path: root/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 931 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp b/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCLoader.cpp
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-Open Asset Import Library (assimp)
-Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
-with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
-following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
- materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior
- written permission of the assimp team.
-/** @file IFCLoad.cpp
- * @brief Implementation of the Industry Foundation Classes loader.
- */
-#include <iterator>
-#include <limits>
-#include <tuple>
-#include <minizip/unzip.h>
-#include <unzip.h>
-#include "../STEPParser/STEPFileReader.h"
-#include "IFCLoader.h"
-#include "IFCUtil.h"
-#include <assimp/MemoryIOWrapper.h>
-#include <assimp/importerdesc.h>
-#include <assimp/scene.h>
-#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
-namespace Assimp {
-template <>
-const char *LogFunctions<IFCImporter>::Prefix() {
- static auto prefix = "IFC: ";
- return prefix;
-} // namespace Assimp
-using namespace Assimp;
-using namespace Assimp::Formatter;
-using namespace Assimp::IFC;
-/* DO NOT REMOVE this comment block. The script
- * just looks for names adhering to the IfcSomething naming scheme
- * and includes all matches in the whitelist for code-generation. Thus,
- * all entity classes that are only indirectly referenced need to be
- * mentioned explicitly.
- IfcRepresentationMap
- IfcProductRepresentation
- IfcUnitAssignment
- IfcClosedShell
- IfcDoor
- */
-namespace {
-// forward declarations
-void SetUnits(ConversionData &conv);
-void SetCoordinateSpace(ConversionData &conv);
-void ProcessSpatialStructures(ConversionData &conv);
-void MakeTreeRelative(ConversionData &conv);
-void ConvertUnit(const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::DataType &dt, ConversionData &conv);
-} // namespace
-static const aiImporterDesc desc = {
- "Industry Foundation Classes (IFC) Importer",
- "",
- "",
- "",
- aiImporterFlags_SupportBinaryFlavour,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- 0,
- "ifc ifczip step stp"
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Constructor to be privately used by Importer
-IFCImporter::IFCImporter() {}
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Destructor, private as well
-IFCImporter::~IFCImporter() {
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Returns whether the class can handle the format of the given file.
-bool IFCImporter::CanRead(const std::string &pFile, IOSystem *pIOHandler, bool /*checkSig*/) const {
- // note: this is the common identification for STEP-encoded files, so
- // it is only unambiguous as long as we don't support any further
- // file formats with STEP as their encoding.
- static const char *tokens[] = { "ISO-10303-21" };
- return SearchFileHeaderForToken(pIOHandler, pFile, tokens, AI_COUNT_OF(tokens));
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// List all extensions handled by this loader
-const aiImporterDesc *IFCImporter::GetInfo() const {
- return &desc;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Setup configuration properties for the loader
-void IFCImporter::SetupProperties(const Importer *pImp) {
- settings.skipSpaceRepresentations = pImp->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_SKIP_SPACE_REPRESENTATIONS, true);
- settings.useCustomTriangulation = pImp->GetPropertyBool(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_CUSTOM_TRIANGULATION, true);
- settings.conicSamplingAngle = std::min(std::max((float)pImp->GetPropertyFloat(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_SMOOTHING_ANGLE, AI_IMPORT_IFC_DEFAULT_SMOOTHING_ANGLE), 5.0f), 120.0f);
- settings.cylindricalTessellation = std::min(std::max(pImp->GetPropertyInteger(AI_CONFIG_IMPORT_IFC_CYLINDRICAL_TESSELLATION, AI_IMPORT_IFC_DEFAULT_CYLINDRICAL_TESSELLATION), 3), 180);
- settings.skipAnnotations = true;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Imports the given file into the given scene structure.
