path: root/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/dAssimp/assimp/postprocess.d
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authorsanine <>2022-04-16 11:55:54 -0500
committersanine <>2022-04-16 11:55:54 -0500
commit8fb7916a0d0cb007a4c3a4e6a31af58765268ca3 (patch)
tree52b5524a94a5b04e17a1fd7f8aca988ab6d0c75f /src/mesh/assimp-master/port/dAssimp/assimp/postprocess.d
parentdb81b925d776103326128bf629cbdda576a223e7 (diff)
delete src/mesh/assimp-master
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesh/assimp-master/port/dAssimp/assimp/postprocess.d')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 597 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/dAssimp/assimp/postprocess.d b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/dAssimp/assimp/postprocess.d
deleted file mode 100644
index 343bb36..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/dAssimp/assimp/postprocess.d
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,597 +0,0 @@
-Open Asset Import Library (ASSIMP)
-Copyright (c) 2006-2020, ASSIMP Development Team
-All rights reserved.
-Redistribution and use of this software in source and binary forms,
-with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following
-conditions are met:
- * Redistributions of source code must retain the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer.
- * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above
- copyright notice, this list of conditions and the
- following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other
- materials provided with the distribution.
- * Neither the name of the ASSIMP team, nor the names of its
- contributors may be used to endorse or promote products
- derived from this software without specific prior
- written permission of the ASSIMP Development Team.
- * Definitions for import post processing steps.
- */
-module assimp.postprocess;
-extern ( C ) {
- /**
- * Defines the flags for all possible post processing steps.
- *
- * See: <code>aiImportFile</code>, <code>aiImportFileEx</code>
- */
- enum aiPostProcessSteps {
- /**
- * Calculates the tangents and bitangents for the imported meshes.
- *
- * Does nothing if a mesh does not have normals. You might want this post
- * processing step to be executed if you plan to use tangent space
- * calculations such as normal mapping applied to the meshes. There is a
- * config setting, <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_CT_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE</code>,
- * which allows you to specify a maximum smoothing angle for the
- * algorithm. However, usually you will want to use the default value.
- */
- CalcTangentSpace = 0x1,
- /**
- * Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all imported
- * meshes.
- *
- * After this step is run each mesh does contain only unique vertices
- * anymore, so a vertex is possibly used by multiple faces. You usually
- * want to use this post processing step. If your application deals with
- * indexed geometry, this step is compulsory or you will just waste
- * rendering time. <em>If this flag is not specified</em>, no vertices
- * are referenced by more than one face and <em>no index buffer is
- * required</em> for rendering.
- */
- JoinIdenticalVertices = 0x2,
- /**
- * Converts all the imported data to a left-handed coordinate space.
- *
- * By default the data is returned in a right-handed coordinate space
- * which for example OpenGL prefers. In this space, +X points to the
- * right, +Z points towards the viewer and and +Y points upwards. In the
- * DirectX coordinate space +X points to the right, +Y points upwards and
- * +Z points away from the viewer.
- *
- * You will probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for
- * rendering. The <code>ConvertToLeftHanded</code> flag supersedes this
- * setting and bundles all conversions typically required for D3D-based
- * applications.
- */
- MakeLeftHanded = 0x4,
- /**
- * Triangulates all faces of all meshes.
- *
- * By default the imported mesh data might contain faces with more than 3
- * indices. For rendering you'll usually want all faces to be triangles.
- * This post processing step splits up all higher faces to triangles.
- * Line and point primitives are <em>not</em> modified!.
- *
- * If you want »triangles only« with no other kinds of primitives,
- * specify both <code>Triangulate</code> and <code>SortByPType</code> and
- * ignore all point and line meshes when you process Assimp's output.
- */
- Triangulate = 0x8,
- /**
- * Removes some parts of the data structure (animations, materials, light
- * sources, cameras, textures, vertex components).
- *
- * The components to be removed are specified in a separate configuration
- * option, <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_RVC_FLAGS</code>. This is quite useful if
- * you don't need all parts of the output structure. Especially vertex
- * colors are rarely used today.
- *
- * Calling this step to remove unrequired stuff from the pipeline as
- * early as possible results in an increased performance and a better
- * optimized output data structure.
- *
- * This step is also useful if you want to force Assimp to recompute
- * normals or tangents since the corresponding steps don't recompute them
- * if they have already been loaded from the source asset.
