path: root/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio
diff options
authorsanine <>2022-08-27 23:52:56 -0500
committersanine <>2022-08-27 23:52:56 -0500
commita4dd0ad63c00f4dee3b86dfd3075d1d61b2b3180 (patch)
tree13bd5bfa15e6fea2a12f176bae79adf9c6fd0933 /3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio
parentbde3e4f1bb7b8f8abca0884a7d994ee1c17a66b1 (diff)
add plibsys
Diffstat (limited to '3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio')
-rw-r--r--3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Callback_adaptation_.pdfbin0 -> 50527 bytes
-rw-r--r--3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Pa_ASIO.pdfbin0 -> 50778 bytes
6 files changed, 5166 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/ASIO-README.txt b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/ASIO-README.txt
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index 0000000..bc86caa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/ASIO-README.txt
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+This document contains information to help you compile PortAudio with
+ASIO support. If you find any omissions or errors in this document
+please notify us on the PortAudio mailing list.
+NOTE: The Macintosh sections of this document are provided for historical
+reference. They refer to pre-OS X Macintosh. PortAudio no longer
+supports pre-OS X Macintosh. Steinberg does not support ASIO on Mac OS X.
+Building PortAudio with ASIO support
+To build PortAudio with ASIO support you need to compile and link with
+pa_asio.c, and files from the ASIO SDK (see below), along with the common
+PortAudio files from src/common/ and platform specific files from
+src/os/win/ (for Win32).
+If you are compiling with a non-Microsoft compiler on Windows, also
+compile and link with iasiothiscallresolver.cpp (see below for
+an explanation).
+For some platforms (MingW, Cygwin/MingW), you may simply
+be able to type:
+./configure --with-host_os=mingw --with-winapi=asio [--with-asiodir=/usr/local/asiosdk2]
+and life will be good. Make sure you update the above with the correct local
+path to the ASIO SDK.
+For Microsoft Visual C++ there is an build tutorial here:
+Obtaining the ASIO SDK
+In order to build PortAudio with ASIO support, you need to download
+the ASIO SDK (version 2.0 or later) from Steinberg. Steinberg makes the ASIO
+SDK available to anyone free of charge, however they do not permit its
+source code to be distributed.
+NOTE: In some cases the ASIO SDK may require patching, see below
+for further details.
+If the above link is broken search Google for:
+"download steinberg ASIO SDK"
+Building the ASIO SDK on Windows
+To build the ASIO SDK on Windows you need to compile and link with the
+following files from the ASIO SDK:
+You may also need to adjust your include paths to support inclusion of
+header files from the above directories.
+The ASIO SDK depends on the following COM API functions:
+CoInitialize, CoUninitialize, CoCreateInstance, CLSIDFromString
+For compilation with MinGW you will need to link with -lole32, for
+Borland compilers link with Import32.lib.
+Non-Microsoft (MSVC) Compilers on Windows including Borland and GCC
+Steinberg did not specify a calling convention in the IASIO interface
+definition. This causes the Microsoft compiler to use the proprietary
+thiscall convention which is not compatible with other compilers, such
+as compilers from Borland (BCC and C++Builder) and GNU (gcc).
+Steinberg's ASIO SDK will compile but crash on initialization if
+compiled with a non-Microsoft compiler on Windows.
+PortAudio solves this problem using the iasiothiscallresolver library
+which is included in the distribution. When building ASIO support for
+non-Microsoft compilers, be sure to compile and link with
+iasiothiscallresolver.cpp. Note that iasiothiscallresolver includes
+conditional directives which cause it to have no effect if it is
+compiled with a Microsoft compiler, or on the Macintosh.
+If you use configure and make (see above), this should be handled
+automatically for you.
+For further information about the IASIO thiscall problem see this page:
+Building the ASIO SDK on (Pre-OS X) Macintosh
+To build the ASIO SDK on Macintosh you need to compile and link with the
+following files from the ASIO SDK:
+You may also need to adjust your include paths to support inclusion of
+header files from the above directories.
+(Pre-OS X) Macintosh ASIO SDK Bug Patch
+There is a bug in the ASIO SDK that causes the Macintosh version to
+often fail during initialization. Below is a patch that you can apply.
+In codefragments.cpp replace getFrontProcessDirectory function with
+the following one (GetFrontProcess replaced by GetCurrentProcess).
+bool CodeFragments::getFrontProcessDirectory(void *specs)
+ FSSpec *fss = (FSSpec *)specs;
+ ProcessInfoRec pif;
+ ProcessSerialNumber psn;
+ memset(&psn,0,(long)sizeof(ProcessSerialNumber));
+ // if(GetFrontProcess(&psn) == noErr) // wrong !!!
+ if(GetCurrentProcess(&psn) == noErr) // correct !!!
+ {
+ pif.processName = 0;
+ pif.processAppSpec = fss;
+ pif.processInfoLength = sizeof(ProcessInfoRec);
+ if(GetProcessInformation(&psn, &pif) == noErr)
+ return true;
+ }
+ return false;
diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Callback_adaptation_.pdf b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Callback_adaptation_.pdf
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+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Callback_adaptation_.pdf
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diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Pa_ASIO.pdf b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Pa_ASIO.pdf
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index 0000000..ac5ecad
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+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/Pa_ASIO.pdf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.cpp b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.cpp
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index 0000000..08c55ea
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+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,572 @@
+ IASIOThiscallResolver.cpp see the comments in iasiothiscallresolver.h for
+ the top level description - this comment describes the technical details of
+ the implementation.
+ The latest version of this file is available from:
+ please email comments to Ross Bencina <>
+ The IASIO interface declared in the Steinberg ASIO 2 SDK declares
+ functions with no explicit calling convention. This causes MSVC++ to default
+ to using the thiscall convention, which is a proprietary convention not
+ implemented by some non-microsoft compilers - notably borland BCC,
+ C++Builder, and gcc. MSVC++ is the defacto standard compiler used by
+ Steinberg. As a result of this situation, the ASIO sdk will compile with
+ any compiler, however attempting to execute the compiled code will cause a
+ crash due to different default calling conventions on non-Microsoft
+ compilers.
+ IASIOThiscallResolver solves the problem by providing an adapter class that
+ delegates to the IASIO interface using the correct calling convention
+ (thiscall). Due to the lack of support for thiscall in the Borland and GCC
+ compilers, the calls have been implemented in assembly language.
+ A number of macros are defined for thiscall function calls with different
+ numbers of parameters, with and without return values - it may be possible
+ to modify the format of these macros to make them work with other inline
+ assemblers.
+ A number of definitions of the thiscall calling convention are floating
+ around the internet. The following definition has been validated against
+ output from the MSVC++ compiler:
+ For non-vararg functions, thiscall works as follows: the object (this)
+ pointer is passed in ECX. All arguments are passed on the stack in
+ right to left order. The return value is placed in EAX. The callee
+ clears the passed arguments from the stack.
+ The first field of a COM object is a pointer to its vtble. Thus a pointer
+ to an object implementing the IASIO interface also points to a pointer to
+ that object's vtbl. The vtble is a table of function pointers for all of
+ the virtual functions exposed by the implemented interfaces.
+ If we consider a variable declared as a pointer to IASO:
+ IASIO *theAsioDriver
+ theAsioDriver points to:
+ object implementing IASIO
+ {
+ IASIOvtbl *vtbl
+ other data
+ }
+ in other words, theAsioDriver points to a pointer to an IASIOvtbl
+ vtbl points to a table of function pointers:
+ IASIOvtbl ( interface IASIO : public IUnknown )
+ {
+ (IUnknown functions)
+ 0 virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE (*QueryInterface)(REFIID riid, void **ppv) = 0;
+ 4 virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE (*AddRef)() = 0;
+ 8 virtual ULONG STDMETHODCALLTYPE (*Release)() = 0;
+ (IASIO functions)
+ 12 virtual ASIOBool (*init)(void *sysHandle) = 0;
+ 16 virtual void (*getDriverName)(char *name) = 0;
+ 20 virtual long (*getDriverVersion)() = 0;
+ 24 virtual void (*getErrorMessage)(char *string) = 0;
+ 28 virtual ASIOError (*start)() = 0;
+ 32 virtual ASIOError (*stop)() = 0;
+ 36 virtual ASIOError (*getChannels)(long *numInputChannels, long *numOutputChannels) = 0;
+ 40 virtual ASIOError (*getLatencies)(long *inputLatency, long *outputLatency) = 0;
+ 44 virtual ASIOError (*getBufferSize)(long *minSize, long *maxSize,
+ long *preferredSize, long *granularity) = 0;
+ 48 virtual ASIOError (*canSampleRate)(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate) = 0;
+ 52 virtual ASIOError (*getSampleRate)(ASIOSampleRate *sampleRate) = 0;
+ 56 virtual ASIOError (*setSampleRate)(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate) = 0;
+ 60 virtual ASIOError (*getClockSources)(ASIOClockSource *clocks, long *numSources) = 0;
+ 64 virtual ASIOError (*setClockSource)(long reference) = 0;
+ 68 virtual ASIOError (*getSamplePosition)(ASIOSamples *sPos, ASIOTimeStamp *tStamp) = 0;
+ 72 virtual ASIOError (*getChannelInfo)(ASIOChannelInfo *info) = 0;
+ 76 virtual ASIOError (*createBuffers)(ASIOBufferInfo *bufferInfos, long numChannels,
+ long bufferSize, ASIOCallbacks *callbacks) = 0;
+ 80 virtual ASIOError (*disposeBuffers)() = 0;
+ 84 virtual ASIOError (*controlPanel)() = 0;
+ 88 virtual ASIOError (*future)(long selector,void *opt) = 0;
+ 92 virtual ASIOError (*outputReady)() = 0;
+ };
+ The numbers in the left column show the byte offset of each function ptr
+ from the beginning of the vtbl. These numbers are used in the code below
+ to select different functions.
+ In order to find the address of a particular function, theAsioDriver
+ must first be dereferenced to find the value of the vtbl pointer:
+ mov eax, theAsioDriver
+ mov edx, [theAsioDriver] // edx now points to vtbl[0]
+ Then an offset must be added to the vtbl pointer to select a
+ particular function, for example vtbl+44 points to the slot containing
+ a pointer to the getBufferSize function.
+ Finally vtbl+x must be dereferenced to obtain the value of the function
+ pointer stored in that address:
+ call [edx+44] // call the function pointed to by
+ // the value in the getBufferSize field of the vtbl
+ Martin Fay's OpenASIO DLL at solves the same
+ problem by providing a new COM interface which wraps IASIO with an
+ interface that uses portable calling conventions. OpenASIO must be compiled
+ with MSVC, and requires that you ship the OpenASIO DLL with your
+ application.
+ Ross Bencina: worked out the thiscall details above, wrote the original
+ Borland asm macros, and a patch for asio.cpp (which is no longer needed).
+ Thanks to Martin Fay for introducing me to the issues discussed here,
+ and to Rene G. Ceballos for assisting with asm dumps from MSVC++.
+ Antti Silvast: converted the original calliasio to work with gcc and NASM
+ by implementing the asm code in a separate file.
+ Fraser Adams: modified the original calliasio containing the Borland inline
+ asm to add inline asm for gcc i.e. Intel syntax for Borland and AT&T syntax
+ for gcc. This seems a neater approach for gcc than to have a separate .asm
+ file and it means that we only need one version of the thiscall patch.
+ Fraser Adams: rewrote the original calliasio patch in the form of the
+ IASIOThiscallResolver class in order to avoid modifications to files from
+ the Steinberg SDK, which may have had potential licence issues.
+ Andrew Baldwin: contributed fixes for compatibility problems with more
+ recent versions of the gcc assembler.
+// We only need IASIOThiscallResolver at all if we are on Win32. For other
+// platforms we simply bypass the IASIOThiscallResolver definition to allow us
+// to be safely #include'd whatever the platform to keep client code portable
+#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) && !defined(_WIN64)
+// If microsoft compiler we can call IASIO directly so IASIOThiscallResolver
+// is not used.
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
+#include <new>
+#include <assert.h>
+// We have a mechanism in iasiothiscallresolver.h to ensure that asio.h is
+// #include'd before it in client code, we do NOT want to do this test here.
+#define iasiothiscallresolver_sourcefile 1
+#include "iasiothiscallresolver.h"
+#undef iasiothiscallresolver_sourcefile
+// iasiothiscallresolver.h redefines ASIOInit for clients, but we don't want
+// this macro defined in this translation unit.
+#undef ASIOInit
+// theAsioDriver is a global pointer to the current IASIO instance which the
+// ASIO SDK uses to perform all actions on the IASIO interface. We substitute
+// our own forwarding interface into this pointer.
+extern IASIO* theAsioDriver;
+// The following macros define the inline assembler for BORLAND first then gcc
+#if defined(__BCPLUSPLUS__) || defined(__BORLANDC__)
+#define CALL_THISCALL_0( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset )\
+ void *this_ = (thisPtr); \
+ __asm { \
+ mov ecx, this_ ; \
+ mov eax, [ecx] ; \
+ call [eax+funcOffset] ; \
+ mov resultName, eax ; \
+ }
+#define CALL_VOID_THISCALL_1( thisPtr, funcOffset, param1 )\
+ void *this_ = (thisPtr); \
+ __asm { \
+ mov eax, param1 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov ecx, this_ ; \
+ mov eax, [ecx] ; \
+ call [eax+funcOffset] ; \
+ }
+#define CALL_THISCALL_1( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1 )\
+ void *this_ = (thisPtr); \
+ __asm { \
+ mov eax, param1 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov ecx, this_ ; \
+ mov eax, [ecx] ; \
+ call [eax+funcOffset] ; \
+ mov resultName, eax ; \
+ }
+#define CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1 )\
+ void *this_ = (thisPtr); \
+ void *doubleParamPtr_ (&param1); \
+ __asm { \
+ mov eax, doubleParamPtr_ ; \
+ push [eax+4] ; \
+ push [eax] ; \
+ mov ecx, this_ ; \
+ mov eax, [ecx] ; \
+ call [eax+funcOffset] ; \
+ mov resultName, eax ; \
+ }
+#define CALL_THISCALL_2( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1, param2 )\
+ void *this_ = (thisPtr); \
+ __asm { \
+ mov eax, param2 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov eax, param1 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov ecx, this_ ; \
+ mov eax, [ecx] ; \
+ call [eax+funcOffset] ; \
+ mov resultName, eax ; \
+ }
+#define CALL_THISCALL_4( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1, param2, param3, param4 )\
+ void *this_ = (thisPtr); \
+ __asm { \
+ mov eax, param4 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov eax, param3 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov eax, param2 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov eax, param1 ; \
+ push eax ; \
+ mov ecx, this_ ; \
+ mov eax, [ecx] ; \
+ call [eax+funcOffset] ; \
+ mov resultName, eax ; \
+ }
+#elif defined(__GNUC__)
+#define CALL_THISCALL_0( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset ) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("movl (%1), %%edx\n\t" \
+ "call *"#funcOffset"(%%edx)\n\t" \
+ :"=a"(resultName) /* Output Operands */ \
+ :"c"(thisPtr) /* Input Operands */ \
+ : "%edx" /* Clobbered Registers */ \
+ ); \
+#define CALL_VOID_THISCALL_1( thisPtr, funcOffset, param1 ) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("pushl %0\n\t" \
+ "movl (%1), %%edx\n\t" \
+ "call *"#funcOffset"(%%edx)\n\t" \
+ : /* Output Operands */ \
+ :"r"(param1), /* Input Operands */ \
+ "c"(thisPtr) \
+ : "%edx" /* Clobbered Registers */ \
+ ); \
+#define CALL_THISCALL_1( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1 ) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("pushl %1\n\t" \
+ "movl (%2), %%edx\n\t" \
+ "call *"#funcOffset"(%%edx)\n\t" \
+ :"=a"(resultName) /* Output Operands */ \
+ :"r"(param1), /* Input Operands */ \
+ "c"(thisPtr) \
+ : "%edx" /* Clobbered Registers */ \
+ ); \
+#define CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1 ) \
+ do { \
+ double param1f64 = param1; /* Cast explicitly to double */ \
+ double *param1f64Ptr = &param1f64; /* Make pointer to address */ \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("pushl 4(%1)\n\t" \
+ "pushl (%1)\n\t" \
+ "movl (%2), %%edx\n\t" \
+ "call *"#funcOffset"(%%edx);\n\t" \
+ : "=a"(resultName) /* Output Operands */ \
+ : "r"(param1f64Ptr), /* Input Operands */ \
+ "c"(thisPtr), \
+ "m"(*param1f64Ptr) /* Using address */ \
+ : "%edx" /* Clobbered Registers */ \
+ ); \
+ } while (0); \
+#define CALL_THISCALL_2( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1, param2 ) \
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("pushl %1\n\t" \
+ "pushl %2\n\t" \
+ "movl (%3), %%edx\n\t" \
+ "call *"#funcOffset"(%%edx)\n\t" \
+ :"=a"(resultName) /* Output Operands */ \
+ :"r"(param2), /* Input Operands */ \
+ "r"(param1), \
+ "c"(thisPtr) \
+ : "%edx" /* Clobbered Registers */ \
+ ); \
+#define CALL_THISCALL_4( resultName, thisPtr, funcOffset, param1, param2, param3, param4 )\
+ __asm__ __volatile__ ("pushl %1\n\t" \
+ "pushl %2\n\t" \
+ "pushl %3\n\t" \
+ "pushl %4\n\t" \
+ "movl (%5), %%edx\n\t" \
+ "call *"#funcOffset"(%%edx)\n\t" \
+ :"=a"(resultName) /* Output Operands */ \
+ :"r"(param4), /* Input Operands */ \
+ "r"(param3), \
+ "r"(param2), \
+ "r"(param1), \
+ "c"(thisPtr) \
+ : "%edx" /* Clobbered Registers */ \
+ ); \
+// Our static singleton instance.
