path: root/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCOpenings.cpp
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diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCOpenings.cpp b/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCOpenings.cpp
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index 7420019..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/IFC/IFCOpenings.cpp
+++ /dev/null
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-Open Asset Import Library (assimp)
-Copyright (c) 2006-2022, assimp team
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
-with or without modification, are permitted provided that the
-following conditions are met:
-* Redistributions of source code must retain the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer.
-* Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
- materials provided with the distribution.
-* Neither the name of the assimp team, nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior
- written permission of the assimp team.
-/** @file IFCOpenings.cpp
- * @brief Implements a subset of Ifc CSG operations for pouring
- * holes for windows and doors into walls.
- */
-#include "IFCUtil.h"
-#include "Common/PolyTools.h"
-#include "PostProcessing/ProcessHelper.h"
-# include <poly2tri/poly2tri.h>
-# include <polyclipping/clipper.hpp>
-# include "../contrib/poly2tri/poly2tri/poly2tri.h"
-# include "../contrib/clipper/clipper.hpp"
-#include <iterator>
-#include <forward_list>
-#include <deque>
-namespace Assimp {
- namespace IFC {
- using ClipperLib::ulong64;
- // XXX use full -+ range ...
- const ClipperLib::long64 max_ulong64 = 1518500249; // clipper.cpp / hiRange var
- //#define to_int64(p) (static_cast<ulong64>( std::max( 0., std::min( static_cast<IfcFloat>((p)), 1.) ) * max_ulong64 ))
-#define to_int64(p) (static_cast<ulong64>(static_cast<IfcFloat>((p) ) * max_ulong64 ))
-#define from_int64(p) (static_cast<IfcFloat>((p)) / max_ulong64)
-#define one_vec (IfcVector2(static_cast<IfcFloat>(1.0),static_cast<IfcFloat>(1.0)))
- // fallback method to generate wall openings
- bool TryAddOpenings_Poly2Tri(const std::vector<TempOpening>& openings,
- TempMesh& curmesh);
-typedef std::pair< IfcVector2, IfcVector2 > BoundingBox;
-typedef std::map<IfcVector2,size_t,XYSorter> XYSortedField;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void QuadrifyPart(const IfcVector2& pmin, const IfcVector2& pmax, XYSortedField& field,
- const std::vector< BoundingBox >& bbs,
- std::vector<IfcVector2>& out)
- if (!(pmin.x-pmax.x) || !(pmin.y-pmax.y)) {
- return;
- }
- IfcFloat xs = 1e10, xe = 1e10;
- bool found = false;
- // Search along the x-axis until we find an opening
- XYSortedField::iterator start = field.begin();
- for(; start != field.end(); ++start) {
- const BoundingBox& bb = bbs[(*start).second];
- if(bb.first.x >= pmax.x) {
- break;
- }
- if (bb.second.x > pmin.x && bb.second.y > pmin.y && bb.first.y < pmax.y) {
- xs = bb.first.x;
- xe = bb.second.x;
- found = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- // the rectangle [pmin,pend] is opaque, fill it
- out.push_back(pmin);
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(pmin.x,pmax.y));
- out.push_back(pmax);
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(pmax.x,pmin.y));
- return;
- }
- xs = std::max(pmin.x,xs);
- xe = std::min(pmax.x,xe);
- // see if there's an offset to fill at the top of our quad
- if (xs - pmin.x) {
- out.push_back(pmin);
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(pmin.x,pmax.y));
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(xs,pmax.y));
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(xs,pmin.y));
- }
- // search along the y-axis for all openings that overlap xs and our quad
- IfcFloat ylast = pmin.y;
- found = false;
- for(; start != field.end(); ++start) {
- const BoundingBox& bb = bbs[(*start).second];
- if (bb.first.x > xs || bb.first.y >= pmax.y) {
- break;
- }
- if (bb.second.y > ylast) {
- found = true;
- const IfcFloat ys = std::max(bb.first.y,pmin.y), ye = std::min(bb.second.y,pmax.y);
- if (ys - ylast > 0.0f) {
- QuadrifyPart( IfcVector2(xs,ylast), IfcVector2(xe,ys) ,field,bbs,out);
- }
- // the following are the window vertices
- /*wnd.push_back(IfcVector2(xs,ys));
- wnd.push_back(IfcVector2(xs,ye));
- wnd.push_back(IfcVector2(xe,ye));
- wnd.push_back(IfcVector2(xe,ys));*/
- ylast = ye;
- }
- }
- if (!found) {
- // the rectangle [pmin,pend] is opaque, fill it
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(xs,pmin.y));
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(xs,pmax.y));
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(xe,pmax.y));
- out.push_back(IfcVector2(xe,pmin.y));
- return;
- }
- if (ylast < pmax.y) {
- QuadrifyPart( IfcVector2(xs,ylast), IfcVector2(xe,pmax.y) ,field,bbs,out);
- }
- // now for the whole rest
- if (pmax.x-xe) {
- QuadrifyPart(IfcVector2(xe,pmin.y), pmax ,field,bbs,out);
- }
-typedef std::vector<IfcVector2> Contour;
-typedef std::vector<bool> SkipList; // should probably use int for performance reasons
-struct ProjectedWindowContour
- Contour contour;
- BoundingBox bb;
- SkipList skiplist;
- bool is_rectangular;
- ProjectedWindowContour(const Contour& contour, const BoundingBox& bb, bool is_rectangular)
- : contour(contour)
- , bb(bb)
- , is_rectangular(is_rectangular)
- {}
- bool IsInvalid() const {
- return contour.empty();
- }
- void FlagInvalid() {
- contour.clear();
- }
- void PrepareSkiplist() {
- skiplist.resize(contour.size(),false);
- }
-typedef std::vector< ProjectedWindowContour > ContourVector;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool BoundingBoxesOverlapping( const BoundingBox &ibb, const BoundingBox &bb )
- // count the '=' case as non-overlapping but as adjacent to each other
- return ibb.first.x < bb.second.x && ibb.second.x > bb.first.x &&
- ibb.first.y < bb.second.y && ibb.second.y > bb.first.y;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool IsDuplicateVertex(const IfcVector2& vv, const std::vector<IfcVector2>& temp_contour)
- // sanity check for duplicate vertices
- for(const IfcVector2& cp : temp_contour) {
- if ((cp-vv).SquareLength() < 1e-5f) {
- return true;
- }
- }
- return false;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void ExtractVerticesFromClipper(const ClipperLib::Polygon& poly, std::vector<IfcVector2>& temp_contour,
- bool filter_duplicates = false)
- temp_contour.clear();
- for(const ClipperLib::IntPoint& point : poly) {
- IfcVector2 vv = IfcVector2( from_int64(point.X), from_int64(point.Y));
- vv = std::max(vv,IfcVector2());
- vv = std::min(vv,one_vec);
- if (!filter_duplicates || !IsDuplicateVertex(vv, temp_contour)) {
- temp_contour.push_back(vv);
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-BoundingBox GetBoundingBox(const ClipperLib::Polygon& poly)
- IfcVector2 newbb_min, newbb_max;
- MinMaxChooser<IfcVector2>()(newbb_min, newbb_max);
- for(const ClipperLib::IntPoint& point : poly) {
- IfcVector2 vv = IfcVector2( from_int64(point.X), from_int64(point.Y));
- // sanity rounding
- vv = std::max(vv,IfcVector2());
- vv = std::min(vv,one_vec);
- newbb_min = std::min(newbb_min,vv);
- newbb_max = std::max(newbb_max,vv);
- }
- return BoundingBox(newbb_min, newbb_max);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void InsertWindowContours(const ContourVector& contours,
- const std::vector<TempOpening>& /*openings*/,
- TempMesh& curmesh)
- // fix windows - we need to insert the real, polygonal shapes into the quadratic holes that we have now
- for(size_t i = 0; i < contours.size();++i) {
- const BoundingBox& bb = contours[i].bb;
- const std::vector<IfcVector2>& contour = contours[i].contour;
- if(contour.empty()) {
- continue;
- }
- // check if we need to do it at all - many windows just fit perfectly into their quadratic holes,
- // i.e. their contours *are* already their bounding boxes.