-void IFCImporter::InternReadFile(const std::string &pFile, aiScene *pScene, IOSystem *pIOHandler) {
- std::shared_ptr<IOStream> stream(pIOHandler->Open(pFile));
- if (!stream) {
- ThrowException("Could not open file for reading");
- }
- // if this is a ifczip file, decompress its contents first
- if (GetExtension(pFile) == "ifczip") {
- unzFile zip = unzOpen(pFile.c_str());
- if (zip == nullptr) {
- ThrowException("Could not open ifczip file for reading, unzip failed");
- }
- // chop 'zip' postfix
- std::string fileName = pFile.substr(0, pFile.length() - 3);
- std::string::size_type s = pFile.find_last_of('\\');
- if (s == std::string::npos) {
- s = pFile.find_last_of('/');
- }
- if (s != std::string::npos) {
- fileName = fileName.substr(s + 1);
- }
- // search file (same name as the IFCZIP except for the file extension) and place file pointer there
- if (UNZ_OK == unzGoToFirstFile(zip)) {
- do {
- // get file size, etc.
- unz_file_info fileInfo;
- char filename[256];
- unzGetCurrentFileInfo(zip, &fileInfo, filename, sizeof(filename), 0, 0, 0, 0);
- if (GetExtension(filename) != "ifc") {
- continue;
- }
- uint8_t *buff = new uint8_t[fileInfo.uncompressed_size];
- LogInfo("Decompressing IFCZIP file");
- unzOpenCurrentFile(zip);
- size_t total = 0;
- int read = 0;
- do {
- int bufferSize = fileInfo.uncompressed_size < INT16_MAX ? fileInfo.uncompressed_size : INT16_MAX;
- void *buffer = malloc(bufferSize);
- read = unzReadCurrentFile(zip, buffer, bufferSize);
- if (read > 0) {
- memcpy((char *)buff + total, buffer, read);
- total += read;
- }
- free(buffer);
- } while (read > 0);
- size_t filesize = fileInfo.uncompressed_size;
- if (total == 0 || size_t(total) != filesize) {
- delete[] buff;
- ThrowException("Failed to decompress IFC ZIP file");
- }
- unzCloseCurrentFile(zip);
- stream.reset(new MemoryIOStream(buff, fileInfo.uncompressed_size, true));
- if (unzGoToNextFile(zip) == UNZ_END_OF_LIST_OF_FILE) {
- ThrowException("Found no IFC file member in IFCZIP file (1)");
- }
- break;
- } while (true);
- } else {
- ThrowException("Found no IFC file member in IFCZIP file (2)");
- }
- unzClose(zip);
- ThrowException("Could not open ifczip file for reading, assimp was built without ifczip support");
- }
- std::unique_ptr<STEP::DB> db(STEP::ReadFileHeader(stream));
- const STEP::HeaderInfo &head = static_cast<const STEP::DB &>(*db).GetHeader();
- if (!head.fileSchema.size() || head.fileSchema.substr(0, 3) != "IFC") {
- ThrowException("Unrecognized file schema: " + head.fileSchema);
- }
- if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) {
- LogDebug("File schema is \'", head.fileSchema, '\'');
- if (head.timestamp.length()) {
- LogDebug("Timestamp \'", head.timestamp, '\'');
- }
- if ( {
- LogDebug("Application/Exporter identline is \'",, '\'');
- }
- }
- // obtain a copy of the machine-generated IFC scheme
- ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::ConversionSchema schema;
- Schema_2x3::GetSchema(schema);
- // tell the reader which entity types to track with special care
- static const char *const types_to_track[] = {
- "ifcsite", "ifcbuilding", "ifcproject"
- };
- // tell the reader for which types we need to simulate STEPs reverse indices
- static const char *const inverse_indices_to_track[] = {
- "ifcrelcontainedinspatialstructure", "ifcrelaggregates", "ifcrelvoidselement", "ifcreldefinesbyproperties", "ifcpropertyset", "ifcstyleditem"
- };
- // feed the IFC schema into the reader and pre-parse all lines
- STEP::ReadFile(*db, schema, types_to_track, inverse_indices_to_track);
- const STEP::LazyObject *proj = db->GetObject("ifcproject");
- if (!proj) {
- ThrowException("missing IfcProject entity");
- }
- ConversionData conv(*db, proj->To<Schema_2x3::IfcProject>(), pScene, settings);
- SetUnits(conv);
- SetCoordinateSpace(conv);
- ProcessSpatialStructures(conv);
- MakeTreeRelative(conv);
-// NOTE - this is a stress test for the importer, but it works only
-// in a build with no entities disabled. See
-// scripts/IFCImporter/
-// for more information.
