path: root/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY')
2 files changed, 919 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY/ant-half.ply b/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY/ant-half.ply
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..47cf9a9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY/ant-half.ply
@@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
+format ascii 1.0
+element vertex 486
+property float32 x
+property float32 y
+property float32 z
+element face 912
+property list uint8 int32 vertex_indices
+-1.106 3.844 9.073
+-0.3523 0.4402 11.07
+1.028 3.76 9.209
+0.137 -0.5632 10.73
+2.01 4.503 5.887
+0.07813 5.232 6.794
+-0.7266 3.741 3.839
+-2.789 3.179 5.07
+-0.9185 2.402 3.279
+1.445 2.139 3.394
+-3.114 1.498 5.285
+-1.317 -1.269 8.385
+-0.854 -1.319 5.036
+-0.9351 5.347 0.6162
+-0.8184 2.622 3.235
+0.4875 5.529 -0.2241
+3.193 2.756 1.633
+3.213 1.145 -2.568
+-2.25 1.208 2.767
+0.3225 0.8339 3.323
+1.354 -1.725 1.105
+0.1887 1.133 -5.785
+-3.637 2.696 0.3325
+-3.706 0.8936 -0.5452
+-0.4326 -0.8737 -4.095
+-2.994 -0.4858 0.9023
+0.1252 -2.079 -1.51
+2.856 -0.7459 -1.187
+2.32 3.733 8.13
+2.031 3.721 9.095
+2.819 3.567 8.537
+1.994 2.581 9.711
+2.64 2.491 9.542
+3.187 2.528 8.375
+1.628 2.491 7.518
+1.62 3.721 8.274
+0.9868 2.471 8.914
+1.552 2.106 9.414
+2.657 1.774 8.918
+-1.805 3.733 8.13
+-2.094 3.721 9.095
+-1.306 3.567 8.537
+-2.131 2.581 9.711
+-1.485 2.491 9.542
+-0.938 2.528 8.375
+-2.497 2.491 7.518
+-2.505 3.721 8.274
+-3.138 2.471 8.914
+-2.573 2.106 9.414
+-1.469 1.774 8.918
+1.549 3.638 6.803
+1.355 3.638 6.7
+1.424 5.126 6.883
+1.615 5.083 6.981
+1.169 3.638 6.815
+1.237 5.115 6.997
+1.176 3.638 7.035
+1.241 5.061 7.21
+1.369 3.638 7.138
+1.433 5.018 7.308
+1.556 3.638 7.023
+1.62 5.029 7.194
+1.625 6.512 7.421
+1.811 6.429 7.504
+1.437 6.49 7.531
+1.434 6.386 7.724
+1.619 6.304 7.807
+1.808 6.326 7.697
+1.945 7.702 8.276
+2.121 7.585 8.335
+1.754 7.672 8.38
+1.74 7.525 8.542
+1.916 7.408 8.601
+2.107 7.439 8.497
+2.362 8.615 9.391
+2.526 8.473 9.417
+2.168 8.578 9.487
+2.138 8.398 9.608
+2.303 8.255 9.635
+2.497 8.293 9.539
+2.847 9.189 10.69
+2.998 9.03 10.68
+2.649 9.148 10.78
+2.603 8.947 10.85
+2.753 8.788 10.84
+2.95 8.83 10.75
+3.368 9.385 12.08
+3.503 9.22 12.03
+3.167 9.342 12.16
+3.101 9.134 12.18
+3.236 8.97 12.13
+3.438 9.013 12.06
+3.889 9.189 13.48
+4.01 9.03 13.39
+3.684 9.148 13.54
+3.599 8.947 13.51
+3.719 8.788 13.42
+3.925 8.83 13.36
+4.374 8.615 14.77
+4.481 8.473 14.65
+4.165 8.578 14.83
+4.063 8.398 14.76
+4.17 8.255 14.63
