementAddition : IfcFeatureElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFeatureElementAddition,0> { IfcFeatureElementAddition() : Object("IfcFeatureElementAddition") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFillAreaStyleHatching
+ struct IfcFillAreaStyleHatching : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcFillAreaStyleHatching,5> { IfcFillAreaStyleHatching() : Object("IfcFillAreaStyleHatching") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > HatchLineAppearance;
+ IfcHatchLineDistanceSelect::Out StartOfNextHatchLine;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > > PointOfReferenceHatchLine;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > > PatternStart;
+ IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out HatchLineAngle;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle
+ struct IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle,1> { IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle() : Object("IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence > Symbol;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFillAreaStyleTiles
+ struct IfcFillAreaStyleTiles : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcFillAreaStyleTiles,3> { IfcFillAreaStyleTiles() : Object("IfcFillAreaStyleTiles") {}
+ Lazy< IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor > TilingPattern;
+ ListOf< IfcFillAreaStyleTileShapeSelect, 1, 0 >::Out Tiles;
+ IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out TilingScale;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFilterType
+ struct IfcFilterType : IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcFilterType,1> { IfcFilterType() : Object("IfcFilterType") {}
+ IfcFilterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType
+ struct IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType,1> { IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType() : Object("IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType") {}
+ IfcFireSuppressionTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowFitting
+ struct IfcFlowFitting : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowFitting,0> { IfcFlowFitting() : Object("IfcFlowFitting") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowInstrumentType
+ struct IfcFlowInstrumentType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowInstrumentType,1> { IfcFlowInstrumentType() : Object("IfcFlowInstrumentType") {}
+ IfcFlowInstrumentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowMeterType
+ struct IfcFlowMeterType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowMeterType,1> { IfcFlowMeterType() : Object("IfcFlowMeterType") {}
+ IfcFlowMeterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowMovingDevice
+ struct IfcFlowMovingDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowMovingDevice,0> { IfcFlowMovingDevice() : Object("IfcFlowMovingDevice") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowSegment
+ struct IfcFlowSegment : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowSegment,0> { IfcFlowSegment() : Object("IfcFlowSegment") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowStorageDevice
+ struct IfcFlowStorageDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowStorageDevice,0> { IfcFlowStorageDevice() : Object("IfcFlowStorageDevice") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTerminal
+ struct IfcFlowTerminal : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowTerminal,0> { IfcFlowTerminal() : Object("IfcFlowTerminal") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFlowTreatmentDevice
+ struct IfcFlowTreatmentDevice : IfcDistributionFlowElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFlowTreatmentDevice,0> { IfcFlowTreatmentDevice() : Object("IfcFlowTreatmentDevice") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFooting
+ struct IfcFooting : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFooting,1> { IfcFooting() : Object("IfcFooting") {}
+ IfcFootingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnishingElement
+ struct IfcFurnishingElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcFurnishingElement,0> { IfcFurnishingElement() : Object("IfcFurnishingElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnishingElementType
+ struct IfcFurnishingElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFurnishingElementType,0> { IfcFurnishingElementType() : Object("IfcFurnishingElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnitureStandard
+ struct IfcFurnitureStandard : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcFurnitureStandard,0> { IfcFurnitureStandard() : Object("IfcFurnitureStandard") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcFurnitureType
+ struct IfcFurnitureType : IfcFurnishingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcFurnitureType,1> { IfcFurnitureType() : Object("IfcFurnitureType") {}
+ IfcAssemblyPlaceEnum::Out AssemblyPlace;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGasTerminalType
+ struct IfcGasTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcGasTerminalType,1> { IfcGasTerminalType() : Object("IfcGasTerminalType") {}
+ IfcGasTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricSet
+ struct IfcGeometricSet : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcGeometricSet,1> { IfcGeometricSet() : Object("IfcGeometricSet") {}
+ ListOf< IfcGeometricSetSelect, 1, 0 >::Out Elements;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricCurveSet
+ struct IfcGeometricCurveSet : IfcGeometricSet, ObjectHelper<IfcGeometricCurveSet,0> { IfcGeometricCurveSet() : Object("IfcGeometricCurveSet") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentationContext
+ struct IfcRepresentationContext : ObjectHelper<IfcRepresentationContext,2> { IfcRepresentationContext() : Object("IfcRepresentationContext") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ContextIdentifier;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > ContextType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricRepresentationContext
+ struct IfcGeometricRepresentationContext : IfcRepresentationContext, ObjectHelper<IfcGeometricRepresentationContext,4> { IfcGeometricRepresentationContext() : Object("IfcGeometricRepresentationContext") {}
+ IfcDimensionCount::Out CoordinateSpaceDimension;
+ Maybe< REAL::Out > Precision;
+ IfcAxis2Placement::Out WorldCoordinateSystem;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcDirection > > TrueNorth;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext
+ struct IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext : IfcGeometricRepresentationContext, ObjectHelper<IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext,4> { IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext() : Object("IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext") {}
+ Lazy< IfcGeometricRepresentationContext > ParentContext;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out > TargetScale;
+ IfcGeometricProjectionEnum::Out TargetView;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedTargetView;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGrid
+ struct IfcGrid : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcGrid,3> { IfcGrid() : Object("IfcGrid") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > UAxes;
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > VAxes;
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > > WAxes;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcObjectPlacement
+ struct IfcObjectPlacement : ObjectHelper<IfcObjectPlacement,0> { IfcObjectPlacement() : Object("IfcObjectPlacement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcGridPlacement
+ struct IfcGridPlacement : IfcObjectPlacement, ObjectHelper<IfcGridPlacement,2> { IfcGridPlacement() : Object("IfcGridPlacement") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > PlacementLocation;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > PlacementRefDirection;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcHeatExchangerType
+ struct IfcHeatExchangerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcHeatExchangerType,1> { IfcHeatExchangerType() : Object("IfcHeatExchangerType") {}
+ IfcHeatExchangerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcHumidifierType
+ struct IfcHumidifierType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcHumidifierType,1> { IfcHumidifierType() : Object("IfcHumidifierType") {}
+ IfcHumidifierTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcInventory
+ struct IfcInventory : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcInventory,6> { IfcInventory() : Object("IfcInventory") {}
+ IfcInventoryTypeEnum::Out InventoryType;
+ IfcActorSelect::Out Jurisdiction;
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > ResponsiblePersons;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > LastUpdateDate;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > CurrentValue;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > OriginalValue;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcJunctionBoxType
+ struct IfcJunctionBoxType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper<IfcJunctionBoxType,1> { IfcJunctionBoxType() : Object("IfcJunctionBoxType") {}
+ IfcJunctionBoxTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcLShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcLShapeProfileDef,8> { IfcLShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcLShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Width;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Thickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > EdgeRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > LegSlope;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInX;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLaborResource
+ struct IfcLaborResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper<IfcLaborResource,1> { IfcLaborResource() : Object("IfcLaborResource") {}
+ Maybe< IfcText::Out > SkillSet;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLampType
+ struct IfcLampType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcLampType,1> { IfcLampType() : Object("IfcLampType") {}
+ IfcLampTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightFixtureType
+ struct IfcLightFixtureType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcLightFixtureType,1> { IfcLightFixtureType() : Object("IfcLightFixtureType") {}
+ IfcLightFixtureTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSource
+ struct IfcLightSource : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcLightSource,4> { IfcLightSource() : Object("IfcLightSource") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name;
+ Lazy< IfcColourRgb > LightColour;
+ Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > AmbientIntensity;
+ Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > Intensity;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceAmbient
+ struct IfcLightSourceAmbient : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper<IfcLightSourceAmbient,0> { IfcLightSourceAmbient() : Object("IfcLightSourceAmbient") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceDirectional
+ struct IfcLightSourceDirectional : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper<IfcLightSourceDirectional,1> { IfcLightSourceDirectional() : Object("IfcLightSourceDirectional") {}
+ Lazy< IfcDirection > Orientation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceGoniometric
+ struct IfcLightSourceGoniometric : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper<IfcLightSourceGoniometric,6> { IfcLightSourceGoniometric() : Object("IfcLightSourceGoniometric") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcColourRgb > > ColourAppearance;
+ IfcThermodynamicTemperatureMeasure::Out ColourTemperature;
+ IfcLuminousFluxMeasure::Out LuminousFlux;
+ IfcLightEmissionSourceEnum::Out LightEmissionSource;
+ IfcLightDistributionDataSourceSelect::Out LightDistributionDataSource;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourcePositional
+ struct IfcLightSourcePositional : IfcLightSource, ObjectHelper<IfcLightSourcePositional,5> { IfcLightSourcePositional() : Object("IfcLightSourcePositional") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Position;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius;