- db->EvaluateAll();
- // do final data copying
- if (conv.meshes.size()) {
- pScene->mNumMeshes = static_cast<unsigned int>(conv.meshes.size());
- pScene->mMeshes = new aiMesh *[pScene->mNumMeshes]();
- std::copy(conv.meshes.begin(), conv.meshes.end(), pScene->mMeshes);
- // needed to keep the d'tor from burning us
- conv.meshes.clear();
- }
- if (conv.materials.size()) {
- pScene->mNumMaterials = static_cast<unsigned int>(conv.materials.size());
- pScene->mMaterials = new aiMaterial *[pScene->mNumMaterials]();
- std::copy(conv.materials.begin(), conv.materials.end(), pScene->mMaterials);
- // needed to keep the d'tor from burning us
- conv.materials.clear();
- }
- // apply world coordinate system (which includes the scaling to convert to meters and a -90 degrees rotation around x)
- aiMatrix4x4 scale, rot;
- aiMatrix4x4::Scaling(static_cast<aiVector3D>(IfcVector3(conv.len_scale)), scale);
- aiMatrix4x4::RotationX(-AI_MATH_HALF_PI_F, rot);
- pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation = rot * scale * conv.wcs * pScene->mRootNode->mTransformation;
- // this must be last because objects are evaluated lazily as we process them
- if (!DefaultLogger::isNullLogger()) {
- LogDebug("STEP: evaluated ", db->GetEvaluatedObjectCount(), " object records");
- }
-namespace {
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ConvertUnit(const Schema_2x3::IfcNamedUnit &unit, ConversionData &conv) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcSIUnit *const si = unit.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcSIUnit>()) {
- if (si->UnitType == "LENGTHUNIT") {
- conv.len_scale = si->Prefix ? ConvertSIPrefix(si->Prefix) : 1.f;
- IFCImporter::LogDebug("got units used for lengths");
- }
- if (si->UnitType == "PLANEANGLEUNIT") {
- if (si->Name != "RADIAN") {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("expected base unit for angles to be radian");
- }
- }
- } else if (const Schema_2x3::IfcConversionBasedUnit *const convu = unit.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcConversionBasedUnit>()) {
- if (convu->UnitType == "PLANEANGLEUNIT") {
- try {
- conv.angle_scale = convu->ConversionFactor->ValueComponent->To<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::REAL>();
- ConvertUnit(*convu->ConversionFactor->UnitComponent, conv);
- IFCImporter::LogDebug("got units used for angles");
- } catch (std::bad_cast &) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("skipping unknown IfcConversionBasedUnit.ValueComponent entry - expected REAL");
- }
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ConvertUnit(const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::DataType &dt, ConversionData &conv) {
- try {
- const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::ENTITY &e = dt.To<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::ENTITY>();
- const Schema_2x3::IfcNamedUnit &unit = e.ResolveSelect<Schema_2x3::IfcNamedUnit>(conv.db);
- if (unit.UnitType != "LENGTHUNIT" && unit.UnitType != "PLANEANGLEUNIT") {
- return;
- }
- ConvertUnit(unit, conv);
- } catch (std::bad_cast &) {
- // not entity, somehow
- IFCImporter::LogError("skipping unknown IfcUnit entry - expected entity");
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SetUnits(ConversionData &conv) {
- // see if we can determine the coordinate space used to express.
