path: root/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp')
1 files changed, 810 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp b/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7b2c8ec
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/code/AssetLib/Assjson/json_exporter.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,810 @@
+Copyright (c) 2011, Alexander C. Gessler
+Licensed under a 3-clause BSD license. See the LICENSE file for more information.
+#include <assimp/scene.h>
+#include <assimp/Exporter.hpp>
+#include <assimp/IOStream.hpp>
+#include <assimp/IOSystem.hpp>
+#include <assimp/Importer.hpp>
+#include <assimp/Exceptional.h>
+#include <cassert>
+#include <limits>
+#include <memory>
+#include <sstream>
+// grab scoped_ptr from assimp to avoid a dependency on boost.
+//#include <assimp/../../code/BoostWorkaround/boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
+#include "mesh_splitter.h"
+extern "C" {
+#include "cencode.h"
+namespace Assimp {
+void ExportAssimp2Json(const char *, Assimp::IOSystem *, const aiScene *, const Assimp::ExportProperties *);
+// small utility class to simplify serializing the aiScene to Json
+class JSONWriter {
+ enum {
+ Flag_DoNotIndent = 0x1,
+ Flag_WriteSpecialFloats = 0x2,
+ Flag_SkipWhitespaces = 0x4
+ };
+ JSONWriter(Assimp::IOStream &out, unsigned int flags = 0u) :
+ out(out), indent (""), newline("\n"), space(" "), buff (), first(false), flags(flags) {
+ // make sure that all formatting happens using the standard, C locale and not the user's current locale
+ buff.imbue(std::locale("C"));
+ if (flags & Flag_SkipWhitespaces) {
+ newline = "";
+ space = "";
+ }
+ }
+ ~JSONWriter() {
+ Flush();
+ }
+ void Flush() {
+ const std::string s = buff.str();
+ out.Write(s.c_str(), s.length(), 1);
+ buff.clear();
+ }
+ void PushIndent() {
+ indent += '\t';
+ }
+ void PopIndent() {
+ indent.erase(indent.end() - 1);
+ }
+ void Key(const std::string &name) {
+ AddIndentation();
+ Delimit();
+ buff << '\"' + name + "\":" << space;
+ }
+ template <typename Literal>
+ void Element(const Literal &name) {
+ AddIndentation();
+ Delimit();
+ LiteralToString(buff, name) << newline;
+ }
+ template <typename Literal>
+ void SimpleValue(const Literal &s) {
+ LiteralToString(buff, s) << newline;
+ }
+ void SimpleValue(const void *buffer, size_t len) {
+ base64_encodestate s;
+ base64_init_encodestate(&s);
+ char *const cur_out = new char[std::max(len * 2, static_cast<size_t>(16u))];
+ const int n = base64_encode_block(reinterpret_cast<const char *>(buffer), static_cast<int>(len), cur_out, &s);
+ cur_out[n + base64_encode_blockend(cur_out + n, &s)] = '\0';
+ // base64 encoding may add newlines, but JSON strings may not contain 'real' newlines
+ // (only escaped ones). Remove any newlines in out.
+ for (char *cur = cur_out; *cur; ++cur) {
+ if (*cur == '\n') {
+ *cur = ' ';
+ }
+ }
+ buff << '\"' << cur_out << "\"" << newline;
+ delete[] cur_out;
+ }
+ void StartObj(bool is_element = false) {
+ // if this appears as a plain array element, we need to insert a delimiter and we should also indent it
+ if (is_element) {
+ AddIndentation();
+ if (!first) {
+ buff << ',';
+ }
+ }
+ first = true;
+ buff << "{" << newline;
+ PushIndent();
+ }
+ void EndObj() {
+ PopIndent();
+ AddIndentation();
+ first = false;
+ buff << "}" << newline;
+ }
+ void StartArray(bool is_element = false) {
+ // if this appears as a plain array element, we need to insert a delimiter and we should also indent it
+ if (is_element) {
+ AddIndentation();
+ if (!first) {
+ buff << ',';
+ }
+ }
+ first = true;
+ buff << "[" << newline;
+ PushIndent();
+ }
+ void EndArray() {
+ PopIndent();
+ AddIndentation();
+ buff << "]" << newline;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ void AddIndentation() {
+ if (!(flags & Flag_DoNotIndent) && !(flags & Flag_SkipWhitespaces)) {
+ buff << indent;
+ }
+ }
+ void Delimit() {
+ if (!first) {
+ buff << ',';
+ } else {
+ buff << space;
+ first = false;
+ }
+ }
+ template <typename Literal>
+ std::stringstream &LiteralToString(std::stringstream &stream, const Literal &s) {
+ stream << s;
+ return stream;
+ }
+ std::stringstream &LiteralToString(std::stringstream &stream, const aiString &s) {
+ std::string t;
+ // escape backslashes and single quotes, both would render the JSON invalid if left as is
+ t.reserve(s.length);
+ for (size_t i = 0; i < s.length; ++i) {
+ if ([i] == '\\' ||[i] == '\'' ||[i] == '\"') {
+ t.push_back('\\');
+ }
+ t.push_back([i]);
+ }
+ stream << "\"";
+ stream << t;
+ stream << "\"";
+ return stream;
+ }
+ std::stringstream &LiteralToString(std::stringstream &stream, float f) {
+ if (!std::numeric_limits<float>::is_iec559) {
+ // on a non IEEE-754 platform, we make no assumptions about the representation or existence
+ // of special floating-point numbers.
