diff options
authorsanine <>2023-12-03 23:44:33 -0600
committersanine <>2023-12-03 23:44:33 -0600
commit135ce23bd188c9351c8e9dde783a713b72dff8f3 (patch)
parent450ac00012ba57fc70d655c5a8c4fb8eb5e6d5d3 (diff)
implement Combinable for LatticePropList
7 files changed, 99 insertions, 132 deletions
diff --git a/nerine.cabal b/nerine.cabal
index 418fec0..903ef49 100644
--- a/nerine.cabal
+++ b/nerine.cabal
@@ -25,10 +25,12 @@ source-repository head
+ Agent
+ Proposal
@@ -65,9 +67,11 @@ test-suite nerine-test
type: exitcode-stdio-1.0
main-is: Main.hs
+ AgentTest
+ ProposalTest
diff --git a/src/Agent.hs b/src/Agent.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bb9e284
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Agent.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+module Agent
+ (
+ ) where
+import Mind (Network (..))
+data Agent a = Agent
+ { id :: Int
+ , net :: Network
+ , state :: [Float]
+ , x :: Int
+ , y :: Int
+ , flags :: a
+ }
diff --git a/src/Proposal.hs b/src/Proposal.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..dd2ea84
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/Proposal.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+module Proposal
+ (
+ ) where
+class Flag a where
+ compatibleFlag :: a -> a -> Bool
diff --git a/src/World/Types.hs b/src/World/Types.hs
index f5a410e..32e4df6 100644
--- a/src/World/Types.hs
+++ b/src/World/Types.hs
@@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
module World.Types
- ( Merge (..)
- , Compatible (..)
+ ( Combinable (..)
, Pos
, LatticeProposal (..)
, LatticePropList (..)
@@ -9,32 +8,27 @@ module World.Types
) where
-class Merge a where
- mergable :: a -> a -> Bool
- merge :: a -> a -> a
+class Combinable a where
+ -- the "identity" element of the class is combinable with all others
+ -- and (naturally) results in those others when combined
+ identity :: a
+ -- determine if two class elements can be combined
+ combinable :: a -> a -> Bool
+ -- combine two class elements
+ combine :: a -> a -> a
-class Compatible a where
- compatible :: a -> a -> Bool
+-- define Combinable for Maybe
+instance (Eq a) => Combinable (Maybe a) where
+ identity = Nothing
-instance (Merge a) => Merge (Maybe a) where
- mergable (Just x) (Just y) = mergable x y
- mergable _ _ = True
- merge (Just x) (Just y) = Just $ merge x y
- merge Nothing (Just y) = Just $ y
- merge (Just x) (Nothing) = Just $ x
- merge Nothing Nothing = Nothing
+ combinable (Just x) (Just y) = x == y
+ combinable _ _ = True
-class (Eq a) => MergeEq a where
- mergableEq :: a -> a -> Bool
- mergeEq :: a -> a -> a
+ combine (Just x) (Just y) = if x /= y then error "attempt to combine non-combinable Justs" else Just x
+ combine (Just x) Nothing = Just x
+ combine Nothing (Just x) = Just x
+ combine Nothing Nothing = Nothing
-instance (Eq a) => MergeEq (Maybe a) where
- mergableEq (Just x) (Just y) = x == y
- mergableEq _ _ = True
- mergeEq (Just x) (Just _) = Just $ x
- mergeEq Nothing (Just y) = Just $ y
- mergeEq (Just x) (Nothing) = Just $ x
- mergeEq Nothing Nothing = Nothing
type Pos = (Int, Int)
@@ -42,51 +36,30 @@ type Pos = (Int, Int)
-- lattice proposals
data LatticeProposal a b = LatticeProposal
{ cellPos :: Pos
- , from :: Maybe a
- , to :: Maybe a
- , cellFlags :: Maybe b
+ , from :: a
+ , to :: a
+ , cellFlags :: b
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype LatticePropList a b = LatticePropList [LatticeProposal a b] deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance (Eq a, Merge b) => Merge (LatticeProposal a b) where
- mergable x y =
- if (cellPos x /= cellPos y) then True else
- if mergableEq (from x) (from y)
- && mergableEq (to x) (to y)
- && mergable (cellFlags x) (cellFlags y)
- then True
- else False
- merge x y = if not (mergable x y)
- then error "attempt to merge incompatible lattice proposals"
- else LatticeProposal
- (cellPos x)
- (mergeEq (from x) (from y))
- (mergeEq (to x) (to y))
- (merge (cellFlags x) (cellFlags y))
+instance (Combinable a, Combinable b) => Combinable (LatticePropList a b) where
+ identity = LatticePropList []
-instance (Eq a, Merge b) => Compatible (LatticeProposal a b) where
- compatible x y = (cellPos x /= cellPos y) || (mergable x y)
-instance (Eq a, Merge b) => Merge (LatticePropList a b) where
- mergable _ _ = True
- merge xs (LatticePropList ys) =
+ combinable (LatticePropList xs) (LatticePropList ys) =
- mergeAcross as b = foldl
- (\(valid, LatticePropList list) x -> if valid
- then
- let
- b' = head list
- rest = tail list
- in if mergable b' x
- then (True, LatticePropList $ (merge b' x):rest)
- else if compatible b' x then (True, LatticePropList $ b':x:rest) else (False, LatticePropList [])
- else (False, LatticePropList list)
- )
- (True, LatticePropList [b])
- as
- in snd $ foldl (\(valid, LatticePropList list) x -> if valid then mergeAcross list x else (False, LatticePropList [])) (True, xs) ys
+ pairIsCombinable (a, b) =
+ if (cellPos a) /= (cellPos b) then True
+ else if
+ combinable (from a) (from b) &&
+ combinable (to a) (to b) &&
+ combinable (cellFlags a) (cellFlags b)
+ then True else False
+ pairs = [ (x, y) | x <- xs, y <- ys ]
+ in
+ all pairIsCombinable pairs
+ combine (LatticePropList xs) (LatticePropList ys) = LatticePropList $ xs ++ ys
-- agent proposals
@@ -98,6 +71,3 @@ data AgentProposal a = AgentProposal
deriving (Show, Eq)