+IASIOThiscallResolver IASIOThiscallResolver::instance;
+// Constructor called to initialize static Singleton instance above. Note that
+// it is important not to clear that_ incase it has already been set by the call
+// to placement new in ASIOInit().
+// Constructor called from ASIOInit() below
+IASIOThiscallResolver::IASIOThiscallResolver(IASIO* that)
+: that_( that )
+// Implement IUnknown methods as assert(false). IASIOThiscallResolver is not
+// really a COM object, just a wrapper which will work with the ASIO SDK.
+// If you wanted to use ASIO without the SDK you might want to implement COM
+// aggregation in these methods.
+HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE IASIOThiscallResolver::QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv)
+ (void)riid; // suppress unused variable warning
+ assert( false ); // this function should never be called by the ASIO SDK.
+ *ppv = NULL;
+ assert( false ); // this function should never be called by the ASIO SDK.
+ return 1;
+ assert( false ); // this function should never be called by the ASIO SDK.
+ return 1;
+// Implement the IASIO interface methods by performing the vptr manipulation
+// described above then delegating to the real implementation.
+ASIOBool IASIOThiscallResolver::init(void *sysHandle)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_1( result, that_, 12, sysHandle );
+ return result;
+void IASIOThiscallResolver::getDriverName(char *name)
+ CALL_VOID_THISCALL_1( that_, 16, name );
+long IASIOThiscallResolver::getDriverVersion()
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_0( result, that_, 20 );
+ return result;
+void IASIOThiscallResolver::getErrorMessage(char *string)
+ CALL_VOID_THISCALL_1( that_, 24, string );
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::start()
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_0( result, that_, 28 );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::stop()
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_0( result, that_, 32 );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getChannels(long *numInputChannels, long *numOutputChannels)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_2( result, that_, 36, numInputChannels, numOutputChannels );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getLatencies(long *inputLatency, long *outputLatency)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_2( result, that_, 40, inputLatency, outputLatency );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getBufferSize(long *minSize, long *maxSize,
+ long *preferredSize, long *granularity)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_4( result, that_, 44, minSize, maxSize, preferredSize, granularity );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::canSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE( result, that_, 48, sampleRate );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate *sampleRate)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_1( result, that_, 52, sampleRate );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::setSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE( result, that_, 56, sampleRate );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getClockSources(ASIOClockSource *clocks, long *numSources)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_2( result, that_, 60, clocks, numSources );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::setClockSource(long reference)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_1( result, that_, 64, reference );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getSamplePosition(ASIOSamples *sPos, ASIOTimeStamp *tStamp)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_2( result, that_, 68, sPos, tStamp );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::getChannelInfo(ASIOChannelInfo *info)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_1( result, that_, 72, info );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::createBuffers(ASIOBufferInfo *bufferInfos,
+ long numChannels, long bufferSize, ASIOCallbacks *callbacks)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_4( result, that_, 76, bufferInfos, numChannels, bufferSize, callbacks );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::disposeBuffers()
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_0( result, that_, 80 );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::controlPanel()
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_0( result, that_, 84 );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::future(long selector,void *opt)
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_2( result, that_, 88, selector, opt );
+ return result;
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::outputReady()
+ ASIOBool result;
+ CALL_THISCALL_0( result, that_, 92 );
+ return result;
+// Implement our substitute ASIOInit() method
+ASIOError IASIOThiscallResolver::ASIOInit(ASIODriverInfo *info)
+ // To ensure that our instance's vptr is correctly constructed, even if
+ // ASIOInit is called prior to main(), we explicitly call its constructor
+ // (potentially over the top of an existing instance). Note that this is
+ // pretty ugly, and is only safe because IASIOThiscallResolver has no
+ // destructor and contains no objects with destructors.
+ new((void*)&instance) IASIOThiscallResolver( theAsioDriver );
+ // Interpose between ASIO client code and the real driver.
+ theAsioDriver = &instance;
+ // Note that we never need to switch theAsioDriver back to point to the
+ // real driver because theAsioDriver is reset to zero in ASIOExit().
+ // Delegate to the real ASIOInit
+ return ::ASIOInit(info);
+#endif /* !defined(_MSC_VER) */
+#endif /* Win32 */
diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.h b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..21d53b3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/iasiothiscallresolver.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+// ****************************************************************************
+// File: IASIOThiscallResolver.h
+// Description: The IASIOThiscallResolver class implements the IASIO
+// interface and acts as a proxy to the real IASIO interface by
+// calling through its vptr table using the thiscall calling
+// convention. To put it another way, we interpose
+// IASIOThiscallResolver between ASIO SDK code and the driver.
+// This is necessary because most non-Microsoft compilers don't
+// implement the thiscall calling convention used by IASIO.
+// iasiothiscallresolver.cpp contains the background of this
+// problem plus a technical description of the vptr
+// manipulations.
+// In order to use this mechanism one simply has to add
+// iasiothiscallresolver.cpp to the list of files to compile
+// and #include <iasiothiscallresolver.h>
+// Note that this #include must come after the other ASIO SDK
+// #includes, for example:
+// #include <windows.h>
+// #include <asiosys.h>
+// #include <asio.h>
+// #include <asiodrivers.h>
+// #include <iasiothiscallresolver.h>
+// Actually the important thing is to #include
+// <iasiothiscallresolver.h> after <asio.h>. We have
+// incorporated a test to enforce this ordering.
+// The code transparently takes care of the interposition by
+// using macro substitution to intercept calls to ASIOInit()
+// and ASIOExit(). We save the original ASIO global
+// "theAsioDriver" in our "that" variable, and then set
+// "theAsioDriver" to equal our IASIOThiscallResolver instance.
+// Whilst this method of resolving the thiscall problem requires
+// the addition of #include <iasiothiscallresolver.h> to client
+// code it has the advantage that it does not break the terms
+// of the ASIO licence by publishing it. We are NOT modifying
+// any Steinberg code here, we are merely implementing the IASIO
+// interface in the same way that we would need to do if we
+// wished to provide an open source ASIO driver.
+// For compilation with MinGW -lole32 needs to be added to the
+// linker options. For BORLAND, linking with Import32.lib is
+// sufficient.
+// The dependencies are with: CoInitialize, CoUninitialize,
+// CoCreateInstance, CLSIDFromString - used by asiolist.cpp
+// and are required on Windows whether ThiscallResolver is used
+// or not.
+// Searching for the above strings in the root library path
+// of your compiler should enable the correct libraries to be
+// identified if they aren't immediately obvious.
+// Note that the current implementation of IASIOThiscallResolver
+// is not COM compliant - it does not correctly implement the
+// IUnknown interface. Implementing it is not necessary because
+// it is not called by parts of the ASIO SDK which call through
+// theAsioDriver ptr. The IUnknown methods are implemented as
+// assert(false) to ensure that the code fails if they are
+// ever called.
+// Restrictions: None. Public Domain & Open Source distribute freely
+// You may use IASIOThiscallResolver commercially as well as
+// privately.
+// You the user assume the responsibility for the use of the
+// files, binary or text, and there is no guarantee or warranty,
+// expressed or implied, including but not limited to the
+// implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a
+// particular purpose. You assume all responsibility and agree
+// to hold no entity, copyright holder or distributors liable
+// for any loss of data or inaccurate representations of data
+// as a result of using IASIOThiscallResolver.
+// Version: 1.4 Added separate macro CALL_THISCALL_1_DOUBLE from
+// Andrew Baldwin, and volatile for whole gcc asm blocks,
+// both for compatibility with newer gcc versions. Cleaned up
+// Borland asm to use one less register.
+// 1.3 Switched to including assert.h for better compatibility.
+// Wrapped entire .h and .cpp contents with a check for
+// _MSC_VER to provide better compatibility with MS compilers.
+// Changed Singleton implementation to use static instance
+// instead of freestore allocated instance. Removed ASIOExit
+// macro as it is no longer needed.
+// 1.2 Removed semicolons from ASIOInit and ASIOExit macros to
+// allow them to be embedded in expressions (if statements).
+// Cleaned up some comments. Removed combase.c dependency (it
+// doesn't compile with BCB anyway) by stubbing IUnknown.
+// 1.1 Incorporated comments from Ross Bencina including things
+// such as changing name from ThiscallResolver to
+// IASIOThiscallResolver, tidying up the constructor, fixing
+// a bug in IASIOThiscallResolver::ASIOExit() and improving
+// portability through the use of conditional compilation
+// 1.0 Initial working version.
+// Created: 6/09/2003
+// Authors: Fraser Adams
+// Ross Bencina
+// Rene G. Ceballos
+// Martin Fay
+// Antti Silvast
+// Andrew Baldwin
+// ****************************************************************************
+#ifndef included_iasiothiscallresolver_h
+#define included_iasiothiscallresolver_h
+// We only need IASIOThiscallResolver at all if we are on Win32. For other
+// platforms we simply bypass the IASIOThiscallResolver definition to allow us
+// to be safely #include'd whatever the platform to keep client code portable
+#if (defined(WIN32) || defined(_WIN32) || defined(__WIN32__)) && !defined(_WIN64)
+// If microsoft compiler we can call IASIO directly so IASIOThiscallResolver
+// is not used.
+#if !defined(_MSC_VER)
+// The following is in order to ensure that this header is only included after
+// the other ASIO headers (except for the case of iasiothiscallresolver.cpp).
+// We need to do this because IASIOThiscallResolver works by eclipsing the
+// original definition of ASIOInit() with a macro (see below).
+#if !defined(iasiothiscallresolver_sourcefile)
+ #if !defined(__ASIO_H)
+ #error iasiothiscallresolver.h must be included AFTER asio.h
+ #endif
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <asiodrvr.h> /* From ASIO SDK */
+class IASIOThiscallResolver : public IASIO {
+ IASIO* that_; // Points to the real IASIO
+ static IASIOThiscallResolver instance; // Singleton instance
+ // Constructors - declared private so construction is limited to
+ // our Singleton instance
+ IASIOThiscallResolver();
+ IASIOThiscallResolver(IASIO* that);
+ // Methods from the IUnknown interface. We don't fully implement IUnknown
+ // because the ASIO SDK never calls these methods through theAsioDriver ptr.
+ // These methods are implemented as assert(false).
+ virtual HRESULT STDMETHODCALLTYPE QueryInterface(REFIID riid, void **ppv);
+ // Methods from the IASIO interface, implemented as forwarning calls to that.
+ virtual ASIOBool init(void *sysHandle);
+ virtual void getDriverName(char *name);
+ virtual long getDriverVersion();
+ virtual void getErrorMessage(char *string);
+ virtual ASIOError start();
+ virtual ASIOError stop();
+ virtual ASIOError getChannels(long *numInputChannels, long *numOutputChannels);
+ virtual ASIOError getLatencies(long *inputLatency, long *outputLatency);
+ virtual ASIOError getBufferSize(long *minSize, long *maxSize, long *preferredSize, long *granularity);
+ virtual ASIOError canSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate);
+ virtual ASIOError getSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate *sampleRate);
+ virtual ASIOError setSampleRate(ASIOSampleRate sampleRate);
+ virtual ASIOError getClockSources(ASIOClockSource *clocks, long *numSources);
+ virtual ASIOError setClockSource(long reference);
+ virtual ASIOError getSamplePosition(ASIOSamples *sPos, ASIOTimeStamp *tStamp);
+ virtual ASIOError getChannelInfo(ASIOChannelInfo *info);
+ virtual ASIOError createBuffers(ASIOBufferInfo *bufferInfos, long numChannels, long bufferSize, ASIOCallbacks *callbacks);
+ virtual ASIOError disposeBuffers();
+ virtual ASIOError controlPanel();
+ virtual ASIOError future(long selector,void *opt);
+ virtual ASIOError outputReady();
+ // Class method, see ASIOInit() macro below.
+ static ASIOError ASIOInit(ASIODriverInfo *info); // Delegates to ::ASIOInit
+// Replace calls to ASIOInit with our interposing version.
+// This macro enables us to perform thiscall resolution simply by #including
+// <iasiothiscallresolver.h> after the asio #includes (this file _must_ be
+// included _after_ the asio #includes)
+#define ASIOInit(name) IASIOThiscallResolver::ASIOInit((name))
+#endif /* !defined(_MSC_VER) */
+#endif /* Win32 */
+#endif /* included_iasiothiscallresolver_h */
diff --git a/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/pa_asio.cpp b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/pa_asio.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bc5f0e4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/3rdparty/portaudio/src/hostapi/asio/pa_asio.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,4250 @@
+ * $Id$
+ * Portable Audio I/O Library for ASIO Drivers
+ *
+ * Author: Stephane Letz
+ * Based on the Open Source API proposed by Ross Bencina
+ * Copyright (c) 2000-2002 Stephane Letz, Phil Burk, Ross Bencina
+ * Blocking i/o implementation by Sven Fischer, Institute of Hearing
+ * Technology and Audiology (
+ *
+ * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining
+ * a copy of this software and associated documentation files
+ * (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction,
+ * including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge,
+ * publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software,
+ * and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so,
+ * subject to the following conditions:
+ *
+ * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
+ * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.
+ *
+ */
+ * The text above constitutes the entire PortAudio license; however,
+ * the PortAudio community also makes the following non-binding requests:
+ *
+ * Any person wishing to distribute modifications to the Software is
+ * requested to send the modifications to the original developer so that
+ * they can be incorporated into the canonical version. It is also
+ * requested that these non-binding requests be included along with the
+ * license above.
+ */
+/* Modification History
+ 08-03-01 First version : Stephane Letz
+ 08-06-01 Tweaks for PC, use C++, buffer allocation, Float32 to Int32 conversion : Phil Burk
+ 08-20-01 More conversion, PA_StreamTime, Pa_GetHostError : Stephane Letz
+ 08-21-01 PaUInt8 bug correction, implementation of ASIOSTFloat32LSB and ASIOSTFloat32MSB native formats : Stephane Letz
+ 08-24-01 MAX_INT32_FP hack, another Uint8 fix : Stephane and Phil
+ 08-27-01 Implementation of hostBufferSize < userBufferSize case, better management of the output buffer when
+ the stream is stopped : Stephane Letz
+ 08-28-01 Check the stream pointer for null in bufferSwitchTimeInfo, correct bug in bufferSwitchTimeInfo when
+ the stream is stopped : Stephane Letz
+ 10-12-01 Correct the PaHost_CalcNumHostBuffers function: computes FramesPerHostBuffer to be the lowest that
+ respect requested FramesPerUserBuffer and userBuffersPerHostBuffer : Stephane Letz
+ 10-26-01 Management of hostBufferSize and userBufferSize of any size : Stephane Letz
+ 10-27-01 Improve calculus of hostBufferSize to be multiple or divisor of userBufferSize if possible : Stephane and Phil
+ 10-29-01 Change MAX_INT32_FP to (2147483520.0f) to prevent roundup to 0x80000000 : Phil Burk
+ 10-31-01 Clear the output buffer and user buffers in PaHost_StartOutput, correct bug in GetFirstMultiple : Stephane Letz
+ 11-06-01 Rename functions : Stephane Letz
+ 11-08-01 New Pa_ASIO_Adaptor_Init function to init Callback adpatation variables, cleanup of Pa_ASIO_Callback_Input: Stephane Letz
+ 11-29-01 Break apart device loading to debug random failure in Pa_ASIO_QueryDeviceInfo ; Phil Burk
+ 01-03-02 Deallocate all resources in PaHost_Term for cases where Pa_CloseStream is not called properly : Stephane Letz
+ 02-01-02 Cleanup, test of multiple-stream opening : Stephane Letz
+ 19-02-02 New Pa_ASIO_loadDriver that calls CoInitialize on each thread on Windows : Stephane Letz
+ 09-04-02 Correct error code management in PaHost_Term, removes various compiler warning : Stephane Letz
+ 12-04-02 Add Mac includes for <Devices.h> and <Timer.h> : Phil Burk
+ 13-04-02 Removes another compiler warning : Stephane Letz
+ 30-04-02 Pa_ASIO_QueryDeviceInfo bug correction, memory allocation checking, better error handling : D Viens, P Burk, S Letz
+ 12-06-02 Rehashed into new multi-api infrastructure, added support for all ASIO sample formats : Ross Bencina
+ 18-06-02 Added pa_asio.h, PaAsio_GetAvailableLatencyValues() : Ross B.
