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2 files changed, 79 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/Mind.hs b/src/Mind.hs
index 45b90da..1ce8ab3 100644
--- a/src/Mind.hs
+++ b/src/Mind.hs
@@ -6,8 +6,11 @@ module Mind
, Network (..)
, createEmptyNetwork
+ , connectNeurons
) where
+import Data.Ix
-- index different neuron types
data NeuronIndex = Input Int | Internal Int | Output Int deriving (Show, Eq)
@@ -26,5 +29,45 @@ data Network = Network
, outputNeurons :: [[Edge]]
} deriving (Show, Eq)
+-- create a completely empty network
createEmptyNetwork :: Int -> Int -> Int -> Network
createEmptyNetwork i h o = Network i (replicate h []) (replicate o [])
+-- connect two neurons together with a new edge
+connectNeurons :: Network -> NeuronIndex -> NeuronIndex -> Float -> Maybe Network
+-- internal sink
+connectNeurons (Network i h o) source (Internal sink) weight =
+ if (validSource (Network i h o) source) then do
+ newH <- insertEdge h sink $ Edge (source, weight)
+ return $ Network i newH o
+ else Nothing
+-- output sink
+connectNeurons (Network i h o) source (Output sink) weight =
+ if (validSource (Network i h o) source) then do
+ newO <- insertEdge o sink $ Edge (source, weight)
+ return $ Network i h newO
+ else Nothing
+connectNeurons _ _ (Input _) _ = Nothing
+-- helpers for connectNeurons
+-- check if a given NeuronIndex can be used as a valid source
+validSource :: Network -> NeuronIndex -> Bool
+validSource _ (Output _) = False
+validSource (Network i _ _) (Input x) =
+ if (inRange (0, i) x)
+ then True else False
+validSource (Network _ h _) (Internal x) =
+ if (inRange (0, length h) x)
+ then True else False
+-- insert a new edge into a neuron list, possibly failing
+insertEdge :: [[Edge]] -> Int -> Edge -> Maybe [[Edge]]
+insertEdge ns i e
+ | (inRange (0, length ns) i) = let (front, es:back) = splitAt i ns
+ in Just $ front ++ [e:es] ++ back
+ | otherwise = Nothing
diff --git a/test/MindTest.hs b/test/MindTest.hs
index 5eb1734..65d5a84 100644
--- a/test/MindTest.hs
+++ b/test/MindTest.hs
@@ -21,4 +21,40 @@ networkTests :: TestTree
networkTests = testGroup "network tests" $
[ testCase "create empty network" $
(createEmptyNetwork 3 2 1) @?= Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ , testCase "output network connection" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Input 0) (Output 0) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= (Just $ Network 3 [[], []] [[Edge (Input 0, (negate 1.0))]])
+ , testCase "internal network connection" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Internal 0) (Internal 1) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= (Just $ Network 3 [[], [Edge (Internal 0, negate 1.0)]] [[]])
+ , testCase "internal self-connection" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Internal 0) (Internal 0) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= (Just $ Network 3 [[Edge (Internal 0, negate 1.0)], []] [[]])
+ , testCase "internal source out of range" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Internal 5) (Internal 0) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= Nothing
+ , testCase "internal sink out of range" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Internal 1) (Internal (negate 1)) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= Nothing
+ , testCase "input source out of range" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Input (negate 1)) (Internal 0) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= Nothing
+ , testCase "input sink" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Input 0) (Input 0) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= Nothing
+ , testCase "output source" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Output 0) (Output 0) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= Nothing
+ , testCase "output sink out of range" $
+ let network = Network 3 [[], []] [[]]
+ in (connectNeurons network (Input 0) (Output 4) (negate 1.0))
+ @?= Nothing