newtype Proposal a b c = Proposal ([LatticeProposal a b], [AgentProposal c]) deriving (Show, Eq)
diff --git a/test/AgentTest.hs b/test/AgentTest.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c89d28a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/AgentTest.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module AgentTest (suite) where
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Agent
+suite :: TestTree
+suite = testGroup "agent tests" $
+ [
+ ]
diff --git a/test/ProposalTest.hs b/test/ProposalTest.hs
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..1b78c69
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/ProposalTest.hs
@@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
+module ProposalTest (suite) where
+import Test.Tasty
+import Test.Tasty.HUnit
+import Proposal
+suite :: TestTree
+suite = testGroup "proposal tests" $
+ [
+ ]
diff --git a/test/WorldTypesTest.hs b/test/WorldTypesTest.hs
index f1822fc..5a45418 100644
--- a/test/WorldTypesTest.hs
+++ b/test/WorldTypesTest.hs
@@ -4,8 +4,7 @@ module WorldTypesTest (suite) where
import Test.Tasty
import Test.Tasty.HUnit
import World.Types
- ( Merge (..)
- , Compatible (..)
+ ( Combinable (..)
, Pos
, LatticeProposal (..)
, LatticePropList (..)
@@ -19,73 +18,24 @@ suite = testGroup "world types tests" $
[ latticePropTests
-newtype MockMerge = MockMerge Int deriving (Show, Eq)
-instance Merge MockMerge where
- mergable (MockMerge x) (MockMerge y) = x == y
- merge x _ = x
- merge _ _ = error "incompatible merge!"
latticePropTests :: TestTree
latticePropTests = testGroup "lattice proposal tests" $
- [ testCase "lattice proposals correctly detect mergability" $
- do
- -- disjoint positions
- True @=? compatible
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 1) Nothing Nothing Nothing)
- True @=? compatible
- (LatticeProposal (1, 0) (Just 4) (Just 5) Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 5) (Just 5) Nothing)
- -- merge from
- True @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 4) Nothing Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 4) Nothing Nothing)
- True @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 4) Nothing Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing Nothing)
- False @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 4) Nothing Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 5) Nothing Nothing)
- -- merge to
- True @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 4) Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 4) Nothing)
- True @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 4) Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing Nothing)
- False @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 4) Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 2) Nothing)
- -- merge flags
- True @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 4) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing Nothing)
- True @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 4) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 4))
- False @=? mergable
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 4) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 5))
- , testCase "merge lattice proposals" $
- do
- LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 4) @?= merge
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing Nothing :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing Nothing (Just $ MockMerge 4))
- LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 2) (Just 4) (Just $ MockMerge 4) @?= merge
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 2) Nothing Nothing)
- (LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 4) (Just $ MockMerge 4))
- , testCase "merge lattice proposal lists" $
+ [ testCase "combine LatticePropList with identity" $
+ let
+ propList :: LatticePropList (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int)
+ propList = LatticePropList
+ [ LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 0) (Just 0) (Just 0)
+ , LatticeProposal (0, 1) Nothing (Just 0) (Just 0)
+ , LatticeProposal (1, 1) (Just 0) Nothing Nothing
+ ]
+ in combine identity propList @?= propList
+ , testCase "conditionally combine proposal lists" $
- a = LatticeProposal (0, 0) Nothing (Just 2) (Just $ MockMerge 4) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge
- b = LatticeProposal (1, 0) Nothing (Just 2) (Just $ MockMerge 4) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge
- c = LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 3) (Just 2) (Just $ MockMerge 4) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge
- d = LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 3) (Just 2) (Just $ MockMerge 5) :: LatticeProposal Int MockMerge
- in do
- (LatticePropList [a, b]) @=? merge (LatticePropList [a]) (LatticePropList [b])
- (LatticePropList [c, b]) @=? merge (LatticePropList [a]) (LatticePropList [b, c])
- (LatticePropList [c]) @=? merge (LatticePropList [a, b]) (LatticePropList [c, d])
- (LatticePropList [b, d]) @=? merge (LatticePropList [b]) (LatticePropList [d])
+ a :: [LatticeProposal (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int)]
+ a = [ LatticeProposal (0, 0) (Just 0) Nothing Nothing ]
+ a' :: [LatticeProposal (Maybe Int) (Maybe Int)]
+ a' = [ LatticeProposal(0, 0) (Just 4) Nothing Nothing ]
+ in
+ combinable (LatticePropList a) (LatticePropList a') @?= False