path: root/src/cglm_bindings.h
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/cglm_bindings.h')
1 files changed, 314 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/cglm_bindings.h b/src/cglm_bindings.h
index eaadc98..01e6792 100644
--- a/src/cglm_bindings.h
+++ b/src/cglm_bindings.h
@@ -44,4 +44,318 @@ int honey_cglm_array_set_value(lua_State* L);
int honey_cglm_array_get_value(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Create a copy of a floating point array.
+ *
+ * @param[in] array The array to copy.
+ * @param[in] n The size of the array.
+ *
+ * @returns A copy of the array.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_array_copy(lua_State* L);
+/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * cglm vec3 functions
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+/** @brief Dot product of a and b.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a Vector a.
+ * @param[in] b Vector b.
+ *
+ * @returns The result of dot(a, b)
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec3_dot(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Cross product of a and b.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a Vector a.
+ * @param[in] b Vector b.
+ *
+ * @returns vec3 of cross(a, b).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec3_cross(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Compute the square of the norm of a vector.
+ *
+ * This function is useful if you want norm*norm
+ * because it avoids the overhead of two sqrt calls.
+ *
+ * @param a Vector a.
+ *
+ * @returns The square of norm(a).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec3_square_norm(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Compute the L2 norm of a vector.
+ *
+ * @param a Vector a.
+ *
+ * @returns The norm(a).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec3_norm(lua_State* L);
+/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * cglm vec4 functions
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+/** @brief Compute the dot product of two vectors.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a Vector a.
+ * @param[in] b Vector b.
+ *
+ * @returns dot(a,b).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_dot(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Compute the square of the norm of a vector.
+ *
+ * Use this if you are tempted to compute norm*norm;
+ * it avoids the two calls to sqrt.
+ *
+ * @param[in] v The vector to compute norm^2 for.
+ *
+ * @returns norm(v)^2.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_norm2(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Compute the norm of a vector.
+ *
+ * @param[in] v The vector.
+ *
+ * @returns norm(v).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_norm(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Add two vectors together.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a The first vector.
+ * @param[in] b The second vector.
+ *
+ * @returns a + b
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_add(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Add a scalar to a vector.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a The scalar.
+ * @param[in] v The vector.
+ *
+ * @returns a + v.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_adds(lua_State* L);
+/** @param Component-wise multiply two vectors together.
+ *
+ * @param a The first vector.
+ * @param b The second vector.
+ *
+ * @returns [ a.x*b.x, a.y*b.y, a.z*b.z, a.w*b.w ]
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_mul(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Multiply a vector by a scalar.
+ *
+ * @param a The scalar.
+ * @param v The vector.
+ *
+ * @returns a*v.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_muls(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Normalize a vector.
+ *
+ * @param[inout] v The vector.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_normalize(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Compute the distance between two vectors.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a The first vector.
+ * @param[in] b The second vector.
+ *
+ * @returns norm(a-b).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_distance(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Linearly interpolate between two values.
+ *
+ * @param a The first vector.
+ * @param b The second vector.
+ * @param s A scalar.
+ *
+ * @returns a + s*(b-s)
+ */
+int honey_cglm_vec4_lerp(lua_State* L);
+/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * cglm mat4 functions
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+/** @brief Set a matrix to be the identity matrix.
+ *
+ * @param matrix The matrix to set to the identity.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_identity(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Get the upper left of a matrix as a mat3.
+ *
+ * @param matrix The matrix to extract.
+ *
+ * @returns A new matrix containing the upper left 3x3 section of matrix.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_pick3(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Multiply two mat4s together.
+ *
+ * @param A The first matrix.
+ * @param B The second matrix.
+ *
+ * @returns A*B.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_mul(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Multiply a matrix by a scalar.
+ *
+ * @param[in] a The scalar.
+ * @param[in] M The matrix.
+ *
+ * @returns Matrix containing a*M.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_muls(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Multiply a matrix by a column vector.
+ *
+ * @param[in] M The matrix.
+ * @param[in] v The column vector.
+ *
+ * @returns Matrix containing M*v.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_mulv(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Transpose a matrix.
+ *
+ * @param[inout] M The matrix to transpose.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_trans(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Get the determinant of a matrix.
+ *
+ * @param[in] M The matrix.
+ *
+ * @returns det(M).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_det(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Get the trace of a matrix.
+ *
+ * @param[in] M The matrix.
+ *
+ * @returns trace(M).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_trace(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Get the inverse of a matrix.
+ *
+ * This is the precise version; use honey_cglm_mat4_inv_fast
+ * for a faster but less precise version.
+ *
+ * @param[in] M The matrix to invert.
+ *
+ * @returns inv(M).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_inv(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Get the inverse of a matrix.
+ *
+ * This is the fast version; use honey_cglm_mat4_inv
+ * for a slower but more precise version.
+ *
+ * @param[in] M The matrix to invert.
+ *
+ * @returns inv(M).
+ */
+int honey_cglm_mat4_inv_fast(lua_State* L);
+/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * cglm 3d affine transforms
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+/** @brief Translate a matrix by a vector.
+ *
+ * This function modifies the matrix in place.
+ *
+ * @param[inout] matrix The mat4 to translate.
+ * @param[in] vector The vec3 to translate by.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_translate(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Scale a matrix by a vector.
+ *
+ * @param[inout] matrix The mat4 to scale.
+ * @param[in] vector The vec3 to scale by.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_scale(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Rotate a matrix about a given axis.
+ *
+ * @param[inout] matrix The mat4 to rotate.
+ * @param[in] center The vec3 center of rotation.
+ * @param[in] axis The vec3 axis of rotation.
+ * @param[in] angle The angle to rotate by.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_rotate(lua_State* L);
+/* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ *
+ * cglm camera matrix functions
+ *
+ * ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
+ */
+/** @brief Put perspective projection matrix into float array.
+ *
+ * @param[out] matrix The mat4 to populate.
+ * @param[in] fov The FOV for the camera.
+ * @param[in] aspect The aspect ratio to use with the camera.
+ * @param[in] near Distance to the near clipping plane.
+ * @param[in] far Distance to the far clipping plane.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_perspective(lua_State* L);
+/** @brief Put an orthographic projection matrix into float array.
+ *
+ * @param[out] matrix The mat4 to populate.
+ * @param[in] a The first vector of the AABB bounding box.
+ * @param[in] b The second vector of the AABB bounding box.
+ *
+ * @returns Nothing.
+ */
+int honey_cglm_orthographic(lua_State* L);