+ 21-06-02 Added SelectHostBufferSize() which selects host buffer size based on user latency parameters : Ross Bencina
+ ** NOTE maintenance history is now stored in CVS **
+/** @file
+ @ingroup hostapi_src
+ Note that specific support for paInputUnderflow, paOutputOverflow and
+ paNeverDropInput is not necessary or possible with this driver due to the
+ synchronous full duplex double-buffered architecture of ASIO.
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <assert.h>
+#include <string.h>
+//#include <values.h>
+#include <new>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <mmsystem.h>
+#include "portaudio.h"
+#include "pa_asio.h"
+#include "pa_util.h"
+#include "pa_allocation.h"
+#include "pa_hostapi.h"
+#include "pa_stream.h"
+#include "pa_cpuload.h"
+#include "pa_process.h"
+#include "pa_debugprint.h"
+#include "pa_ringbuffer.h"
+#include "pa_win_coinitialize.h"
+/* This version of pa_asio.cpp is currently only targeted at Win32,
+ It would require a few tweaks to work with pre-OS X Macintosh.
+ To make configuration easier, we define WIN32 here to make sure
+ that the ASIO SDK knows this is Win32.
+#ifndef WIN32
+#define WIN32
+#include "asiosys.h"
+#include "asio.h"
+#include "asiodrivers.h"
+#include "iasiothiscallresolver.h"
+#if MAC
+#include <Devices.h>
+#include <Timer.h>
+#include <Math64.h>
+#include <math.h>
+#include <windows.h>
+#include <mmsystem.h>
+/* winmm.lib is needed for timeGetTime() (this is in winmm.a if you're using gcc) */
+#if (defined(WIN32) && (defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1200))) /* MSC version 6 and above */
+#pragma comment(lib, "winmm.lib")
+/* external reference to ASIO SDK's asioDrivers.
+ This is a bit messy because we want to explicitly manage
+ allocation/deallocation of this structure, but some layers of the SDK
+ which we currently use (eg the implementation in asio.cpp) still
+ use this global version.
+ For now we keep it in sync with our local instance in the host
+ API representation structure, but later we should be able to remove
+ all dependence on it.
+extern AsioDrivers* asioDrivers;
+/* We are trying to be compatible with CARBON but this has not been thoroughly tested. */
+/* not tested at all since new V19 code was introduced. */
+/* prototypes for functions declared in this file */
+extern "C" PaError PaAsio_Initialize( PaUtilHostApiRepresentation **hostApi, PaHostApiIndex hostApiIndex );
+static void Terminate( struct PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi );
+static PaError OpenStream( struct PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi,
+ PaStream** s,
+ const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
+ const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
+ double sampleRate,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
+ PaStreamCallback *streamCallback,
+ void *userData );
+static PaError IsFormatSupported( struct PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi,
+ const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
+ const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
+ double sampleRate );
+static PaError CloseStream( PaStream* stream );
+static PaError StartStream( PaStream *stream );
+static PaError StopStream( PaStream *stream );
+static PaError AbortStream( PaStream *stream );
+static PaError IsStreamStopped( PaStream *s );
+static PaError IsStreamActive( PaStream *stream );
+static PaTime GetStreamTime( PaStream *stream );
+static double GetStreamCpuLoad( PaStream* stream );
+static PaError ReadStream( PaStream* stream, void *buffer, unsigned long frames );
+static PaError WriteStream( PaStream* stream, const void *buffer, unsigned long frames );
+static signed long GetStreamReadAvailable( PaStream* stream );
+static signed long GetStreamWriteAvailable( PaStream* stream );
+/* Blocking i/o callback function. */
+static int BlockingIoPaCallback(const void *inputBuffer ,
+ void *outputBuffer ,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo ,
+ PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags ,
+ void *userData );
+/* our ASIO callback functions */
+static void bufferSwitch(long index, ASIOBool processNow);
+static ASIOTime *bufferSwitchTimeInfo(ASIOTime *timeInfo, long index, ASIOBool processNow);
+static void sampleRateChanged(ASIOSampleRate sRate);
+static long asioMessages(long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt);
+static ASIOCallbacks asioCallbacks_ =
+ { bufferSwitch, sampleRateChanged, asioMessages, bufferSwitchTimeInfo };
+#define PA_ASIO_SET_LAST_HOST_ERROR( errorCode, errorText ) \
+ PaUtil_SetLastHostErrorInfo( paASIO, errorCode, errorText )
+static void PaAsio_SetLastSystemError( DWORD errorCode )
+ LPVOID lpMsgBuf;
+ FormatMessage(
+ errorCode,
+ (LPTSTR) &lpMsgBuf,
+ 0,
+ );
+ PaUtil_SetLastHostErrorInfo( paASIO, errorCode, (const char*)lpMsgBuf );
+ LocalFree( lpMsgBuf );
+#define PA_ASIO_SET_LAST_SYSTEM_ERROR( errorCode ) \
+ PaAsio_SetLastSystemError( errorCode )
+static const char* PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText( ASIOError asioError )
+ const char *result;
+ switch( asioError ){
+ case ASE_OK:
+ case ASE_SUCCESS: result = "Success"; break;
+ case ASE_NotPresent: result = "Hardware input or output is not present or available"; break;
+ case ASE_HWMalfunction: result = "Hardware is malfunctioning"; break;
+ case ASE_InvalidParameter: result = "Input parameter invalid"; break;
+ case ASE_InvalidMode: result = "Hardware is in a bad mode or used in a bad mode"; break;
+ case ASE_SPNotAdvancing: result = "Hardware is not running when sample position is inquired"; break;
+ case ASE_NoClock: result = "Sample clock or rate cannot be determined or is not present"; break;
+ case ASE_NoMemory: result = "Not enough memory for completing the request"; break;
+ default: result = "Unknown ASIO error"; break;
+ }
+ return result;
+#define PA_ASIO_SET_LAST_ASIO_ERROR( asioError ) \
+ PaUtil_SetLastHostErrorInfo( paASIO, asioError, PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText( asioError ) )
+// Atomic increment and decrement operations
+#if MAC
+ /* need to be implemented on Mac */
+ inline long PaAsio_AtomicIncrement(volatile long* v) {return ++(*const_cast<long*>(v));}
+ inline long PaAsio_AtomicDecrement(volatile long* v) {return --(*const_cast<long*>(v));}
+#elif WINDOWS
+ inline long PaAsio_AtomicIncrement(volatile long* v) {return InterlockedIncrement(const_cast<long*>(v));}
+ inline long PaAsio_AtomicDecrement(volatile long* v) {return InterlockedDecrement(const_cast<long*>(v));}
+typedef struct PaAsioDriverInfo
+ ASIODriverInfo asioDriverInfo;
+ long inputChannelCount, outputChannelCount;
+ long bufferMinSize, bufferMaxSize, bufferPreferredSize, bufferGranularity;
+ bool postOutput;
+/* PaAsioHostApiRepresentation - host api datastructure specific to this implementation */
+typedef struct
+ PaUtilHostApiRepresentation inheritedHostApiRep;
+ PaUtilStreamInterface callbackStreamInterface;
+ PaUtilStreamInterface blockingStreamInterface;
+ PaUtilAllocationGroup *allocations;
+ PaWinUtilComInitializationResult comInitializationResult;
+ AsioDrivers *asioDrivers;
+ void *systemSpecific;
+ /* the ASIO C API only allows one ASIO driver to be open at a time,
+ so we keep track of whether we have the driver open here, and
+ use this information to return errors from OpenStream if the
+ driver is already open.
+ openAsioDeviceIndex will be PaNoDevice if there is no device open
+ and a valid pa_asio (not global) device index otherwise.
+ openAsioDriverInfo is populated with the driver info for the
+ currently open device (if any)
+ */
+ PaDeviceIndex openAsioDeviceIndex;
+ PaAsioDriverInfo openAsioDriverInfo;
+ Retrieve <driverCount> driver names from ASIO, returned in a char**
+ allocated in <group>.
+static char **GetAsioDriverNames( PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi, PaUtilAllocationGroup *group, long driverCount )
+ char **result = 0;
+ int i;
+ result =(char**)PaUtil_GroupAllocateMemory(
+ group, sizeof(char*) * driverCount );
+ if( !result )
+ goto error;
+ result[0] = (char*)PaUtil_GroupAllocateMemory(
+ group, 32 * driverCount );
+ if( !result[0] )
+ goto error;
+ for( i=0; i<driverCount; ++i )
+ result[i] = result[0] + (32 * i);
+ asioHostApi->asioDrivers->getDriverNames( result, driverCount );
+ return result;
+static PaSampleFormat AsioSampleTypeToPaNativeSampleFormat(ASIOSampleType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case ASIOSTInt16MSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
+ return paInt16;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32MSB:
+ case ASIOSTFloat32LSB:
+ case ASIOSTFloat64MSB:
+ case ASIOSTFloat64LSB:
+ return paFloat32;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB16:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB16:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB18:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB20:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB24:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB18:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB20:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB24:
+ return paInt32;
+ case ASIOSTInt24MSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt24LSB:
+ return paInt24;
+ default:
+ return paCustomFormat;
+ }
+void AsioSampleTypeLOG(ASIOSampleType type)
+ switch (type) {
+ case ASIOSTInt16MSB: PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt16MSB\n")); break;
+ case ASIOSTInt16LSB: PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt16LSB\n")); break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32MSB:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTFloat32MSB\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32LSB:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTFloat32LSB\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64MSB:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTFloat64MSB\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64LSB:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTFloat64LSB\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB: PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32MSB\n")); break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB: PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32LSB\n")); break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB16:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32MSB16\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB16:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32LSB16\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB18:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32MSB18\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB20:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32MSB20\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB24:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32MSB24\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB18:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32LSB18\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB20:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32LSB20\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB24:PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt32LSB24\n"));break;
+ case ASIOSTInt24MSB: PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt24MSB\n")); break;
+ case ASIOSTInt24LSB: PA_DEBUG(("ASIOSTInt24LSB\n")); break;
+ default: PA_DEBUG(("Custom Format%d\n",type));break;
+ }
+static int BytesPerAsioSample( ASIOSampleType sampleType )
+ switch (sampleType) {
+ case ASIOSTInt16MSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
+ return 2;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64MSB:
+ case ASIOSTFloat64LSB:
+ return 8;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32MSB:
+ case ASIOSTFloat32LSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB16:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB16:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB18:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB20:
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB24:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB18:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB20:
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB24:
+ return 4;
+ case ASIOSTInt24MSB:
+ case ASIOSTInt24LSB:
+ return 3;
+ default:
+ return 0;
+ }
+static void Swap16( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned short *p = (unsigned short*)buffer;
+ unsigned short temp;
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p;
+ *p++ = (unsigned short)((temp<<8) | (temp>>8));
+ }
+static void Swap24( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned char *p = (unsigned char*)buffer;
+ unsigned char temp;
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p;
+ *p = *(p+2);
+ *(p+2) = temp;
+ p += 3;
+ }
+#define PA_SWAP32_( x ) ((x>>24) | ((x>>8)&0xFF00) | ((x<<8)&0xFF0000) | (x<<24));
+static void Swap32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned long *p = (unsigned long*)buffer;
+ unsigned long temp;
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p;
+ *p++ = PA_SWAP32_( temp);
+ }
+static void SwapShiftLeft32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned long *p = (unsigned long*)buffer;
+ unsigned long temp;
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p;
+ temp = PA_SWAP32_( temp);
+ *p++ = temp << shift;
+ }
+static void ShiftRightSwap32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned long *p = (unsigned long*)buffer;
+ unsigned long temp;
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p >> shift;
+ *p++ = PA_SWAP32_( temp);
+ }
+static void ShiftLeft32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned long *p = (unsigned long*)buffer;
+ unsigned long temp;
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p;
+ *p++ = temp << shift;
+ }
+static void ShiftRight32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ unsigned long *p = (unsigned long*)buffer;
+ unsigned long temp;
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ temp = *p;
+ *p++ = temp >> shift;
+ }
+#define PA_SWAP_( x, y ) temp=x; x = y; y = temp;
+static void Swap64ConvertFloat64ToFloat32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ double *in = (double*)buffer;
+ float *out = (float*)buffer;
+ unsigned char *p;
+ unsigned char temp;
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ p = (unsigned char*)in;
+ PA_SWAP_( p[0], p[7] );
+ PA_SWAP_( p[1], p[6] );
+ PA_SWAP_( p[2], p[5] );
+ PA_SWAP_( p[3], p[4] );
+ *out++ = (float) (*in++);
+ }
+static void ConvertFloat64ToFloat32( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ double *in = (double*)buffer;
+ float *out = (float*)buffer;
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ *out++ = (float) (*in++);
+static void ConvertFloat32ToFloat64Swap64( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ float *in = ((float*)buffer) + (count-1);
+ double *out = ((double*)buffer) + (count-1);
+ unsigned char *p;
+ unsigned char temp;
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ {
+ *out = *in--;
+ p = (unsigned char*)out;
+ PA_SWAP_( p[0], p[7] );
+ PA_SWAP_( p[1], p[6] );
+ PA_SWAP_( p[2], p[5] );
+ PA_SWAP_( p[3], p[4] );
+ out--;
+ }
+static void ConvertFloat32ToFloat64( void *buffer, long shift, long count )
+ float *in = ((float*)buffer) + (count-1);
+ double *out = ((double*)buffer) + (count-1);
+ (void) shift; /* unused parameter */
+ while( count-- )
+ *out-- = *in--;
+#ifdef MAC
+#define PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+#ifdef WINDOWS
+#define PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+typedef void PaAsioBufferConverter( void *, long, long );
+static void SelectAsioToPaConverter( ASIOSampleType type, PaAsioBufferConverter **converter, long *shift )
+ *shift = 0;
+ *converter = 0;
+ switch (type) {
+ case ASIOSTInt16MSB:
+ /* dest: paInt16, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap16;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
+ /* dest: paInt16, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap16;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32MSB:
+ /* dest: paFloat32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32LSB:
+ /* dest: paFloat32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64MSB:
+ /* dest: paFloat32, in-place conversion to/from float32, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap64ConvertFloat64ToFloat32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ConvertFloat64ToFloat32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64LSB:
+ /* dest: paFloat32, in-place conversion to/from float32, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap64ConvertFloat64ToFloat32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ConvertFloat64ToFloat32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB:
+ /* dest: paInt32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
+ /* dest: paInt32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB16:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 16 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 16;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB18:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 14 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 14;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB20:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 12 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 12;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB24:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 8 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 8;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB16:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 16 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 16;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB18:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 14 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 14;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB20:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 12 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 12;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB24:
+ /* dest: paInt32, 8 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = SwapShiftLeft32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftLeft32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 8;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt24MSB:
+ /* dest: paInt24, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap24;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt24LSB:
+ /* dest: paInt24, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap24;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ }
+static void SelectPaToAsioConverter( ASIOSampleType type, PaAsioBufferConverter **converter, long *shift )
+ *shift = 0;
+ *converter = 0;
+ switch (type) {
+ case ASIOSTInt16MSB:
+ /* src: paInt16, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap16;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt16LSB:
+ /* src: paInt16, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap16;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32MSB:
+ /* src: paFloat32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat32LSB:
+ /* src: paFloat32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64MSB:
+ /* src: paFloat32, in-place conversion to/from float32, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ConvertFloat32ToFloat64Swap64;
+ #else
+ *converter = ConvertFloat32ToFloat64;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTFloat64LSB:
+ /* src: paFloat32, in-place conversion to/from float32, possible byte swap*/
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ConvertFloat32ToFloat64Swap64;
+ #else
+ *converter = ConvertFloat32ToFloat64;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB:
+ /* src: paInt32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB:
+ /* src: paInt32, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap32;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB16:
+ /* src: paInt32, 16 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 16;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB18:
+ /* src: paInt32, 14 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 14;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB20:
+ /* src: paInt32, 12 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 12;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32MSB24:
+ /* src: paInt32, 8 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 8;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB16:
+ /* src: paInt32, 16 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 16;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB18:
+ /* src: paInt32, 14 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 14;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB20:
+ /* src: paInt32, 12 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 12;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt32LSB24:
+ /* src: paInt32, 8 bit shift, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = ShiftRightSwap32;
+ #else
+ *converter = ShiftRight32;
+ #endif
+ *shift = 8;
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt24MSB:
+ /* src: paInt24, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_LSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap24;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ case ASIOSTInt24LSB:
+ /* src: paInt24, no conversion necessary, possible byte swap */
+ #ifdef PA_MSB_IS_NATIVE_
+ *converter = Swap24;
+ #endif
+ break;
+ }
+typedef struct PaAsioDeviceInfo
+ PaDeviceInfo commonDeviceInfo;
+ long minBufferSize;
+ long maxBufferSize;
+ long preferredBufferSize;
+ long bufferGranularity;
+ ASIOChannelInfo *asioChannelInfos;
+PaError PaAsio_GetAvailableBufferSizes( PaDeviceIndex device,
+ long *minBufferSizeFrames, long *maxBufferSizeFrames, long *preferredBufferSizeFrames, long *granularity )
+ PaError result;
+ PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi;
+ PaDeviceIndex hostApiDevice;
+ result = PaUtil_GetHostApiRepresentation( &hostApi, paASIO );
+ if( result == paNoError )
+ {
+ result = PaUtil_DeviceIndexToHostApiDeviceIndex( &hostApiDevice, device, hostApi );
+ if( result == paNoError )
+ {
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo =
+ (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)hostApi->deviceInfos[hostApiDevice];
+ *minBufferSizeFrames = asioDeviceInfo->minBufferSize;
+ *maxBufferSizeFrames = asioDeviceInfo->maxBufferSize;
+ *preferredBufferSizeFrames = asioDeviceInfo->preferredBufferSize;
+ *granularity = asioDeviceInfo->bufferGranularity;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+/* Unload whatever we loaded in LoadAsioDriver().