+4.379 8.293 14.57
+4.791 7.702 15.89
+4.886 7.585 15.73
+4.579 7.672 15.94
+4.462 7.525 15.82
+4.556 7.408 15.66
+4.769 7.439 15.62
+5.111 6.512 16.74
+5.196 6.429 16.56
+4.896 6.49 16.78
+4.768 6.386 16.64
+4.853 6.304 16.46
+5.068 6.326 16.42
+-1.141 5.126 6.883
+-1.072 3.638 6.7
+-1.266 3.638 6.803
+-1.332 5.083 6.981
+-0.9541 5.115 6.997
+-0.886 3.638 6.815
+-0.9585 5.061 7.21
+-0.8928 3.638 7.035
+-1.15 5.018 7.308
+-1.086 3.638 7.138
+-1.337 5.029 7.194
+-1.272 3.638 7.023
+-1.342 6.512 7.421
+-1.528 6.429 7.504
+-1.154 6.49 7.531
+-1.151 6.386 7.724
+-1.336 6.304 7.807
+-1.525 6.326 7.697
+-1.662 7.702 8.276
+-1.838 7.585 8.335
+-1.471 7.672 8.38
+-1.457 7.525 8.542
+-1.633 7.408 8.601
+-1.824 7.439 8.497
+-2.079 8.615 9.391
+-2.243 8.473 9.417
+-1.885 8.578 9.487
+-1.855 8.398 9.608
+-2.02 8.255 9.635
+-2.214 8.293 9.539
+-2.564 9.189 10.69
+-2.715 9.03 10.68
+-2.366 9.148 10.78
+-2.32 8.947 10.85
+-2.47 8.788 10.84
+-2.667 8.83 10.75
+-3.085 9.385 12.08
+-3.22 9.22 12.03
+-2.884 9.342 12.16
+-2.818 9.134 12.18
+-2.953 8.97 12.13
+-3.155 9.013 12.06
+-3.606 9.189 13.48
+-3.726 9.03 13.39
+-3.4 9.148 13.54
+-3.316 8.947 13.51
+-3.437 8.788 13.42
+-3.642 8.83 13.36
+-4.091 8.615 14.77
+-4.198 8.473 14.65
+-3.882 8.578 14.83
+-3.78 8.398 14.76
+-3.887 8.255 14.63
+-4.096 8.293 14.57
+-4.508 7.702 15.89
+-4.603 7.585 15.73
+-4.296 7.672 15.94
+-4.179 7.525 15.82
+-4.273 7.408 15.66
+-4.485 7.439 15.62
+-4.828 6.512 16.74
+-4.913 6.429 16.56
+-4.613 6.49 16.78
+-4.484 6.386 16.64
+-4.57 6.304 16.46
+-4.784 6.326 16.42
+-1.519 -2.27 2.989
+-1.987 -1.082 3.408
+-2.709 -1.989 3.536
+-1.513 -2.259 2.974
+-2.524 -1.536 2.471
+-4.318 -0.3933 4.187
+-4.692 -0.6204 3.123
+-6.274 0.9227 4.173
+-5.533 1.852 4.043
+-6.084 1.387 3.082
+-6.844 2.279 4.015
+-6.83 1.957 4.012
+-6.886 2.118 3.737
+-7.536 1.346 4.658
+-7.229 0.9683 4.298
+-8.053 1.724 3.821
+-7.747 1.346 3.46
+-9.085 -0.1982 5.078
+-9.347 -0.1982 3.597
+-8.702 -0.7393 4.247
+-10.91 -1.528 5.154
+-10.39 -2.11 4.847
+-11.08 -1.528 4.148
+-10.49 -2.11 4.26
+-11.58 -2.509 4.768
+-11.57 -2.523 4.76
+-11.59 -2.509 4.742
+-11.57 -2.523 4.744
+-12.39 -3.546 5.269
+-11.93 -3.852 5.034
+-12.52 -3.546 4.548
+-12.87 -4.803 5.622
+-12.58 -5.09 4.606
+-13.49 -4.516 4.767
+-13.11 -6.264 5.38
+-14.78 -6.803 5.643
+-14.49 -7.092 4.622
+-15.35 -8.042 5.637
+-14.73 -8.43 5.528
+-15.15 -8.236 4.95
+-15.78 -9.378 5.503
+-15.77 -9.385 5.497
+-15.78 -9.375 5.495
+-15.78 -9.378 5.486
+-15.77 -9.383 5.484
+-1.522 -2.262 -1.24
+-1.519 -2.258 -1.231
+-1.522 -2.262 -1.222
+-1.529 -2.27 -1.222