- *
- * This flag is a poor one, mainly because its purpose is usually
- * misunderstood. Consider the following case: a 3d model has been exported
- * from a CAD app, it has per-face vertex colors. Because of the vertex
- * colors (which are not even used by most apps),
- * <code>JoinIdenticalVertices</code> cannot join vertices at the same
- * position. By using this step, unneeded components are excluded as
- * early as possible thus opening more room for internal optimzations.
- */
- RemoveComponent = 0x10,
- /**
- * Generates normals for all faces of all meshes.
- *
- * This is ignored if normals are already there at the time where this
- * flag is evaluated. Model importers try to load them from the source
- * file, so they are usually already there. Face normals are shared
- * between all points of a single face, so a single point can have
- * multiple normals, which, in other words, enforces the library to
- * duplicate vertices in some cases. <code>JoinIdenticalVertices</code>
- * is <em>useless</em> then.
- *
- * This flag may not be specified together with
- * <code>GenSmoothNormals</code>.
- */
- GenNormals = 0x20,
- /**
- * Generates smooth normals for all vertices in the mesh.
- *
- * This is ignored if normals are already there at the time where this
- * flag is evaluated. Model importers try to load them from the source file, so
- * they are usually already there.
- *
- * There is a configuration option,
- * <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_GSN_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE</code> which allows you to
- * specify an angle maximum for the normal smoothing algorithm. Normals
- * exceeding this limit are not smoothed, resulting in a »hard« seam
- * between two faces. Using a decent angle here (e.g. 80°) results in
- * very good visual appearance.
- */
- GenSmoothNormals = 0x40,
- /**
- * Splits large meshes into smaller submeshes.
- *
- * This is quite useful for realtime rendering where the number of triangles
- * which can be maximally processed in a single draw-call is usually limited
- * by the video driver/hardware. The maximum vertex buffer is usually limited,
- * too. Both requirements can be met with this step: you may specify both a
- * triangle and vertex limit for a single mesh.
- *
- * The split limits can (and should!) be set through the
- * <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_SLM_VERTEX_LIMIT</code> and
- * <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_SLM_TRIANGLE_LIMIT</code> settings. The default
- * values are <code>AI_SLM_DEFAULT_MAX_VERTICES</code> and
- *
- * Note that splitting is generally a time-consuming task, but not if
- * there's nothing to split. The use of this step is recommended for most
- * users.
- */
- SplitLargeMeshes = 0x80,
- /**
- * Removes the node graph and pre-transforms all vertices with the local
- * transformation matrices of their nodes.
- *
- * The output scene does still contain nodes, however, there is only a
- * root node with children, each one referencing only one mesh, each
- * mesh referencing one material. For rendering, you can simply render
- * all meshes in order, you don't need to pay attention to local
- * transformations and the node hierarchy. Animations are removed during
- * this step.
- *
- * This step is intended for applications that have no scenegraph.
- *
- * The step <em>can</em> cause some problems: if e.g. a mesh of the asset
- * contains normals and another, using the same material index, does not,
- * they will be brought together, but the first meshes's part of the
- * normal list is zeroed. However, these artifacts are rare.
- *
- * Note: The <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_NORMALIZE</code> configuration
- * property can be set to normalize the scene's spatial dimension
- * to the -1...1 range.
- */
- PreTransformVertices = 0x100,
- /**
- * Limits the number of bones simultaneously affecting a single vertex to
- * a maximum value.
- *
- * If any vertex is affected by more than that number of bones, the least
- * important vertex weights are removed and the remaining vertex weights
- * are renormalized so that the weights still sum up to 1.
- *
- * The default bone weight limit is 4 (<code>AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS</code>),
- * but you can use the <code>#AI_CONFIG_PP_LBW_MAX_WEIGHTS</code> setting
- * to supply your own limit to the post processing step.
- *
- * If you intend to perform the skinning in hardware, this post processing
- * step might be of interest for you.
- */
- LimitBoneWeights = 0x200,
- /**
- * Validates the imported scene data structure.
- *
- * This makes sure that all indices are valid, all animations and
- * bones are linked correctly, all material references are correct, etc.
- *
- * It is recommended to capture Assimp's log output if you use this flag,
- * so you can easily find ot what's actually wrong if a file fails the
- * validation. The validator is quite rude and will find <em>all</em>
- * inconsistencies in the data structure.