+ IfcReal::Out ConstantAttenuation;
+ IfcReal::Out DistanceAttenuation;
+ IfcReal::Out QuadricAttenuation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLightSourceSpot
+ struct IfcLightSourceSpot : IfcLightSourcePositional, ObjectHelper<IfcLightSourceSpot,4> { IfcLightSourceSpot() : Object("IfcLightSourceSpot") {}
+ Lazy< IfcDirection > Orientation;
+ Maybe< IfcReal::Out > ConcentrationExponent;
+ IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure::Out SpreadAngle;
+ IfcPositivePlaneAngleMeasure::Out BeamWidthAngle;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLine
+ struct IfcLine : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcLine,2> { IfcLine() : Object("IfcLine") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint > Pnt;
+ Lazy< IfcVector > Dir;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLinearDimension
+ struct IfcLinearDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper<IfcLinearDimension,0> { IfcLinearDimension() : Object("IfcLinearDimension") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcLocalPlacement
+ struct IfcLocalPlacement : IfcObjectPlacement, ObjectHelper<IfcLocalPlacement,2> { IfcLocalPlacement() : Object("IfcLocalPlacement") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcObjectPlacement > > PlacementRelTo;
+ IfcAxis2Placement::Out RelativePlacement;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMappedItem
+ struct IfcMappedItem : IfcRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcMappedItem,2> { IfcMappedItem() : Object("IfcMappedItem") {}
+ Lazy< IfcRepresentationMap > MappingSource;
+ Lazy< IfcCartesianTransformationOperator > MappingTarget;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProductRepresentation
+ struct IfcProductRepresentation : ObjectHelper<IfcProductRepresentation,3> { IfcProductRepresentation() : Object("IfcProductRepresentation") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Name;
+ Maybe< IfcText::Out > Description;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentation >, 1, 0 > Representations;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation
+ struct IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation : IfcProductRepresentation, ObjectHelper<IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation,1> { IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation() : Object("IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > RepresentedMaterial;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMeasureWithUnit
+ struct IfcMeasureWithUnit : ObjectHelper<IfcMeasureWithUnit,2> { IfcMeasureWithUnit() : Object("IfcMeasureWithUnit") {}
+ IfcValue::Out ValueComponent;
+ IfcUnit::Out UnitComponent;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMechanicalFastener
+ struct IfcMechanicalFastener : IfcFastener, ObjectHelper<IfcMechanicalFastener,2> { IfcMechanicalFastener() : Object("IfcMechanicalFastener") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > NominalDiameter;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > NominalLength;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMechanicalFastenerType
+ struct IfcMechanicalFastenerType : IfcFastenerType, ObjectHelper<IfcMechanicalFastenerType,0> { IfcMechanicalFastenerType() : Object("IfcMechanicalFastenerType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMember
+ struct IfcMember : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcMember,0> { IfcMember() : Object("IfcMember") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMemberType
+ struct IfcMemberType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcMemberType,1> { IfcMemberType() : Object("IfcMemberType") {}
+ IfcMemberTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMotorConnectionType
+ struct IfcMotorConnectionType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcMotorConnectionType,1> { IfcMotorConnectionType() : Object("IfcMotorConnectionType") {}
+ IfcMotorConnectionTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProcess
+ struct IfcProcess : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcProcess,0> { IfcProcess() : Object("IfcProcess") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTask
+ struct IfcTask : IfcProcess, ObjectHelper<IfcTask,5> { IfcTask() : Object("IfcTask") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out TaskId;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Status;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > WorkMethod;
+ BOOLEAN::Out IsMilestone;
+ Maybe< INTEGER::Out > Priority;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcMove
+ struct IfcMove : IfcTask, ObjectHelper<IfcMove,3> { IfcMove() : Object("IfcMove") {}
+ Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > MoveFrom;
+ Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > MoveTo;
+ Maybe< ListOf< IfcText, 1, 0 >::Out > PunchList;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOccupant
+ struct IfcOccupant : IfcActor, ObjectHelper<IfcOccupant,1> { IfcOccupant() : Object("IfcOccupant") {}
+ IfcOccupantTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOffsetCurve2D
+ struct IfcOffsetCurve2D : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcOffsetCurve2D,3> { IfcOffsetCurve2D() : Object("IfcOffsetCurve2D") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve;
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out Distance;
+ LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOffsetCurve3D
+ struct IfcOffsetCurve3D : IfcCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcOffsetCurve3D,4> { IfcOffsetCurve3D() : Object("IfcOffsetCurve3D") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve;
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out Distance;
+ LOGICAL::Out SelfIntersect;
+ Lazy< IfcDirection > RefDirection;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor
+ struct IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor,1> { IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor() : Object("IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor") {}
+ Lazy< IfcVector > RepeatFactor;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOpenShell
+ struct IfcOpenShell : IfcConnectedFaceSet, ObjectHelper<IfcOpenShell,0> { IfcOpenShell() : Object("IfcOpenShell") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOpeningElement
+ struct IfcOpeningElement : IfcFeatureElementSubtraction, ObjectHelper<IfcOpeningElement,0> { IfcOpeningElement() : Object("IfcOpeningElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOrderAction
+ struct IfcOrderAction : IfcTask, ObjectHelper<IfcOrderAction,1> { IfcOrderAction() : Object("IfcOrderAction") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out ActionID;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOrientedEdge
+ struct IfcOrientedEdge : IfcEdge, ObjectHelper<IfcOrientedEdge,2> { IfcOrientedEdge() : Object("IfcOrientedEdge") {}
+ Lazy< IfcEdge > EdgeElement;
+ BOOLEAN::Out Orientation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcOutletType
+ struct IfcOutletType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcOutletType,1> { IfcOutletType() : Object("IfcOutletType") {}
+ IfcOutletTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPath
+ struct IfcPath : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcPath,1> { IfcPath() : Object("IfcPath") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcOrientedEdge >, 1, 0 > EdgeList;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPerformanceHistory
+ struct IfcPerformanceHistory : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcPerformanceHistory,1> { IfcPerformanceHistory() : Object("IfcPerformanceHistory") {}
+ IfcLabel::Out LifeCyclePhase;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPermit
+ struct IfcPermit : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcPermit,1> { IfcPermit() : Object("IfcPermit") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out PermitID;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPile
+ struct IfcPile : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcPile,2> { IfcPile() : Object("IfcPile") {}
+ IfcPileTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ Maybe< IfcPileConstructionEnum::Out > ConstructionType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPipeFittingType
+ struct IfcPipeFittingType : IfcFlowFittingType, ObjectHelper<IfcPipeFittingType,1> { IfcPipeFittingType() : Object("IfcPipeFittingType") {}
+ IfcPipeFittingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPipeSegmentType
+ struct IfcPipeSegmentType : IfcFlowSegmentType, ObjectHelper<IfcPipeSegmentType,1> { IfcPipeSegmentType() : Object("IfcPipeSegmentType") {}
+ IfcPipeSegmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPlanarExtent
+ struct IfcPlanarExtent : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcPlanarExtent,2> { IfcPlanarExtent() : Object("IfcPlanarExtent") {}
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out SizeInX;
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out SizeInY;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPlanarBox
+ struct IfcPlanarBox : IfcPlanarExtent, ObjectHelper<IfcPlanarBox,1> { IfcPlanarBox() : Object("IfcPlanarBox") {}
+ IfcAxis2Placement::Out Placement;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPlane
+ struct IfcPlane : IfcElementarySurface, ObjectHelper<IfcPlane,0> { IfcPlane() : Object("IfcPlane") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPlate
+ struct IfcPlate : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcPlate,0> { IfcPlate() : Object("IfcPlate") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPlateType
+ struct IfcPlateType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcPlateType,1> { IfcPlateType() : Object("IfcPlateType") {}
+ IfcPlateTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPointOnCurve
+ struct IfcPointOnCurve : IfcPoint, ObjectHelper<IfcPointOnCurve,2> { IfcPointOnCurve() : Object("IfcPointOnCurve") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out PointParameter;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPointOnSurface
+ struct IfcPointOnSurface : IfcPoint, ObjectHelper<IfcPointOnSurface,3> { IfcPointOnSurface() : Object("IfcPointOnSurface") {}
+ Lazy< IfcSurface > BasisSurface;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out PointParameterU;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out PointParameterV;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPolyLoop
+ struct IfcPolyLoop : IfcLoop, ObjectHelper<IfcPolyLoop,1> { IfcPolyLoop() : Object("IfcPolyLoop") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint >, 3, 0 > Polygon;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace
+ struct IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace : IfcHalfSpaceSolid, ObjectHelper<IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace,2> { IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace() : Object("IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position;
+ Lazy< IfcBoundedCurve > PolygonalBoundary;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPolyline
+ struct IfcPolyline : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcPolyline,1> { IfcPolyline() : Object("IfcPolyline") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcCartesianPoint >, 2, 0 > Points;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPresentationStyleAssignment
+ struct IfcPresentationStyleAssignment : ObjectHelper<IfcPresentationStyleAssignment,1> { IfcPresentationStyleAssignment() : Object("IfcPresentationStyleAssignment") {}
+ ListOf< IfcPresentationStyleSelect, 1, 0 >::Out Styles;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProcedure
+ struct IfcProcedure : IfcProcess, ObjectHelper<IfcProcedure,3> { IfcProcedure() : Object("IfcProcedure") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out ProcedureID;
+ IfcProcedureTypeEnum::Out ProcedureType;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedProcedureType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProductDefinitionShape
+ struct IfcProductDefinitionShape : IfcProductRepresentation, ObjectHelper<IfcProductDefinitionShape,0> { IfcProductDefinitionShape() : Object("IfcProductDefinitionShape") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProject
+ struct IfcProject : IfcObject, ObjectHelper<IfcProject,4> { IfcProject() : Object("IfcProject") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > LongName;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Phase;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentationContext >, 1, 0 > RepresentationContexts;
+ Lazy< IfcUnitAssignment > UnitsInContext;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectOrder
+ struct IfcProjectOrder : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcProjectOrder,3> { IfcProjectOrder() : Object("IfcProjectOrder") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out ID;
+ IfcProjectOrderTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Status;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectOrderRecord
+ struct IfcProjectOrderRecord : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcProjectOrderRecord,2> { IfcProjectOrderRecord() : Object("IfcProjectOrderRecord") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > Records;
+ IfcProjectOrderRecordTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectionCurve
+ struct IfcProjectionCurve : IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence, ObjectHelper<IfcProjectionCurve,0> { IfcProjectionCurve() : Object("IfcProjectionCurve") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProjectionElement
+ struct IfcProjectionElement : IfcFeatureElementAddition, ObjectHelper<IfcProjectionElement,0> { IfcProjectionElement() : Object("IfcProjectionElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSimpleProperty
+ struct IfcSimpleProperty : IfcProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcSimpleProperty,0> { IfcSimpleProperty() : Object("IfcSimpleProperty") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertyBoundedValue
+ struct IfcPropertyBoundedValue : IfcSimpleProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertyBoundedValue,3> { IfcPropertyBoundedValue() : Object("IfcPropertyBoundedValue") {}
+ Maybe< IfcValue::Out > UpperBoundValue;
+ Maybe< IfcValue::Out > LowerBoundValue;
+ Maybe< IfcUnit::Out > Unit;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue
+ struct IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue : IfcSimpleProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue,2> { IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue() : Object("IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue") {}
+ ListOf< IfcValue, 1, 0 >::Out EnumerationValues;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > EnumerationReference;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertyListValue
+ struct IfcPropertyListValue : IfcSimpleProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertyListValue,2> { IfcPropertyListValue() : Object("IfcPropertyListValue") {}
+ ListOf< IfcValue, 1, 0 >::Out ListValues;
+ Maybe< IfcUnit::Out > Unit;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertyReferenceValue
+ struct IfcPropertyReferenceValue : IfcSimpleProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertyReferenceValue,2> { IfcPropertyReferenceValue() : Object("IfcPropertyReferenceValue") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UsageName;
+ IfcObjectReferenceSelect::Out PropertyReference;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertySet
+ struct IfcPropertySet : IfcPropertySetDefinition, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertySet,1> { IfcPropertySet() : Object("IfcPropertySet") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcProperty >, 1, 0 > HasProperties;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertySingleValue
+ struct IfcPropertySingleValue : IfcSimpleProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertySingleValue,2> { IfcPropertySingleValue() : Object("IfcPropertySingleValue") {}
+ Maybe< IfcValue::Out > NominalValue;
+ Maybe< IfcUnit::Out > Unit;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPropertyTableValue
+ struct IfcPropertyTableValue : IfcSimpleProperty, ObjectHelper<IfcPropertyTableValue,5> { IfcPropertyTableValue() : Object("IfcPropertyTableValue") {}
+ ListOf< IfcValue, 1, 0 >::Out DefiningValues;
+ ListOf< IfcValue, 1, 0 >::Out DefinedValues;
+ Maybe< IfcText::Out > Expression;
+ Maybe< IfcUnit::Out > DefiningUnit;
+ Maybe< IfcUnit::Out > DefinedUnit;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProtectiveDeviceType
+ struct IfcProtectiveDeviceType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcProtectiveDeviceType,1> { IfcProtectiveDeviceType() : Object("IfcProtectiveDeviceType") {}
+ IfcProtectiveDeviceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcProxy
+ struct IfcProxy : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcProxy,2> { IfcProxy() : Object("IfcProxy") {}
+ IfcObjectTypeEnum::Out ProxyType;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Tag;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcPumpType
+ struct IfcPumpType : IfcFlowMovingDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcPumpType,1> { IfcPumpType() : Object("IfcPumpType") {}
+ IfcPumpTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRadiusDimension
+ struct IfcRadiusDimension : IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout, ObjectHelper<IfcRadiusDimension,0> { IfcRadiusDimension() : Object("IfcRadiusDimension") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRailing
+ struct IfcRailing : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcRailing,1> { IfcRailing() : Object("IfcRailing") {}
+ Maybe< IfcRailingTypeEnum::Out > PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRailingType
+ struct IfcRailingType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcRailingType,1> { IfcRailingType() : Object("IfcRailingType") {}
+ IfcRailingTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRamp
+ struct IfcRamp : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcRamp,1> { IfcRamp() : Object("IfcRamp") {}
+ IfcRampTypeEnum::Out ShapeType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRampFlight
+ struct IfcRampFlight : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcRampFlight,0> { IfcRampFlight() : Object("IfcRampFlight") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRampFlightType
+ struct IfcRampFlightType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcRampFlightType,1> { IfcRampFlightType() : Object("IfcRampFlightType") {}
+ IfcRampFlightTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRationalBezierCurve
+ struct IfcRationalBezierCurve : IfcBezierCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcRationalBezierCurve,1> { IfcRationalBezierCurve() : Object("IfcRationalBezierCurve") {}
+ ListOf< REAL, 2, 0 >::Out WeightsData;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangleProfileDef
+ struct IfcRectangleProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcRectangleProfileDef,2> { IfcRectangleProfileDef() : Object("IfcRectangleProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XDim;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YDim;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef
+ struct IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef : IfcRectangleProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef,3> { IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef() : Object("IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WallThickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > InnerFilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OuterFilletRadius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangularPyramid
+ struct IfcRectangularPyramid : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper<IfcRectangularPyramid,3> { IfcRectangularPyramid() : Object("IfcRectangularPyramid") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out XLength;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YLength;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Height;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface
+ struct IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface : IfcBoundedSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface,7> { IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface() : Object("IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface") {}
+ Lazy< IfcSurface > BasisSurface;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out U1;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out V1;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out U2;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out V2;
+ BOOLEAN::Out Usense;
+ BOOLEAN::Out Vsense;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcReinforcingElement
+ struct IfcReinforcingElement : IfcBuildingElementComponent, ObjectHelper<IfcReinforcingElement,1> { IfcReinforcingElement() : Object("IfcReinforcingElement") {}
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > SteelGrade;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcReinforcingBar
+ struct IfcReinforcingBar : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcReinforcingBar,5> { IfcReinforcingBar() : Object("IfcReinforcingBar") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out NominalDiameter;
+ IfcAreaMeasure::Out CrossSectionArea;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > BarLength;
+ IfcReinforcingBarRoleEnum::Out BarRole;
+ Maybe< IfcReinforcingBarSurfaceEnum::Out > BarSurface;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcReinforcingMesh
+ struct IfcReinforcingMesh : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcReinforcingMesh,8> { IfcReinforcingMesh() : Object("IfcReinforcingMesh") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > MeshLength;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > MeshWidth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out LongitudinalBarNominalDiameter;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TransverseBarNominalDiameter;
+ IfcAreaMeasure::Out LongitudinalBarCrossSectionArea;
+ IfcAreaMeasure::Out TransverseBarCrossSectionArea;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out LongitudinalBarSpacing;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TransverseBarSpacing;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelationship
+ struct IfcRelationship : IfcRoot, ObjectHelper<IfcRelationship,0> { IfcRelationship() : Object("IfcRelationship") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelDecomposes
+ struct IfcRelDecomposes : IfcRelationship, ObjectHelper<IfcRelDecomposes,2> { IfcRelDecomposes() : Object("IfcRelDecomposes") {}
+ Lazy< IfcObjectDefinition > RelatingObject;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcObjectDefinition >, 1, 0 > RelatedObjects;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelAggregates
+ struct IfcRelAggregates : IfcRelDecomposes, ObjectHelper<IfcRelAggregates,0> { IfcRelAggregates() : Object("IfcRelAggregates") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelConnects
+ struct IfcRelConnects : IfcRelationship, ObjectHelper<IfcRelConnects,0> { IfcRelConnects() : Object("IfcRelConnects") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure
+ struct IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure : IfcRelConnects, ObjectHelper<IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure,2> { IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure() : Object("IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcProduct >, 1, 0 > RelatedElements;
+ Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > RelatingStructure;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelDefines
+ struct IfcRelDefines : IfcRelationship, ObjectHelper<IfcRelDefines,1> { IfcRelDefines() : Object("IfcRelDefines") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcObject >, 1, 0 > RelatedObjects;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelDefinesByProperties
+ struct IfcRelDefinesByProperties : IfcRelDefines, ObjectHelper<IfcRelDefinesByProperties,1> { IfcRelDefinesByProperties() : Object("IfcRelDefinesByProperties") {}
+ Lazy< IfcPropertySetDefinition > RelatingPropertyDefinition;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelFillsElement
+ struct IfcRelFillsElement : IfcRelConnects, ObjectHelper<IfcRelFillsElement,2> { IfcRelFillsElement() : Object("IfcRelFillsElement") {}