- for (size_t i = 0; i < conv.proj.UnitsInContext->Units.size(); ++i) {
- ConvertUnit(*conv.proj.UnitsInContext->Units[i], conv);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void SetCoordinateSpace(ConversionData &conv) {
- const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentationContext *fav = nullptr;
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentationContext &v : conv.proj.RepresentationContexts) {
- fav = &v;
- // Model should be the most suitable type of context, hence ignore the others
- if (v.ContextType && v.ContextType.Get() == "Model") {
- break;
- }
- }
- if (fav) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext *const geo = fav->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcGeometricRepresentationContext>()) {
- ConvertAxisPlacement(conv.wcs, *geo->WorldCoordinateSystem, conv);
- IFCImporter::LogDebug("got world coordinate system");
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ResolveObjectPlacement(aiMatrix4x4 &m, const Schema_2x3::IfcObjectPlacement &place, ConversionData &conv) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcLocalPlacement *const local = place.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcLocalPlacement>()) {
- IfcMatrix4 tmp;
- ConvertAxisPlacement(tmp, *local->RelativePlacement, conv);
- m = static_cast<aiMatrix4x4>(tmp);
- if (local->PlacementRelTo) {
- aiMatrix4x4 tmpM;
- ResolveObjectPlacement(tmpM, local->PlacementRelTo.Get(), conv);
- m = tmpM * m;
- }
- } else {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("skipping unknown IfcObjectPlacement entity, type is ", place.GetClassName());
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool ProcessMappedItem(const Schema_2x3::IfcMappedItem &mapped, aiNode *nd_src, std::vector<aiNode *> &subnodes_src, unsigned int matid, ConversionData &conv) {
- // insert a custom node here, the carthesian transform operator is simply a conventional transformation matrix
- std::unique_ptr<aiNode> nd(new aiNode());
- nd->mName.Set("IfcMappedItem");
- // handle the Cartesian operator
- IfcMatrix4 m;
- ConvertTransformOperator(m, *mapped.MappingTarget);
- IfcMatrix4 msrc;
- ConvertAxisPlacement(msrc, *mapped.MappingSource->MappingOrigin, conv);
- msrc = m * msrc;
- std::set<unsigned int> meshes;
- const size_t old_openings = conv.collect_openings ? conv.collect_openings->size() : 0;
- if (conv.apply_openings) {
- IfcMatrix4 minv = msrc;
- minv.Inverse();
- for (TempOpening &open : *conv.apply_openings) {
- open.Transform(minv);
- }
- }
- unsigned int localmatid = ProcessMaterials(mapped.GetID(), matid, conv, false);
- const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation &repr = mapped.MappingSource->MappedRepresentation;
- bool got = false;
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentationItem &item : repr.Items) {
- if (!ProcessRepresentationItem(item, localmatid, meshes, conv)) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("skipping mapped entity of type ", item.GetClassName(), ", no representations could be generated");
- } else
- got = true;
- }
- if (!got) {
- return false;
- }
- AssignAddedMeshes(meshes, nd.get(), conv);
- if (conv.collect_openings) {
- // if this pass serves us only to collect opening geometry,
- // make sure we transform the TempMesh's which we need to
- // preserve as well.
- if (const size_t diff = conv.collect_openings->size() - old_openings) {
- for (size_t i = 0; i < diff; ++i) {
- (*conv.collect_openings)[old_openings + i].Transform(msrc);
- }
- }
- }
- nd->mTransformation = nd_src->mTransformation * static_cast<aiMatrix4x4>(msrc);
- subnodes_src.push_back(nd.release());
- return true;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-struct RateRepresentationPredicate {
- int Rate(const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation *r) const {
- // the smaller, the better
- if (!r->RepresentationIdentifier) {
- // neutral choice if no extra information is specified
- return 0;
- }
- const std::string &name = r->RepresentationIdentifier.Get();
- if (name == "MappedRepresentation") {
- if (!r->Items.empty()) {
- // take the first item and base our choice on it
- const Schema_2x3::IfcMappedItem *const m = r->Items.front()->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcMappedItem>();
- if (m) {
- return Rate(m->MappingSource->MappedRepresentation);
- }
- }
- return 100;
- }
- return Rate(name);
- }
- int Rate(const std::string &r) const {
- if (r == "SolidModel") {
- return -3;
- }
- // give strong preference to extruded geometry.
- if (r == "SweptSolid") {
- return -10;
- }
- if (r == "Clipping") {
- return -5;
- }
- // 'Brep' is difficult to get right due to possible voids in the
- // polygon boundaries, so take it only if we are forced to (i.e.
- // if the only alternative is (non-clipping) boolean operations,
- // which are not supported at all).
- if (r == "Brep") {
- return -2;
- }
- // Curves, bounding boxes - those will most likely not be loaded
- // as we can't make any use out of this data. So consider them
- // last.