+ stream << f;
+ return stream;
+ }
+ // JSON does not support writing Inf/Nan
+ // [RFC 4672: "Numeric values that cannot be represented as sequences of digits
+ // (such as Infinity and NaN) are not permitted."]
+ // Nevertheless, many parsers will accept the special keywords Infinity, -Infinity and NaN
+ if (std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity() == fabs(f)) {
+ if (flags & Flag_WriteSpecialFloats) {
+ stream << (f < 0 ? "\"-" : "\"") + std::string("Infinity\"");
+ return stream;
+ }
+ // we should print this warning, but we can't - this is called from within a generic assimp exporter, we cannot use cerr
+ // std::cerr << "warning: cannot represent infinite number literal, substituting 0 instead (use -i flag to enforce Infinity/NaN)" << std::endl;
+ stream << "0.0";
+ return stream;
+ }
+ // f!=f is the most reliable test for NaNs that I know of
+ else if (f != f) {
+ if (flags & Flag_WriteSpecialFloats) {
+ stream << "\"NaN\"";
+ return stream;
+ }
+ // we should print this warning, but we can't - this is called from within a generic assimp exporter, we cannot use cerr
+ // std::cerr << "warning: cannot represent infinite number literal, substituting 0 instead (use -i flag to enforce Infinity/NaN)" << std::endl;
+ stream << "0.0";
+ return stream;
+ }
+ stream << f;
+ return stream;
+ }
+ Assimp::IOStream &out;
+ std::string indent;
+ std::string newline;
+ std::string space;
+ std::stringstream buff;
+ bool first;
+ unsigned int flags;
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiVector3D &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartArray(is_elem);
+ out.Element(ai.x);
+ out.Element(ai.y);
+ out.Element(ai.z);
+ out.EndArray();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiQuaternion &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartArray(is_elem);
+ out.Element(ai.w);
+ out.Element(ai.x);
+ out.Element(ai.y);
+ out.Element(ai.z);
+ out.EndArray();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiColor3D &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartArray(is_elem);
+ out.Element(ai.r);
+ out.Element(ai.g);
+ out.Element(ai.b);
+ out.EndArray();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiMatrix4x4 &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartArray(is_elem);
+ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < 4; ++x) {
+ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < 4; ++y) {
+ out.Element(ai[x][y]);
+ }
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiBone &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mName);
+ out.Key("offsetmatrix");
+ Write(out, ai.mOffsetMatrix, false);
+ out.Key("weights");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumWeights; ++i) {
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ out.Element(ai.mWeights[i].mVertexId);
+ out.Element(ai.mWeights[i].mWeight);
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiFace &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartArray(is_elem);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumIndices; ++i) {
+ out.Element(ai.mIndices[i]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiMesh &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mName);
+ out.Key("materialindex");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mMaterialIndex);
+ out.Key("primitivetypes");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mPrimitiveTypes);
+ out.Key("vertices");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumVertices; ++i) {
+ out.Element(ai.mVertices[i].x);
+ out.Element(ai.mVertices[i].y);
+ out.Element(ai.mVertices[i].z);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ if (ai.HasNormals()) {
+ out.Key("normals");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumVertices; ++i) {
+ out.Element(ai.mNormals[i].x);
+ out.Element(ai.mNormals[i].y);
+ out.Element(ai.mNormals[i].z);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.HasTangentsAndBitangents()) {
+ out.Key("tangents");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumVertices; ++i) {
+ out.Element(ai.mTangents[i].x);
+ out.Element(ai.mTangents[i].y);
+ out.Element(ai.mTangents[i].z);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ out.Key("bitangents");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumVertices; ++i) {
+ out.Element(ai.mBitangents[i].x);
+ out.Element(ai.mBitangents[i].y);
+ out.Element(ai.mBitangents[i].z);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.GetNumUVChannels()) {
+ out.Key("numuvcomponents");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.GetNumUVChannels(); ++n) {
+ out.Element(ai.mNumUVComponents[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ out.Key("texturecoords");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.GetNumUVChannels(); ++n) {
+ const unsigned int numc = ai.mNumUVComponents[n] ? ai.mNumUVComponents[n] : 2;
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumVertices; ++i) {
+ for (unsigned int c = 0; c < numc; ++c) {
+ out.Element(ai.mTextureCoords[n][i][c]);
+ }