+static void UnloadAsioDriver( void )
+ ASIOExit();
+ load the asio driver named by <driverName> and return statistics about
+ the driver in info. If no error occurred, the driver will remain open
+ and must be closed by the called by calling UnloadAsioDriver() - if an error
+ is returned the driver will already be unloaded.
+static PaError LoadAsioDriver( PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi, const char *driverName,
+ PaAsioDriverInfo *driverInfo, void *systemSpecific )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ int asioIsInitialized = 0;
+ if( !asioHostApi->asioDrivers->loadDriver( const_cast<char*>(driverName) ) )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ PA_ASIO_SET_LAST_HOST_ERROR( 0, "Failed to load ASIO driver" );
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memset( &driverInfo->asioDriverInfo, 0, sizeof(ASIODriverInfo) );
+ driverInfo->asioDriverInfo.asioVersion = 2;
+ driverInfo->asioDriverInfo.sysRef = systemSpecific;
+ if( (asioError = ASIOInit( &driverInfo->asioDriverInfo )) != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asioIsInitialized = 1;
+ }
+ if( (asioError = ASIOGetChannels(&driverInfo->inputChannelCount,
+ &driverInfo->outputChannelCount)) != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if( (asioError = ASIOGetBufferSize(&driverInfo->bufferMinSize,
+ &driverInfo->bufferMaxSize, &driverInfo->bufferPreferredSize,
+ &driverInfo->bufferGranularity)) != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if( ASIOOutputReady() == ASE_OK )
+ driverInfo->postOutput = true;
+ else
+ driverInfo->postOutput = false;
+ return result;
+ if( asioIsInitialized )
+ {
+ ASIOExit();
+ }
+ return result;
+#define PA_DEFAULTSAMPLERATESEARCHORDER_COUNT_ 13 /* must be the same number of elements as in the array below */
+static ASIOSampleRate defaultSampleRateSearchOrder_[]
+ = {44100.0, 48000.0, 32000.0, 24000.0, 22050.0, 88200.0, 96000.0,
+ 192000.0, 16000.0, 12000.0, 11025.0, 9600.0, 8000.0 };
+static PaError InitPaDeviceInfoFromAsioDriver( PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi,
+ const char *driverName, int driverIndex,
+ PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo, PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ /* Due to the headless design of the ASIO API, drivers are free to write over data given to them (like M-Audio
+ drivers f.i.). This is an attempt to overcome that. */
+ union _tag_local {
+ PaAsioDriverInfo info;
+ char _padding[4096];
+ } paAsioDriver;
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos = 0; /* we check this below to handle error cleanup */
+ result = LoadAsioDriver( asioHostApi, driverName, &, asioHostApi->systemSpecific );
+ if( result == paNoError )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d name = %s\n", driverIndex,deviceInfo->name));
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d inputChannels = %d\n", driverIndex,;
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d outputChannels = %d\n", driverIndex,;
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d bufferMinSize = %d\n", driverIndex,;
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d bufferMaxSize = %d\n", driverIndex,;
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d bufferPreferredSize = %d\n", driverIndex,;
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d bufferGranularity = %d\n", driverIndex,;
+ deviceInfo->maxInputChannels =;
+ deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels =;
+ deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate = 0.;
+ bool foundDefaultSampleRate = false;
+ {
+ ASIOError asioError = ASIOCanSampleRate( defaultSampleRateSearchOrder_[j] );
+ if( asioError != ASE_NoClock && asioError != ASE_NotPresent )
+ {
+ deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate = defaultSampleRateSearchOrder_[j];
+ foundDefaultSampleRate = true;
+ break;
+ }
+ }
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d defaultSampleRate = %f\n", driverIndex, deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate));
+ if( foundDefaultSampleRate ){
+ /* calculate default latency values from bufferPreferredSize
+ for default low latency, and bufferMaxSize
+ for default high latency.
+ use the default sample rate to convert from samples to
+ seconds. Without knowing what sample rate the user will
+ use this is the best we can do.
+ */
+ double defaultLowLatency =
+ / deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate;
+ deviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency = defaultLowLatency;
+ deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency = defaultLowLatency;
+ double defaultHighLatency =
+ / deviceInfo->defaultSampleRate;
+ if( defaultHighLatency < defaultLowLatency )
+ defaultHighLatency = defaultLowLatency; /* just in case the driver returns something strange */
+ deviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency = defaultHighLatency;
+ deviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency = defaultHighLatency;
+ }else{
+ deviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency = 0.;
+ deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency = 0.;
+ deviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency = 0.;
+ deviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency = 0.;
+ }
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d defaultLowInputLatency = %f\n", driverIndex, deviceInfo->defaultLowInputLatency));
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d defaultLowOutputLatency = %f\n", driverIndex, deviceInfo->defaultLowOutputLatency));
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d defaultHighInputLatency = %f\n", driverIndex, deviceInfo->defaultHighInputLatency));
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_Initialize: drv:%d defaultHighOutputLatency = %f\n", driverIndex, deviceInfo->defaultHighOutputLatency));
+ asioDeviceInfo->minBufferSize =;
+ asioDeviceInfo->maxBufferSize =;
+ asioDeviceInfo->preferredBufferSize =;
+ asioDeviceInfo->bufferGranularity =;
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos = (ASIOChannelInfo*)PaUtil_GroupAllocateMemory(
+ asioHostApi->allocations,
+ sizeof(ASIOChannelInfo) * (deviceInfo->maxInputChannels
+ + deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels) );
+ if( !asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error_unload;
+ }
+ int a;
+ for( a=0; a < deviceInfo->maxInputChannels; ++a ){
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[a].channel = a;
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[a].isInput = ASIOTrue;
+ ASIOError asioError = ASIOGetChannelInfo( &asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[a] );
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error_unload;
+ }
+ }
+ for( a=0; a < deviceInfo->maxOutputChannels; ++a ){
+ int b = deviceInfo->maxInputChannels + a;
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[b].channel = a;
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[b].isInput = ASIOFalse;
+ ASIOError asioError = ASIOGetChannelInfo( &asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[b] );
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error_unload;
+ }
+ }
+ /* unload the driver */
+ UnloadAsioDriver();
+ }
+ return result;
+ UnloadAsioDriver();
+ if( asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos ){
+ PaUtil_GroupFreeMemory( asioHostApi->allocations, asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos );
+ asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos = 0;
+ }
+ return result;
+/* we look up IsDebuggerPresent at runtime incase it isn't present (on Win95 for example) */
+typedef BOOL (WINAPI *IsDebuggerPresentPtr)(VOID);
+IsDebuggerPresentPtr IsDebuggerPresent_ = 0;
+//FARPROC IsDebuggerPresent_ = 0; // this is the current way to do it apparently according to davidv
+PaError PaAsio_Initialize( PaUtilHostApiRepresentation **hostApi, PaHostApiIndex hostApiIndex )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ int i, driverCount;
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi;
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *deviceInfoArray;
+ char **names;
+ asioHostApi = (PaAsioHostApiRepresentation*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( sizeof(PaAsioHostApiRepresentation) );
+ if( !asioHostApi )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ memset( asioHostApi, 0, sizeof(PaAsioHostApiRepresentation) ); /* ensure all fields are zeroed. especially asioHostApi->allocations */
+ /*
+ We initialize COM ourselves here and uninitialize it in Terminate().
+ This should be the only COM initialization needed in this module.
+ The ASIO SDK may also initialize COM but since we want to reduce dependency
+ on the ASIO SDK we manage COM initialization ourselves.
+ There used to be code that initialized COM in other situations
+ such as when creating a Stream. This made PA work when calling Pa_CreateStream
+ from a non-main thread. However we currently consider initialization
+ of COM in non-main threads to be the caller's responsibility.
+ */
+ result = PaWinUtil_CoInitialize( paASIO, &asioHostApi->comInitializationResult );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ {
+ goto error;
+ }
+ asioHostApi->asioDrivers = 0; /* avoid surprises in our error handler below */
+ asioHostApi->allocations = PaUtil_CreateAllocationGroup();
+ if( !asioHostApi->allocations )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Allocate the AsioDrivers() driver list (class from ASIO SDK) */
+ try
+ {
+ asioHostApi->asioDrivers = new AsioDrivers(); /* invokes CoInitialize(0) in AsioDriverList::AsioDriverList */
+ }
+ catch (std::bad_alloc)
+ {
+ asioHostApi->asioDrivers = 0;
+ }
+ /* some implementations of new (ie MSVC, see
+ don't throw std::bad_alloc, so we also explicitly test for a null return. */
+ if( asioHostApi->asioDrivers == 0 )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ asioDrivers = asioHostApi->asioDrivers; /* keep SDK global in sync until we stop depending on it */
+ asioHostApi->systemSpecific = 0;
+ asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex = paNoDevice;
+ *hostApi = &asioHostApi->inheritedHostApiRep;
+ (*hostApi)->info.structVersion = 1;
+ (*hostApi)->info.type = paASIO;
+ (*hostApi)-> = "ASIO";
+ (*hostApi)->info.deviceCount = 0;
+ #ifdef WINDOWS
+ /* use desktop window as system specific ptr */
+ asioHostApi->systemSpecific = GetDesktopWindow();
+ #endif
+ /* driverCount is the number of installed drivers - not necessarily
+ the number of installed physical devices. */
+ #if MAC
+ driverCount = asioHostApi->asioDrivers->getNumFragments();
+ #elif WINDOWS
+ driverCount = asioHostApi->asioDrivers->asioGetNumDev();
+ #endif
+ if( driverCount > 0 )
+ {
+ names = GetAsioDriverNames( asioHostApi, asioHostApi->allocations, driverCount );
+ if( !names )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* allocate enough space for all drivers, even if some aren't installed */
+ (*hostApi)->deviceInfos = (PaDeviceInfo**)PaUtil_GroupAllocateMemory(
+ asioHostApi->allocations, sizeof(PaDeviceInfo*) * driverCount );
+ if( !(*hostApi)->deviceInfos )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* allocate all device info structs in a contiguous block */
+ deviceInfoArray = (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)PaUtil_GroupAllocateMemory(
+ asioHostApi->allocations, sizeof(PaAsioDeviceInfo) * driverCount );
+ if( !deviceInfoArray )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ IsDebuggerPresent_ = (IsDebuggerPresentPtr)GetProcAddress( LoadLibraryA( "Kernel32.dll" ), "IsDebuggerPresent" );
+ for( i=0; i < driverCount; ++i )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("ASIO names[%d]:%s\n",i,names[i]));
+ // Since portaudio opens ALL ASIO drivers, and no one else does that,
+ // we face fact that some drivers were not meant for it, drivers which act
+ // like shells on top of REAL drivers, for instance.
+ // so we get duplicate handles, locks and other problems.
+ // so lets NOT try to load any such wrappers.