+-1.529 -2.27 -1.24
+-2.061 -1.082 -0.8906
+-2.428 -1.536 -1.907
+-3.082 -0.4963 -0.5522
+-3.082 -0.4963 -1.91
+-3.759 -1.333 -1.628
+-5.567 0.1257 -0.8323
+-5.665 1.852 -0.8818
+-6.417 0.9227 -0.8818
+-6.041 1.387 -1.924
+-6.95 2.279 -1.137
+-6.937 1.957 -1.326
+-6.943 2.118 -1.418
+-7.378 0.9683 -0.9246
+-8.108 1.724 -0.9246
+-7.743 1.346 -1.84
+-8.797 0.8371 -0.6052
+-9.793 0.269 -1.611
+-8.891 -0.6654 -1.611
+-10.59 -2.11 -0.9326
+-10.57 -0.523 -0.8679
+-11.3 -1.375 -0.9326
+-10.94 -1.742 -1.823
+-11.75 -2.506 -1.223
+-11.73 -2.523 -1.223
+-11.74 -2.514 -1.247
+-12.76 -3.466 -1.017
+-12.14 -3.852 -1.017
+-12.45 -3.659 -1.656
+-13.16 -4.803 -0.6001
+-12.7 -5.09 -1.55
+-13.62 -4.516 -1.55
+-13.36 -6.264 -0.8809
+-15.05 -6.803 -0.9114
+-14.58 -7.092 -1.866
+-15.6 -8.042 -1.016
+-14.98 -8.43 -1.016
+-15.29 -8.236 -1.658
+-16.01 -9.378 -1.222
+-15.99 -9.385 -1.226
+-16.01 -9.375 -1.231
+-16.01 -9.378 -1.24
+-16 -9.383 -1.24
+-1.522 -2.27 -4.918
+-2.105 -1.082 -4.684
+-2.827 -1.989 -4.812
+-1.513 -2.262 -4.935
+-2.29 -1.536 -5.749
+-4.562 -0.3933 -4.75
+-4.55 -0.6204 -5.878
+-6.395 0.9227 -5.432
+-5.655 1.852 -5.302
+-5.844 1.387 -6.393
+-6.877 2.279 -5.776
+-6.863 1.957 -5.773
+-6.821 2.118 -6.051
+-7.747 1.346 -5.408
+-7.335 0.9683 -5.641
+-7.947 1.724 -6.372
+-7.536 1.346 -6.605
+-9.347 -0.1982 -5.543
+-9.085 -0.1982 -7.025
+-8.702 -0.7393 -6.193
+-11.08 -1.528 -6.095
+-10.49 -2.11 -6.206
+-10.91 -1.528 -7.101
+-10.39 -2.11 -6.794
+-11.59 -2.509 -6.689
+-11.57 -2.523 -6.691
+-11.58 -2.509 -6.715
+-11.57 -2.523 -6.707
+-12.52 -3.546 -6.495
+-12.01 -3.852 -6.559
+-12.39 -3.546 -7.217
+-13.09 -4.803 -6.326
+-12.47 -5.09 -7.18
+-13.38 -4.516 -7.341
+-13.24 -6.264 -6.637
+-14.89 -6.803 -6.96
+-14.27 -7.092 -7.819
+-15.42 -8.042 -7.159
+-14.8 -8.43 -7.051
+-15 -8.236 -7.738
+-15.78 -9.378 -7.432
+-15.77 -9.385 -7.434
+-15.78 -9.375 -7.442
+-15.78 -9.378 -7.45
+-15.77 -9.383 -7.448
+1.522 -2.27 -4.918
+1.511 -2.258 -4.926
+1.513 -2.262 -4.935
+2.828 -1.989 -4.812
+2.105 -1.082 -4.684
+2.29 -1.536 -5.749
+4.55 -0.6204 -5.878
+4.562 -0.3933 -4.75
+6.395 0.9227 -5.432
+5.655 1.852 -5.302
+5.844 1.387 -6.393
+6.877 2.279 -5.776
+6.863 1.957 -5.773
+6.821 2.118 -6.051
+7.335 0.9683 -5.641
+7.747 1.346 -5.408
+7.947 1.724 -6.372
+7.536 1.346 -6.605
+9.347 -0.1982 -5.543
+9.086 -0.1982 -7.025
+8.702 -0.7393 -6.193
+11.08 -1.528 -6.095
+10.49 -2.11 -6.206
+10.91 -1.528 -7.101
+10.39 -2.11 -6.794
+11.59 -2.509 -6.689
+11.57 -2.523 -6.691
+11.58 -2.509 -6.715
+11.57 -2.523 -6.707
+12.52 -3.546 -6.495
+12.01 -3.852 -6.559
+12.39 -3.546 -7.217