- *
- * Plugin developers are recommended to use it to debug their loaders.
- *
- * There are two types of validation failures:
- * <ul>
- * <li>Error: There's something wrong with the imported data. Further
- * postprocessing is not possible and the data is not usable at all.
- * The import fails, see <code>aiGetErrorString()</code> for the
- * error message.</li>
- * <li>Warning: There are some minor issues (e.g. 1000000 animation
- * keyframes with the same time), but further postprocessing and use
- * of the data structure is still safe. Warning details are written
- * to the log file, <code>AI_SCENE_FLAGS_VALIDATION_WARNING</code> is
- * set in <code>aiScene::mFlags</code></li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * This post-processing step is not time-consuming. It's use is not
- * compulsory, but recommended.
- */
- ValidateDataStructure = 0x400,
- /**
- * Reorders triangles for better vertex cache locality.
- *
- * The step tries to improve the ACMR (average post-transform vertex cache
- * miss ratio) for all meshes. The implementation runs in O(n) and is
- * roughly based on the 'tipsify' algorithm (see
- * <tt></tt>).
- *
- * If you intend to render huge models in hardware, this step might
- * be of interest for you. The <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_ICL_PTCACHE_SIZE</code>
- * config setting can be used to fine-tune the cache optimization.
- */
- ImproveCacheLocality = 0x800,
- /**
- * Searches for redundant/unreferenced materials and removes them.
- *
- * This is especially useful in combination with the
- * <code>PretransformVertices</code> and <code>OptimizeMeshes</code>
- * flags. Both join small meshes with equal characteristics, but they
- * can't do their work if two meshes have different materials. Because
- * several material settings are always lost during Assimp's import
- * filters, (and because many exporters don't check for redundant
- * materials), huge models often have materials which are are defined
- * several times with exactly the same settings.
- *
- * Several material settings not contributing to the final appearance of
- * a surface are ignored in all comparisons; the material name is one of
- * them. So, if you are passing additional information through the
- * content pipeline (probably using »magic« material names), don't
- * specify this flag. Alternatively take a look at the
- * <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_RRM_EXCLUDE_LIST</code> setting.
- */
- RemoveRedundantMaterials = 0x1000,
- /**
- * This step tries to determine which meshes have normal vectors that are
- * acing inwards.
- *
- * The algorithm is simple but effective: The bounding box of all
- * vertices and their normals is compared against the volume of the
- * bounding box of all vertices without their normals. This works well
- * for most objects, problems might occur with planar surfaces. However,
- * the step tries to filter such cases.
- *
- * The step inverts all in-facing normals. Generally it is recommended to
- * enable this step, although the result is not always correct.
- */
- FixInfacingNormals = 0x2000,
- /**
- * This step splits meshes with more than one primitive type in
- * homogeneous submeshes.
- *
- * The step is executed after the triangulation step. After the step
- * returns, just one bit is set in <code>aiMesh.mPrimitiveTypes</code>.
- * This is especially useful for real-time rendering where point and line
- * primitives are often ignored or rendered separately.
- *
- * You can use the <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE</code> option to
- * specify which primitive types you need. This can be used to easily
- * exclude lines and points, which are rarely used, from the import.
- */
- SortByPType = 0x8000,
- /**
- * This step searches all meshes for degenerated primitives and converts
- * them to proper lines or points.
- *
- * A face is »degenerated« if one or more of its points are identical.
- * To have the degenerated stuff not only detected and collapsed but also
- * removed, try one of the following procedures:
- *
- * <b>1.</b> (if you support lines and points for rendering but don't
- * want the degenerates)
- * <ul>
- * <li>Specify the <code>FindDegenerates</code> flag.</li>
- * <li>Set the <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE</code> option to 1. This will
- * cause the step to remove degenerated triangles from the import
- * as soon as they're detected. They won't pass any further
- * pipeline steps.</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * <b>2.</b>(if you don't support lines and points at all ...)
- * <ul>
- * <li>Specify the <code>FindDegenerates</code> flag.</li>
- * <li>Specify the <code>SortByPType</code> flag. This moves line and
- * point primitives to separate meshes.</li>
- * <li>Set the <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE</codet> option to
- * <code>aiPrimitiveType_POINTS | aiPrimitiveType_LINES</code>
- * to cause SortByPType to reject point and line meshes from the
- * scene.</li>
- * </ul>
- *
- * Note: Degenerated polygons are not necessarily bad and that's why
- * they're not removed by default. There are several file formats
- * which don't support lines or points. Some exporters bypass the
- * format specification and write them as degenerated triangle
- * instead.