- if (contour.size() == 4) {
- std::set<IfcVector2,XYSorter> verts;
- for(size_t n = 0; n < 4; ++n) {
- verts.insert(contour[n]);
- }
- const std::set<IfcVector2,XYSorter>::const_iterator end = verts.end();
- if (verts.find(bb.first)!=end && verts.find(bb.second)!=end
- && verts.find(IfcVector2(bb.first.x,bb.second.y))!=end
- && verts.find(IfcVector2(bb.second.x,bb.first.y))!=end
- ) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- const IfcFloat diag = (bb.first-bb.second).Length();
- const IfcFloat epsilon = diag/1000.f;
- // walk through all contour points and find those that lie on the BB corner
- size_t last_hit = (size_t)-1, very_first_hit = (size_t)-1;
- IfcVector2 edge;
- for(size_t n = 0, e=0, size = contour.size();; n=(n+1)%size, ++e) {
- // sanity checking
- if (e == size*2) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("encountered unexpected topology while generating window contour");
- break;
- }
- const IfcVector2& v = contour[n];
- bool hit = false;
- if (std::fabs(v.x-bb.first.x)<epsilon) {
- edge.x = bb.first.x;
- hit = true;
- }
- else if (std::fabs(v.x-bb.second.x)<epsilon) {
- edge.x = bb.second.x;
- hit = true;
- }
- if (std::fabs(v.y-bb.first.y)<epsilon) {
- edge.y = bb.first.y;
- hit = true;
- }
- else if (std::fabs(v.y-bb.second.y)<epsilon) {
- edge.y = bb.second.y;
- hit = true;
- }
- if (hit) {
- if (last_hit != (size_t)-1) {
- const size_t old = curmesh.mVerts.size();
- size_t cnt = last_hit > n ? size-(last_hit-n) : n-last_hit;
- for(size_t a = last_hit, ee = 0; ee <= cnt; a=(a+1)%size, ++ee) {
- // hack: this is to fix cases where opening contours are self-intersecting.
- // Clipper doesn't produce such polygons, but as soon as we're back in
- // our brave new floating-point world, very small distances are consumed
- // by the maximum available precision, leading to self-intersecting
- // polygons. This fix makes concave windows fail even worse, but
- // anyway, fail is fail.
- if ((contour[a] - edge).SquareLength() > diag*diag*0.7) {
- continue;
- }
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(IfcVector3(contour[a].x, contour[a].y, 0.0f));
- }
- if (edge != contour[last_hit]) {
- IfcVector2 corner = edge;
- if (std::fabs(contour[last_hit].x-bb.first.x)<epsilon) {
- corner.x = bb.first.x;
- }
- else if (std::fabs(contour[last_hit].x-bb.second.x)<epsilon) {
- corner.x = bb.second.x;
- }
- if (std::fabs(contour[last_hit].y-bb.first.y)<epsilon) {
- corner.y = bb.first.y;
- }
- else if (std::fabs(contour[last_hit].y-bb.second.y)<epsilon) {
- corner.y = bb.second.y;
- }
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(IfcVector3(corner.x, corner.y, 0.0f));
- }
- else if (cnt == 1) {
- // avoid degenerate polygons (also known as lines or points)
- curmesh.mVerts.erase(curmesh.mVerts.begin()+old,curmesh.mVerts.end());
- }
- if (const size_t d = curmesh.mVerts.size()-old) {
- curmesh.mVertcnt.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(d));
- std::reverse(curmesh.mVerts.rbegin(),curmesh.mVerts.rbegin()+d);
- }
- if (n == very_first_hit) {
- break;
- }
- }
- else {
- very_first_hit = n;
- }
- last_hit = n;
- }
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void MergeWindowContours (const std::vector<IfcVector2>& a,
- const std::vector<IfcVector2>& b,
- ClipperLib::ExPolygons& out)
- out.clear();
- ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
- ClipperLib::Polygon clip;
- for(const IfcVector2& pip : a) {
- clip.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- if (ClipperLib::Orientation(clip)) {
- std::reverse(clip.begin(), clip.end());
- }
- clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- clip.clear();
- for(const IfcVector2& pip : b) {
- clip.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- if (ClipperLib::Orientation(clip)) {
- std::reverse(clip.begin(), clip.end());
- }
- clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctUnion, out,ClipperLib::pftNonZero,ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Subtract a from b
-void MakeDisjunctWindowContours (const std::vector<IfcVector2>& a,
- const std::vector<IfcVector2>& b,
- ClipperLib::ExPolygons& out)
- out.clear();
- ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
- ClipperLib::Polygon clip;
- for(const IfcVector2& pip : a) {
- clip.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- if (ClipperLib::Orientation(clip)) {
- std::reverse(clip.begin(), clip.end());
- }
- clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ClipperLib::ptClip);
- clip.clear();
- for(const IfcVector2& pip : b) {
- clip.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- if (ClipperLib::Orientation(clip)) {
- std::reverse(clip.begin(), clip.end());
- }
- clipper.AddPolygon(clip, ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctDifference, out,ClipperLib::pftNonZero,ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CleanupWindowContour(ProjectedWindowContour& window)
- std::vector<IfcVector2> scratch;
- std::vector<IfcVector2>& contour = window.contour;
- ClipperLib::Polygon subject;
- ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
- ClipperLib::ExPolygons clipped;
- for(const IfcVector2& pip : contour) {
- subject.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- clipper.AddPolygon(subject,ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctUnion,clipped,ClipperLib::pftNonZero,ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
- // This should yield only one polygon or something went wrong
- if (clipped.size() != 1) {
- // Empty polygon? drop the contour altogether
- if(clipped.empty()) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("error during polygon clipping, window contour is degenerate");
- window.FlagInvalid();
- return;
- }
- // Else: take the first only
- IFCImporter::LogError("error during polygon clipping, window contour is not convex");
- }
- ExtractVerticesFromClipper(clipped[0].outer, scratch);
- // Assume the bounding box doesn't change during this operation
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CleanupWindowContours(ContourVector& contours)
- // Use PolyClipper to clean up window contours
- try {
- for(ProjectedWindowContour& window : contours) {
- CleanupWindowContour(window);
- }
- }
- catch (const char* sx) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("error during polygon clipping, window shape may be wrong: (Clipper: "
- + std::string(sx) + ")");
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void CleanupOuterContour(const std::vector<IfcVector2>& contour_flat, TempMesh& curmesh)
- std::vector<IfcVector3> vold;
- std::vector<unsigned int> iold;
- vold.reserve(curmesh.mVerts.size());
- iold.reserve(curmesh.mVertcnt.size());
- // Fix the outer contour using polyclipper
- try {
- ClipperLib::Polygon subject;
- ClipperLib::Clipper clipper;
- ClipperLib::ExPolygons clipped;
- ClipperLib::Polygon clip;
- clip.reserve(contour_flat.size());
- for(const IfcVector2& pip : contour_flat) {
- clip.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- if (!ClipperLib::Orientation(clip)) {
- std::reverse(clip.begin(), clip.end());
- }
- // We need to run polyclipper on every single polygon -- we can't run it one all
- // of them at once or it would merge them all together which would undo all
- // previous steps
- subject.reserve(4);
- size_t index = 0;
- size_t countdown = 0;
- for(const IfcVector3& pip : curmesh.mVerts) {
- if (!countdown) {
- countdown = curmesh.mVertcnt[index++];
- if (!countdown) {
- continue;
- }
- }