+12.47 -5.09 -7.18
+13.09 -4.803 -6.326
+13.38 -4.516 -7.341
+13.24 -6.264 -6.637
+14.89 -6.803 -6.96
+14.27 -7.092 -7.819
+15.42 -8.042 -7.159
+14.8 -8.43 -7.051
+15 -8.236 -7.738
+15.78 -9.378 -7.432
+15.77 -9.385 -7.434
+15.78 -9.375 -7.442
+15.78 -9.378 -7.45
+15.77 -9.383 -7.448
+-0.9592 -0.9547 10.35
+0.007813 0.3928 11.6
+-0.7324 1.062 10.63
+0.007813 -1.855 11.37
+0.007813 -2.459 10.63
+0.007813 0.3928 9.662
+-0.3928 1.509 10.63
+0.7327 1.062 10.63
+-0.007813 0.3928 11.6
+0.9595 -0.9547 10.35
+-0.007813 -1.855 11.37
+-0.007813 -2.459 10.63
+-0.007813 0.3928 9.662
+0.3931 1.509 10.63
+1.513 -2.262 2.988
+1.511 -2.258 2.979
+1.516 -2.262 2.97
+1.522 -2.27 2.971
+1.52 -2.27 2.989
+1.987 -1.082 3.408
+2.524 -1.536 2.471
+2.933 -0.4963 3.919
+3.168 -0.4963 2.581
+3.786 -1.333 2.977
+5.429 0.1257 4.074
+5.534 1.852 4.042
+6.274 0.9227 4.173
+6.085 1.387 3.082
+6.863 1.957 3.827
+6.844 2.279 4.015
+6.886 2.118 3.737
+7.229 0.9683 4.298
+7.947 1.724 4.425
+7.747 1.346 3.46
+8.57 0.8371 4.859
+9.726 0.269 4.042
+8.838 -0.6654 3.885
+10.39 -2.11 4.847
+10.37 -0.523 4.909
+11.09 -1.375 4.97
+10.89 -1.742 4.032
+11.59 -2.506 4.763
+11.57 -2.523 4.76
+11.58 -2.514 4.739
+12.55 -3.466 5.142
+11.93 -3.852 5.034
+12.35 -3.659 4.459
+12.58 -5.09 4.606
+12.87 -4.803 5.622
+13.49 -4.516 4.767
+13.11 -6.264 5.38
+14.78 -6.803 5.643
+14.49 -7.092 4.622
+15.35 -8.042 5.637
+14.73 -8.43 5.528
+15.15 -8.236 4.95
+15.78 -9.378 5.503
+15.77 -9.385 5.497
+15.78 -9.375 5.495
+15.78 -9.378 5.486
+15.77 -9.383 5.484
+1.529 -2.27 -1.222
+1.519 -2.258 -1.231
+1.522 -2.262 -1.24
+2.795 -1.989 -0.8906
+2.062 -1.082 -0.8906
+2.428 -1.536 -1.907
+4.677 -0.6204 -1.642
+4.493 -0.3933 -0.5283
+6.417 0.9227 -0.8818
+5.665 1.852 -0.8818
+6.041 1.387 -1.924
+6.951 2.279 -1.137
+6.937 1.957 -1.137
+6.944 2.118 -1.418
+7.379 0.9683 -0.9246
+7.743 1.346 -0.623
+8.108 1.724 -1.538
+7.743 1.346 -1.84
+9.343 -0.1982 -0.4792
+9.343 -0.1982 -1.983
+8.82 -0.7393 -1.231
+11.15 -1.528 -0.7207
+10.59 -2.11 -0.9326
+11.15 -1.528 -1.742
+10.59 -2.11 -1.53
+11.75 -2.509 -1.218
+11.73 -2.523 -1.223
+11.75 -2.509 -1.245
+11.73 -2.523 -1.239
+12.63 -3.546 -0.8647
+12.14 -3.852 -1.017
+12.63 -3.546 -1.598
+12.7 -5.09 -1.55
+13.16 -4.803 -0.6001
+13.62 -4.516 -1.55
+13.36 -6.264 -0.8804
+15.05 -6.803 -0.9111
+14.58 -7.092 -1.866
+15.6 -8.042 -1.016
+14.98 -8.43 -1.016
+15.29 -8.236 -1.658
+16.01 -9.378 -1.222
+15.99 -9.385 -1.226
+16.01 -9.375 -1.231
+16.01 -9.378 -1.24
+16 -9.383 -1.24
+-0.7932 4.462 -7.734
+-0.3843 1.974 -5.495
+1.95 3.241 -7.348
+1.167 0.6428 -6.109