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.GetNumColorChannels()) {
+ out.Key("colors");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.GetNumColorChannels(); ++n) {
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumVertices; ++i) {
+ out.Element(ai.mColors[n][i].r);
+ out.Element(ai.mColors[n][i].g);
+ out.Element(ai.mColors[n][i].b);
+ out.Element(ai.mColors[n][i].a);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.mNumBones) {
+ out.Key("bones");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumBones; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mBones[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.Key("faces");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumFaces; ++n) {
+ Write(out, ai.mFaces[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiNode &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mName);
+ out.Key("transformation");
+ Write(out, ai.mTransformation, false);
+ if (ai.mNumMeshes) {
+ out.Key("meshes");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumMeshes; ++n) {
+ out.Element(ai.mMeshes[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.mNumChildren) {
+ out.Key("children");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumChildren; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mChildren[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiMaterial &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("properties");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int i = 0; i < ai.mNumProperties; ++i) {
+ const aiMaterialProperty *const prop = ai.mProperties[i];
+ out.StartObj(true);
+ out.Key("key");
+ out.SimpleValue(prop->mKey);
+ out.Key("semantic");
+ out.SimpleValue(prop->mSemantic);
+ out.Key("index");
+ out.SimpleValue(prop->mIndex);
+ out.Key("type");
+ out.SimpleValue(prop->mType);
+ out.Key("value");
+ switch (prop->mType) {
+ case aiPTI_Float:
+ if (prop->mDataLength / sizeof(float) > 1) {
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < prop->mDataLength / sizeof(float); ++ii) {
+ out.Element(reinterpret_cast<float *>(prop->mData)[ii]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ } else {
+ out.SimpleValue(*reinterpret_cast<float *>(prop->mData));
+ }
+ break;
+ case aiPTI_Integer:
+ if (prop->mDataLength / sizeof(int) > 1) {
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int ii = 0; ii < prop->mDataLength / sizeof(int); ++ii) {
+ out.Element(reinterpret_cast<int *>(prop->mData)[ii]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ } else {
+ out.SimpleValue(*reinterpret_cast<int *>(prop->mData));
+ }
+ break;
+ case aiPTI_String: {
+ aiString s;
+ aiGetMaterialString(&ai, prop->, prop->mSemantic, prop->mIndex, &s);
+ out.SimpleValue(s);
+ } break;
+ case aiPTI_Buffer: {
+ // binary data is written as series of hex-encoded octets
+ out.SimpleValue(prop->mData, prop->mDataLength);
+ } break;
+ default:
+ assert(false);
+ }
+ out.EndObj();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiTexture &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("width");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mWidth);
+ out.Key("height");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mHeight);
+ out.Key("formathint");
+ out.SimpleValue(aiString(ai.achFormatHint));
+ out.Key("data");
+ if (!ai.mHeight) {
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.pcData, ai.mWidth);
+ } else {
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int y = 0; y < ai.mHeight; ++y) {
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ for (unsigned int x = 0; x < ai.mWidth; ++x) {
+ const aiTexel &tx = ai.pcData[y * ai.mWidth + x];
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ out.Element(static_cast<unsigned int>(tx.r));
+ out.Element(static_cast<unsigned int>(tx.g));
+ out.Element(static_cast<unsigned int>(tx.b));
+ out.Element(static_cast<unsigned int>(tx.a));
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiLight &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mName);
+ out.Key("type");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mType);
+ if (ai.mType == aiLightSource_SPOT || ai.mType == aiLightSource_UNDEFINED) {
+ out.Key("angleinnercone");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mAngleInnerCone);
+ out.Key("angleoutercone");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mAngleOuterCone);
+ }
+ out.Key("attenuationconstant");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mAttenuationConstant);
+ out.Key("attenuationlinear");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mAttenuationLinear);
+ out.Key("attenuationquadratic");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mAttenuationQuadratic);
+ out.Key("diffusecolor");
+ Write(out, ai.mColorDiffuse, false);
+ out.Key("specularcolor");
+ Write(out, ai.mColorSpecular, false);
+ out.Key("ambientcolor");
+ Write(out, ai.mColorAmbient, false);
+ if (ai.mType != aiLightSource_POINT) {
+ out.Key("direction");
+ Write(out, ai.mDirection, false);
+ }
+ if (ai.mType != aiLightSource_DIRECTIONAL) {
+ out.Key("position");
+ Write(out, ai.mPosition, false);