- subject.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- if (--countdown == 0) {
- if (!ClipperLib::Orientation(subject)) {
- std::reverse(subject.begin(), subject.end());
- }
- clipper.AddPolygon(subject,ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- clipper.AddPolygon(clip,ClipperLib::ptClip);
- clipper.Execute(ClipperLib::ctIntersection,clipped,ClipperLib::pftNonZero,ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
- for(const ClipperLib::ExPolygon& ex : clipped) {
- iold.push_back(static_cast<unsigned int>(ex.outer.size()));
- for(const ClipperLib::IntPoint& point : ex.outer) {
- vold.push_back(IfcVector3(
- from_int64(point.X),
- from_int64(point.Y),
- 0.0f));
- }
- }
- subject.clear();
- clipped.clear();
- clipper.Clear();
- }
- }
- }
- catch (const char* sx) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("Ifc: error during polygon clipping, wall contour line may be wrong: (Clipper: "
- + std::string(sx) + ")");
- return;
- }
- // swap data arrays
- std::swap(vold,curmesh.mVerts);
- std::swap(iold,curmesh.mVertcnt);
-typedef std::vector<TempOpening*> OpeningRefs;
-typedef std::vector<OpeningRefs > OpeningRefVector;
-typedef std::vector<std::pair<
- ContourVector::const_iterator,
- Contour::const_iterator>
-> ContourRefVector;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool BoundingBoxesAdjacent(const BoundingBox& bb, const BoundingBox& ibb)
- // TODO: I'm pretty sure there is a much more compact way to check this
- const IfcFloat epsilon = Math::getEpsilon<float>();
- return (std::fabs(bb.second.x - ibb.first.x) < epsilon && bb.first.y <= ibb.second.y && bb.second.y >= ibb.first.y) ||
- (std::fabs(bb.first.x - ibb.second.x) < epsilon && ibb.first.y <= bb.second.y && ibb.second.y >= bb.first.y) ||
- (std::fabs(bb.second.y - ibb.first.y) < epsilon && bb.first.x <= ibb.second.x && bb.second.x >= ibb.first.x) ||
- (std::fabs(bb.first.y - ibb.second.y) < epsilon && ibb.first.x <= bb.second.x && ibb.second.x >= bb.first.x);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-// Check if m0,m1 intersects n0,n1 assuming same ordering of the points in the line segments
-// output the intersection points on n0,n1
-bool IntersectingLineSegments(const IfcVector2& n0, const IfcVector2& n1,
- const IfcVector2& m0, const IfcVector2& m1,
- IfcVector2& out0, IfcVector2& out1)
- const IfcVector2 n0_to_n1 = n1 - n0;
- const IfcVector2 n0_to_m0 = m0 - n0;
- const IfcVector2 n1_to_m1 = m1 - n1;
- const IfcVector2 n0_to_m1 = m1 - n0;
- const IfcFloat e = 1e-5f;
- const IfcFloat smalle = 1e-9f;
- static const IfcFloat inf = std::numeric_limits<IfcFloat>::infinity();
- if (!(n0_to_m0.SquareLength() < e*e || std::fabs(n0_to_m0 * n0_to_n1) / (n0_to_m0.Length() * n0_to_n1.Length()) > 1-1e-5 )) {
- return false;
- }
- if (!(n1_to_m1.SquareLength() < e*e || std::fabs(n1_to_m1 * n0_to_n1) / (n1_to_m1.Length() * n0_to_n1.Length()) > 1-1e-5 )) {
- return false;
- }
- IfcFloat s0;
- IfcFloat s1;
- // pick the axis with the higher absolute difference so the result
- // is more accurate. Since we cannot guarantee that the axis with
- // the higher absolute difference is big enough as to avoid
- // divisions by zero, the case 0/0 ~ infinity is detected and
- // handled separately.
- if(std::fabs(n0_to_n1.x) > std::fabs(n0_to_n1.y)) {
- s0 = n0_to_m0.x / n0_to_n1.x;
- s1 = n0_to_m1.x / n0_to_n1.x;
- if (std::fabs(s0) == inf && std::fabs(n0_to_m0.x) < smalle) {
- s0 = 0.;
- }
- if (std::fabs(s1) == inf && std::fabs(n0_to_m1.x) < smalle) {
- s1 = 0.;
- }
- }
- else {
- s0 = n0_to_m0.y / n0_to_n1.y;
- s1 = n0_to_m1.y / n0_to_n1.y;
- if (std::fabs(s0) == inf && std::fabs(n0_to_m0.y) < smalle) {
- s0 = 0.;
- }
- if (std::fabs(s1) == inf && std::fabs(n0_to_m1.y) < smalle) {
- s1 = 0.;
- }
- }
- if (s1 < s0) {
- std::swap(s1,s0);
- }
- s0 = std::max(0.0,s0);
- s1 = std::max(0.0,s1);
- s0 = std::min(1.0,s0);
- s1 = std::min(1.0,s1);
- if (std::fabs(s1-s0) < e) {
- return false;
- }
- out0 = n0 + s0 * n0_to_n1;
- out1 = n0 + s1 * n0_to_n1;
- return true;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void FindAdjacentContours(ContourVector::iterator current, const ContourVector& contours)
- const IfcFloat sqlen_epsilon = static_cast<IfcFloat>(Math::getEpsilon<float>());
- const BoundingBox& bb = (*current).bb;
- // What is to be done here is to populate the skip lists for the contour
- // and to add necessary padding points when needed.
- SkipList& skiplist = (*current).skiplist;
- // First step to find possible adjacent contours is to check for adjacent bounding
- // boxes. If the bounding boxes are not adjacent, the contours lines cannot possibly be.
- for (ContourVector::const_iterator it = contours.begin(), end = contours.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- if ((*it).IsInvalid()) {
- continue;
- }
- // this left here to make clear we also run on the current contour
- // to check for overlapping contour segments (which can happen due
- // to projection artifacts).
- //if(it == current) {
- // continue;
- //}
- const bool is_me = it == current;
- const BoundingBox& ibb = (*it).bb;
- // Assumption: the bounding boxes are pairwise disjoint or identical
- ai_assert(is_me || !BoundingBoxesOverlapping(bb, ibb));
- if (is_me || BoundingBoxesAdjacent(bb, ibb)) {
- // Now do a each-against-everyone check for intersecting contour
- // lines. This obviously scales terribly, but in typical real
- // world Ifc files it will not matter since most windows that
- // are adjacent to each others are rectangular anyway.
- Contour& ncontour = (*current).contour;
- const Contour& mcontour = (*it).contour;
- for (size_t n = 0; n < ncontour.size(); ++n) {
- const IfcVector2 n0 = ncontour[n];
- const IfcVector2 n1 = ncontour[(n+1) % ncontour.size()];
- for (size_t m = 0, mend = (is_me ? n : mcontour.size()); m < mend; ++m) {
- ai_assert(&mcontour != &ncontour || m < n);
- const IfcVector2 m0 = mcontour[m];
- const IfcVector2 m1 = mcontour[(m+1) % mcontour.size()];
- IfcVector2 isect0, isect1;
- if (IntersectingLineSegments(n0,n1, m0, m1, isect0, isect1)) {
- if ((isect0 - n0).SquareLength() > sqlen_epsilon) {
- ++n;
- ncontour.insert(ncontour.begin() + n, isect0);
- skiplist.insert(skiplist.begin() + n, true);
- }
- else {
- skiplist[n] = true;
- }
- if ((isect1 - n1).SquareLength() > sqlen_epsilon) {
- ++n;
- ncontour.insert(ncontour.begin() + n, isect1);
- skiplist.insert(skiplist.begin() + n, false);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-AI_FORCE_INLINE bool LikelyBorder(const IfcVector2& vdelta)
- const IfcFloat dot_point_epsilon = static_cast<IfcFloat>(Math::getEpsilon<float>());
- return std::fabs(vdelta.x * vdelta.y) < dot_point_epsilon;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void FindBorderContours(ContourVector::iterator current)
- const IfcFloat border_epsilon_upper = static_cast<IfcFloat>(1-1e-4);
- const IfcFloat border_epsilon_lower = static_cast<IfcFloat>(1e-4);
- bool outer_border = false;
- bool start_on_outer_border = false;
- SkipList& skiplist = (*current).skiplist;
- IfcVector2 last_proj_point;
- const Contour::const_iterator cbegin = (*current).contour.begin(), cend = (*current).contour.end();
- for (Contour::const_iterator cit = cbegin; cit != cend; ++cit) {
- const IfcVector2& proj_point = *cit;
- // Check if this connection is along the outer boundary of the projection
- // plane. In such a case we better drop it because such 'edges' should
- // not have any geometry to close them (think of door openings).