- if (r == "BoundingBox" || r == "Curve2D") {
- return 100;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- bool operator()(const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation *a, const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation *b) const {
- return Rate(a) < Rate(b);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ProcessProductRepresentation(const Schema_2x3::IfcProduct &el, aiNode *nd, std::vector<aiNode *> &subnodes, ConversionData &conv) {
- if (!el.Representation) {
- return;
- }
- // extract Color from metadata, if present
- unsigned int matid = ProcessMaterials(el.GetID(), std::numeric_limits<uint32_t>::max(), conv, false);
- std::set<unsigned int> meshes;
- // we want only one representation type, so bring them in a suitable order (i.e try those
- // that look as if we could read them quickly at first). This way of reading
- // representation is relatively generic and allows the concrete implementations
- // for the different representation types to make some sensible choices what
- // to load and what not to load.
- const STEP::ListOf<STEP::Lazy<Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation>, 1, 0> &src = el.Representation.Get()->Representations;
- std::vector<const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation *> repr_ordered(src.size());
- std::copy(src.begin(), src.end(), repr_ordered.begin());
- std::sort(repr_ordered.begin(), repr_ordered.end(), RateRepresentationPredicate());
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentation *repr : repr_ordered) {
- bool res = false;
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcRepresentationItem &item : repr->Items) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcMappedItem *const geo = item.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcMappedItem>()) {
- res = ProcessMappedItem(*geo, nd, subnodes, matid, conv) || res;
- } else {
- res = ProcessRepresentationItem(item, matid, meshes, conv) || res;
- }
- }
- // if we got something meaningful at this point, skip any further representations
- if (res) {
- break;
- }
- }
- AssignAddedMeshes(meshes, nd, conv);
-typedef std::map<std::string, std::string> Metadata;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ProcessMetadata(const Schema_2x3::ListOf<Schema_2x3::Lazy<Schema_2x3::IfcProperty>, 1, 0> &set, ConversionData &conv, Metadata &properties,
- const std::string &prefix = std::string(),
- unsigned int nest = 0) {
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcProperty &property : set) {
- const std::string &key = prefix.length() > 0 ? (prefix + "." + property.Name) : property.Name;
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcPropertySingleValue *const singleValue = property.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcPropertySingleValue>()) {
- if (singleValue->NominalValue) {
- if (const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::STRING *str = singleValue->NominalValue.Get()->ToPtr<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::STRING>()) {
- std::string value = static_cast<std::string>(*str);
- properties[key] = value;
- } else if (const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::REAL *val1 = singleValue->NominalValue.Get()->ToPtr<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::REAL>()) {
- float value = static_cast<float>(*val1);
- std::stringstream s;
- s << value;
- properties[key] = s.str();
- } else if (const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::INTEGER *val2 = singleValue->NominalValue.Get()->ToPtr<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::INTEGER>()) {
- int64_t curValue = static_cast<int64_t>(*val2);
- std::stringstream s;
- s << curValue;
- properties[key] = s.str();
- }
- }
- } else if (const Schema_2x3::IfcPropertyListValue *const listValue = property.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcPropertyListValue>()) {
- std::stringstream ss;
- ss << "[";
- unsigned index = 0;
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcValue::Out &v : listValue->ListValues) {
- if (!v) continue;
- if (const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::STRING *str = v->ToPtr<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::STRING>()) {
- std::string value = static_cast<std::string>(*str);
- ss << "'" << value << "'";
- } else if (const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::REAL *val1 = v->ToPtr<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::REAL>()) {
- float value = static_cast<float>(*val1);
- ss << value;
- } else if (const ::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::INTEGER *val2 = v->ToPtr<::Assimp::STEP::EXPRESS::INTEGER>()) {
- int64_t value = static_cast<int64_t>(*val2);
- ss << value;
- }
- if (index + 1 < listValue->ListValues.size()) {
- ss << ",";
- }
- index++;
- }
- ss << "]";
- properties[key] = ss.str();