+ }
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiNodeAnim &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mNodeName);
+ out.Key("prestate");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mPreState);
+ out.Key("poststate");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mPostState);
+ if (ai.mNumPositionKeys) {
+ out.Key("positionkeys");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumPositionKeys; ++n) {
+ const aiVectorKey &pos = ai.mPositionKeys[n];
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ out.Element(pos.mTime);
+ Write(out, pos.mValue);
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.mNumRotationKeys) {
+ out.Key("rotationkeys");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumRotationKeys; ++n) {
+ const aiQuatKey &rot = ai.mRotationKeys[n];
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ out.Element(rot.mTime);
+ Write(out, rot.mValue);
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.mNumScalingKeys) {
+ out.Key("scalingkeys");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumScalingKeys; ++n) {
+ const aiVectorKey &scl = ai.mScalingKeys[n];
+ out.StartArray(true);
+ out.Element(scl.mTime);
+ Write(out, scl.mValue);
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiAnimation &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mName);
+ out.Key("tickspersecond");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mTicksPerSecond);
+ out.Key("duration");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mDuration);
+ out.Key("channels");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumChannels; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mChannels[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiCamera &ai, bool is_elem = true) {
+ out.StartObj(is_elem);
+ out.Key("name");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mName);
+ out.Key("aspect");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mAspect);
+ out.Key("clipplanefar");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mClipPlaneFar);
+ out.Key("clipplanenear");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mClipPlaneNear);
+ out.Key("horizontalfov");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mHorizontalFOV);
+ out.Key("up");
+ Write(out, ai.mUp, false);
+ out.Key("lookat");
+ Write(out, ai.mLookAt, false);
+ out.EndObj();
+void WriteFormatInfo(JSONWriter &out) {
+ out.StartObj();
+ out.Key("format");
+ out.SimpleValue("\"assimp2json\"");
+ out.Key("version");
+ out.EndObj();
+void Write(JSONWriter &out, const aiScene &ai) {
+ out.StartObj();
+ out.Key("__metadata__");
+ WriteFormatInfo(out);
+ out.Key("rootnode");
+ Write(out, *ai.mRootNode, false);
+ out.Key("flags");
+ out.SimpleValue(ai.mFlags);
+ if (ai.HasMeshes()) {
+ out.Key("meshes");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumMeshes; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mMeshes[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.HasMaterials()) {
+ out.Key("materials");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumMaterials; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mMaterials[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.HasAnimations()) {
+ out.Key("animations");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumAnimations; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mAnimations[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.HasLights()) {
+ out.Key("lights");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumLights; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mLights[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.HasCameras()) {
+ out.Key("cameras");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumCameras; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mCameras[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ if (ai.HasTextures()) {
+ out.Key("textures");
+ out.StartArray();
+ for (unsigned int n = 0; n < ai.mNumTextures; ++n) {
+ Write(out, *ai.mTextures[n]);
+ }
+ out.EndArray();
+ }
+ out.EndObj();
+void ExportAssimp2Json(const char *file, Assimp::IOSystem *io, const aiScene *scene, const Assimp::ExportProperties *pProperties) {
+ std::unique_ptr<Assimp::IOStream> str(io->Open(file, "wt"));
+ if (!str) {
+ throw DeadlyExportError("could not open output file");
+ }
+ // get a copy of the scene so we can modify it
+ aiScene *scenecopy_tmp;
+ aiCopyScene(scene, &scenecopy_tmp);
+ try {
+ // split meshes so they fit into a 16 bit index buffer
+ MeshSplitter splitter;
+ splitter.SetLimit(1 << 16);
+ splitter.Execute(scenecopy_tmp);
+ // XXX Flag_WriteSpecialFloats is turned on by default, right now we don't have a configuration interface for exporters
+ unsigned int flags = JSONWriter::Flag_WriteSpecialFloats;
+ if (pProperties->GetPropertyBool("JSON_SKIP_WHITESPACES", false)) {
+ flags |= JSONWriter::Flag_SkipWhitespaces;
+ }
+ JSONWriter s(*str, flags);
+ Write(s, *scenecopy_tmp);
+ } catch (...) {
+ aiFreeScene(scenecopy_tmp);
+ throw;
+ }
+ aiFreeScene(scenecopy_tmp);
+} // namespace Assimp