+ // The ones i [davidv] know of so far are:
+ if ( strcmp (names[i],"ASIO DirectX Full Duplex Driver") == 0
+ || strcmp (names[i],"ASIO Multimedia Driver") == 0
+ || strncmp(names[i],"Premiere",8) == 0 //"Premiere Elements Windows Sound 1.0"
+ || strncmp(names[i],"Adobe",5) == 0 //"Adobe Default Windows Sound 1.5"
+ )
+ {
+ continue;
+ }
+ if( IsDebuggerPresent_ && IsDebuggerPresent_() )
+ {
+ /* ASIO Digidesign Driver uses PACE copy protection which quits out
+ if a debugger is running. So we don't load it if a debugger is running. */
+ if( strcmp(names[i], "ASIO Digidesign Driver") == 0 )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("BLACKLISTED!!! ASIO Digidesign Driver would quit the debugger\n"));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Attempt to init device info from the asio driver... */
+ {
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo = &deviceInfoArray[ (*hostApi)->info.deviceCount ];
+ PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo = &asioDeviceInfo->commonDeviceInfo;
+ deviceInfo->structVersion = 2;
+ deviceInfo->hostApi = hostApiIndex;
+ deviceInfo->name = names[i];
+ if( InitPaDeviceInfoFromAsioDriver( asioHostApi, names[i], i, deviceInfo, asioDeviceInfo ) == paNoError )
+ {
+ (*hostApi)->deviceInfos[ (*hostApi)->info.deviceCount ] = deviceInfo;
+ ++(*hostApi)->info.deviceCount;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("Skipping ASIO device:%s\n",names[i]));
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ if( (*hostApi)->info.deviceCount > 0 )
+ {
+ (*hostApi)->info.defaultInputDevice = 0;
+ (*hostApi)->info.defaultOutputDevice = 0;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ (*hostApi)->info.defaultInputDevice = paNoDevice;
+ (*hostApi)->info.defaultOutputDevice = paNoDevice;
+ }
+ (*hostApi)->Terminate = Terminate;
+ (*hostApi)->OpenStream = OpenStream;
+ (*hostApi)->IsFormatSupported = IsFormatSupported;
+ PaUtil_InitializeStreamInterface( &asioHostApi->callbackStreamInterface, CloseStream, StartStream,
+ StopStream, AbortStream, IsStreamStopped, IsStreamActive,
+ GetStreamTime, GetStreamCpuLoad,
+ PaUtil_DummyRead, PaUtil_DummyWrite,
+ PaUtil_DummyGetReadAvailable, PaUtil_DummyGetWriteAvailable );
+ PaUtil_InitializeStreamInterface( &asioHostApi->blockingStreamInterface, CloseStream, StartStream,
+ StopStream, AbortStream, IsStreamStopped, IsStreamActive,
+ GetStreamTime, PaUtil_DummyGetCpuLoad,
+ ReadStream, WriteStream, GetStreamReadAvailable, GetStreamWriteAvailable );
+ return result;
+ if( asioHostApi )
+ {
+ if( asioHostApi->allocations )
+ {
+ PaUtil_FreeAllAllocations( asioHostApi->allocations );
+ PaUtil_DestroyAllocationGroup( asioHostApi->allocations );
+ }
+ delete asioHostApi->asioDrivers;
+ asioDrivers = 0; /* keep SDK global in sync until we stop depending on it */
+ PaWinUtil_CoUninitialize( paASIO, &asioHostApi->comInitializationResult );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( asioHostApi );
+ }
+ return result;
+static void Terminate( struct PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi )
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi = (PaAsioHostApiRepresentation*)hostApi;
+ /*
+ - clean up any resources not handled by the allocation group (need to review if there are any)
+ */
+ if( asioHostApi->allocations )
+ {
+ PaUtil_FreeAllAllocations( asioHostApi->allocations );
+ PaUtil_DestroyAllocationGroup( asioHostApi->allocations );
+ }
+ delete asioHostApi->asioDrivers;
+ asioDrivers = 0; /* keep SDK global in sync until we stop depending on it */
+ PaWinUtil_CoUninitialize( paASIO, &asioHostApi->comInitializationResult );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( asioHostApi );
+static PaError IsFormatSupported( struct PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi,
+ const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
+ const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
+ double sampleRate )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi = (PaAsioHostApiRepresentation*)hostApi;
+ PaAsioDriverInfo *driverInfo = &asioHostApi->openAsioDriverInfo;
+ int inputChannelCount, outputChannelCount;
+ PaSampleFormat inputSampleFormat, outputSampleFormat;
+ PaDeviceIndex asioDeviceIndex;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ if( inputParameters && outputParameters )
+ {
+ /* full duplex ASIO stream must use the same device for input and output */
+ if( inputParameters->device != outputParameters->device )
+ return paBadIODeviceCombination;
+ }
+ if( inputParameters )
+ {
+ inputChannelCount = inputParameters->channelCount;
+ inputSampleFormat = inputParameters->sampleFormat;
+ /* all standard sample formats are supported by the buffer adapter,
+ this implementation doesn't support any custom sample formats */
+ if( inputSampleFormat & paCustomFormat )
+ return paSampleFormatNotSupported;
+ /* unless alternate device specification is supported, reject the use of
+ paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification */
+ if( inputParameters->device == paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification )
+ return paInvalidDevice;
+ asioDeviceIndex = inputParameters->device;
+ /* validate inputStreamInfo */
+ /** @todo do more validation here */
+ // if( inputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo )
+ // return paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo; /* this implementation doesn't use custom stream info */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ inputChannelCount = 0;
+ }
+ if( outputParameters )
+ {
+ outputChannelCount = outputParameters->channelCount;
+ outputSampleFormat = outputParameters->sampleFormat;
+ /* all standard sample formats are supported by the buffer adapter,
+ this implementation doesn't support any custom sample formats */
+ if( outputSampleFormat & paCustomFormat )
+ return paSampleFormatNotSupported;
+ /* unless alternate device specification is supported, reject the use of
+ paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification */
+ if( outputParameters->device == paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification )
+ return paInvalidDevice;
+ asioDeviceIndex = outputParameters->device;
+ /* validate outputStreamInfo */
+ /** @todo do more validation here */
+ // if( outputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo )
+ // return paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo; /* this implementation doesn't use custom stream info */
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outputChannelCount = 0;
+ }
+ /* if an ASIO device is open we can only get format information for the currently open device */
+ if( asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex != paNoDevice
+ && asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex != asioDeviceIndex )
+ {
+ return paDeviceUnavailable;
+ }
+ /* NOTE: we load the driver and use its current settings
+ rather than the ones in our device info structure which may be stale */
+ /* open the device if it's not already open */
+ if( asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex == paNoDevice )
+ {
+ result = LoadAsioDriver( asioHostApi, asioHostApi->inheritedHostApiRep.deviceInfos[ asioDeviceIndex ]->name,
+ driverInfo, asioHostApi->systemSpecific );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* check that input device can support inputChannelCount */
+ if( inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ if( inputChannelCount > driverInfo->inputChannelCount )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidChannelCount;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check that output device can support outputChannelCount */
+ if( outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ if( outputChannelCount > driverInfo->outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidChannelCount;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ }
+ /* query for sample rate support */
+ asioError = ASIOCanSampleRate( sampleRate );
+ if( asioError == ASE_NoClock || asioError == ASE_NotPresent )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidSampleRate;
+ goto done;
+ }
+ /* close the device if it wasn't already open */
+ if( asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex == paNoDevice )
+ {
+ UnloadAsioDriver(); /* not sure if we should check for errors here */
+ }
+ if( result == paNoError )
+ return paFormatIsSupported;
+ else
+ return result;
+/** A data structure specifically for storing blocking i/o related data. */
+typedef struct PaAsioStreamBlockingState
+ int stopFlag; /**< Flag indicating that block processing is to be stopped. */
+ unsigned long writeBuffersRequested; /**< The number of available output buffers, requested by the #WriteStream() function. */
+ unsigned long readFramesRequested; /**< The number of available input frames, requested by the #ReadStream() function. */
+ int writeBuffersRequestedFlag; /**< Flag to indicate that #WriteStream() has requested more output buffers to be available. */
+ int readFramesRequestedFlag; /**< Flag to indicate that #ReadStream() requires more input frames to be available. */
+ HANDLE writeBuffersReadyEvent; /**< Event to signal that requested output buffers are available. */
+ HANDLE readFramesReadyEvent; /**< Event to signal that requested input frames are available. */
+ void *writeRingBufferData; /**< The actual ring buffer memory, used by the output ring buffer. */
+ void *readRingBufferData; /**< The actual ring buffer memory, used by the input ring buffer. */
+ PaUtilRingBuffer writeRingBuffer; /**< Frame-aligned blocking i/o ring buffer to store output data (interleaved user format). */
+ PaUtilRingBuffer readRingBuffer; /**< Frame-aligned blocking i/o ring buffer to store input data (interleaved user format). */
+ long writeRingBufferInitialFrames; /**< The initial number of silent frames within the output ring buffer. */
+ const void **writeStreamBuffer; /**< Temp buffer, used by #WriteStream() for handling non-interleaved data. */
+ void **readStreamBuffer; /**< Temp buffer, used by #ReadStream() for handling non-interleaved data. */
+ PaUtilBufferProcessor bufferProcessor; /**< Buffer processor, used to handle the blocking i/o ring buffers. */
+ int outputUnderflowFlag; /**< Flag to signal an output underflow from within the callback function. */
+ int inputOverflowFlag; /**< Flag to signal an input overflow from within the callback function. */
+/* PaAsioStream - a stream data structure specifically for this implementation */
+typedef struct PaAsioStream
+ PaUtilStreamRepresentation streamRepresentation;
+ PaUtilCpuLoadMeasurer cpuLoadMeasurer;
+ PaUtilBufferProcessor bufferProcessor;
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi;
+ unsigned long framesPerHostCallback;
+ /* ASIO driver info - these may not be needed for the life of the stream,
+ but store them here until we work out how format conversion is going
+ to work. */
+ ASIOBufferInfo *asioBufferInfos;
+ ASIOChannelInfo *asioChannelInfos;
+ long asioInputLatencyFrames, asioOutputLatencyFrames; // actual latencies returned by asio
+ long inputChannelCount, outputChannelCount;
+ bool postOutput;
+ void **bufferPtrs; /* this is carved up for inputBufferPtrs and outputBufferPtrs */
+ void **inputBufferPtrs[2];
+ void **outputBufferPtrs[2];
+ PaAsioBufferConverter *inputBufferConverter;
+ long inputShift;
+ PaAsioBufferConverter *outputBufferConverter;
+ long outputShift;
+ volatile bool stopProcessing;
+ int stopPlayoutCount;
+ HANDLE completedBuffersPlayedEvent;
+ bool streamFinishedCallbackCalled;
+ int isStopped;
+ volatile int isActive;
+ volatile bool zeroOutput; /* all future calls to the callback will output silence */
+ volatile long reenterCount;
+ volatile long reenterError;
+ PaStreamCallbackFlags callbackFlags;
+ PaAsioStreamBlockingState *blockingState; /**< Blocking i/o data struct, or NULL when using callback interface. */
+static PaAsioStream *theAsioStream = 0; /* due to ASIO sdk limitations there can be only one stream */
+static void ZeroOutputBuffers( PaAsioStream *stream, long index )
+ int i;
+ for( i=0; i < stream->outputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ void *buffer = stream->asioBufferInfos[ i + stream->inputChannelCount ].buffers[index];
+ int bytesPerSample = BytesPerAsioSample( stream->asioChannelInfos[ i + stream->inputChannelCount ].type );
+ memset( buffer, 0, stream->framesPerHostCallback * bytesPerSample );
+ }
+/* return the next power of two >= x.
+ Returns the input parameter if it is already a power of two.
+static unsigned long NextPowerOfTwo( unsigned long x )
+ --x;
+ x |= x >> 1;
+ x |= x >> 2;
+ x |= x >> 4;
+ x |= x >> 8;
+ x |= x >> 16;
+ /* If you needed to deal with numbers > 2^32 the following would be needed.
+ For latencies, we don't deal with values this large.
+ x |= x >> 16;
+ */
+ return x + 1;
+static unsigned long SelectHostBufferSizeForUnspecifiedUserFramesPerBuffer(
+ unsigned long targetBufferingLatencyFrames, PaAsioDriverInfo *driverInfo )
+ /* Choose a host buffer size based only on targetBufferingLatencyFrames and the
+ device's supported buffer sizes. Always returns a valid value.
+ */
+ unsigned long result;
+ if( targetBufferingLatencyFrames <= (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMinSize )
+ {
+ result = driverInfo->bufferMinSize;
+ }
+ else if( targetBufferingLatencyFrames >= (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMaxSize )
+ {
+ result = driverInfo->bufferMaxSize;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( driverInfo->bufferGranularity == 0 ) /* single fixed host buffer size */
+ {
+ /* The documentation states that bufferGranularity should be zero
+ when bufferMinSize, bufferMaxSize and bufferPreferredSize are the
+ same. We assume that is the case.
+ */
+ result = driverInfo->bufferPreferredSize;
+ }
+ else if( driverInfo->bufferGranularity == -1 ) /* power-of-two */
+ {
+ /* We assume bufferMinSize and bufferMaxSize are powers of two. */
+ result = NextPowerOfTwo( targetBufferingLatencyFrames );
+ if( result < (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMinSize )
+ result = driverInfo->bufferMinSize;
+ if( result > (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMaxSize )
+ result = driverInfo->bufferMaxSize;
+ }
+ else /* modulo bufferGranularity */
+ {
+ /* round up to the next multiple of granularity */
+ unsigned long n = (targetBufferingLatencyFrames + driverInfo->bufferGranularity - 1)
+ / driverInfo->bufferGranularity;
+ result = n * driverInfo->bufferGranularity;
+ if( result < (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMinSize )
+ result = driverInfo->bufferMinSize;
+ if( result > (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMaxSize )
+ result = driverInfo->bufferMaxSize;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static unsigned long SelectHostBufferSizeForSpecifiedUserFramesPerBuffer(
+ unsigned long targetBufferingLatencyFrames, unsigned long userFramesPerBuffer,
+ PaAsioDriverInfo *driverInfo )
+ /* Select a host buffer size conforming to targetBufferingLatencyFrames
+ and the device's supported buffer sizes.
+ The return value will always be a multiple of userFramesPerBuffer.
+ If a valid buffer size can not be found the function returns 0.
+ The current implementation uses a simple iterative search for clarity.
+ Feel free to suggest a closed form solution.
+ */
+ unsigned long result = 0;
+ assert( userFramesPerBuffer != 0 );
+ if( driverInfo->bufferGranularity == 0 ) /* single fixed host buffer size */
+ {
+ /* The documentation states that bufferGranularity should be zero
+ when bufferMinSize, bufferMaxSize and bufferPreferredSize are the
+ same. We assume that is the case.
+ */
+ if( (driverInfo->bufferPreferredSize % userFramesPerBuffer) == 0 )
+ result = driverInfo->bufferPreferredSize;
+ }
+ else if( driverInfo->bufferGranularity == -1 ) /* power-of-two */
+ {
+ /* We assume bufferMinSize and bufferMaxSize are powers of two. */
+ /* Search all powers of two in the range [bufferMinSize,bufferMaxSize]
+ for multiples of userFramesPerBuffer. We prefer the first multiple
+ that is equal or greater than targetBufferingLatencyFrames, or
+ failing that, the largest multiple less than
+ targetBufferingLatencyFrames.
+ */
+ unsigned long x = (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMinSize;
+ do {
+ if( (x % userFramesPerBuffer) == 0 )
+ {
+ /* any multiple of userFramesPerBuffer is acceptable */
+ result = x;
+ if( result >= targetBufferingLatencyFrames )
+ break; /* stop. a value >= to targetBufferingLatencyFrames is ideal. */
+ }
+ x *= 2;
+ } while( x <= (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMaxSize );
+ }
+ else /* modulo granularity */
+ {
+ /* We assume bufferMinSize is a multiple of bufferGranularity. */
+ /* Search all multiples of bufferGranularity in the range
+ [bufferMinSize,bufferMaxSize] for multiples of userFramesPerBuffer.
+ We prefer the first multiple that is equal or greater than
+ targetBufferingLatencyFrames, or failing that, the largest multiple
+ less than targetBufferingLatencyFrames.
+ */
+ unsigned long x = (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMinSize;
+ do {
+ if( (x % userFramesPerBuffer) == 0 )
+ {
+ /* any multiple of userFramesPerBuffer is acceptable */
+ result = x;
+ if( result >= targetBufferingLatencyFrames )
+ break; /* stop. a value >= to targetBufferingLatencyFrames is ideal. */
+ }
+ x += driverInfo->bufferGranularity;
+ } while( x <= (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferMaxSize );
+ }
+ return result;
+static unsigned long SelectHostBufferSize(
+ unsigned long targetBufferingLatencyFrames,
+ unsigned long userFramesPerBuffer, PaAsioDriverInfo *driverInfo )
+ unsigned long result = 0;
+ /* We select a host buffer size based on the following requirements
+ (in priority order):
+ 1. The host buffer size must be permissible according to the ASIO
+ driverInfo buffer size constraints (min, max, granularity or
+ powers-of-two).
+ 2. If the user specifies a non-zero framesPerBuffer parameter
+ (userFramesPerBuffer here) the host buffer should be a multiple of
+ this (subject to the constraints in (1) above).
+ [NOTE: Where no permissible host buffer size is a multiple of
+ userFramesPerBuffer, we choose a value as if userFramesPerBuffer were
+ zero (i.e. we ignore it). This strategy is open for review ~ perhaps
+ there are still "more optimal" buffer sizes related to
+ userFramesPerBuffer that we could use.]
+ 3. The host buffer size should be greater than or equal to
+ targetBufferingLatencyFrames, subject to (1) and (2) above. Where it
+ is not possible to select a host buffer size equal or greater than
+ targetBufferingLatencyFrames, the highest buffer size conforming to
+ (1) and (2) should be chosen.
+ */
+ if( userFramesPerBuffer != 0 )
+ {
+ /* userFramesPerBuffer is specified, try to find a buffer size that's
+ a multiple of it */
+ result = SelectHostBufferSizeForSpecifiedUserFramesPerBuffer(
+ targetBufferingLatencyFrames, userFramesPerBuffer, driverInfo );
+ }
+ if( result == 0 )
+ {
+ /* either userFramesPerBuffer was not specified, or we couldn't find a
+ host buffer size that is a multiple of it. Select a host buffer size
+ according to targetBufferingLatencyFrames and the ASIO driverInfo
+ buffer size constraints.