- if (proj_point.x <= border_epsilon_lower || proj_point.x >= border_epsilon_upper ||
- proj_point.y <= border_epsilon_lower || proj_point.y >= border_epsilon_upper) {
- if (outer_border) {
- ai_assert(cit != cbegin);
- if (LikelyBorder(proj_point - last_proj_point)) {
- skiplist[std::distance(cbegin, cit) - 1] = true;
- }
- }
- else if (cit == cbegin) {
- start_on_outer_border = true;
- }
- outer_border = true;
- }
- else {
- outer_border = false;
- }
- last_proj_point = proj_point;
- }
- // handle last segment
- if (outer_border && start_on_outer_border) {
- const IfcVector2& proj_point = *cbegin;
- if (LikelyBorder(proj_point - last_proj_point)) {
- skiplist[skiplist.size()-1] = true;
- }
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-AI_FORCE_INLINE bool LikelyDiagonal(IfcVector2 vdelta)
- vdelta.x = std::fabs(vdelta.x);
- vdelta.y = std::fabs(vdelta.y);
- return (std::fabs(vdelta.x-vdelta.y) < 0.8 * std::max(vdelta.x, vdelta.y));
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void FindLikelyCrossingLines(ContourVector::iterator current)
- SkipList& skiplist = (*current).skiplist;
- IfcVector2 last_proj_point;
- const Contour::const_iterator cbegin = (*current).contour.begin(), cend = (*current).contour.end();
- for (Contour::const_iterator cit = cbegin; cit != cend; ++cit) {
- const IfcVector2& proj_point = *cit;
- if (cit != cbegin) {
- IfcVector2 vdelta = proj_point - last_proj_point;
- if (LikelyDiagonal(vdelta)) {
- skiplist[std::distance(cbegin, cit) - 1] = true;
- }
- }
- last_proj_point = proj_point;
- }
- // handle last segment
- if (LikelyDiagonal(*cbegin - last_proj_point)) {
- skiplist[skiplist.size()-1] = true;
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-size_t CloseWindows(ContourVector& contours,
- const IfcMatrix4& minv,
- OpeningRefVector& contours_to_openings,
- TempMesh& curmesh)
- size_t closed = 0;
- // For all contour points, check if one of the assigned openings does
- // already have points assigned to it. In this case, assume this is
- // the other side of the wall and generate connections between
- // the two holes in order to close the window.
- // All this gets complicated by the fact that contours may pertain to
- // multiple openings(due to merging of adjacent or overlapping openings).
- // The code is based on the assumption that this happens symmetrically
- // on both sides of the wall. If it doesn't (which would be a bug anyway)
- // wrong geometry may be generated.
- for (ContourVector::iterator it = contours.begin(), end = contours.end(); it != end; ++it) {
- if ((*it).IsInvalid()) {
- continue;
- }
- OpeningRefs& refs = contours_to_openings[std::distance(contours.begin(), it)];
- bool has_other_side = false;
- for(const TempOpening* opening : refs) {
- if(!opening->wallPoints.empty()) {
- has_other_side = true;
- break;
- }
- }
- if (has_other_side) {
- ContourRefVector adjacent_contours;
- // prepare a skiplist for this contour. The skiplist is used to
- // eliminate unwanted contour lines for adjacent windows and
- // those bordering the outer frame.
- (*it).PrepareSkiplist();
- FindAdjacentContours(it, contours);
- FindBorderContours(it);
- // if the window is the result of a finite union or intersection of rectangles,
- // there shouldn't be any crossing or diagonal lines in it. Such lines would
- // be artifacts caused by numerical inaccuracies or other bugs in polyclipper
- // and our own code. Since rectangular openings are by far the most frequent
- // case, it is worth filtering for this corner case.
- if((*it).is_rectangular) {
- FindLikelyCrossingLines(it);
- }
- ai_assert((*it).skiplist.size() == (*it).contour.size());
- SkipList::const_iterator skipbegin = (*it).skiplist.begin();
- curmesh.mVerts.reserve(curmesh.mVerts.size() + (*it).contour.size() * 4);
- curmesh.mVertcnt.reserve(curmesh.mVertcnt.size() + (*it).contour.size());
- bool reverseCountourFaces = false;
- // compare base poly normal and contour normal to detect if we need to reverse the face winding
- if(curmesh.mVertcnt.size() > 0) {
- IfcVector3 basePolyNormal = TempMesh::ComputePolygonNormal(, curmesh.mVertcnt.front());
- std::vector<IfcVector3> worldSpaceContourVtx(it->contour.size());
- for(size_t a = 0; a < it->contour.size(); ++a)
- worldSpaceContourVtx[a] = minv * IfcVector3(it->contour[a].x, it->contour[a].y, 0.0);
- IfcVector3 contourNormal = TempMesh::ComputePolygonNormal(, worldSpaceContourVtx.size());
- reverseCountourFaces = (contourNormal * basePolyNormal) > 0.0;
- }
- // XXX this algorithm is really a bit inefficient - both in terms
- // of constant factor and of asymptotic runtime.
- std::vector<bool>::const_iterator skipit = skipbegin;
- IfcVector3 start0;
- IfcVector3 start1;
- const Contour::const_iterator cbegin = (*it).contour.begin(), cend = (*it).contour.end();
- bool drop_this_edge = false;
- for (Contour::const_iterator cit = cbegin; cit != cend; ++cit, drop_this_edge = *skipit++) {
- const IfcVector2& proj_point = *cit;
- // Locate the closest opposite point. This should be a good heuristic to
- // connect only the points that are really intended to be connected.
- IfcFloat best = static_cast<IfcFloat>(1e10);
- IfcVector3 bestv;
- const IfcVector3 world_point = minv * IfcVector3(proj_point.x,proj_point.y,0.0f);
- for(const TempOpening* opening : refs) {
- for(const IfcVector3& other : opening->wallPoints) {
- const IfcFloat sqdist = (world_point - other).SquareLength();
- if (sqdist < best) {
- // avoid self-connections
- if(sqdist < 1e-5) {
- continue;
- }
- bestv = other;
- best = sqdist;
- }
- }
- }
- if (drop_this_edge) {
- curmesh.mVerts.pop_back();
- curmesh.mVerts.pop_back();
- }
- else {
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(((cit == cbegin) != reverseCountourFaces) ? world_point : bestv);
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(((cit == cbegin) != reverseCountourFaces) ? bestv : world_point);
- curmesh.mVertcnt.push_back(4);
- ++closed;
- }
- if (cit == cbegin) {
- start0 = world_point;
- start1 = bestv;
- continue;
- }
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(reverseCountourFaces ? bestv : world_point);
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(reverseCountourFaces ? world_point : bestv);
- if (cit == cend - 1) {
- drop_this_edge = *skipit;
- // Check if the final connection (last to first element) is itself
- // a border edge that needs to be dropped.
