path: root/3rdparty/portaudio/bindings/cpp/source/portaudiocpp/System.cxx
diff options
authorsanine <>2022-08-27 23:52:56 -0500
committersanine <>2022-08-27 23:52:56 -0500
commita4dd0ad63c00f4dee3b86dfd3075d1d61b2b3180 (patch)
tree13bd5bfa15e6fea2a12f176bae79adf9c6fd0933 /3rdparty/portaudio/bindings/cpp/source/portaudiocpp/System.cxx
parentbde3e4f1bb7b8f8abca0884a7d994ee1c17a66b1 (diff)
add plibsys
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/portaudio/bindings/cpp/source/portaudiocpp/System.cxx')
1 files changed, 308 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/bindings/cpp/source/portaudiocpp/System.cxx b/3rdparty/portaudio/bindings/cpp/source/portaudiocpp/System.cxx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..acb419d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/bindings/cpp/source/portaudiocpp/System.cxx
@@ -0,0 +1,308 @@
+#include "portaudiocpp/System.hxx"
+#include <cstddef>
+#include <cassert>
+#include "portaudiocpp/HostApi.hxx"
+#include "portaudiocpp/Device.hxx"
+#include "portaudiocpp/Stream.hxx"
+#include "portaudiocpp/Exception.hxx"
+#include "portaudiocpp/SystemHostApiIterator.hxx"
+#include "portaudiocpp/SystemDeviceIterator.hxx"
+namespace portaudio
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ // Static members:
+ System *System::instance_ = NULL;
+ int System::initCount_ = 0;
+ HostApi **System::hostApis_ = NULL;
+ Device **System::devices_ = NULL;
+ Device *System::nullDevice_ = NULL;
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ int System::version()
+ {
+ return Pa_GetVersion();
+ }
+ const char *System::versionText()
+ {
+ return Pa_GetVersionText();
+ }
+ void System::initialize()
+ {
+ ++initCount_;
+ if (initCount_ == 1)
+ {
+ // Create singleton:
+ assert(instance_ == NULL);
+ instance_ = new System();
+ // Initialize the PortAudio system:
+ {
+ PaError err = Pa_Initialize();
+ if (err != paNoError)
+ throw PaException(err);
+ }
+ // Create and populate device array:
+ {
+ int numDevices = instance().deviceCount();
+ devices_ = new Device*[numDevices];
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i)
+ devices_[i] = new Device(i);
+ }
+ // Create and populate host api array:
+ {
+ int numHostApis = instance().hostApiCount();
+ hostApis_ = new HostApi*[numHostApis];
+ for (int i = 0; i < numHostApis; ++i)
+ hostApis_[i] = new HostApi(i);
+ }
+ // Create null device:
+ nullDevice_ = new Device(paNoDevice);
+ }
+ }
+ void System::terminate()
+ {
+ PaError err = paNoError;
+ if (initCount_ == 1)
+ {
+ // Destroy null device:
+ delete nullDevice_;
+ // Destroy host api array:
+ {
+ if (hostApis_ != NULL)
+ {
+ int numHostApis = instance().hostApiCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numHostApis; ++i)
+ delete hostApis_[i];
+ delete[] hostApis_;
+ hostApis_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Destroy device array:
+ {
+ if (devices_ != NULL)
+ {
+ int numDevices = instance().deviceCount();
+ for (int i = 0; i < numDevices; ++i)
+ delete devices_[i];
+ delete[] devices_;
+ devices_ = NULL;
+ }
+ }
+ // Terminate the PortAudio system:
+ assert(instance_ != NULL);
+ err = Pa_Terminate();
+ // Destroy singleton:
+ delete instance_;
+ instance_ = NULL;
+ }
+ if (initCount_ > 0)
+ --initCount_;
+ if (err != paNoError)
+ throw PaException(err);
+ }
+ System &System::instance()
+ {
+ assert(exists());
+ return *instance_;
+ }
+ bool System::exists()
+ {
+ return (instance_ != NULL);
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ System::HostApiIterator System::hostApisBegin()
+ {
+ System::HostApiIterator tmp;
+ tmp.ptr_ = &hostApis_[0]; // begin (first element)
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ System::HostApiIterator System::hostApisEnd()
+ {
+ int count = hostApiCount();
+ System::HostApiIterator tmp;
+ tmp.ptr_ = &hostApis_[count]; // end (one past last element)
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ HostApi &System::defaultHostApi()
+ {
+ PaHostApiIndex defaultHostApi = Pa_GetDefaultHostApi();
+ if (defaultHostApi < 0)
+ throw PaException(defaultHostApi);
+ return *hostApis_[defaultHostApi];
+ }
+ HostApi &System::hostApiByTypeId(PaHostApiTypeId type)
+ {
+ PaHostApiIndex index = Pa_HostApiTypeIdToHostApiIndex(type);
+ if (index < 0)
+ throw PaException(index);
+ return *hostApis_[index];
+ }
+ HostApi &System::hostApiByIndex(PaHostApiIndex index)
+ {
+ if (index < 0 || index >= hostApiCount())
+ throw PaException(paInternalError);
+ return *hostApis_[index];
+ }
+ int System::hostApiCount()
+ {
+ PaHostApiIndex count = Pa_GetHostApiCount();
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw PaException(count);
+ return count;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ System::DeviceIterator System::devicesBegin()
+ {
+ DeviceIterator tmp;
+ tmp.ptr_ = &devices_[0];
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ System::DeviceIterator System::devicesEnd()
+ {
+ int count = deviceCount();
+ DeviceIterator tmp;
+ tmp.ptr_ = &devices_[count];
+ return tmp;
+ }
+ //////
+ /// Returns the System's default input Device, or the null Device if none
+ /// was available.
+ //////
+ Device &System::defaultInputDevice()
+ {
+ PaDeviceIndex index = Pa_GetDefaultInputDevice();
+ return deviceByIndex(index);
+ }
+ //////
+ /// Returns the System's default output Device, or the null Device if none
+ /// was available.
+ //////
+ Device &System::defaultOutputDevice()
+ {
+ PaDeviceIndex index = Pa_GetDefaultOutputDevice();
+ return deviceByIndex(index);
+ }
+ //////
+ /// Returns the Device for the given index.
+ /// Will throw a paInternalError equivalent PaException if the given index
+ /// is out of range.
+ //////
+ Device &System::deviceByIndex(PaDeviceIndex index)
+ {
+ if (index < -1 || index >= deviceCount())
+ {
+ throw PaException(paInternalError);
+ }
+ if (index == -1)
+ return System::instance().nullDevice();
+ return *devices_[index];
+ }
+ int System::deviceCount()
+ {
+ PaDeviceIndex count = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
+ if (count < 0)
+ throw PaException(count);
+ return count;
+ }
+ Device &System::nullDevice()
+ {
+ return *nullDevice_;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ void System::sleep(long msec)
+ {
+ Pa_Sleep(msec);
+ }
+ int System::sizeOfSample(PaSampleFormat format)
+ {
+ PaError err = Pa_GetSampleSize(format);
+ if (err < 0)
+ {
+ throw PaException(err);
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return err;
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+ System::System()
+ {
+ // (left blank intentionally)
+ }
+ System::~System()
+ {
+ // (left blank intentionally)
+ }
+ // -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
+} // namespace portaudio