+ */
+ result = SelectHostBufferSizeForUnspecifiedUserFramesPerBuffer(
+ targetBufferingLatencyFrames, driverInfo );
+ }
+ return result;
+/* returns channelSelectors if present */
+static PaError ValidateAsioSpecificStreamInfo(
+ const PaStreamParameters *streamParameters,
+ const PaAsioStreamInfo *streamInfo,
+ int deviceChannelCount,
+ int **channelSelectors )
+ if( streamInfo )
+ {
+ if( streamInfo->size != sizeof( PaAsioStreamInfo )
+ || streamInfo->version != 1 )
+ {
+ return paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo;
+ }
+ if( streamInfo->flags & paAsioUseChannelSelectors )
+ *channelSelectors = streamInfo->channelSelectors;
+ if( !(*channelSelectors) )
+ return paIncompatibleHostApiSpecificStreamInfo;
+ for( int i=0; i < streamParameters->channelCount; ++i ){
+ if( (*channelSelectors)[i] < 0
+ || (*channelSelectors)[i] >= deviceChannelCount ){
+ return paInvalidChannelCount;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ return paNoError;
+static bool IsUsingExternalClockSource()
+ bool result = false;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ ASIOClockSource clocks[32];
+ long numSources=32;
+ /* davidv: listing ASIO Clock sources. there is an ongoing investigation by
+ me about whether or not to call ASIOSetSampleRate if an external Clock is
+ used. A few drivers expected different things here */
+ asioError = ASIOGetClockSources(clocks, &numSources);
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK ){
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR: ASIOGetClockSources: %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ }else{
+ PA_DEBUG(("INFO ASIOGetClockSources listing %d clocks\n", numSources ));
+ for (int i=0;i<numSources;++i){
+ PA_DEBUG(("ASIOClockSource%d %s current:%d\n", i, clocks[i].name, clocks[i].isCurrentSource ));
+ if (clocks[i].isCurrentSource)
+ result = true;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static PaError ValidateAndSetSampleRate( double sampleRate )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ // check that the device supports the requested sample rate
+ asioError = ASIOCanSampleRate( sampleRate );
+ PA_DEBUG(("ASIOCanSampleRate(%f):%d\n", sampleRate, asioError ));
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidSampleRate;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR: ASIOCanSampleRate: %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ // retrieve the current sample rate, we only change to the requested
+ // sample rate if the device is not already in that rate.
+ ASIOSampleRate oldRate;
+ asioError = ASIOGetSampleRate(&oldRate);
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidSampleRate;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR: ASIOGetSampleRate: %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ PA_DEBUG(("ASIOGetSampleRate:%f\n",oldRate));
+ if (oldRate != sampleRate){
+ /* Set sample rate */
+ PA_DEBUG(("before ASIOSetSampleRate(%f)\n",sampleRate));
+ /*
+ If you have problems with some drivers when externally clocked,
+ try switching on the following line and commenting out the one after it.
+ See IsUsingExternalClockSource() for more info.
+ */
+ //if( IsUsingExternalClockSource() ){
+ if( false ){
+ asioError = ASIOSetSampleRate( 0 );
+ }else{
+ asioError = ASIOSetSampleRate( sampleRate );
+ }
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidSampleRate;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR: ASIOSetSampleRate: %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ PA_DEBUG(("after ASIOSetSampleRate(%f)\n",sampleRate));
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("No Need to change SR\n"));
+ }
+ return result;
+/* see pa_hostapi.h for a list of validity guarantees made about OpenStream parameters */
+static PaError OpenStream( struct PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi,
+ PaStream** s,
+ const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters,
+ const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters,
+ double sampleRate,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ PaStreamFlags streamFlags,
+ PaStreamCallback *streamCallback,
+ void *userData )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi = (PaAsioHostApiRepresentation*)hostApi;
+ PaAsioStream *stream = 0;
+ PaAsioStreamInfo *inputStreamInfo, *outputStreamInfo;
+ unsigned long framesPerHostBuffer;
+ int inputChannelCount, outputChannelCount;
+ PaSampleFormat inputSampleFormat, outputSampleFormat;
+ PaSampleFormat hostInputSampleFormat, hostOutputSampleFormat;
+ unsigned long suggestedInputLatencyFrames;
+ unsigned long suggestedOutputLatencyFrames;
+ PaDeviceIndex asioDeviceIndex;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ int asioIsInitialized = 0;
+ int asioBuffersCreated = 0;
+ int completedBuffersPlayedEventInited = 0;
+ int i;
+ PaAsioDriverInfo *driverInfo;
+ int *inputChannelSelectors = 0;
+ int *outputChannelSelectors = 0;
+ /* Are we using blocking i/o interface? */
+ int usingBlockingIo = ( !streamCallback ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ /* Blocking i/o stuff */
+ long lBlockingBufferSize = 0; /* Desired ring buffer size in samples. */
+ long lBlockingBufferSizePow2 = 0; /* Power-of-2 rounded ring buffer size. */
+ long lBytesPerFrame = 0; /* Number of bytes per input/output frame. */
+ int blockingWriteBuffersReadyEventInitialized = 0; /* Event init flag. */
+ int blockingReadFramesReadyEventInitialized = 0; /* Event init flag. */
+ int callbackBufferProcessorInited = FALSE;
+ int blockingBufferProcessorInited = FALSE;
+ /* unless we move to using lower level ASIO calls, we can only have
+ one device open at a time */
+ if( asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex != paNoDevice )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream paDeviceUnavailable\n"));
+ return paDeviceUnavailable;
+ }
+ assert( theAsioStream == 0 );
+ if( inputParameters && outputParameters )
+ {
+ /* full duplex ASIO stream must use the same device for input and output */
+ if( inputParameters->device != outputParameters->device )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream paBadIODeviceCombination\n"));
+ return paBadIODeviceCombination;
+ }
+ }
+ if( inputParameters )
+ {
+ inputChannelCount = inputParameters->channelCount;
+ inputSampleFormat = inputParameters->sampleFormat;
+ suggestedInputLatencyFrames = (unsigned long)((inputParameters->suggestedLatency * sampleRate)+0.5f);
+ /* unless alternate device specification is supported, reject the use of
+ paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification */
+ if( inputParameters->device == paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification )
+ return paInvalidDevice;
+ asioDeviceIndex = inputParameters->device;
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo = (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)hostApi->deviceInfos[asioDeviceIndex];
+ /* validate hostApiSpecificStreamInfo */
+ inputStreamInfo = (PaAsioStreamInfo*)inputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo;
+ result = ValidateAsioSpecificStreamInfo( inputParameters, inputStreamInfo,
+ asioDeviceInfo->commonDeviceInfo.maxInputChannels,
+ &inputChannelSelectors
+ );
+ if( result != paNoError ) return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ inputChannelCount = 0;
+ inputSampleFormat = 0;
+ suggestedInputLatencyFrames = 0;
+ }
+ if( outputParameters )
+ {
+ outputChannelCount = outputParameters->channelCount;
+ outputSampleFormat = outputParameters->sampleFormat;
+ suggestedOutputLatencyFrames = (unsigned long)((outputParameters->suggestedLatency * sampleRate)+0.5f);
+ /* unless alternate device specification is supported, reject the use of
+ paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification */
+ if( outputParameters->device == paUseHostApiSpecificDeviceSpecification )
+ return paInvalidDevice;
+ asioDeviceIndex = outputParameters->device;
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo = (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)hostApi->deviceInfos[asioDeviceIndex];
+ /* validate hostApiSpecificStreamInfo */
+ outputStreamInfo = (PaAsioStreamInfo*)outputParameters->hostApiSpecificStreamInfo;
+ result = ValidateAsioSpecificStreamInfo( outputParameters, outputStreamInfo,
+ asioDeviceInfo->commonDeviceInfo.maxOutputChannels,
+ &outputChannelSelectors
+ );
+ if( result != paNoError ) return result;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ outputChannelCount = 0;
+ outputSampleFormat = 0;
+ suggestedOutputLatencyFrames = 0;
+ }
+ driverInfo = &asioHostApi->openAsioDriverInfo;
+ /* NOTE: we load the driver and use its current settings
+ rather than the ones in our device info structure which may be stale */
+ result = LoadAsioDriver( asioHostApi, asioHostApi->inheritedHostApiRep.deviceInfos[ asioDeviceIndex ]->name,
+ driverInfo, asioHostApi->systemSpecific );
+ if( result == paNoError )
+ asioIsInitialized = 1;
+ else{
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR1 - LoadAsioDriver returned %d\n", result));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* check that input device can support inputChannelCount */
+ if( inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ if( inputChannelCount > driverInfo->inputChannelCount )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidChannelCount;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR2\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ /* check that output device can support outputChannelCount */
+ if( outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ if( outputChannelCount > driverInfo->outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ result = paInvalidChannelCount;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR3\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ result = ValidateAndSetSampleRate( sampleRate );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ /*
+ - if a full duplex stream is requested, check that the combination
+ of input and output parameters is supported
+ */
+ /* validate platform specific flags */
+ if( (streamFlags & paPlatformSpecificFlags) != 0 ){
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream invalid flags!!\n"));
+ return paInvalidFlag; /* unexpected platform specific flag */
+ }
+ stream = (PaAsioStream*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( sizeof(PaAsioStream) );
+ if( !stream )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR5\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ stream->blockingState = NULL; /* Blocking i/o not initialized, yet. */
+ stream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
+ if( stream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent == NULL )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR6\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ completedBuffersPlayedEventInited = 1;
+ stream->asioBufferInfos = 0; /* for deallocation in error */
+ stream->asioChannelInfos = 0; /* for deallocation in error */
+ stream->bufferPtrs = 0; /* for deallocation in error */
+ /* Using blocking i/o interface... */
+ if( usingBlockingIo )
+ {
+ /* Blocking i/o is implemented by running callback mode, using a special blocking i/o callback. */
+ streamCallback = BlockingIoPaCallback; /* Setup PA to use the ASIO blocking i/o callback. */
+ userData = &theAsioStream; /* The callback user data will be the PA ASIO stream. */
+ PaUtil_InitializeStreamRepresentation( &stream->streamRepresentation,
+ &asioHostApi->blockingStreamInterface, streamCallback, userData );
+ }
+ else /* Using callback interface... */
+ {
+ PaUtil_InitializeStreamRepresentation( &stream->streamRepresentation,
+ &asioHostApi->callbackStreamInterface, streamCallback, userData );
+ }
+ PaUtil_InitializeCpuLoadMeasurer( &stream->cpuLoadMeasurer, sampleRate );
+ stream->asioBufferInfos = (ASIOBufferInfo*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory(
+ sizeof(ASIOBufferInfo) * (inputChannelCount + outputChannelCount) );
+ if( !stream->asioBufferInfos )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR7\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ for( i=0; i < inputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ ASIOBufferInfo *info = &stream->asioBufferInfos[i];
+ info->isInput = ASIOTrue;
+ if( inputChannelSelectors ){
+ // inputChannelSelectors values have already been validated in
+ // ValidateAsioSpecificStreamInfo() above
+ info->channelNum = inputChannelSelectors[i];
+ }else{
+ info->channelNum = i;
+ }
+ info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = 0;
+ }
+ for( i=0; i < outputChannelCount; ++i ){
+ ASIOBufferInfo *info = &stream->asioBufferInfos[inputChannelCount+i];
+ info->isInput = ASIOFalse;
+ if( outputChannelSelectors ){
+ // outputChannelSelectors values have already been validated in
+ // ValidateAsioSpecificStreamInfo() above
+ info->channelNum = outputChannelSelectors[i];
+ }else{
+ info->channelNum = i;
+ }
+ info->buffers[0] = info->buffers[1] = 0;
+ }
+ /* Using blocking i/o interface... */
+ if( usingBlockingIo )
+ {
+/** @todo REVIEW selection of host buffer size for blocking i/o */
+ framesPerHostBuffer = SelectHostBufferSize( 0, framesPerBuffer, driverInfo );
+ }
+ else /* Using callback interface... */
+ {
+ /* Select the host buffer size based on user framesPerBuffer and the
+ maximum of suggestedInputLatencyFrames and
+ suggestedOutputLatencyFrames.
+ We should subtract any fixed known driver latency from
+ suggestedLatencyFrames before computing the host buffer size.
+ However, the ASIO API doesn't provide a method for determining fixed
+ latencies independent of the host buffer size. ASIOGetLatencies()
+ only returns latencies after the buffer size has been configured, so
+ we can't reliably use it to determine fixed latencies here.
+ We could set the preferred buffer size and then subtract it from
+ the values returned from ASIOGetLatencies, but this would not be 100%
+ reliable, so we don't do it.
+ */
+ unsigned long targetBufferingLatencyFrames =
+ (( suggestedInputLatencyFrames > suggestedOutputLatencyFrames )
+ ? suggestedInputLatencyFrames
+ : suggestedOutputLatencyFrames);
+ framesPerHostBuffer = SelectHostBufferSize( targetBufferingLatencyFrames,
+ framesPerBuffer, driverInfo );
+ }
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsioOpenStream: framesPerHostBuffer :%d\n", framesPerHostBuffer));
+ asioError = ASIOCreateBuffers( stream->asioBufferInfos,
+ inputChannelCount+outputChannelCount,
+ framesPerHostBuffer, &asioCallbacks_ );
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK
+ && framesPerHostBuffer != (unsigned long)driverInfo->bufferPreferredSize )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR: ASIOCreateBuffers: %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ /*
+ Some buggy drivers (like the Hoontech DSP24) give incorrect
+ [min, preferred, max] values They should work with the preferred size
+ value, thus if Pa_ASIO_CreateBuffers fails with the hostBufferSize
+ computed in SelectHostBufferSize, we try again with the preferred size.
