path: root/src/import
AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2022-09-27fix off-by-1 bug in face indexingsanine
2022-09-27fix uninitialized memory bug in mesh loading and add suzanne.daesanine
2022-09-27implement scene loadingsanine
2022-09-26fix memory overflow bug in test_node_push and add import_scene.test.csanine
2022-09-22test 3rd level of recursionsanine
2022-09-22add basic recursive aiNode pushsanine
2022-09-22add uv loadingsanine
2022-09-19add tangents & bitangentssanine
2022-09-18add normal pushingsanine
2022-09-18add face pushingsanine
2022-09-18add basic mesh vertex loadingsanine
2022-09-18add push_aistringsanine
2022-09-16begin assimp bindingssanine