- */
- FindDegenerates = 0x10000,
- /**
- * This step searches all meshes for invalid data, such as zeroed normal
- * vectors or invalid UV coords and removes/fixes them. This is intended
- * to get rid of some common exporter errors.
- *
- * This is especially useful for normals. If they are invalid, and the
- * step recognizes this, they will be removed and can later be
- * recomputed, e.g. by the <code>GenSmoothNormals</code> step.
- *
- * The step will also remove meshes that are infinitely small and reduce
- * animation tracks consisting of hundreds if redundant keys to a single
- * key. The <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_FID_ANIM_ACCURACY</code> config property
- * decides the accuracy of the check for duplicate animation tracks.
- */
- FindInvalidData = 0x20000,
- /**
- * This step converts non-UV mappings (such as spherical or cylindrical
- * mapping) to proper texture coordinate channels.
- *
- * Most applications will support UV mapping only, so you will probably
- * want to specify this step in every case. Note tha Assimp is not always
- * able to match the original mapping implementation of the 3d app which
- * produced a model perfectly. It's always better to let the father app
- * compute the UV channels, at least 3ds max, maja, blender, lightwave,
- * modo, ... are able to achieve this.
- *
- * Note: If this step is not requested, you'll need to process the
- * <code>AI_MATKEY_MAPPING</code> material property in order to
- * display all assets properly.
- */
- GenUVCoords = 0x40000,
- /**
- * This step applies per-texture UV transformations and bakes them to
- * stand-alone vtexture coordinate channelss.
- *
- * UV transformations are specified per-texture – see the
- * <code>AI_MATKEY_UVTRANSFORM</code> material key for more information.
- * This step processes all textures with transformed input UV coordinates
- * and generates new (pretransformed) UV channel which replace the old
- * channel. Most applications won't support UV transformations, so you
- * will probably want to specify this step.
- *
- * Note: UV transformations are usually implemented in realtime apps by
- * transforming texture coordinates at vertex shader stage with a 3x3
- * (homogenous) transformation matrix.
- */
- TransformUVCoords = 0x80000,
- /**
- * This step searches for duplicate meshes and replaces duplicates with
- * references to the first mesh.
- *
- * This step takes a while, don't use it if you have no time. Its main
- * purpose is to workaround the limitation that many export file formats
- * don't support instanced meshes, so exporters need to duplicate meshes.
- * This step removes the duplicates again. Please note that Assimp does
- * currently not support per-node material assignment to meshes, which
- * means that identical meshes with differnent materials are currently
- * <em>not</em> joined, although this is planned for future versions.
- */
- FindInstances = 0x100000,
- /**
- * A postprocessing step to reduce the number of meshes.
- *
- * In fact, it will reduce the number of drawcalls.
- *
- * This is a very effective optimization and is recommended to be used
- * together with <code>OptimizeGraph</code>, if possible. The flag is
- * fully compatible with both <code>SplitLargeMeshes</code> and
- * <code>SortByPType</code>.
- */
- OptimizeMeshes = 0x200000,
- /**
- * A postprocessing step to optimize the scene hierarchy.
- *
- * Nodes with no animations, bones, lights or cameras assigned are
- * collapsed and joined.
- *
- * Node names can be lost during this step. If you use special tag nodes
- * to pass additional information through your content pipeline, use the
- * <code>AI_CONFIG_PP_OG_EXCLUDE_LIST</code> setting to specify a list of
- * node names you want to be kept. Nodes matching one of the names in
- * this list won't be touched or modified.
- *
- * Use this flag with caution. Most simple files will be collapsed to a
- * single node, complex hierarchies are usually completely lost. That's
- * note the right choice for editor environments, but probably a very
- * effective optimization if you just want to get the model data, convert
- * it to your own format and render it as fast as possible.
- *
- * This flag is designed to be used with <code>OptimizeMeshes</code> for
- * best results.
- *
- * Note: »Crappy« scenes with thousands of extremely small meshes packed
- * in deeply nested nodes exist for almost all file formats.