+ */
+ framesPerHostBuffer = driverInfo->bufferPreferredSize;
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsioOpenStream: CORRECTED framesPerHostBuffer :%d\n", framesPerHostBuffer));
+ ASIOError asioError2 = ASIOCreateBuffers( stream->asioBufferInfos,
+ inputChannelCount+outputChannelCount,
+ framesPerHostBuffer, &asioCallbacks_ );
+ if( asioError2 == ASE_OK )
+ asioError = ASE_OK;
+ }
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR9\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ asioBuffersCreated = 1;
+ stream->asioChannelInfos = (ASIOChannelInfo*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory(
+ sizeof(ASIOChannelInfo) * (inputChannelCount + outputChannelCount) );
+ if( !stream->asioChannelInfos )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR10\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ for( i=0; i < inputChannelCount + outputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ stream->asioChannelInfos[i].channel = stream->asioBufferInfos[i].channelNum;
+ stream->asioChannelInfos[i].isInput = stream->asioBufferInfos[i].isInput;
+ asioError = ASIOGetChannelInfo( &stream->asioChannelInfos[i] );
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR11\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ }
+ stream->bufferPtrs = (void**)PaUtil_AllocateMemory(
+ 2 * sizeof(void*) * (inputChannelCount + outputChannelCount) );
+ if( !stream->bufferPtrs )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR12\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ if( inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ stream->inputBufferPtrs[0] = stream-> bufferPtrs;
+ stream->inputBufferPtrs[1] = &stream->bufferPtrs[inputChannelCount];
+ for( i=0; i<inputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ stream->inputBufferPtrs[0][i] = stream->asioBufferInfos[i].buffers[0];
+ stream->inputBufferPtrs[1][i] = stream->asioBufferInfos[i].buffers[1];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream->inputBufferPtrs[0] = 0;
+ stream->inputBufferPtrs[1] = 0;
+ }
+ if( outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ stream->outputBufferPtrs[0] = &stream->bufferPtrs[inputChannelCount*2];
+ stream->outputBufferPtrs[1] = &stream->bufferPtrs[inputChannelCount*2 + outputChannelCount];
+ for( i=0; i<outputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ stream->outputBufferPtrs[0][i] = stream->asioBufferInfos[inputChannelCount+i].buffers[0];
+ stream->outputBufferPtrs[1][i] = stream->asioBufferInfos[inputChannelCount+i].buffers[1];
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ stream->outputBufferPtrs[0] = 0;
+ stream->outputBufferPtrs[1] = 0;
+ }
+ if( inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ /* FIXME: assume all channels use the same type for now
+ see: "ASIO devices with multiple sample formats are unsupported"
+ */
+ ASIOSampleType inputType = stream->asioChannelInfos[0].type;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ASIO Input type:%d",inputType));
+ AsioSampleTypeLOG(inputType);
+ hostInputSampleFormat = AsioSampleTypeToPaNativeSampleFormat( inputType );
+ SelectAsioToPaConverter( inputType, &stream->inputBufferConverter, &stream->inputShift );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hostInputSampleFormat = 0;
+ stream->inputBufferConverter = 0;
+ }
+ if( outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ /* FIXME: assume all channels use the same type for now
+ see: "ASIO devices with multiple sample formats are unsupported"
+ */
+ ASIOSampleType outputType = stream->asioChannelInfos[inputChannelCount].type;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ASIO Output type:%d",outputType));
+ AsioSampleTypeLOG(outputType);
+ hostOutputSampleFormat = AsioSampleTypeToPaNativeSampleFormat( outputType );
+ SelectPaToAsioConverter( outputType, &stream->outputBufferConverter, &stream->outputShift );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ hostOutputSampleFormat = 0;
+ stream->outputBufferConverter = 0;
+ }
+ /* Values returned by ASIOGetLatencies() include the latency introduced by
+ the ASIO double buffer. */
+ ASIOGetLatencies( &stream->asioInputLatencyFrames, &stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames );
+ /* Using blocking i/o interface... */
+ if( usingBlockingIo )
+ {
+ /* Allocate the blocking i/o input ring buffer memory. */
+ stream->blockingState = (PaAsioStreamBlockingState*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( sizeof(PaAsioStreamBlockingState) );
+ if( !stream->blockingState )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o interface struct allocation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Initialize blocking i/o interface struct. */
+ stream->blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent = NULL; /* Uninitialized, yet. */
+ stream->blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent = NULL; /* Uninitialized, yet. */
+ stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData = NULL; /* Uninitialized, yet. */
+ stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData = NULL; /* Uninitialized, yet. */
+ stream->blockingState->readStreamBuffer = NULL; /* Uninitialized, yet. */
+ stream->blockingState->writeStreamBuffer = NULL; /* Uninitialized, yet. */
+ stream->blockingState->stopFlag = TRUE; /* Not started, yet. */
+ /* If the user buffer is unspecified */
+ if( framesPerBuffer == paFramesPerBufferUnspecified )
+ {
+ /* Make the user buffer the same size as the host buffer. */
+ framesPerBuffer = framesPerHostBuffer;
+ }
+ /* Initialize callback buffer processor. */
+ result = PaUtil_InitializeBufferProcessor( &stream->bufferProcessor ,
+ inputChannelCount ,
+ inputSampleFormat & ~paNonInterleaved , /* Ring buffer. */
+ (hostInputSampleFormat | paNonInterleaved), /* Host format. */
+ outputChannelCount ,
+ outputSampleFormat & ~paNonInterleaved, /* Ring buffer. */
+ (hostOutputSampleFormat | paNonInterleaved), /* Host format. */
+ sampleRate ,
+ streamFlags ,
+ framesPerBuffer , /* Frames per ring buffer block. */
+ framesPerHostBuffer , /* Frames per asio buffer. */
+ paUtilFixedHostBufferSize ,
+ streamCallback ,
+ userData );
+ if( result != paNoError ){
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR13\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ callbackBufferProcessorInited = TRUE;
+ /* Initialize the blocking i/o buffer processor. */
+ result = PaUtil_InitializeBufferProcessor(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor,
+ inputChannelCount ,
+ inputSampleFormat , /* User format. */
+ inputSampleFormat & ~paNonInterleaved , /* Ring buffer. */
+ outputChannelCount ,
+ outputSampleFormat , /* User format. */
+ outputSampleFormat & ~paNonInterleaved, /* Ring buffer. */
+ sampleRate ,
+ paClipOff | paDitherOff , /* Don't use dither nor clipping. */
+ framesPerBuffer , /* Frames per user buffer. */
+ framesPerBuffer , /* Frames per ring buffer block. */
+ paUtilBoundedHostBufferSize ,
+ NULL, NULL );/* No callback! */
+ if( result != paNoError ){
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o buffer processor initialization failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ blockingBufferProcessorInited = TRUE;
+ /* If input is requested. */
+ if( inputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* Create the callback sync-event. */
+ stream->blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+ if( stream->blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent == NULL )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o \"read frames ready\" event creation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ blockingReadFramesReadyEventInitialized = 1;
+ /* Create pointer buffer to access non-interleaved data in ReadStream() */
+ stream->blockingState->readStreamBuffer = (void**)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( sizeof(void*) * inputChannelCount );
+ if( !stream->blockingState->readStreamBuffer )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o read stream buffer allocation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* The ring buffer should store as many data blocks as needed
+ to achieve the requested latency. Whereas it must be large
+ enough to store at least two complete data blocks.
+ 1) Determine the amount of latency to be added to the
+ preferred ASIO latency.
+ 2) Make sure we have at lest one additional latency frame.
+ 3) Divide the number of frames by the desired block size to
+ get the number (rounded up to pure integer) of blocks to
+ be stored in the buffer.
+ 4) Add one additional block for block processing and convert
+ to samples frames.
+ 5) Get the next larger (or equal) power-of-two buffer size.
+ */
+ lBlockingBufferSize = suggestedInputLatencyFrames - stream->asioInputLatencyFrames;
+ lBlockingBufferSize = (lBlockingBufferSize > 0) ? lBlockingBufferSize : 1;
+ lBlockingBufferSize = (lBlockingBufferSize + framesPerBuffer - 1) / framesPerBuffer;
+ lBlockingBufferSize = (lBlockingBufferSize + 1) * framesPerBuffer;
+ /* Get the next larger or equal power-of-two buffersize. */
+ lBlockingBufferSizePow2 = 1;
+ while( lBlockingBufferSize > (lBlockingBufferSizePow2<<=1) );
+ lBlockingBufferSize = lBlockingBufferSizePow2;
+ /* Compute total input latency in seconds */
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.inputLatency =
+ (double)( PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor )
+ + PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor)
+ + (lBlockingBufferSize / framesPerBuffer - 1) * framesPerBuffer
+ + stream->asioInputLatencyFrames )
+ / sampleRate;
+ /* The code below prints the ASIO latency which doesn't include
+ the buffer processor latency nor the blocking i/o latency. It
+ reports the added latency separately.
+ */
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio : ASIO InputLatency = %ld (%ld ms),\n added buffProc:%ld (%ld ms),\n added blocking:%ld (%ld ms)\n",
+ stream->asioInputLatencyFrames,
+ (long)( stream->asioInputLatencyFrames * (1000.0 / sampleRate) ),
+ PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor),
+ (long)( PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor) * (1000.0 / sampleRate) ),
+ PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor) + (lBlockingBufferSize / framesPerBuffer - 1) * framesPerBuffer,
+ (long)( (PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor) + (lBlockingBufferSize / framesPerBuffer - 1) * framesPerBuffer) * (1000.0 / sampleRate) )
+ ));
+ /* Determine the size of ring buffer in bytes. */
+ lBytesPerFrame = inputChannelCount * Pa_GetSampleSize(inputSampleFormat );
+ /* Allocate the blocking i/o input ring buffer memory. */
+ stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData = (void*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( lBlockingBufferSize * lBytesPerFrame );
+ if( !stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o input ring buffer allocation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Initialize the input ring buffer struct. */
+ PaUtil_InitializeRingBuffer( &stream->blockingState->readRingBuffer ,
+ lBytesPerFrame ,
+ lBlockingBufferSize ,
+ stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData );
+ }
+ /* If output is requested. */
+ if( outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ stream->blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );
+ if( stream->blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent == NULL )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o \"write buffers ready\" event creation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ blockingWriteBuffersReadyEventInitialized = 1;
+ /* Create pointer buffer to access non-interleaved data in WriteStream() */
+ stream->blockingState->writeStreamBuffer = (const void**)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( sizeof(const void*) * outputChannelCount );
+ if( !stream->blockingState->writeStreamBuffer )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o write stream buffer allocation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* The ring buffer should store as many data blocks as needed
+ to achieve the requested latency. Whereas it must be large
+ enough to store at least two complete data blocks.
+ 1) Determine the amount of latency to be added to the
+ preferred ASIO latency.
+ 2) Make sure we have at lest one additional latency frame.
+ 3) Divide the number of frames by the desired block size to
+ get the number (rounded up to pure integer) of blocks to
+ be stored in the buffer.
+ 4) Add one additional block for block processing and convert
+ to samples frames.
+ 5) Get the next larger (or equal) power-of-two buffer size.
+ */
+ lBlockingBufferSize = suggestedOutputLatencyFrames - stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames;
+ lBlockingBufferSize = (lBlockingBufferSize > 0) ? lBlockingBufferSize : 1;
+ lBlockingBufferSize = (lBlockingBufferSize + framesPerBuffer - 1) / framesPerBuffer;
+ lBlockingBufferSize = (lBlockingBufferSize + 1) * framesPerBuffer;
+ /* The buffer size (without the additional block) corresponds
+ to the initial number of silent samples in the output ring
+ buffer. */
+ stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferInitialFrames = lBlockingBufferSize - framesPerBuffer;
+ /* Get the next larger or equal power-of-two buffersize. */
+ lBlockingBufferSizePow2 = 1;
+ while( lBlockingBufferSize > (lBlockingBufferSizePow2<<=1) );
+ lBlockingBufferSize = lBlockingBufferSizePow2;
+ /* Compute total output latency in seconds */
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.outputLatency =
+ (double)( PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor)
+ + PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor)
+ + (lBlockingBufferSize / framesPerBuffer - 1) * framesPerBuffer
+ + stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames )
+ / sampleRate;
+ /* The code below prints the ASIO latency which doesn't include
+ the buffer processor latency nor the blocking i/o latency. It
+ reports the added latency separately.
+ */
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio : ASIO OutputLatency = %ld (%ld ms),\n added buffProc:%ld (%ld ms),\n added blocking:%ld (%ld ms)\n",
+ stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames,
+ (long)( stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames * (1000.0 / sampleRate) ),
+ PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor),
+ (long)( PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor) * (1000.0 / sampleRate) ),
+ PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor) + (lBlockingBufferSize / framesPerBuffer - 1) * framesPerBuffer,
+ (long)( (PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor) + (lBlockingBufferSize / framesPerBuffer - 1) * framesPerBuffer) * (1000.0 / sampleRate) )
+ ));
+ /* Determine the size of ring buffer in bytes. */
+ lBytesPerFrame = outputChannelCount * Pa_GetSampleSize(outputSampleFormat);
+ /* Allocate the blocking i/o output ring buffer memory. */
+ stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData = (void*)PaUtil_AllocateMemory( lBlockingBufferSize * lBytesPerFrame );
+ if( !stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData )
+ {
+ result = paInsufficientMemory;
+ PA_DEBUG(("ERROR! Blocking i/o output ring buffer allocation failed in OpenStream()\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* Initialize the output ring buffer struct. */
+ PaUtil_InitializeRingBuffer( &stream->blockingState->writeRingBuffer ,
+ lBytesPerFrame ,
+ lBlockingBufferSize ,
+ stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData );
+ }
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate = sampleRate;
+ }
+ else /* Using callback interface... */
+ {
+ result = PaUtil_InitializeBufferProcessor( &stream->bufferProcessor,
+ inputChannelCount, inputSampleFormat, (hostInputSampleFormat | paNonInterleaved),
+ outputChannelCount, outputSampleFormat, (hostOutputSampleFormat | paNonInterleaved),
+ sampleRate, streamFlags, framesPerBuffer,
+ framesPerHostBuffer, paUtilFixedHostBufferSize,
+ streamCallback, userData );
+ if( result != paNoError ){
+ PA_DEBUG(("OpenStream ERROR13\n"));
+ goto error;
+ }
+ callbackBufferProcessorInited = TRUE;
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.inputLatency =
+ (double)( PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor)
+ + stream->asioInputLatencyFrames) / sampleRate; // seconds
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.outputLatency =
+ (double)( PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor)
+ + stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames) / sampleRate; // seconds
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate = sampleRate;
+ // the code below prints the ASIO latency which doesn't include the
+ // buffer processor latency. it reports the added latency separately
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio : ASIO InputLatency = %ld (%ld ms), added buffProc:%ld (%ld ms)\n",
+ stream->asioInputLatencyFrames,
+ (long)((stream->asioInputLatencyFrames*1000)/ sampleRate),
+ PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor),
+ (long)((PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorInputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor)*1000)/ sampleRate)
+ ));
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio : ASIO OuputLatency = %ld (%ld ms), added buffProc:%ld (%ld ms)\n",
+ stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames,
+ (long)((stream->asioOutputLatencyFrames*1000)/ sampleRate),
+ PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor),
+ (long)((PaUtil_GetBufferProcessorOutputLatencyFrames(&stream->bufferProcessor)*1000)/ sampleRate)
+ ));
+ }
+ stream->asioHostApi = asioHostApi;
+ stream->framesPerHostCallback = framesPerHostBuffer;
+ stream->inputChannelCount = inputChannelCount;
+ stream->outputChannelCount = outputChannelCount;
+ stream->postOutput = driverInfo->postOutput;
+ stream->isStopped = 1;
+ stream->isActive = 0;
+ asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex = asioDeviceIndex;
+ theAsioStream = stream;
+ *s = (PaStream*)stream;
+ return result;
+ PA_DEBUG(("goto errored\n"));
+ if( stream )
+ {
+ if( stream->blockingState )
+ {
+ if( blockingBufferProcessorInited )
+ PaUtil_TerminateBufferProcessor( &stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor );
+ if( stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData );
+ if( stream->blockingState->writeStreamBuffer )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->writeStreamBuffer );
+ if( blockingWriteBuffersReadyEventInitialized )
+ CloseHandle( stream->blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent );
+ if( stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData );
+ if( stream->blockingState->readStreamBuffer )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->readStreamBuffer );
+ if( blockingReadFramesReadyEventInitialized )
+ CloseHandle( stream->blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState );
+ }
+ if( callbackBufferProcessorInited )
+ PaUtil_TerminateBufferProcessor( &stream->bufferProcessor );
+ if( completedBuffersPlayedEventInited )
+ CloseHandle( stream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent );
+ if( stream->asioBufferInfos )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->asioBufferInfos );
+ if( stream->asioChannelInfos )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->asioChannelInfos );
+ if( stream->bufferPtrs )
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->bufferPtrs );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream );
+ }
+ if( asioBuffersCreated )
+ ASIODisposeBuffers();
+ if( asioIsInitialized )
+ {
+ UnloadAsioDriver();
+ }
+ return result;
+ When CloseStream() is called, the multi-api layer ensures that
+ the stream has already been stopped or aborted.
+static PaError CloseStream( PaStream* s )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ /*
+ - additional stream closing + cleanup
+ */
+ PaUtil_TerminateBufferProcessor( &stream->bufferProcessor );
+ PaUtil_TerminateStreamRepresentation( &stream->streamRepresentation );
+ stream->asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex = paNoDevice;
+ CloseHandle( stream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent );
+ /* Using blocking i/o interface... */
+ if( stream->blockingState )
+ {
+ PaUtil_TerminateBufferProcessor( &stream->blockingState->bufferProcessor );
+ if( stream->inputChannelCount ) {
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->readRingBufferData );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->readStreamBuffer );
+ CloseHandle( stream->blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent );
+ }
+ if( stream->outputChannelCount ) {
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->writeRingBufferData );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState->writeStreamBuffer );
+ CloseHandle( stream->blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent );
+ }
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->blockingState );
+ }
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->asioBufferInfos );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->asioChannelInfos );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream->bufferPtrs );
+ PaUtil_FreeMemory( stream );
+ ASIODisposeBuffers();
+ UnloadAsioDriver();
+ theAsioStream = 0;
+ return result;
+static void bufferSwitch(long index, ASIOBool directProcess)
+ // the actual processing callback.
+ // Beware that this is normally in a separate thread, hence be sure that
+ // you take care about thread synchronization. This is omitted here for
+ // simplicity.
+ // as this is a "back door" into the bufferSwitchTimeInfo a timeInfo needs
+ // to be created though it will only set the timeInfo.samplePosition and
+ // timeInfo.systemTime fields and the according flags
+ ASIOTime timeInfo;
+ memset( &timeInfo, 0, sizeof (timeInfo) );
+ // get the time stamp of the buffer, not necessary if no
+ // synchronization to other media is required
+ if( ASIOGetSamplePosition(&timeInfo.timeInfo.samplePosition, &timeInfo.timeInfo.systemTime) == ASE_OK)
+ timeInfo.timeInfo.flags = kSystemTimeValid | kSamplePositionValid;
+ // Call the real callback
+ bufferSwitchTimeInfo( &timeInfo, index, directProcess );
+// conversion from 64 bit ASIOSample/ASIOTimeStamp to double float
+ #define ASIO64toDouble(a) (a)
+ const double twoRaisedTo32 = 4294967296.;
+ #define ASIO64toDouble(a) ((a).lo + (a).hi * twoRaisedTo32)
+static ASIOTime *bufferSwitchTimeInfo( ASIOTime *timeInfo, long index, ASIOBool directProcess )
+ // the actual processing callback.
+ // Beware that this is normally in a separate thread, hence be sure that
+ // you take care about thread synchronization.