- } else if (const Schema_2x3::IfcComplexProperty *const complexProp = property.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcComplexProperty>()) {
- if (nest > 2) { // mostly arbitrary limit to prevent stack overflow vulnerabilities
- IFCImporter::LogError("maximum nesting level for IfcComplexProperty reached, skipping this property.");
- } else {
- ProcessMetadata(complexProp->HasProperties, conv, properties, key, nest + 1);
- }
- } else {
- properties[key] = std::string();
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ProcessMetadata(uint64_t relDefinesByPropertiesID, ConversionData &conv, Metadata &properties) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcRelDefinesByProperties *const pset = conv.db.GetObject(relDefinesByPropertiesID)->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcRelDefinesByProperties>()) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcPropertySet *const set = conv.db.GetObject(pset->RelatingPropertyDefinition->GetID())->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcPropertySet>()) {
- ProcessMetadata(set->HasProperties, conv, properties);
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-aiNode *ProcessSpatialStructure(aiNode *parent, const Schema_2x3::IfcProduct &el, ConversionData &conv,
- std::vector<TempOpening> *collect_openings = nullptr) {
- const STEP::DB::RefMap &refs = conv.db.GetRefs();
- // skip over space and annotation nodes - usually, these have no meaning in Assimp's context
- bool skipGeometry = false;
- if (conv.settings.skipSpaceRepresentations) {
- if (el.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcSpace>()) {
- IFCImporter::LogVerboseDebug("skipping IfcSpace entity due to importer settings");
- skipGeometry = true;
- }
- }
- if (conv.settings.skipAnnotations) {
- if (el.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcAnnotation>()) {
- IFCImporter::LogVerboseDebug("skipping IfcAnnotation entity due to importer settings");
- return nullptr;
- }
- }
- // add an output node for this spatial structure
- aiNode *nd(new aiNode);
- nd->mName.Set(el.GetClassName() + "_" + (el.Name ? el.Name.Get() : "Unnamed") + "_" + el.GlobalId);
- nd->mParent = parent;
- conv.already_processed.insert(el.GetID());
- // check for node metadata
- STEP::DB::RefMapRange children = refs.equal_range(el.GetID());
- if (children.first != refs.end()) {
- Metadata properties;
- if (children.first == children.second) {
- // handles single property set
- ProcessMetadata((*children.first).second, conv, properties);
- } else {
- // handles multiple property sets (currently all property sets are merged,
- // which may not be the best solution in the long run)
- for (STEP::DB::RefMap::const_iterator it = children.first; it != children.second; ++it) {
- ProcessMetadata((*it).second, conv, properties);
- }
- }
- if (!properties.empty()) {
- aiMetadata *data = aiMetadata::Alloc(static_cast<unsigned int>(properties.size()));
- unsigned int index(0);
- for (const Metadata::value_type &kv : properties) {
- data->Set(index++, kv.first, aiString(kv.second));
- }
- nd->mMetaData = data;
- }
- }
- if (el.ObjectPlacement) {
- ResolveObjectPlacement(nd->mTransformation, el.ObjectPlacement.Get(), conv);
- }
- std::vector<TempOpening> openings;
- IfcMatrix4 myInv;
- bool didinv = false;
- // convert everything contained directly within this structure,
- // this may result in more nodes.
- std::vector<aiNode *> subnodes;
- try {
- // locate aggregates and 'contained-in-here'-elements of this spatial structure and add them in recursively
- // on our way, collect openings in *this* element
- STEP::DB::RefMapRange range = refs.equal_range(el.GetID());
- for (STEP::DB::RefMapRange range2 = range; range2.first != range.second; ++range2.first) {
- // skip over meshes that have already been processed before. This is strictly necessary
- // because the reverse indices also include references contained in argument lists and
- // therefore every element has a back-reference hold by its parent.
- if (conv.already_processed.find((*range2.first).second) != conv.already_processed.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- const STEP::LazyObject &obj = conv.db.MustGetObject((*range2.first).second);
- // handle regularly-contained elements
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure *const cont = obj->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcRelContainedInSpatialStructure>()) {
- if (cont->RelatingStructure->GetID() != el.GetID()) {
- continue;
- }
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcProduct &pro : cont->RelatedElements) {
- if (pro.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcOpeningElement>()) {
- // IfcOpeningElement is handled below. Sadly we can't use it here as is:
- // The docs say that opening elements are USUALLY attached to building storey,
- // but we want them for the building elements to which they belong.