+3.808 0.1871 -9.572
+3.644 1.688 -11.88
+0.07617 4.961 -10.12
+3.28 -0.5704 -14.15
+0.2488 -1.848 -16.78
+-0.9744 -2.686 -16.57
+0.7307 -3.159 -16.47
+-2.678 2.963 -8.185
+-2.616 -2.779 -12.24
+-1.159 -1.533 -8.922
+3 0 1 2
+3 1 3 2
+3 2 4 5
+3 4 6 5
+3 5 6 7
+3 7 6 8
+3 2 3 9
+3 2 9 4
+3 4 9 6
+3 6 9 8
+3 5 0 2
+3 5 7 0
+3 8 10 7
+3 7 10 0
+3 0 10 1
+3 1 10 11
+3 1 11 3
+3 10 12 11
+3 11 12 3
+3 3 12 9
+3 10 8 12
+3 12 8 9
+3 13 14 15
+3 15 14 16
+3 17 15 16
+3 18 19 14
+3 14 19 16
+3 19 20 16
+3 15 17 21
+3 15 21 13
+3 14 13 18
+3 21 22 13
+3 13 22 18
+3 21 23 22
+3 21 24 23
+3 23 25 22
+3 22 25 18
+3 18 25 20
+3 18 20 19
+3 23 26 25
+3 25 26 20
+3 23 24 26
+3 26 24 27
+3 26 27 20
+3 20 27 16
+3 24 21 27
+3 27 21 17
+3 27 17 16
+3 28 29 30
+3 31 32 29
+3 29 32 30
+3 32 33 30
+3 30 33 28
+3 28 33 34
+3 28 34 35
+3 35 34 36
+3 28 35 29
+3 35 36 29
+3 29 36 31
+3 36 37 31
+3 31 37 32
+3 37 38 32
+3 32 38 33
+3 36 34 37
+3 37 34 38
+3 38 34 33
+3 39 40 41
+3 42 43 40
+3 40 43 41
+3 43 44 41
+3 41 44 39
+3 39 44 45
+3 39 45 46
+3 46 45 47
+3 39 46 40
+3 46 47 40
+3 40 47 42
+3 47 48 42
+3 42 48 43
+3 48 49 43
+3 43 49 44
+3 47 45 48
+3 48 45 49
+3 49 45 44
+3 50 51 52
+3 50 52 53
+3 51 54 55
+3 51 55 52
+3 54 56 57
+3 54 57 55
+3 56 58 59
+3 56 59 57
+3 58 60 61
+3 58 61 59
+3 60 50 53
+3 60 53 61
+3 53 52 62
+3 53 62 63
+3 52 55 64
+3 52 64 62
+3 55 57 65
+3 55 65 64
+3 57 59 66
+3 57 66 65
+3 59 61 67
+3 59 67 66
+3 61 53 63
+3 61 63 67
+3 63 62 68
+3 63 68 69
+3 62 64 70
+3 62 70 68
+3 64 65 71
+3 64 71 70
+3 65 66 72
+3 65 72 71
+3 66 67 73
+3 66 73 72
+3 67 63 69
+3 67 69 73
+3 69 68 74
+3 69 74 75
+3 68 70 76
+3 68 76 74
+3 70 71 77
+3 70 77 76
+3 71 72 78
+3 71 78 77
+3 72 73 79
+3 72 79 78
+3 73 69 75
+3 73 75 79
+3 75 74 80
+3 75 80 81
+3 74 76 82
+3 74 82 80
+3 76 77 83
+3 76 83 82
+3 77 78 84
+3 77 84 83
+3 78 79 85
+3 78 85 84
+3 79 75 81
+3 79 81 85
+3 81 80 86
+3 81 86 87
+3 80 82 88
+3 80 88 86
+3 82 83 89
+3 82 89 88
+3 83 84 90
+3 83 90 89
+3 84 85 91
+3 84 91 90
+3 85 81 87
+3 85 87 91
+3 87 86 92
+3 87 92 93
+3 86 88 94
+3 86 94 92
+3 88 89 95
+3 88 95 94
+3 89 90 96
+3 89 96 95
+3 90 91 97
+3 90 97 96
+3 91 87 93
+3 91 93 97
+3 93 92 98
+3 93 98 99
+3 92 94 100
+3 92 100 98
+3 94 95 101
+3 94 101 100
+3 95 96 102
+3 95 102 101
+3 96 97 103
+3 96 103 102
+3 97 93 99
+3 97 99 103
+3 99 98 104
+3 99 104 105
+3 98 100 106
+3 98 106 104
+3 100 101 107
+3 100 107 106
+3 101 102 108
+3 101 108 107
+3 102 103 109
+3 102 109 108
+3 103 99 105
+3 103 105 109
+3 105 104 110
+3 105 110 111
+3 104 106 112
+3 104 112 110