+ Lazy< IfcOpeningElement > RelatingOpeningElement;
+ Lazy< IfcElement > RelatedBuildingElement;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelOverridesProperties
+ struct IfcRelOverridesProperties : IfcRelDefinesByProperties, ObjectHelper<IfcRelOverridesProperties,1> { IfcRelOverridesProperties() : Object("IfcRelOverridesProperties") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcProperty >, 1, 0 > OverridingProperties;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRelVoidsElement
+ struct IfcRelVoidsElement : IfcRelConnects, ObjectHelper<IfcRelVoidsElement,2> { IfcRelVoidsElement() : Object("IfcRelVoidsElement") {}
+ Lazy< IfcElement > RelatingBuildingElement;
+ Lazy< IfcFeatureElementSubtraction > RelatedOpeningElement;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentation
+ struct IfcRepresentation : ObjectHelper<IfcRepresentation,4> { IfcRepresentation() : Object("IfcRepresentation") {}
+ Lazy< IfcRepresentationContext > ContextOfItems;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > RepresentationIdentifier;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > RepresentationType;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcRepresentationItem >, 1, 0 > Items;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRepresentationMap
+ struct IfcRepresentationMap : ObjectHelper<IfcRepresentationMap,2> { IfcRepresentationMap() : Object("IfcRepresentationMap") {}
+ IfcAxis2Placement::Out MappingOrigin;
+ Lazy< IfcRepresentation > MappedRepresentation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRevolvedAreaSolid
+ struct IfcRevolvedAreaSolid : IfcSweptAreaSolid, ObjectHelper<IfcRevolvedAreaSolid,2> { IfcRevolvedAreaSolid() : Object("IfcRevolvedAreaSolid") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis1Placement > Axis;
+ IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out Angle;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRightCircularCone
+ struct IfcRightCircularCone : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper<IfcRightCircularCone,2> { IfcRightCircularCone() : Object("IfcRightCircularCone") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Height;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BottomRadius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRightCircularCylinder
+ struct IfcRightCircularCylinder : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper<IfcRightCircularCylinder,2> { IfcRightCircularCylinder() : Object("IfcRightCircularCylinder") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Height;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRoof
+ struct IfcRoof : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcRoof,1> { IfcRoof() : Object("IfcRoof") {}
+ IfcRoofTypeEnum::Out ShapeType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRoundedEdgeFeature
+ struct IfcRoundedEdgeFeature : IfcEdgeFeature, ObjectHelper<IfcRoundedEdgeFeature,1> { IfcRoundedEdgeFeature() : Object("IfcRoundedEdgeFeature") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Radius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef
+ struct IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef : IfcRectangleProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef,1> { IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef() : Object("IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out RoundingRadius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSIUnit
+ struct IfcSIUnit : IfcNamedUnit, ObjectHelper<IfcSIUnit,2> { IfcSIUnit() : Object("IfcSIUnit") {}
+ Maybe< IfcSIPrefix::Out > Prefix;
+ IfcSIUnitName::Out Name;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSanitaryTerminalType
+ struct IfcSanitaryTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcSanitaryTerminalType,1> { IfcSanitaryTerminalType() : Object("IfcSanitaryTerminalType") {}
+ IfcSanitaryTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcScheduleTimeControl
+ struct IfcScheduleTimeControl : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcScheduleTimeControl,18> { IfcScheduleTimeControl() : Object("IfcScheduleTimeControl") {}
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ActualStart;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > EarlyStart;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > LateStart;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ScheduleStart;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ActualFinish;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > EarlyFinish;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > LateFinish;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > ScheduleFinish;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > ScheduleDuration;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > ActualDuration;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > RemainingTime;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > FreeFloat;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > TotalFloat;
+ Maybe< BOOLEAN::Out > IsCritical;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > StatusTime;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > StartFloat;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > FinishFloat;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out > Completion;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSectionedSpine
+ struct IfcSectionedSpine : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcSectionedSpine,3> { IfcSectionedSpine() : Object("IfcSectionedSpine") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCompositeCurve > SpineCurve;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcProfileDef >, 2, 0 > CrossSections;
+ ListOf< Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D >, 2, 0 > CrossSectionPositions;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSensorType
+ struct IfcSensorType : IfcDistributionControlElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcSensorType,1> { IfcSensorType() : Object("IfcSensorType") {}
+ IfcSensorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcServiceLife
+ struct IfcServiceLife : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcServiceLife,2> { IfcServiceLife() : Object("IfcServiceLife") {}
+ IfcServiceLifeTypeEnum::Out ServiceLifeType;
+ IfcTimeMeasure::Out ServiceLifeDuration;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcShapeModel
+ struct IfcShapeModel : IfcRepresentation, ObjectHelper<IfcShapeModel,0> { IfcShapeModel() : Object("IfcShapeModel") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcShapeRepresentation
+ struct IfcShapeRepresentation : IfcShapeModel, ObjectHelper<IfcShapeRepresentation,0> { IfcShapeRepresentation() : Object("IfcShapeRepresentation") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel
+ struct IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel,1> { IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel() : Object("IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel") {}
+ ListOf< IfcShell, 1, 0 >::Out SbsmBoundary;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSite
+ struct IfcSite : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper<IfcSite,5> { IfcSite() : Object("IfcSite") {}
+ Maybe< IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > RefLatitude;
+ Maybe< IfcCompoundPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > RefLongitude;
+ Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > RefElevation;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > LandTitleNumber;
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > SiteAddress;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSlab
+ struct IfcSlab : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcSlab,1> { IfcSlab() : Object("IfcSlab") {}
+ Maybe< IfcSlabTypeEnum::Out > PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSlabType
+ struct IfcSlabType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcSlabType,1> { IfcSlabType() : Object("IfcSlabType") {}
+ IfcSlabTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSpace
+ struct IfcSpace : IfcSpatialStructureElement, ObjectHelper<IfcSpace,2> { IfcSpace() : Object("IfcSpace") {}
+ IfcInternalOrExternalEnum::Out InteriorOrExteriorSpace;
+ Maybe< IfcLengthMeasure::Out > ElevationWithFlooring;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSpaceHeaterType
+ struct IfcSpaceHeaterType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcSpaceHeaterType,1> { IfcSpaceHeaterType() : Object("IfcSpaceHeaterType") {}
+ IfcSpaceHeaterTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSpaceProgram
+ struct IfcSpaceProgram : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcSpaceProgram,5> { IfcSpaceProgram() : Object("IfcSpaceProgram") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out SpaceProgramIdentifier;
+ Maybe< IfcAreaMeasure::Out > MaxRequiredArea;
+ Maybe< IfcAreaMeasure::Out > MinRequiredArea;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcSpatialStructureElement > > RequestedLocation;
+ IfcAreaMeasure::Out StandardRequiredArea;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSpatialStructureElementType
+ struct IfcSpatialStructureElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcSpatialStructureElementType,0> { IfcSpatialStructureElementType() : Object("IfcSpatialStructureElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSpaceType
+ struct IfcSpaceType : IfcSpatialStructureElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcSpaceType,1> { IfcSpaceType() : Object("IfcSpaceType") {}
+ IfcSpaceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSphere
+ struct IfcSphere : IfcCsgPrimitive3D, ObjectHelper<IfcSphere,1> { IfcSphere() : Object("IfcSphere") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStackTerminalType
+ struct IfcStackTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcStackTerminalType,1> { IfcStackTerminalType() : Object("IfcStackTerminalType") {}
+ IfcStackTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStair
+ struct IfcStair : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcStair,1> { IfcStair() : Object("IfcStair") {}
+ IfcStairTypeEnum::Out ShapeType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStairFlight
+ struct IfcStairFlight : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcStairFlight,4> { IfcStairFlight() : Object("IfcStairFlight") {}
+ Maybe< INTEGER::Out > NumberOfRiser;
+ Maybe< INTEGER::Out > NumberOfTreads;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > RiserHeight;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > TreadLength;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStairFlightType
+ struct IfcStairFlightType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcStairFlightType,1> { IfcStairFlightType() : Object("IfcStairFlightType") {}
+ IfcStairFlightTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralActivity
+ struct IfcStructuralActivity : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralActivity,2> { IfcStructuralActivity() : Object("IfcStructuralActivity") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > AppliedLoad;
+ IfcGlobalOrLocalEnum::Out GlobalOrLocal;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralAction
+ struct IfcStructuralAction : IfcStructuralActivity, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralAction,2> { IfcStructuralAction() : Object("IfcStructuralAction") {}
+ BOOLEAN::Out DestabilizingLoad;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcStructuralReaction > > CausedBy;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralAnalysisModel
+ struct IfcStructuralAnalysisModel : IfcSystem, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralAnalysisModel,4> { IfcStructuralAnalysisModel() : Object("IfcStructuralAnalysisModel") {}
+ IfcAnalysisModelTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > > OrientationOf2DPlane;
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcStructuralLoadGroup >, 1, 0 > > LoadedBy;
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< IfcStructuralResultGroup >, 1, 0 > > HasResults;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralItem
+ struct IfcStructuralItem : IfcProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralItem,0> { IfcStructuralItem() : Object("IfcStructuralItem") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralConnection
