Calculates the tangents and bitangents for the imported meshes. # # Does nothing if a mesh does not have normals. You might want this post # processing step to be executed if you plan to use tangent space calculations # such as normal mapping applied to the meshes. There's a config setting, # #AI_CONFIG_PP_CT_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE, which allows you to specify # a maximum smoothing angle for the algorithm. However, usually you'll # want to leave it at the default value. # aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace = 0x1 ##
Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all # imported meshes. # # After this step is run, each mesh contains unique vertices, # so a vertex may be used by multiple faces. You usually want # to use this post processing step. If your application deals with # indexed geometry, this step is compulsory or you'll just waste rendering # time. If this flag is not specified, no vertices are referenced by # more than one face and no index buffer is required for rendering. # aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices = 0x2 ##
Converts all the imported data to a left-handed coordinate space. # # By default the data is returned in a right-handed coordinate space (which # OpenGL prefers). In this space, +X points to the right, # +Z points towards the viewer, and +Y points upwards. In the DirectX # coordinate space +X points to the right, +Y points upwards, and +Z points # away from the viewer. # # You'll probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for # rendering. The #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded flag supersedes this # setting and bundles all conversions typically required for D3D-based # applications. # aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded = 0x4 ##
Triangulates all faces of all meshes. # # By default the imported mesh data might contain faces with more than 3 # indices. For rendering you'll usually want all faces to be triangles. # This post processing step splits up faces with more than 3 indices into # triangles. Line and point primitives are #not# modified! If you want # 'triangles only' with no other kinds of primitives, try the following # solution: #