- if (drop_this_edge) {
- --closed;
- curmesh.mVertcnt.pop_back();
- curmesh.mVerts.pop_back();
- curmesh.mVerts.pop_back();
- }
- else {
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(reverseCountourFaces ? start0 : start1);
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(reverseCountourFaces ? start1 : start0);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- else {
- const Contour::const_iterator cbegin = (*it).contour.begin(), cend = (*it).contour.end();
- for(TempOpening* opening : refs) {
- ai_assert(opening->wallPoints.empty());
- opening->wallPoints.reserve(opening->wallPoints.capacity() + (*it).contour.size());
- for (Contour::const_iterator cit = cbegin; cit != cend; ++cit) {
- const IfcVector2& proj_point = *cit;
- opening->wallPoints.push_back(minv * IfcVector3(proj_point.x,proj_point.y,0.0f));
- }
- }
- }
- }
- return closed;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Quadrify(const std::vector< BoundingBox >& bbs, TempMesh& curmesh)
- ai_assert(curmesh.IsEmpty());
- std::vector<IfcVector2> quads;
- quads.reserve(bbs.size()*4);
- // sort openings by x and y axis as a preliminiary to the QuadrifyPart() algorithm
- XYSortedField field;
- for (std::vector<BoundingBox>::const_iterator it = bbs.begin(); it != bbs.end(); ++it) {
- if (field.find((*it).first) != field.end()) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("constraint failure during generation of wall openings, results may be faulty");
- }
- field[(*it).first] = std::distance(bbs.begin(),it);
- }
- QuadrifyPart(IfcVector2(),one_vec,field,bbs,quads);
- ai_assert(!(quads.size() % 4));
- curmesh.mVertcnt.resize(quads.size()/4,4);
- curmesh.mVerts.reserve(quads.size());
- for(const IfcVector2& v2 : quads) {
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(IfcVector3(v2.x, v2.y, static_cast<IfcFloat>(0.0)));
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-void Quadrify(const ContourVector& contours, TempMesh& curmesh)
- std::vector<BoundingBox> bbs;
- bbs.reserve(contours.size());
- for(const ContourVector::value_type& val : contours) {
- bbs.push_back(;
- }
- Quadrify(bbs, curmesh);
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-IfcMatrix4 ProjectOntoPlane(std::vector<IfcVector2>& out_contour, const TempMesh& in_mesh,
- bool &ok, IfcVector3& nor_out)
- const std::vector<IfcVector3>& in_verts = in_mesh.mVerts;
- ok = true;
- IfcMatrix4 m = IfcMatrix4(DerivePlaneCoordinateSpace(in_mesh, ok, nor_out));
- if(!ok) {
- return IfcMatrix4();
- }
- const IfcFloat det = m.Determinant();
- ai_assert(std::fabs(det-1) < 1e-5);
- IfcFloat zcoord = 0;
- out_contour.reserve(in_verts.size());
- IfcVector3 vmin, vmax;
- MinMaxChooser<IfcVector3>()(vmin, vmax);
- // Project all points into the new coordinate system, collect min/max verts on the way
- for(const IfcVector3& x : in_verts) {
- const IfcVector3 vv = m * x;
- // keep Z offset in the plane coordinate system. Ignoring precision issues
- // (which are present, of course), this should be the same value for
- // all polygon vertices (assuming the polygon is planar).
- // XXX this should be guarded, but we somehow need to pick a suitable
- // epsilon
- // if(coord != -1.0f) {
- // assert(std::fabs(coord - vv.z) < 1e-3f);
- // }
- zcoord += vv.z;
- vmin = std::min(vv, vmin);
- vmax = std::max(vv, vmax);
- out_contour.push_back(IfcVector2(vv.x,vv.y));
- }
- zcoord /= in_verts.size();
- // Further improve the projection by mapping the entire working set into
- // [0,1] range. This gives us a consistent data range so all epsilons
- // used below can be constants.
- vmax -= vmin;
- for(IfcVector2& vv : out_contour) {
- vv.x = (vv.x - vmin.x) / vmax.x;
- vv.y = (vv.y - vmin.y) / vmax.y;
- // sanity rounding
- vv = std::max(vv,IfcVector2());
- vv = std::min(vv,one_vec);
- }
- IfcMatrix4 mult;
- mult.a1 = static_cast<IfcFloat>(1.0) / vmax.x;
- mult.b2 = static_cast<IfcFloat>(1.0) / vmax.y;
- mult.a4 = -vmin.x * mult.a1;
- mult.b4 = -vmin.y * mult.b2;
- mult.c4 = -zcoord;
- m = mult * m;
- // debug code to verify correctness
- std::vector<IfcVector2> out_contour2;
- for(const IfcVector3& x : in_verts) {
- const IfcVector3& vv = m * x;
- out_contour2.push_back(IfcVector2(vv.x,vv.y));
- ai_assert(std::fabs(vv.z) < vmax.z + 1e-8);
- }
- for(size_t i = 0; i < out_contour.size(); ++i) {
- ai_assert((out_contour[i] - out_contour2[i]).SquareLength() < ai_epsilon);
- }
- return m;
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool GenerateOpenings(std::vector<TempOpening>& openings,
- TempMesh& curmesh,
- bool check_intersection,
- bool generate_connection_geometry,
- const IfcVector3& wall_extrusion_axis)
- OpeningRefVector contours_to_openings;
- // Try to derive a solid base plane within the current surface for use as
- // working coordinate system. Map all vertices onto this plane and
- // rescale them to [0,1] range. This normalization means all further
- // epsilons need not be scaled.
- bool ok = true;
- std::vector<IfcVector2> contour_flat;
- IfcVector3 nor;
- const IfcMatrix4 m = ProjectOntoPlane(contour_flat, curmesh, ok, nor);
- if(!ok) {
- return false;
- }
- // Obtain inverse transform for getting back to world space later on
- const IfcMatrix4 minv = IfcMatrix4(m).Inverse();
- // Compute bounding boxes for all 2D openings in projection space
- ContourVector contours;
- std::vector<IfcVector2> temp_contour;
- std::vector<IfcVector2> temp_contour2;
- IfcVector3 wall_extrusion_axis_norm = wall_extrusion_axis;
- wall_extrusion_axis_norm.Normalize();
- for(TempOpening& opening :openings) {
- // extrusionDir may be 0,0,0 on case where the opening mesh is not an
- // IfcExtrudedAreaSolid but something else (i.e. a brep)
- IfcVector3 norm_extrusion_dir = opening.extrusionDir;
- if (norm_extrusion_dir.SquareLength() > 1e-10) {
- norm_extrusion_dir.Normalize();
- }
- else {
- norm_extrusion_dir = IfcVector3();
- }
- TempMesh* profile_data = opening.profileMesh.get();
- bool is_2d_source = false;
- if (opening.profileMesh2D && norm_extrusion_dir.SquareLength() > 0) {
- if (std::fabs(norm_extrusion_dir * nor) > 0.9) {
- profile_data = opening.profileMesh2D.get();
- is_2d_source = true;
- }
- }
- std::vector<IfcVector3> profile_verts = profile_data->mVerts;
- std::vector<unsigned int> profile_vertcnts = profile_data->mVertcnt;
- if(profile_verts.size() <= 2) {
- continue;
- }
- // The opening meshes are real 3D meshes so skip over all faces
- // clearly facing into the wrong direction. Also, we need to check
- // whether the meshes do actually intersect the base surface plane.
- // This is done by recording minimum and maximum values for the
- // d component of the plane equation for all polys and checking
- // against surface d.
- // Use the sign of the dot product of the face normal to the plane
- // normal to determine to which side of the difference mesh a
- // triangle belongs. Get independent bounding boxes and vertex
- // sets for both sides and take the better one (we can't just
- // take both - this would likely cause major screwup of vertex
- // winding, producing errors as late as in CloseWindows()).