+ struct IfcStructuralConnection : IfcStructuralItem, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralConnection,1> { IfcStructuralConnection() : Object("IfcStructuralConnection") {}
+ Maybe< Lazy< NotImplemented > > AppliedCondition;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralCurveConnection
+ struct IfcStructuralCurveConnection : IfcStructuralConnection, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralCurveConnection,0> { IfcStructuralCurveConnection() : Object("IfcStructuralCurveConnection") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralMember
+ struct IfcStructuralMember : IfcStructuralItem, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralMember,0> { IfcStructuralMember() : Object("IfcStructuralMember") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralCurveMember
+ struct IfcStructuralCurveMember : IfcStructuralMember, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralCurveMember,1> { IfcStructuralCurveMember() : Object("IfcStructuralCurveMember") {}
+ IfcStructuralCurveTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying
+ struct IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying : IfcStructuralCurveMember, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying,0> { IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying() : Object("IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralLinearAction
+ struct IfcStructuralLinearAction : IfcStructuralAction, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralLinearAction,1> { IfcStructuralLinearAction() : Object("IfcStructuralLinearAction") {}
+ IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum::Out ProjectedOrTrue;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying
+ struct IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying : IfcStructuralLinearAction, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying,2> { IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying() : Object("IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > VaryingAppliedLoadLocation;
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > SubsequentAppliedLoads;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralLoadGroup
+ struct IfcStructuralLoadGroup : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralLoadGroup,5> { IfcStructuralLoadGroup() : Object("IfcStructuralLoadGroup") {}
+ IfcLoadGroupTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ IfcActionTypeEnum::Out ActionType;
+ IfcActionSourceTypeEnum::Out ActionSource;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveRatioMeasure::Out > Coefficient;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Purpose;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPlanarAction
+ struct IfcStructuralPlanarAction : IfcStructuralAction, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralPlanarAction,1> { IfcStructuralPlanarAction() : Object("IfcStructuralPlanarAction") {}
+ IfcProjectedOrTrueLengthEnum::Out ProjectedOrTrue;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying
+ struct IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying : IfcStructuralPlanarAction, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying,2> { IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying() : Object("IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying") {}
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > VaryingAppliedLoadLocation;
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 2, 0 > SubsequentAppliedLoads;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPointAction
+ struct IfcStructuralPointAction : IfcStructuralAction, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralPointAction,0> { IfcStructuralPointAction() : Object("IfcStructuralPointAction") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPointConnection
+ struct IfcStructuralPointConnection : IfcStructuralConnection, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralPointConnection,0> { IfcStructuralPointConnection() : Object("IfcStructuralPointConnection") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralReaction
+ struct IfcStructuralReaction : IfcStructuralActivity, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralReaction,0> { IfcStructuralReaction() : Object("IfcStructuralReaction") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralPointReaction
+ struct IfcStructuralPointReaction : IfcStructuralReaction, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralPointReaction,0> { IfcStructuralPointReaction() : Object("IfcStructuralPointReaction") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralResultGroup
+ struct IfcStructuralResultGroup : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralResultGroup,3> { IfcStructuralResultGroup() : Object("IfcStructuralResultGroup") {}
+ IfcAnalysisTheoryTypeEnum::Out TheoryType;
+ Maybe< Lazy< IfcStructuralLoadGroup > > ResultForLoadGroup;
+ BOOLEAN::Out IsLinear;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection
+ struct IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection : IfcStructuralConnection, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection,0> { IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection() : Object("IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralSurfaceMember
+ struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMember : IfcStructuralMember, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralSurfaceMember,2> { IfcStructuralSurfaceMember() : Object("IfcStructuralSurfaceMember") {}
+ IfcStructuralSurfaceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > Thickness;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying
+ struct IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying : IfcStructuralSurfaceMember, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying,2> { IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying() : Object("IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying") {}
+ ListOf< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure, 2, 0 >::Out SubsequentThickness;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > VaryingThicknessLocation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStructuredDimensionCallout
+ struct IfcStructuredDimensionCallout : IfcDraughtingCallout, ObjectHelper<IfcStructuredDimensionCallout,0> { IfcStructuredDimensionCallout() : Object("IfcStructuredDimensionCallout") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStyleModel
+ struct IfcStyleModel : IfcRepresentation, ObjectHelper<IfcStyleModel,0> { IfcStyleModel() : Object("IfcStyleModel") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcStyledRepresentation
+ struct IfcStyledRepresentation : IfcStyleModel, ObjectHelper<IfcStyledRepresentation,0> { IfcStyledRepresentation() : Object("IfcStyledRepresentation") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSubContractResource
+ struct IfcSubContractResource : IfcConstructionResource, ObjectHelper<IfcSubContractResource,2> { IfcSubContractResource() : Object("IfcSubContractResource") {}
+ Maybe< IfcActorSelect::Out > SubContractor;
+ Maybe< IfcText::Out > JobDescription;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSubedge
+ struct IfcSubedge : IfcEdge, ObjectHelper<IfcSubedge,1> { IfcSubedge() : Object("IfcSubedge") {}
+ Lazy< IfcEdge > ParentEdge;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid
+ struct IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid : IfcSweptAreaSolid, ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid,4> { IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid() : Object("IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > Directrix;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out StartParam;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out EndParam;
+ Lazy< IfcSurface > ReferenceSurface;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSweptSurface
+ struct IfcSweptSurface : IfcSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcSweptSurface,2> { IfcSweptSurface() : Object("IfcSweptSurface") {}
+ Lazy< IfcProfileDef > SweptCurve;
+ Lazy< IfcAxis2Placement3D > Position;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion
+ struct IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion : IfcSweptSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion,2> { IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion() : Object("IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion") {}
+ Lazy< IfcDirection > ExtrudedDirection;
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceOfRevolution
+ struct IfcSurfaceOfRevolution : IfcSweptSurface, ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceOfRevolution,1> { IfcSurfaceOfRevolution() : Object("IfcSurfaceOfRevolution") {}
+ Lazy< IfcAxis1Placement > AxisPosition;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyle
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyle : IfcPresentationStyle, ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceStyle,2> { IfcSurfaceStyle() : Object("IfcSurfaceStyle") {}
+ IfcSurfaceSide::Out Side;
+ ListOf< IfcSurfaceStyleElementSelect, 1, 5 >::Out Styles;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyleShading
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyleShading : ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceStyleShading,1> { IfcSurfaceStyleShading() : Object("IfcSurfaceStyleShading") {}
+ Lazy< IfcColourRgb > SurfaceColour;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyleRendering
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyleRendering : IfcSurfaceStyleShading, ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceStyleRendering,8> { IfcSurfaceStyleRendering() : Object("IfcSurfaceStyleRendering") {}
+ Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > Transparency;
+ Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > DiffuseColour;
+ Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > TransmissionColour;
+ Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > DiffuseTransmissionColour;
+ Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > ReflectionColour;
+ Maybe< IfcColourOrFactor::Out > SpecularColour;
+ Maybe< IfcSpecularHighlightSelect::Out > SpecularHighlight;
+ IfcReflectanceMethodEnum::Out ReflectanceMethod;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures
+ struct IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures : ObjectHelper<IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures,1> { IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures() : Object("IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures") {}
+ ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > Textures;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSweptDiskSolid
+ struct IfcSweptDiskSolid : IfcSolidModel, ObjectHelper<IfcSweptDiskSolid,5> { IfcSweptDiskSolid() : Object("IfcSweptDiskSolid") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > Directrix;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Radius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > InnerRadius;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out StartParam;
+ IfcParameterValue::Out EndParam;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSwitchingDeviceType
+ struct IfcSwitchingDeviceType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcSwitchingDeviceType,1> { IfcSwitchingDeviceType() : Object("IfcSwitchingDeviceType") {}
+ IfcSwitchingDeviceTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcSystemFurnitureElementType
+ struct IfcSystemFurnitureElementType : IfcFurnishingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcSystemFurnitureElementType,0> { IfcSystemFurnitureElementType() : Object("IfcSystemFurnitureElementType") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcTShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcTShapeProfileDef,10> { IfcTShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcTShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeWidth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FlangeEdgeRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > WebEdgeRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > WebSlope;
+ Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > FlangeSlope;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInY;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTankType
+ struct IfcTankType : IfcFlowStorageDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcTankType,1> { IfcTankType() : Object("IfcTankType") {}
+ IfcTankTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTendon
+ struct IfcTendon : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcTendon,8> { IfcTendon() : Object("IfcTendon") {}
+ IfcTendonTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out NominalDiameter;
+ IfcAreaMeasure::Out CrossSectionArea;
+ Maybe< IfcForceMeasure::Out > TensionForce;
+ Maybe< IfcPressureMeasure::Out > PreStress;
+ Maybe< IfcNormalisedRatioMeasure::Out > FrictionCoefficient;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > AnchorageSlip;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > MinCurvatureRadius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTendonAnchor
+ struct IfcTendonAnchor : IfcReinforcingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcTendonAnchor,0> { IfcTendonAnchor() : Object("IfcTendonAnchor") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTextLiteral
+ struct IfcTextLiteral : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcTextLiteral,3> { IfcTextLiteral() : Object("IfcTextLiteral") {}
+ IfcPresentableText::Out Literal;
+ IfcAxis2Placement::Out Placement;
+ IfcTextPath::Out Path;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTextLiteralWithExtent
+ struct IfcTextLiteralWithExtent : IfcTextLiteral, ObjectHelper<IfcTextLiteralWithExtent,2> { IfcTextLiteralWithExtent() : Object("IfcTextLiteralWithExtent") {}
+ Lazy< IfcPlanarExtent > Extent;
+ IfcBoxAlignment::Out BoxAlignment;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTimeSeriesSchedule
+ struct IfcTimeSeriesSchedule : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcTimeSeriesSchedule,3> { IfcTimeSeriesSchedule() : Object("IfcTimeSeriesSchedule") {}
+ Maybe< ListOf< IfcDateTimeSelect, 1, 0 >::Out > ApplicableDates;
+ IfcTimeSeriesScheduleTypeEnum::Out TimeSeriesScheduleType;
+ Lazy< NotImplemented > TimeSeries;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTopologyRepresentation
+ struct IfcTopologyRepresentation : IfcShapeModel, ObjectHelper<IfcTopologyRepresentation,0> { IfcTopologyRepresentation() : Object("IfcTopologyRepresentation") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTransformerType
+ struct IfcTransformerType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcTransformerType,1> { IfcTransformerType() : Object("IfcTransformerType") {}
+ IfcTransformerTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTransportElement
+ struct IfcTransportElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcTransportElement,3> { IfcTransportElement() : Object("IfcTransportElement") {}
+ Maybe< IfcTransportElementTypeEnum::Out > OperationType;
+ Maybe< IfcMassMeasure::Out > CapacityByWeight;
+ Maybe< IfcCountMeasure::Out > CapacityByNumber;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTransportElementType
+ struct IfcTransportElementType : IfcElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcTransportElementType,1> { IfcTransportElementType() : Object("IfcTransportElementType") {}
+ IfcTransportElementTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTrapeziumProfileDef
+ struct IfcTrapeziumProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcTrapeziumProfileDef,4> { IfcTrapeziumProfileDef() : Object("IfcTrapeziumProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out BottomXDim;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out TopXDim;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out YDim;
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out TopXOffset;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTrimmedCurve
+ struct IfcTrimmedCurve : IfcBoundedCurve, ObjectHelper<IfcTrimmedCurve,5> { IfcTrimmedCurve() : Object("IfcTrimmedCurve") {}
+ Lazy< IfcCurve > BasisCurve;
+ ListOf< IfcTrimmingSelect, 1, 2 >::Out Trim1;
+ ListOf< IfcTrimmingSelect, 1, 2 >::Out Trim2;
+ BOOLEAN::Out SenseAgreement;
+ IfcTrimmingPreference::Out MasterRepresentation;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTubeBundleType
+ struct IfcTubeBundleType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcTubeBundleType,1> { IfcTubeBundleType() : Object("IfcTubeBundleType") {}
+ IfcTubeBundleTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor
+ struct IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor : IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor, ObjectHelper<IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor,1> { IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor() : Object("IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor") {}
+ Lazy< IfcVector > SecondRepeatFactor;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcUShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcUShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcUShapeProfileDef,8> { IfcUShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcUShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeWidth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > EdgeRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPlaneAngleMeasure::Out > FlangeSlope;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > CentreOfGravityInX;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcUnitAssignment
+ struct IfcUnitAssignment : ObjectHelper<IfcUnitAssignment,1> { IfcUnitAssignment() : Object("IfcUnitAssignment") {}
+ ListOf< IfcUnit, 1, 0 >::Out Units;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcUnitaryEquipmentType
+ struct IfcUnitaryEquipmentType : IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType, ObjectHelper<IfcUnitaryEquipmentType,1> { IfcUnitaryEquipmentType() : Object("IfcUnitaryEquipmentType") {}
+ IfcUnitaryEquipmentTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcValveType
+ struct IfcValveType : IfcFlowControllerType, ObjectHelper<IfcValveType,1> { IfcValveType() : Object("IfcValveType") {}
+ IfcValveTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcVector
+ struct IfcVector : IfcGeometricRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcVector,2> { IfcVector() : Object("IfcVector") {}
+ Lazy< IfcDirection > Orientation;
+ IfcLengthMeasure::Out Magnitude;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcVertex
+ struct IfcVertex : IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem, ObjectHelper<IfcVertex,0> { IfcVertex() : Object("IfcVertex") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcVertexLoop
+ struct IfcVertexLoop : IfcLoop, ObjectHelper<IfcVertexLoop,1> { IfcVertexLoop() : Object("IfcVertexLoop") {}
+ Lazy< IfcVertex > LoopVertex;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcVertexPoint
+ struct IfcVertexPoint : IfcVertex, ObjectHelper<IfcVertexPoint,1> { IfcVertexPoint() : Object("IfcVertexPoint") {}
+ Lazy< IfcPoint > VertexGeometry;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcVibrationIsolatorType
+ struct IfcVibrationIsolatorType : IfcDiscreteAccessoryType, ObjectHelper<IfcVibrationIsolatorType,1> { IfcVibrationIsolatorType() : Object("IfcVibrationIsolatorType") {}
+ IfcVibrationIsolatorTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcVirtualElement
+ struct IfcVirtualElement : IfcElement, ObjectHelper<IfcVirtualElement,0> { IfcVirtualElement() : Object("IfcVirtualElement") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWall
+ struct IfcWall : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcWall,0> { IfcWall() : Object("IfcWall") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWallStandardCase
+ struct IfcWallStandardCase : IfcWall, ObjectHelper<IfcWallStandardCase,0> { IfcWallStandardCase() : Object("IfcWallStandardCase") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWallType
+ struct IfcWallType : IfcBuildingElementType, ObjectHelper<IfcWallType,1> { IfcWallType() : Object("IfcWallType") {}
+ IfcWallTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWasteTerminalType
+ struct IfcWasteTerminalType : IfcFlowTerminalType, ObjectHelper<IfcWasteTerminalType,1> { IfcWasteTerminalType() : Object("IfcWasteTerminalType") {}
+ IfcWasteTerminalTypeEnum::Out PredefinedType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWindow
+ struct IfcWindow : IfcBuildingElement, ObjectHelper<IfcWindow,2> { IfcWindow() : Object("IfcWindow") {}
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallHeight;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > OverallWidth;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWindowStyle
+ struct IfcWindowStyle : IfcTypeProduct, ObjectHelper<IfcWindowStyle,4> { IfcWindowStyle() : Object("IfcWindowStyle") {}
+ IfcWindowStyleConstructionEnum::Out ConstructionType;
+ IfcWindowStyleOperationEnum::Out OperationType;
+ BOOLEAN::Out ParameterTakesPrecedence;
+ BOOLEAN::Out Sizeable;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWorkControl
+ struct IfcWorkControl : IfcControl, ObjectHelper<IfcWorkControl,10> { IfcWorkControl() : Object("IfcWorkControl") {}
+ IfcIdentifier::Out Identifier;
+ IfcDateTimeSelect::Out CreationDate;
+ Maybe< ListOf< Lazy< NotImplemented >, 1, 0 > > Creators;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > Purpose;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > Duration;
+ Maybe< IfcTimeMeasure::Out > TotalFloat;
+ IfcDateTimeSelect::Out StartTime;
+ Maybe< IfcDateTimeSelect::Out > FinishTime;
+ Maybe< IfcWorkControlTypeEnum::Out > WorkControlType;
+ Maybe< IfcLabel::Out > UserDefinedControlType;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWorkPlan
+ struct IfcWorkPlan : IfcWorkControl, ObjectHelper<IfcWorkPlan,0> { IfcWorkPlan() : Object("IfcWorkPlan") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcWorkSchedule
+ struct IfcWorkSchedule : IfcWorkControl, ObjectHelper<IfcWorkSchedule,0> { IfcWorkSchedule() : Object("IfcWorkSchedule") {}
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcZShapeProfileDef
+ struct IfcZShapeProfileDef : IfcParameterizedProfileDef, ObjectHelper<IfcZShapeProfileDef,6> { IfcZShapeProfileDef() : Object("IfcZShapeProfileDef") {}
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out Depth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeWidth;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out WebThickness;
+ IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out FlangeThickness;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > FilletRadius;
+ Maybe< IfcPositiveLengthMeasure::Out > EdgeRadius;
+ };
+ // C++ wrapper for IfcZone
+ struct IfcZone : IfcGroup, ObjectHelper<IfcZone,0> { IfcZone() : Object("IfcZone") {}
+ };
+ void GetSchema(EXPRESS::ConversionSchema& out);
+ } //! Schema_2x3
+} //! IFC
+namespace STEP {
+ // ******************************************************************************
+ // Converter stubs
+ // ******************************************************************************
+#define DECL_CONV_STUB(type) template <> size_t GenericFill<IFC::Schema_2x3::type>(const STEP::DB& db, const EXPRESS::LIST& params, IFC::Schema_2x3::type* in)