+3 106 107 113
+3 106 113 112
+3 107 108 114
+3 107 114 113
+3 108 109 115
+3 108 115 114
+3 109 105 111
+3 109 111 115
+3 54 51 50
+3 56 54 50
+3 58 56 50
+3 60 58 50
+3 112 113 110
+3 113 114 110
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diff --git a/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY/ant-half.ply.license b/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY/ant-half.ply.license
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cca7fc2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/libs/assimp/test/models-nonbsd/PLY/ant-half.ply.license
@@ -0,0 +1,165 @@
+ Version 3, 29 June 2007
+ Copyright (C) 2007 Free Software Foundation, Inc. <>
+ Everyone is permitted to copy and distribute verbatim copies
+ of this license document, but changing it is not allowed.
+ This version of the GNU Lesser General Public License incorporates
+the terms and conditions of version 3 of the GNU General Public
+License, supplemented by the additional permissions listed below.
+ 0. Additional Definitions.
+ As used herein, "this License" refers to version 3 of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, and the "GNU GPL" refers to version 3 of the GNU
+General Public License.
+ "The Library" refers to a covered work governed by this License,
+other than an Application or a Combined Work as defined below.
+ An "Application" is any work that makes use of an interface provided
+by the Library, but which is not otherwise based on the Library.
+Defining a subclass of a class defined by the Library is deemed a mode
+of using an interface provided by the Library.
+ A "Combined Work" is a work produced by combining or linking an
+Application with the Library. The particular version of the Library
+with which the Combined Work was made is also called the "Linked
+ The "Minimal Corresponding Source" for a Combined Work means the
+Corresponding Source for the Combined Work, excluding any source code
+for portions of the Combined Work that, considered in isolation, are
+based on the Application, and not on the Linked Version.
+ The "Corresponding Application Code" for a Combined Work means the
+object code and/or source code for the Application, including any data
+and utility programs needed for reproducing the Combined Work from the
+Application, but excluding the System Libraries of the Combined Work.
+ 1. Exception to Section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ You may convey a covered work under sections 3 and 4 of this License
+without being bound by section 3 of the GNU GPL.