- IfcFloat dmin, dmax;
- MinMaxChooser<IfcFloat>()(dmin,dmax);
- temp_contour.clear();
- temp_contour2.clear();
- IfcVector2 vpmin,vpmax;
- MinMaxChooser<IfcVector2>()(vpmin,vpmax);
- IfcVector2 vpmin2,vpmax2;
- MinMaxChooser<IfcVector2>()(vpmin2,vpmax2);
- for (size_t f = 0, vi_total = 0, fend = profile_vertcnts.size(); f < fend; ++f) {
- bool side_flag = true;
- if (!is_2d_source) {
- const IfcVector3 face_nor = ((profile_verts[vi_total+2] - profile_verts[vi_total]) ^
- (profile_verts[vi_total+1] - profile_verts[vi_total])).Normalize();
- const IfcFloat abs_dot_face_nor = std::abs(nor * face_nor);
- if (abs_dot_face_nor < 0.9) {
- vi_total += profile_vertcnts[f];
- continue;
- }
- side_flag = nor * face_nor > 0;
- }
- for (unsigned int vi = 0, vend = profile_vertcnts[f]; vi < vend; ++vi, ++vi_total) {
- const IfcVector3& x = profile_verts[vi_total];
- const IfcVector3 v = m * x;
- IfcVector2 vv(v.x, v.y);
- //if(check_intersection) {
- dmin = std::min(dmin, v.z);
- dmax = std::max(dmax, v.z);
- //}
- // sanity rounding
- vv = std::max(vv,IfcVector2());
- vv = std::min(vv,one_vec);
- if(side_flag) {
- vpmin = std::min(vpmin,vv);
- vpmax = std::max(vpmax,vv);
- }
- else {
- vpmin2 = std::min(vpmin2,vv);
- vpmax2 = std::max(vpmax2,vv);
- }
- std::vector<IfcVector2>& store = side_flag ? temp_contour : temp_contour2;
- if (!IsDuplicateVertex(vv, store)) {
- store.push_back(vv);
- }
- }
- }
- if (temp_contour2.size() > 2) {
- ai_assert(!is_2d_source);
- const IfcVector2 area = vpmax-vpmin;
- const IfcVector2 area2 = vpmax2-vpmin2;
- if (temp_contour.size() <= 2 || std::fabs(area2.x * area2.y) > std::fabs(area.x * area.y)) {
- temp_contour.swap(temp_contour2);
- vpmax = vpmax2;
- vpmin = vpmin2;
- }
- }
- if(temp_contour.size() <= 2) {
- continue;
- }
- // TODO: This epsilon may be too large
- const IfcFloat epsilon = std::fabs(dmax-dmin) * 0.0001;
- if (!is_2d_source && check_intersection && (0 < dmin-epsilon || 0 > dmax+epsilon)) {
- continue;
- }
- BoundingBox bb = BoundingBox(vpmin,vpmax);
- // Skip over very small openings - these are likely projection errors
- // (i.e. they don't belong to this side of the wall)
- if(std::fabs(vpmax.x - vpmin.x) * std::fabs(vpmax.y - vpmin.y) < static_cast<IfcFloat>(1e-10)) {
- continue;
- }
- std::vector<TempOpening*> joined_openings(1, &opening);
- bool is_rectangle = temp_contour.size() == 4;
- // See if this BB intersects or is in close adjacency to any other BB we have so far.
- for (ContourVector::iterator it = contours.begin(); it != contours.end(); ) {
- const BoundingBox& ibb = (*it).bb;
- if (BoundingBoxesOverlapping(ibb, bb)) {
- if (!(*it).is_rectangular) {
- is_rectangle = false;
- }
- const std::vector<IfcVector2>& other = (*it).contour;
- ClipperLib::ExPolygons poly;
- // First check whether subtracting the old contour (to which ibb belongs)
- // from the new contour (to which bb belongs) yields an updated bb which
- // no longer overlaps ibb
- MakeDisjunctWindowContours(other, temp_contour, poly);
- if(poly.size() == 1) {
- const BoundingBox newbb = GetBoundingBox(poly[0].outer);
- if (!BoundingBoxesOverlapping(ibb, newbb )) {
- // Good guy bounding box
- bb = newbb ;
- ExtractVerticesFromClipper(poly[0].outer, temp_contour, false);
- continue;
- }
- }
- // Take these two overlapping contours and try to merge them. If they
- // overlap (which should not happen, but in fact happens-in-the-real-
- // world [tm] ), resume using a single contour and a single bounding box.
- MergeWindowContours(temp_contour, other, poly);
- if (poly.size() > 1) {
- return TryAddOpenings_Poly2Tri(openings, curmesh);
- }
- else if (poly.size() == 0) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("ignoring duplicate opening");
- temp_contour.clear();
- break;
- }
- else {
- IFCImporter::LogVerboseDebug("merging overlapping openings");
- ExtractVerticesFromClipper(poly[0].outer, temp_contour, false);
- // Generate the union of the bounding boxes
- bb.first = std::min(bb.first, ibb.first);
- bb.second = std::max(bb.second, ibb.second);
- // Update contour-to-opening tables accordingly
- if (generate_connection_geometry) {
- std::vector<TempOpening*>& t = contours_to_openings[std::distance(contours.begin(),it)];
- joined_openings.insert(joined_openings.end(), t.begin(), t.end());
- contours_to_openings.erase(contours_to_openings.begin() + std::distance(contours.begin(),it));
- }
- contours.erase(it);
- // Restart from scratch because the newly formed BB might now
- // overlap any other BB which its constituent BBs didn't
- // previously overlap.
- it = contours.begin();
- continue;
- }
- }
- ++it;
- }
- if(!temp_contour.empty()) {
- if (generate_connection_geometry) {
- contours_to_openings.push_back(std::vector<TempOpening*>(
- joined_openings.begin(),
- joined_openings.end()));
- }
- contours.push_back(ProjectedWindowContour(temp_contour, bb, is_rectangle));
- }
- }
- // Check if we still have any openings left - it may well be that this is
- // not the cause, for example if all the opening candidates don't intersect
- // this surface or point into a direction perpendicular to it.
- if (contours.empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- curmesh.Clear();
- // Generate a base subdivision into quads to accommodate the given list
- // of window bounding boxes.
- Quadrify(contours,curmesh);
- // Run a sanity cleanup pass on the window contours to avoid generating
- // artifacts during the contour generation phase later on.
- CleanupWindowContours(contours);
- // Previously we reduced all windows to rectangular AABBs in projection
- // space, now it is time to fill the gaps between the BBs and the real
- // window openings.
- InsertWindowContours(contours,openings, curmesh);
- // Clip the entire outer contour of our current result against the real
- // outer contour of the surface. This is necessary because the result
- // of the Quadrify() algorithm is always a square area spanning
- // over [0,1]^2 (i.e. entire projection space).
- CleanupOuterContour(contour_flat, curmesh);
- // Undo the projection and get back to world (or local object) space
- for(IfcVector3& v3 : curmesh.mVerts) {
- v3 = minv * v3;
- }
- // Generate window caps to connect the symmetric openings on both sides
- // of the wall.
- if (generate_connection_geometry) {
- CloseWindows(contours, minv, contours_to_openings, curmesh);
- }
- return true;
-std::vector<IfcVector2> GetContourInPlane2D(std::shared_ptr<TempMesh> mesh,IfcMatrix3 planeSpace,
- IfcVector3 planeNor,IfcFloat planeOffset,
- IfcVector3 extrusionDir,IfcVector3& wall_extrusion,bool& first,bool& ok) {
- std::vector<IfcVector2> contour;
- const auto outernor = ((mesh->mVerts[2] - mesh->mVerts[0]) ^ (mesh->mVerts[1] - mesh->mVerts[0])).Normalize();
- const IfcFloat dot = planeNor * outernor;
- if (std::fabs(dot) < 1.f - ai_epsilon) {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "Skipping: Unaligned opening (" << planeNor.x << ", " << planeNor.y << ", " << planeNor.z << ")";
- msg << " . ( " << outernor.x << ", " << outernor.y << ", " << outernor.z << ") = " << dot;
- IFCImporter::LogDebug(msg.str().c_str());
- ok = false;
- return contour;
- }
- const std::vector<IfcVector3>& va = mesh->mVerts;
- if(va.size() <= 2) {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "Skipping: Only " << va.size() << " verticies in opening mesh.";
- IFCImporter::LogDebug(msg.str().c_str());
- ok = false;
- return contour;
- }
- for(const IfcVector3& xx : mesh->mVerts) {
- IfcVector3 vv = planeSpace * xx,vv_extr = planeSpace * (xx + extrusionDir);
- const bool is_extruded_side = std::fabs(vv.z - planeOffset) > std::fabs(vv_extr.z - planeOffset);
- if(first) {
- first = false;
- if(dot > 0.f) {
- wall_extrusion = extrusionDir;
- if(is_extruded_side) {
- wall_extrusion = -wall_extrusion;
- }
- }
- }
- // XXX should not be necessary - but it is. Why? For precision reasons?