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentationItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricRepresentationItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoundedCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompositeCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(Ifc2DCompositeCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcObjectDefinition);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcObject);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcControl);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcActionRequest);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTypeObject);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTypeProduct);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionControlElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcActuatorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionFlowElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowControllerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAirTerminalBoxType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAirTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEnergyConversionDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAirToAirHeatRecoveryType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAlarmType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDraughtingCallout);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDimensionCurveDirectedCallout);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAngularDimension);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProduct);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStyledItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationOccurrence);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationCurveOccurrence);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationFillArea);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationFillAreaOccurrence);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationSurfaceOccurrence);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationSymbolOccurrence);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAnnotationTextOccurrence);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcArbitraryClosedProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcArbitraryOpenProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcArbitraryProfileDefWithVoids);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcParameterizedProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcIShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAsymmetricIShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlacement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAxis1Placement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAxis2Placement2D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcAxis2Placement3D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBSplineCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBeamType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBezierCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCsgPrimitive3D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoilerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBooleanResult);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBooleanClippingResult);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoundedSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoundingBox);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcHalfSpaceSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBoxedHalfSpace);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpatialStructureElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuilding);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementComponent);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementPart);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementProxy);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingElementProxyType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcBuildingStorey);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowFittingType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCableCarrierFittingType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowSegmentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCableCarrierSegmentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCableSegmentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianPoint);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator2DnonUniform);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCartesianTransformationOperator3DnonUniform);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCenterLineProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFeatureElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFeatureElementSubtraction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdgeFeature);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcChamferEdgeFeature);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcChillerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCircle);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCircleProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCircleHollowProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTopologicalRepresentationItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConnectedFaceSet);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcClosedShell);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCoilType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColourSpecification);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColourRgb);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColumn);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcColumnType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProperty);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcComplexProperty);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompositeCurveSegment);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompositeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowMovingDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCompressorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCondenserType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCondition);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConditionCriterion);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionEquipmentResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionMaterialResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConstructionProductResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcNamedUnit);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcContextDependentUnit);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcControllerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcConversionBasedUnit);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCooledBeamType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCoolingTowerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCostItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCostSchedule);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCovering);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCoveringType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCraneRailAShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCraneRailFShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCrewResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSolidModel);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCsgSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurtainWall);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurtainWallType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcCurveBoundedPlane);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPresentationStyle);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDamperType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDefinedSymbol);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDerivedProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDiameterDimension);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDimensionCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTerminatorSymbol);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDimensionCurveTerminator);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDirection);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementComponent);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDiscreteAccessory);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementComponentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDiscreteAccessoryType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionFlowElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionChamberElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionChamberElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionControlElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDistributionPort);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertyDefinition);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertySetDefinition);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDoorStyle);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDuctFittingType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDuctSegmentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTreatmentDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcDuctSilencerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdgeCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEdgeLoop);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricApplianceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowController);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricDistributionPoint);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowStorageDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricFlowStorageDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricGeneratorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricHeaterType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricMotorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricTimeControlType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSystem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricalCircuit);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElectricalElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementAssembly);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementQuantity);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcElementarySurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEllipse);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEllipseProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEnergyConversionDevice);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEquipmentElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEquipmentStandard);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEvaporativeCoolerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcEvaporatorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSweptAreaSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcExtrudedAreaSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceBasedSurfaceModel);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceBound);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceOuterBound);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFaceSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcManifoldSolidBrep);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFacetedBrep);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFacetedBrepWithVoids);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFastener);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFastenerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFeatureElementAddition);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFillAreaStyleHatching);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFillAreaStyleTileSymbolWithStyle);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFillAreaStyleTiles);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFilterType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFireSuppressionTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowFitting);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowInstrumentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowMeterType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowMovingDevice);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowSegment);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowStorageDevice);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTerminal);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFlowTreatmentDevice);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFooting);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnishingElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnishingElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnitureStandard);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcFurnitureType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGasTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricSet);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricCurveSet);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentationContext);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricRepresentationContext);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGeometricRepresentationSubContext);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcObjectPlacement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcGridPlacement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcHeatExchangerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcHumidifierType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcInventory);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcJunctionBoxType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLaborResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLampType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightFixtureType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceAmbient);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceDirectional);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceGoniometric);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourcePositional);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLightSourceSpot);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLinearDimension);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcLocalPlacement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMappedItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProductRepresentation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMaterialDefinitionRepresentation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMeasureWithUnit);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMechanicalFastener);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMechanicalFastenerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMember);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMemberType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcMotorConnectionType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProcess);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOccupant);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOffsetCurve2D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOffsetCurve3D);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOneDirectionRepeatFactor);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOpenShell);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOpeningElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOrderAction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOrientedEdge);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcOutletType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPerformanceHistory);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPermit);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPipeFittingType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPipeSegmentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlanarExtent);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlanarBox);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPlateType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPointOnCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPointOnSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPolyLoop);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPolygonalBoundedHalfSpace);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPolyline);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPresentationStyleAssignment);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProcedure);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProductDefinitionShape);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProject);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectOrder);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectOrderRecord);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectionCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProjectionElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSimpleProperty);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertyBoundedValue);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertyEnumeratedValue);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertyListValue);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertyReferenceValue);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertySet);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertySingleValue);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPropertyTableValue);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcProtectiveDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcPumpType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRadiusDimension);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRailing);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRailingType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRampFlight);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRampFlightType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRationalBezierCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangleProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangleHollowProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangularPyramid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRectangularTrimmedSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcReinforcingElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcReinforcingBar);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcReinforcingMesh);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelationship);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelDecomposes);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelAggregates);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelConnects);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelDefines);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelDefinesByProperties);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelFillsElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelOverridesProperties);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRelVoidsElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRepresentationMap);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRevolvedAreaSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRightCircularCone);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRightCircularCylinder);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRoundedEdgeFeature);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcRoundedRectangleProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSanitaryTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcScheduleTimeControl);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSectionedSpine);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSensorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcServiceLife);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcShapeModel);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcShapeRepresentation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcShellBasedSurfaceModel);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSlabType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpaceHeaterType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpaceProgram);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpatialStructureElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSpaceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSphere);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStackTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStairFlight);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStairFlightType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralActivity);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralAction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralAnalysisModel);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralItem);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralConnection);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralCurveConnection);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralMember);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralCurveMember);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralCurveMemberVarying);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralLinearAction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralLinearActionVarying);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralLoadGroup);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPlanarAction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPlanarActionVarying);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPointAction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPointConnection);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralReaction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralPointReaction);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralResultGroup);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralSurfaceConnection);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralSurfaceMember);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuralSurfaceMemberVarying);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStructuredDimensionCallout);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStyleModel);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcStyledRepresentation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSubContractResource);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSubedge);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceCurveSweptAreaSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSweptSurface);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceOfLinearExtrusion);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceOfRevolution);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyle);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyleShading);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyleRendering);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSurfaceStyleWithTextures);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSweptDiskSolid);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSwitchingDeviceType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcSystemFurnitureElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTankType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTendon);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTendonAnchor);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTextLiteral);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTextLiteralWithExtent);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTimeSeriesSchedule);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTopologyRepresentation);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTransformerType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTransportElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTransportElementType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTrapeziumProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTrimmedCurve);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTubeBundleType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcTwoDirectionRepeatFactor);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcUShapeProfileDef);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcUnitAssignment);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcUnitaryEquipmentType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcValveType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVector);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVertex);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVertexLoop);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVertexPoint);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVibrationIsolatorType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcVirtualElement);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWallStandardCase);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWallType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWasteTerminalType);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWindow);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWindowStyle);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWorkControl);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWorkPlan);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcWorkSchedule);
+ DECL_CONV_STUB(IfcZShapeProfileDef);
+} //! STEP
+} //! Assimp
+#ifdef _MSC_VER
+# pragma warning(pop)
+#endif // _MSC_VER