- continue;
- }
- aiNode *const ndnew = ProcessSpatialStructure(nd, pro, conv, nullptr);
- if (ndnew) {
- subnodes.push_back(ndnew);
- }
- }
- }
- // handle openings, which we collect in a list rather than adding them to the node graph
- else if (const Schema_2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement *const fills = obj->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcRelVoidsElement>()) {
- if (fills->RelatingBuildingElement->GetID() == el.GetID()) {
- const Schema_2x3::IfcFeatureElementSubtraction &open = fills->RelatedOpeningElement;
- // move opening elements to a separate node since they are semantically different than elements that are just 'contained'
- std::unique_ptr<aiNode> nd_aggr(new aiNode());
- nd_aggr->mName.Set("$RelVoidsElement");
- nd_aggr->mParent = nd;
- nd_aggr->mTransformation = nd->mTransformation;
- std::vector<TempOpening> openings_local;
- aiNode *const ndnew = ProcessSpatialStructure(nd_aggr.get(), open, conv, &openings_local);
- if (ndnew) {
- nd_aggr->mNumChildren = 1;
- nd_aggr->mChildren = new aiNode *[1]();
- nd_aggr->mChildren[0] = ndnew;
- if (openings_local.size()) {
- if (!didinv) {
- myInv = aiMatrix4x4(nd->mTransformation).Inverse();
- didinv = true;
- }
- // we need all openings to be in the local space of *this* node, so transform them
- for (TempOpening &op : openings_local) {
- op.Transform(myInv * nd_aggr->mChildren[0]->mTransformation);
- openings.push_back(op);
- }
- }
- subnodes.push_back(nd_aggr.release());
- }
- }
- }
- }
- for (; range.first != range.second; ++range.first) {
- // see note in loop above
- if (conv.already_processed.find((*range.first).second) != conv.already_processed.end()) {
- continue;
- }
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcRelAggregates *const aggr = conv.db.GetObject((*range.first).second)->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcRelAggregates>()) {
- if (aggr->RelatingObject->GetID() != el.GetID()) {
- continue;
- }
- // move aggregate elements to a separate node since they are semantically different than elements that are just 'contained'
- std::unique_ptr<aiNode> nd_aggr(new aiNode());
- nd_aggr->mName.Set("$RelAggregates");
- nd_aggr->mParent = nd;
- nd_aggr->mTransformation = nd->mTransformation;
- nd_aggr->mChildren = new aiNode *[aggr->RelatedObjects.size()]();
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcObjectDefinition &def : aggr->RelatedObjects) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcProduct *const prod = def.ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcProduct>()) {
- aiNode *const ndnew = ProcessSpatialStructure(nd_aggr.get(), *prod, conv, nullptr);
- if (ndnew) {
- nd_aggr->mChildren[nd_aggr->mNumChildren++] = ndnew;
- }
- }
- }
- subnodes.push_back(nd_aggr.release());
- }
- }
- conv.collect_openings = collect_openings;
- if (!conv.collect_openings) {
- conv.apply_openings = &openings;
- }
- if (!skipGeometry) {
- ProcessProductRepresentation(el, nd, subnodes, conv);
- conv.apply_openings = conv.collect_openings = nullptr;
- }
- if (subnodes.size()) {
- nd->mChildren = new aiNode *[subnodes.size()]();
- for (aiNode *nd2 : subnodes) {
- nd->mChildren[nd->mNumChildren++] = nd2;
- nd2->mParent = nd;
- }
- }
- } catch (...) {
- // it hurts, but I don't want to pull boost::ptr_vector into -noboost only for these few spots here
- std::for_each(subnodes.begin(), subnodes.end(), delete_fun<aiNode>());
- throw;
- }
- ai_assert(conv.already_processed.find(el.GetID()) != conv.already_processed.end());
- conv.already_processed.erase(conv.already_processed.find(el.GetID()));
- return nd;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ProcessSpatialStructures(ConversionData &conv) {
- // XXX add support for multiple sites (i.e. IfcSpatialStructureElements with composition == COMPLEX)
- // process all products in the file. it is reasonable to assume that a
- // file that is relevant for us contains at least a site or a building.