- vv = is_extruded_side ? vv_extr : vv;
- contour.push_back(IfcVector2(vv.x,vv.y));
- }
- ok = true;
- return contour;
-const float close{ ai_epsilon };
-static bool isClose(IfcVector2 first,IfcVector2 second) {
- auto diff = (second - first);
- return (std::fabs(diff.x) < close && std::fabs(diff.y) < close);
-static void logSegment(std::pair<IfcVector2,IfcVector2> segment) {
- std::stringstream msg2;
- msg2 << " Segment: \n";
- msg2 << " " << segment.first.x << " " << segment.first.y << " \n";
- msg2 << " " << segment.second.x << " " << segment.second.y << " \n";
- IFCImporter::LogInfo(msg2.str().c_str());
-std::vector<std::vector<IfcVector2>> GetContoursInPlane3D(std::shared_ptr<TempMesh> mesh,IfcMatrix3 planeSpace,
- IfcFloat planeOffset) {
- {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "GetContoursInPlane3D: planeSpace is \n";
- msg << planeSpace.a1 << " " << planeSpace.a2 << " " << planeSpace.a3 << " " << "\n";
- msg << planeSpace.b1 << " " << planeSpace.b2 << " " << planeSpace.b3 << " " << "\n";
- msg << planeSpace.c1 << " " << planeSpace.c2 << " " << planeSpace.c3 << " " << "\n";
- msg << "\n planeOffset is " << planeOffset;
- IFCImporter::LogInfo(msg.str().c_str());
- }
- // we'll put our line segments in here, and then merge them together into contours later
- std::deque<std::pair<IfcVector2,IfcVector2>> lineSegments;
- // find the lines giving the intersection of the faces with the plane - we'll work in planeSpace throughout.
- size_t vI0{ 0 }; // vertex index for first vertex in plane
- for(auto nVertices : mesh->mVertcnt) { // iterate over faces
- {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "GetContoursInPlane3D: face (transformed) is \n";
- for(auto vI = vI0; vI < vI0 + nVertices; vI++) {
- auto v = planeSpace * mesh->mVerts[vI];
- msg << " " << v.x << " " << v.y << " " << v.z << " " << "\n";
- }
- IFCImporter::LogInfo(msg.str().c_str());
- }
- if(nVertices <= 2) // not a plane, a point or line
- {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "GetContoursInPlane3D: found point or line when expecting plane (only " << nVertices << " vertices)";
- IFCImporter::LogWarn(msg.str().c_str());
- vI0 += nVertices;
- continue;
- }
- auto v0 = planeSpace * mesh->mVerts[vI0];
- // now calculate intersections between face and plane
- IfcVector2 firstPoint;
- bool gotFirstPoint(false);
- if(std::fabs(v0.z - planeOffset) < close) {
- // first point is on the plane
- firstPoint.x = v0.x;
- firstPoint.y = v0.y;
- gotFirstPoint = true;
- }
- auto vn = v0;
- for(auto vI = vI0 + 1; vI < vI0 + nVertices; vI++) {
- auto vp = vn;
- vn = planeSpace * mesh->mVerts[vI];
- IfcVector3 intersection;
- if(std::fabs(vn.z - planeOffset) < close) {
- // on the plane
- intersection = vn;
- }
- else if((vn.z > planeOffset) != (vp.z > planeOffset))
- {
- // passes through the plane
- auto vdir = vn - vp;
- auto scale = (planeOffset - vp.z) / vdir.z;
- intersection = vp + scale * vdir;
- }
- else {
- // nowhere near - move on
- continue;
- }
- if(!gotFirstPoint) {
- if(std::fabs(vp.z - planeOffset) < close) {
- // just had a second line along the plane
- firstPoint.x = vp.x;
- firstPoint.y = vp.y;
- IfcVector2 secondPoint(intersection.x,intersection.y);
- auto s = std::pair<IfcVector2,IfcVector2>(firstPoint,secondPoint);
- logSegment(s);
- lineSegments.push_back(s);
- // next firstpoint should be this one
- }
- else {
- // store the first intersection point
- firstPoint.x = intersection.x;
- firstPoint.y = intersection.y;
- gotFirstPoint = true;
- }
- }
- else {
- // now got the second point, so store the pair
- IfcVector2 secondPoint(intersection.x,intersection.y);
- auto s = std::pair<IfcVector2,IfcVector2>(firstPoint,secondPoint);
- logSegment(s);
- lineSegments.push_back(s);
- // - note that we don't move onto the next face as a non-convex face can create two or more intersections with a plane
- gotFirstPoint = false;
- }
- }
- if(gotFirstPoint) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("GetContoursInPlane3D: odd number of intersections with plane");
- }
- vI0 += nVertices;
- }
- {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "GetContoursInPlane3D: found " << lineSegments.size() << " line segments:\n";
- IFCImporter::LogInfo(msg.str().c_str());
- for(auto& s : lineSegments) {
- logSegment(s);
- }
- }
- // now merge contours until we have the best-looking polygons we can
- std::vector<Contour> contours;
- while(!lineSegments.empty()) {
- // start with a polygon and make the best closed contour we can
- const auto& firstSeg = lineSegments.front();
- std::deque<IfcVector2> contour{ firstSeg.first, firstSeg.second };
- lineSegments.pop_front();
- bool foundNextPoint{ true };
- bool closedContour{ false };
- while(foundNextPoint) {
- foundNextPoint = false;
- for(auto nextSeg = lineSegments.begin(); nextSeg != lineSegments.end(); nextSeg++) {
- // see if we can match up both ends - in which case we've closed the contour
- if((isClose(contour.front(),nextSeg->first) && isClose(contour.back(),nextSeg->second)) ||
- (isClose(contour.back(),nextSeg->first) && isClose(contour.front(),nextSeg->second))
- ) {
- lineSegments.erase(nextSeg);
- closedContour = true;
- break;
- }
- // otherwise, see if we can match up either end
- foundNextPoint = true;
- if(isClose(contour.front(),nextSeg->first)) {
- contour.push_front(nextSeg->second);
- }
- else if(isClose(contour.front(),nextSeg->second)) {
- contour.push_front(nextSeg->first);
- }
- else if(isClose(contour.back(),nextSeg->first)) {
- contour.push_back(nextSeg->second);
- }
- else if(isClose(contour.back(),nextSeg->second)) {
- contour.push_back(nextSeg->first);
- }
- else {
- foundNextPoint = false;
- }
- if(foundNextPoint) {
- lineSegments.erase(nextSeg);
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- if(!closedContour) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("GetContoursInPlane3D: did not close contour");
- }
- // now add the contour if we can
- if(contour.size() <= 2) {
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("GetContoursInPlane3D: discarding line/point contour");
- continue;
- }
- Contour c{};
- for(auto p : contour)
- {
- c.push_back(p);
- }
- contours.push_back(c);
- }
- {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "GetContoursInPlane3D: found " << contours.size() << " contours:\n";
- for(auto c : contours) {
- msg << " Contour: \n";
- for(auto p : c) {
- msg << " " << p.x << " " << p.y << " \n";
- }
- }
- IFCImporter::LogInfo(msg.str().c_str());
- }
- return contours;
-std::vector<std::vector<IfcVector2>> GetContoursInPlane(std::shared_ptr<TempMesh> mesh,IfcMatrix3 planeSpace,
- IfcVector3 planeNor,IfcFloat planeOffset,
- IfcVector3 extrusionDir,IfcVector3& wall_extrusion,bool& first) {
- if(mesh->mVertcnt.size() == 1)
- {
- bool ok;
- auto contour = GetContourInPlane2D(mesh,planeSpace,planeNor,planeOffset,extrusionDir,wall_extrusion,first,ok);
- if(ok)
- return std::vector<std::vector<IfcVector2>> {contour};
- else
- return std::vector<std::vector<IfcVector2>> {};
- }
- else
- {
- return GetContoursInPlane3D(mesh,planeSpace,planeOffset);
- }
-// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
-bool TryAddOpenings_Poly2Tri(const std::vector<TempOpening>& openings,
- TempMesh& curmesh)
- IFCImporter::LogWarn("forced to use poly2tri fallback method to generate wall openings");
- std::vector<IfcVector3>& out = curmesh.mVerts;
- bool result = false;
- // Try to derive a solid base plane within the current surface for use as
- // working coordinate system.