+ 2. Conveying Modified Versions.
+ If you modify a copy of the Library, and, in your modifications, a
+facility refers to a function or data to be supplied by an Application
+that uses the facility (other than as an argument passed when the
+facility is invoked), then you may convey a copy of the modified
+ a) under this License, provided that you make a good faith effort to
+ ensure that, in the event an Application does not supply the
+ function or data, the facility still operates, and performs
+ whatever part of its purpose remains meaningful, or
+ b) under the GNU GPL, with none of the additional permissions of
+ this License applicable to that copy.
+ 3. Object Code Incorporating Material from Library Header Files.
+ The object code form of an Application may incorporate material from
+a header file that is part of the Library. You may convey such object
+code under terms of your choice, provided that, if the incorporated
+material is not limited to numerical parameters, data structure
+layouts and accessors, or small macros, inline functions and templates
+(ten or fewer lines in length), you do both of the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the object code that the
+ Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the object code with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ 4. Combined Works.
+ You may convey a Combined Work under terms of your choice that,
+taken together, effectively do not restrict modification of the
+portions of the Library contained in the Combined Work and reverse
+engineering for debugging such modifications, if you also do each of
+the following:
+ a) Give prominent notice with each copy of the Combined Work that
+ the Library is used in it and that the Library and its use are
+ covered by this License.
+ b) Accompany the Combined Work with a copy of the GNU GPL and this license
+ document.
+ c) For a Combined Work that displays copyright notices during
+ execution, include the copyright notice for the Library among
+ these notices, as well as a reference directing the user to the
+ copies of the GNU GPL and this license document.
+ d) Do one of the following:
+ 0) Convey the Minimal Corresponding Source under the terms of this
+ License, and the Corresponding Application Code in a form
+ suitable for, and under terms that permit, the user to
+ recombine or relink the Application with a modified version of
+ the Linked Version to produce a modified Combined Work, in the
+ manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL for conveying
+ Corresponding Source.
+ 1) Use a suitable shared library mechanism for linking with the
+ Library. A suitable mechanism is one that (a) uses at run time
+ a copy of the Library already present on the user's computer
+ system, and (b) will operate properly with a modified version
+ of the Library that is interface-compatible with the Linked
+ Version.
+ e) Provide Installation Information, but only if you would otherwise
+ be required to provide such information under section 6 of the
+ GNU GPL, and only to the extent that such information is
+ necessary to install and execute a modified version of the
+ Combined Work produced by recombining or relinking the
+ Application with a modified version of the Linked Version. (If
+ you use option 4d0, the Installation Information must accompany
+ the Minimal Corresponding Source and Corresponding Application
+ Code. If you use option 4d1, you must provide the Installation
+ Information in the manner specified by section 6 of the GNU GPL
+ for conveying Corresponding Source.)
+ 5. Combined Libraries.
+ You may place library facilities that are a work based on the
+Library side by side in a single library together with other library
+facilities that are not Applications and are not covered by this
+License, and convey such a combined library under terms of your
+choice, if you do both of the following:
+ a) Accompany the combined library with a copy of the same work based
+ on the Library, uncombined with any other library facilities,
+ conveyed under the terms of this License.
+ b) Give prominent notice with the combined library that part of it
+ is a work based on the Library, and explaining where to find the
+ accompanying uncombined form of the same work.
+ 6. Revised Versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
+ The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License from time to time. Such new
+versions will be similar in spirit to the present version, but may
+differ in detail to address new problems or concerns.
+ Each version is given a distinguishing version number. If the
+Library as you received it specifies that a certain numbered version
+of the GNU Lesser General Public License "or any later version"
+applies to it, you have the option of following the terms and
+conditions either of that published version or of any later version
+published by the Free Software Foundation. If the Library as you
+received it does not specify a version number of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License, you may choose any version of the GNU Lesser
+General Public License ever published by the Free Software Foundation.
+ If the Library as you received it specifies that a proxy can decide
+whether future versions of the GNU Lesser General Public License shall
+apply, that proxy's public statement of acceptance of any version is
+permanent authorization for you to choose that version for the