- const STEP::DB::ObjectMapByType &map = conv.db.GetObjectsByType();
- ai_assert(map.find("ifcsite") != map.end());
- const STEP::DB::ObjectSet *range = &map.find("ifcsite")->second;
- if (range->empty()) {
- ai_assert(map.find("ifcbuilding") != map.end());
- range = &map.find("ifcbuilding")->second;
- if (range->empty()) {
- // no site, no building - fail;
- IFCImporter::ThrowException("no root element found (expected IfcBuilding or preferably IfcSite)");
- }
- }
- std::vector<aiNode *> nodes;
- for (const STEP::LazyObject *lz : *range) {
- const Schema_2x3::IfcSpatialStructureElement *const prod = lz->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcSpatialStructureElement>();
- if (!prod) {
- continue;
- }
- IFCImporter::LogVerboseDebug("looking at spatial structure `", (prod->Name ? prod->Name.Get() : "unnamed"), "`", (prod->ObjectType ? " which is of type " + prod->ObjectType.Get() : ""));
- // the primary sites are referenced by an IFCRELAGGREGATES element which assigns them to the IFCPRODUCT
- const STEP::DB::RefMap &refs = conv.db.GetRefs();
- STEP::DB::RefMapRange ref_range = refs.equal_range(conv.proj.GetID());
- for (; ref_range.first != ref_range.second; ++ref_range.first) {
- if (const Schema_2x3::IfcRelAggregates *const aggr = conv.db.GetObject((*ref_range.first).second)->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcRelAggregates>()) {
- for (const Schema_2x3::IfcObjectDefinition &def : aggr->RelatedObjects) {
- // comparing pointer values is not sufficient, we would need to cast them to the same type first
- // as there is multiple inheritance in the game.
- if (def.GetID() == prod->GetID()) {
- IFCImporter::LogVerboseDebug("selecting this spatial structure as root structure");
- // got it, this is one primary site.
- nodes.push_back(ProcessSpatialStructure(nullptr, *prod, conv, nullptr));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- size_t nb_nodes = nodes.size();
- if (nb_nodes == 0) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("failed to determine primary site element, taking all the IfcSite");
- for (const STEP::LazyObject *lz : *range) {
- const Schema_2x3::IfcSpatialStructureElement *const prod = lz->ToPtr<Schema_2x3::IfcSpatialStructureElement>();
- if (!prod) {
- continue;
- }
- nodes.push_back(ProcessSpatialStructure(nullptr, *prod, conv, nullptr));
- }
- nb_nodes = nodes.size();
- }
- if (nb_nodes == 1) {
- conv.out->mRootNode = nodes[0];
- } else if (nb_nodes > 1) {
- conv.out->mRootNode = new aiNode("Root");
- conv.out->mRootNode->mParent = nullptr;
- conv.out->mRootNode->mNumChildren = static_cast<unsigned int>(nb_nodes);
- conv.out->mRootNode->mChildren = new aiNode *[conv.out->mRootNode->mNumChildren];
- for (size_t i = 0; i < nb_nodes; ++i) {
- aiNode *node = nodes[i];
- node->mParent = conv.out->mRootNode;
- conv.out->mRootNode->mChildren[i] = node;
- }
- } else {
- IFCImporter::ThrowException("failed to determine primary site element");
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MakeTreeRelative(aiNode *start, const aiMatrix4x4 &combined) {
- // combined is the parent's absolute transformation matrix
- const aiMatrix4x4 old = start->mTransformation;
- if (!combined.IsIdentity()) {
- start->mTransformation = aiMatrix4x4(combined).Inverse() * start->mTransformation;
- }
- // All nodes store absolute transformations right now, so we need to make them relative
- for (unsigned int i = 0; i < start->mNumChildren; ++i) {
- MakeTreeRelative(start->mChildren[i], old);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MakeTreeRelative(ConversionData &conv) {
- MakeTreeRelative(conv.out->mRootNode, IfcMatrix4());
-} // namespace