- * <code>OptimizeMeshes</code> in combination with
- * <code>OptimizeGraph</code> usually fixes them all and makes them
- * renderable.
- */
- OptimizeGraph = 0x400000,
- /** This step flips all UV coordinates along the y-axis and adjusts
- * material settings and bitangents accordingly.
- *
- * Output UV coordinate system:
- * <pre> 0y|0y ---------- 1x|0y
- * | |
- * | |
- * | |
- * 0x|1y ---------- 1x|1y</pre>
- * You'll probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for
- * rendering. The <code>AI_PROCESS_CONVERT_TO_LEFT_HANDED</code> flag
- * supersedes this setting and bundles all conversions typically required
- * for D3D-based applications.
- */
- FlipUVs = 0x800000,
- /**
- * This step adjusts the output face winding order to be clockwise.
- *
- * The default face winding order is counter clockwise.
- *
- * Output face order:
- * <pre> x2
- *
- * x0
- * x1</pre>
- */
- FlipWindingOrder = 0x1000000
- }
- /**
- * Abbrevation for convenience.
- */
- alias aiPostProcessSteps aiProcess;
- /**
- * Shortcut flag for Direct3D-based applications.
- *
- * Combines the <code>MakeLeftHanded</code>, <code>FlipUVs</code> and
- * <code>FlipWindingOrder</code> flags. The output data matches Direct3D's
- * conventions: left-handed geometry, upper-left origin for UV coordinates
- * and clockwise face order, suitable for CCW culling.
- */
- const aiPostProcessSteps AI_PROCESS_CONVERT_TO_LEFT_HANDED =
- aiProcess.MakeLeftHanded |
- aiProcess.FlipUVs |
- aiProcess.FlipWindingOrder;
- /**
- * Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
- *
- * Applications would want to use this preset to load models on end-user
- * PCs, maybe for direct use in game.
- *
- * If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
- * the <code>ConvertToLeftHanded</code> step. If you don't support UV
- * transformations in your application, apply the
- * <code>TransformUVCoords</code> step, too.
- *
- * Note: Please take the time to read the doc for the steps enabled by this
- * preset. Some of them offer further configurable properties, some of
- * them might not be of use for you so it might be better to not specify
- * them.
- */
- aiProcess.CalcTangentSpace |
- aiProcess.GenNormals |
- aiProcess.JoinIdenticalVertices |
- aiProcess.Triangulate |
- aiProcess.GenUVCoords |
- aiProcess.SortByPType;
- /**
- * Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time
- * rendering.
- *
- * Unlike <code>AI_PROCESS_PRESET_TARGET_REALTIME_FAST</code>, this
- * configuration performs some extra optimizations to improve rendering
- * speed and to minimize memory usage. It could be a good choice for a
- * level editor environment where import speed is not so important.
- *
- * If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
- * the <code>ConvertToLeftHanded</code> step. If you don't support UV
- * transformations in your application, apply the
- * <code>TransformUVCoords</code> step, too.
- *
- * Note: Please take the time to read the doc for the steps enabled by this
- * preset. Some of them offer further configurable properties, some of
- * them might not be of use for you so it might be better to not specify
- * them.
- */
- aiProcess.CalcTangentSpace |
- aiProcess.GenSmoothNormals |
- aiProcess.JoinIdenticalVertices |
- aiProcess.ImproveCacheLocality |
- aiProcess.LimitBoneWeights |
- aiProcess.RemoveRedundantMaterials |
- aiProcess.SplitLargeMeshes |
- aiProcess.Triangulate |
- aiProcess.GenUVCoords |
- aiProcess.SortByPType |
- aiProcess.FindDegenerates |
- aiProcess.FindInvalidData;
- /**
- * Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time
- * rendering.
- *
- * This preset enables almost every optimization step to achieve perfectly
- * optimized data. It's your choice for level editor environments where
- * import speed is not important.
- *
- * If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
- * the <code>ConvertToLeftHanded</code> step. If you don't support UV
- * transformations in your application, apply the
- * <code>TransformUVCoords</code> step, too.
- *
- * Note: Please take the time to read the doc for the steps enabled by this
- * preset. Some of them offer further configurable properties, some of
- * them might not be of use for you so it might be better to not specify
- * them.
- */
- aiProcess.FindInstances |
- aiProcess.ValidateDataStructure |
- aiProcess.OptimizeMeshes;