- bool ok;
- IfcVector3 nor;
- const IfcMatrix3 m = DerivePlaneCoordinateSpace(curmesh, ok, nor);
- if (!ok) {
- return false;
- }
- const IfcMatrix3 minv = IfcMatrix3(m).Inverse();
- IfcFloat coord = -1;
- std::vector<IfcVector2> contour_flat;
- contour_flat.reserve(out.size());
- IfcVector2 vmin, vmax;
- MinMaxChooser<IfcVector2>()(vmin, vmax);
- // Move all points into the new coordinate system, collecting min/max verts on the way
- for(IfcVector3& x : out) {
- const IfcVector3 vv = m * x;
- // keep Z offset in the plane coordinate system. Ignoring precision issues
- // (which are present, of course), this should be the same value for
- // all polygon vertices (assuming the polygon is planar).
- // XXX this should be guarded, but we somehow need to pick a suitable
- // epsilon
- // if(coord != -1.0f) {
- // assert(std::fabs(coord - vv.z) < 1e-3f);
- // }
- coord = vv.z;
- vmin = std::min(IfcVector2(vv.x, vv.y), vmin);
- vmax = std::max(IfcVector2(vv.x, vv.y), vmax);
- contour_flat.push_back(IfcVector2(vv.x,vv.y));
- }
- // With the current code in DerivePlaneCoordinateSpace,
- // vmin,vmax should always be the 0...1 rectangle (+- numeric inaccuracies)
- // but here we won't rely on this.
- vmax -= vmin;
- // If this happens then the projection must have been wrong.
- ai_assert(vmax.Length());
- ClipperLib::ExPolygons clipped;
- ClipperLib::Polygons holes_union;
- IfcVector3 wall_extrusion;
- bool first = true;
- try {
- ClipperLib::Clipper clipper_holes;
- for(const TempOpening& t : openings) {
- auto contours = GetContoursInPlane(t.profileMesh,m,nor,coord,t.extrusionDir,wall_extrusion,first);
- for(auto& contour : contours) {
- // scale to clipping space
- ClipperLib::Polygon hole;
- for(IfcVector2& pip : contour) {
- pip.x = (pip.x - vmin.x) / vmax.x;
- pip.y = (pip.y - vmin.y) / vmax.y;
- hole.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint(to_int64(pip.x),to_int64(pip.y)));
- }
- if(!ClipperLib::Orientation(hole)) {
- std::reverse(hole.begin(),hole.end());
- // assert(ClipperLib::Orientation(hole));
- }
- /*ClipperLib::Polygons pol_temp(1), pol_temp2(1);
- pol_temp[0] = hole;
- ClipperLib::OffsetPolygons(pol_temp,pol_temp2,5.0);
- hole = pol_temp2[0];*/
- clipper_holes.AddPolygon(hole,ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- {
- std::stringstream msg;
- msg << "- added polygon ";
- for(auto elem : hole) {
- msg << " (" << elem.X << ", " << elem.Y << ")";
- }
- IFCImporter::LogDebug(msg.str().c_str());
- }
- }
- }
- clipper_holes.Execute(ClipperLib::ctUnion,holes_union,
- ClipperLib::pftNonZero,
- ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
- if (holes_union.empty()) {
- return false;
- }
- // Now that we have the big union of all holes, subtract it from the outer contour
- // to obtain the final polygon to feed into the triangulator.
- {
- ClipperLib::Polygon poly;
- for(IfcVector2& pip : contour_flat) {
- pip.x = (pip.x - vmin.x) / vmax.x;
- pip.y = (pip.y - vmin.y) / vmax.y;
- poly.push_back(ClipperLib::IntPoint( to_int64(pip.x), to_int64(pip.y) ));
- }
- if (ClipperLib::Orientation(poly)) {
- std::reverse(poly.begin(), poly.end());
- }
- clipper_holes.Clear();
- clipper_holes.AddPolygon(poly,ClipperLib::ptSubject);
- clipper_holes.AddPolygons(holes_union,ClipperLib::ptClip);
- clipper_holes.Execute(ClipperLib::ctDifference,clipped,
- ClipperLib::pftNonZero,
- ClipperLib::pftNonZero);
- }
- }
- catch (const char* sx) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("Ifc: error during polygon clipping, skipping openings for this face: (Clipper: "
- + std::string(sx) + ")");
- return false;
- }
- std::vector<IfcVector3> old_verts;
- std::vector<unsigned int> old_vertcnt;
- old_verts.swap(curmesh.mVerts);
- old_vertcnt.swap(curmesh.mVertcnt);
- std::vector< std::vector<p2t::Point*> > contours;
- for(ClipperLib::ExPolygon& clip : clipped) {
- contours.clear();
- // Build the outer polygon contour line for feeding into poly2tri
- std::vector<p2t::Point*> contour_points;
- for(ClipperLib::IntPoint& point : clip.outer) {
- contour_points.push_back( new p2t::Point(from_int64(point.X), from_int64(point.Y)) );
- }
- p2t::CDT* cdt ;
- try {
- // Note: this relies on custom modifications in poly2tri to raise runtime_error's
- // instead if assertions. These failures are not debug only, they can actually
- // happen in production use if the input data is broken. An assertion would be
- // inappropriate.
- cdt = new p2t::CDT(contour_points);
- }
- catch(const std::exception& e) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("Ifc: error during polygon triangulation, skipping some openings: (poly2tri: "
- + std::string(e.what()) + ")");
- continue;
- }
- // Build the poly2tri inner contours for all holes we got from ClipperLib
- for(ClipperLib::Polygon& opening : clip.holes) {
- contours.push_back(std::vector<p2t::Point*>());
- std::vector<p2t::Point*>& contour = contours.back();
- for(ClipperLib::IntPoint& point : opening) {
- contour.push_back( new p2t::Point(from_int64(point.X), from_int64(point.Y)) );
- }
- cdt->AddHole(contour);
- }
- try {
- // Note: See above
- cdt->Triangulate();
- }
- catch(const std::exception& e) {
- IFCImporter::LogError("Ifc: error during polygon triangulation, skipping some openings: (poly2tri: "
- + std::string(e.what()) + ")");
- continue;
- }
- const std::vector<p2t::Triangle*> tris = cdt->GetTriangles();
- // Collect the triangles we just produced
- for(p2t::Triangle* tri : tris) {
- for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i) {
- const IfcVector2 v = IfcVector2(
- static_cast<IfcFloat>( tri->GetPoint(i)->x ),
- static_cast<IfcFloat>( tri->GetPoint(i)->y )
- );
- ai_assert(v.x <= 1.0 && v.x >= 0.0 && v.y <= 1.0 && v.y >= 0.0);
- const IfcVector3 v3 = minv * IfcVector3(vmin.x + v.x * vmax.x, vmin.y + v.y * vmax.y,coord) ;
- curmesh.mVerts.push_back(v3);
- }
- curmesh.mVertcnt.push_back(3);
- }
- result = true;
- }
- if (!result) {
- // revert -- it's a shame, but better than nothing
- curmesh.mVerts.insert(curmesh.mVerts.end(),old_verts.begin(), old_verts.end());
- curmesh.mVertcnt.insert(curmesh.mVertcnt.end(),old_vertcnt.begin(), old_vertcnt.end());
- IFCImporter::LogError("Ifc: revert, could not generate openings for this wall");
- }
- return result;
- } // ! IFC
-} // ! Assimp
-#undef to_int64
-#undef from_int64
-#undef one_vec