+ /* The SDK says the following about the directProcess flag:
+ suggests to the host whether it should immediately start processing
+ (directProcess == ASIOTrue), or whether its process should be deferred
+ because the call comes from a very low level (for instance, a high level
+ priority interrupt), and direct processing would cause timing instabilities for
+ the rest of the system. If in doubt, directProcess should be set to ASIOFalse.
+ We just ignore directProcess. This could cause incompatibilities with
+ drivers which really don't want the audio processing to occur in this
+ callback, but none have been identified yet.
+ */
+ (void) directProcess; /* suppress unused parameter warning */
+#if 0
+ // store the timeInfo for later use
+ asioDriverInfo.tInfo = *timeInfo;
+ // get the time stamp of the buffer, not necessary if no
+ // synchronization to other media is required
+ if (timeInfo->timeInfo.flags & kSystemTimeValid)
+ asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeInfo.systemTime);
+ else
+ asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds = 0;
+ if (timeInfo->timeInfo.flags & kSamplePositionValid)
+ asioDriverInfo.samples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeInfo.samplePosition);
+ else
+ asioDriverInfo.samples = 0;
+ if (timeInfo->timeCode.flags & kTcValid)
+ asioDriverInfo.tcSamples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeCode.timeCodeSamples);
+ else
+ asioDriverInfo.tcSamples = 0;
+ // get the system reference time
+ asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime = get_sys_reference_time();
+#if 0
+ // a few debug messages for the Windows device driver developer
+ // tells you the time when driver got its interrupt and the delay until the app receives
+ // the event notification.
+ static double last_samples = 0;
+ char tmp[128];
+ sprintf (tmp, "diff: %d / %d ms / %d ms / %d samples \n", asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime - (long)(asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds / 1000000.0), asioDriverInfo.sysRefTime, (long)(asioDriverInfo.nanoSeconds / 1000000.0), (long)(asioDriverInfo.samples - last_samples));
+ OutputDebugString (tmp);
+ last_samples = asioDriverInfo.samples;
+ if( !theAsioStream )
+ return 0L;
+ // protect against reentrancy
+ if( PaAsio_AtomicIncrement(&theAsioStream->reenterCount) )
+ {
+ theAsioStream->reenterError++;
+ //DBUG(("bufferSwitchTimeInfo : reentrancy detection = %d\n", asioDriverInfo.reenterError));
+ return 0L;
+ }
+ int buffersDone = 0;
+ do
+ {
+ if( buffersDone > 0 )
+ {
+ // this is a reentered buffer, we missed processing it on time
+ // set the input overflow and output underflow flags as appropriate
+ if( theAsioStream->inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paInputOverflow;
+ if( theAsioStream->outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paOutputUnderflow;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ if( theAsioStream->zeroOutput )
+ {
+ ZeroOutputBuffers( theAsioStream, index );
+ // Finally if the driver supports the ASIOOutputReady() optimization,
+ // do it here, all data are in place
+ if( theAsioStream->postOutput )
+ ASIOOutputReady();
+ if( theAsioStream->stopProcessing )
+ {
+ if( theAsioStream->stopPlayoutCount < 2 )
+ {
+ ++theAsioStream->stopPlayoutCount;
+ if( theAsioStream->stopPlayoutCount == 2 )
+ {
+ theAsioStream->isActive = 0;
+ if( theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback != 0 )
+ theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback( theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.userData );
+ theAsioStream->streamFinishedCallbackCalled = true;
+ SetEvent( theAsioStream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent );
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ else
+ {
+#if 0
+ see: "ASIO callback underflow/overflow buffer slip detection doesn't work"
+// test code to try to detect slip conditions... these may work on some systems
+// but neither of them work on the RME Digi96
+// check that sample delta matches buffer size (otherwise we must have skipped
+// a buffer.
+static double last_samples = -512;
+double samples;
+//if( timeInfo->timeCode.flags & kTcValid )
+// samples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeCode.timeCodeSamples);
+ samples = ASIO64toDouble(timeInfo->timeInfo.samplePosition);
+int delta = samples - last_samples;
+//printf( "%d\n", delta);
+last_samples = samples;
+if( delta > theAsioStream->framesPerHostCallback )
+ if( theAsioStream->inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paInputOverflow;
+ if( theAsioStream->outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paOutputUnderflow;
+// check that the buffer index is not the previous index (which would indicate
+// that a buffer was skipped.
+static int previousIndex = 1;
+if( index == previousIndex )
+ if( theAsioStream->inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paInputOverflow;
+ if( theAsioStream->outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paOutputUnderflow;
+previousIndex = index;
+ int i;
+ PaUtil_BeginCpuLoadMeasurement( &theAsioStream->cpuLoadMeasurer );
+ PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo paTimeInfo;
+ // asio systemTime is supposed to be measured according to the same
+ // clock as timeGetTime
+ paTimeInfo.currentTime = (ASIO64toDouble( timeInfo->timeInfo.systemTime ) * .000000001);
+ /* patch from Paul Boege */
+ paTimeInfo.inputBufferAdcTime = paTimeInfo.currentTime -
+ ((double)theAsioStream->asioInputLatencyFrames/theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate);
+ paTimeInfo.outputBufferDacTime = paTimeInfo.currentTime +
+ ((double)theAsioStream->asioOutputLatencyFrames/theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate);
+ /* old version is buggy because the buffer processor also adds in its latency to the time parameters
+ paTimeInfo.inputBufferAdcTime = paTimeInfo.currentTime - theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.inputLatency;
+ paTimeInfo.outputBufferDacTime = paTimeInfo.currentTime + theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.outputLatency;
+ */
+/* Disabled! Stopping and re-starting the stream causes an input overflow / output underflow. S.Fischer */
+#if 0
+// detect underflows by checking inter-callback time > 2 buffer period
+static double previousTime = -1;
+if( previousTime > 0 ){
+ double delta = paTimeInfo.currentTime - previousTime;
+ if( delta >= 2. * (theAsioStream->framesPerHostCallback / theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate) ){
+ if( theAsioStream->inputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paInputOverflow;
+ if( theAsioStream->outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags |= paOutputUnderflow;
+ }
+previousTime = paTimeInfo.currentTime;
+ // note that the above input and output times do not need to be
+ // adjusted for the latency of the buffer processor -- the buffer
+ // processor handles that.
+ if( theAsioStream->inputBufferConverter )
+ {
+ for( i=0; i<theAsioStream->inputChannelCount; i++ )
+ {
+ theAsioStream->inputBufferConverter( theAsioStream->inputBufferPtrs[index][i],
+ theAsioStream->inputShift, theAsioStream->framesPerHostCallback );
+ }
+ }
+ PaUtil_BeginBufferProcessing( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor, &paTimeInfo, theAsioStream->callbackFlags );
+ /* reset status flags once they've been passed to the callback */
+ theAsioStream->callbackFlags = 0;
+ PaUtil_SetInputFrameCount( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor, 0 /* default to host buffer size */ );
+ for( i=0; i<theAsioStream->inputChannelCount; ++i )
+ PaUtil_SetNonInterleavedInputChannel( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor, i, theAsioStream->inputBufferPtrs[index][i] );
+ PaUtil_SetOutputFrameCount( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor, 0 /* default to host buffer size */ );
+ for( i=0; i<theAsioStream->outputChannelCount; ++i )
+ PaUtil_SetNonInterleavedOutputChannel( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor, i, theAsioStream->outputBufferPtrs[index][i] );
+ int callbackResult;
+ if( theAsioStream->stopProcessing )
+ callbackResult = paComplete;
+ else
+ callbackResult = paContinue;
+ unsigned long framesProcessed = PaUtil_EndBufferProcessing( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor, &callbackResult );
+ if( theAsioStream->outputBufferConverter )
+ {
+ for( i=0; i<theAsioStream->outputChannelCount; i++ )
+ {
+ theAsioStream->outputBufferConverter( theAsioStream->outputBufferPtrs[index][i],
+ theAsioStream->outputShift, theAsioStream->framesPerHostCallback );
+ }
+ }
+ PaUtil_EndCpuLoadMeasurement( &theAsioStream->cpuLoadMeasurer, framesProcessed );
+ // Finally if the driver supports the ASIOOutputReady() optimization,
+ // do it here, all data are in place
+ if( theAsioStream->postOutput )
+ ASIOOutputReady();
+ if( callbackResult == paContinue )
+ {
+ /* nothing special to do */
+ }
+ else if( callbackResult == paAbort )
+ {
+ /* finish playback immediately */
+ theAsioStream->isActive = 0;
+ if( theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback != 0 )
+ theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback( theAsioStream->streamRepresentation.userData );
+ theAsioStream->streamFinishedCallbackCalled = true;
+ SetEvent( theAsioStream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent );
+ theAsioStream->zeroOutput = true;
+ }
+ else /* paComplete or other non-zero value indicating complete */
+ {
+ /* Finish playback once currently queued audio has completed. */
+ theAsioStream->stopProcessing = true;
+ if( PaUtil_IsBufferProcessorOutputEmpty( &theAsioStream->bufferProcessor ) )
+ {
+ theAsioStream->zeroOutput = true;
+ theAsioStream->stopPlayoutCount = 0;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ ++buffersDone;
+ }while( PaAsio_AtomicDecrement(&theAsioStream->reenterCount) >= 0 );
+ return 0L;
+static void sampleRateChanged(ASIOSampleRate sRate)
+ // do whatever you need to do if the sample rate changed
+ // usually this only happens during external sync.
+ // Audio processing is not stopped by the driver, actual sample rate
+ // might not have even changed, maybe only the sample rate status of an
+ // AES/EBU or S/PDIF digital input at the audio device.
+ // You might have to update time/sample related conversion routines, etc.
+ (void) sRate; /* unused parameter */
+ PA_DEBUG( ("sampleRateChanged : %d \n", sRate));
+static long asioMessages(long selector, long value, void* message, double* opt)
+ // currently the parameters "value", "message" and "opt" are not used.
+ long ret = 0;
+ (void) message; /* unused parameters */
+ (void) opt;
+ PA_DEBUG( ("asioMessages : %d , %d \n", selector, value));
+ switch(selector)
+ {
+ case kAsioSelectorSupported:
+ if(value == kAsioResetRequest
+ || value == kAsioEngineVersion
+ || value == kAsioResyncRequest
+ || value == kAsioLatenciesChanged
+ // the following three were added for ASIO 2.0, you don't necessarily have to support them
+ || value == kAsioSupportsTimeInfo
+ || value == kAsioSupportsTimeCode
+ || value == kAsioSupportsInputMonitor)
+ ret = 1L;
+ break;
+ case kAsioBufferSizeChange:
+ //printf("kAsioBufferSizeChange \n");
+ break;
+ case kAsioResetRequest:
+ // defer the task and perform the reset of the driver during the next "safe" situation
+ // You cannot reset the driver right now, as this code is called from the driver.
+ // Reset the driver is done by completely destruct is. I.e. ASIOStop(), ASIODisposeBuffers(), Destruction
+ // Afterwards you initialize the driver again.
+ /*FIXME: commented the next line out
+ see: "PA/ASIO ignores some driver notifications it probably shouldn't"
+ */
+ //asioDriverInfo.stopped; // In this sample the processing will just stop
+ ret = 1L;
+ break;
+ case kAsioResyncRequest:
+ // This informs the application, that the driver encountered some non fatal data loss.
+ // It is used for synchronization purposes of different media.
+ // Added mainly to work around the Win16Mutex problems in Windows 95/98 with the
+ // Windows Multimedia system, which could loose data because the Mutex was hold too long
+ // by another thread.
+ // However a driver can issue it in other situations, too.
+ ret = 1L;
+ break;
+ case kAsioLatenciesChanged:
+ // This will inform the host application that the drivers were latencies changed.
+ // Beware, it this does not mean that the buffer sizes have changed!
+ // You might need to update internal delay data.
+ ret = 1L;
+ //printf("kAsioLatenciesChanged \n");
+ break;
+ case kAsioEngineVersion:
+ // return the supported ASIO version of the host application
+ // If a host applications does not implement this selector, ASIO 1.0 is assumed
+ // by the driver
+ ret = 2L;
+ break;
+ case kAsioSupportsTimeInfo:
+ // informs the driver whether the asioCallbacks.bufferSwitchTimeInfo() callback
+ // is supported.
+ // For compatibility with ASIO 1.0 drivers the host application should always support
+ // the "old" bufferSwitch method, too.
+ ret = 1;
+ break;
+ case kAsioSupportsTimeCode:
+ // informs the driver whether application is interested in time code info.
+ // If an application does not need to know about time code, the driver has less work
+ // to do.
+ ret = 0;
+ break;
+ }
+ return ret;
+static PaError StartStream( PaStream *s )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ PaAsioStreamBlockingState *blockingState = stream->blockingState;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ if( stream->outputChannelCount > 0 )
+ {
+ ZeroOutputBuffers( stream, 0 );
+ ZeroOutputBuffers( stream, 1 );
+ }
+ PaUtil_ResetBufferProcessor( &stream->bufferProcessor );
+ stream->stopProcessing = false;
+ stream->zeroOutput = false;
+ /* Reentrancy counter initialisation */
+ stream->reenterCount = -1;
+ stream->reenterError = 0;
+ stream->callbackFlags = 0;
+ if( ResetEvent( stream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent ) == 0 )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ /* Using blocking i/o interface... */
+ if( blockingState )
+ {
+ /* Reset blocking i/o buffer processor. */
+ PaUtil_ResetBufferProcessor( &blockingState->bufferProcessor );
+ /* If we're about to process some input data. */
+ if( stream->inputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* Reset callback-ReadStream sync event. */
+ if( ResetEvent( blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent ) == 0 )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ /* Flush blocking i/o ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_FlushRingBuffer( &blockingState->readRingBuffer );
+ (*blockingState->bufferProcessor.inputZeroer)( blockingState->readRingBuffer.buffer, 1, blockingState->bufferProcessor.inputChannelCount * blockingState->readRingBuffer.bufferSize );
+ }
+ /* If we're about to process some output data. */
+ if( stream->outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* Reset callback-WriteStream sync event. */
+ if( ResetEvent( blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent ) == 0 )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ /* Flush blocking i/o ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_FlushRingBuffer( &blockingState->writeRingBuffer );
+ (*blockingState->bufferProcessor.outputZeroer)( blockingState->writeRingBuffer.buffer, 1, blockingState->bufferProcessor.outputChannelCount * blockingState->writeRingBuffer.bufferSize );
+ /* Initialize the output ring buffer to "silence". */
+ PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferWriteIndex( &blockingState->writeRingBuffer, blockingState->writeRingBufferInitialFrames );
+ }
+ /* Clear requested frames / buffers count. */
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequested = 0;
+ blockingState->readFramesRequested = 0;
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequestedFlag = FALSE;
+ blockingState->readFramesRequestedFlag = FALSE;
+ blockingState->outputUnderflowFlag = FALSE;
+ blockingState->inputOverflowFlag = FALSE;
+ blockingState->stopFlag = FALSE;
+ }
+ if( result == paNoError )
+ {
+ assert( theAsioStream == stream ); /* theAsioStream should be set correctly in OpenStream */
+ /* initialize these variables before the callback has a chance to be invoked */
+ stream->isStopped = 0;
+ stream->isActive = 1;
+ stream->streamFinishedCallbackCalled = false;
+ asioError = ASIOStart();
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ stream->isStopped = 1;
+ stream->isActive = 0;
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ }
+ return result;
+static void EnsureCallbackHasCompleted( PaAsioStream *stream )
+ // make sure that the callback is not still in-flight after ASIOStop()
+ // returns. This has been observed to happen on the Hoontech DSP24 for
+ // example.
+ int count = 2000; // only wait for 2 seconds, rather than hanging.
+ while( stream->reenterCount != -1 && count > 0 )
+ {
+ Sleep(1);
+ --count;
+ }
+static PaError StopStream( PaStream *s )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ PaAsioStreamBlockingState *blockingState = stream->blockingState;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ if( stream->isActive )
+ {
+ /* If blocking i/o output is in use */
+ if( blockingState && stream->outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* Request the whole output buffer to be available. */
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequested = blockingState->writeRingBuffer.bufferSize;
+ /* Signalize that additional buffers are need. */
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequestedFlag = TRUE;
+ /* Set flag to indicate the playback is to be stopped. */
+ blockingState->stopFlag = TRUE;
+ /* Wait until requested number of buffers has been freed. Time
+ out after twice the blocking i/o output buffer could have
+ been consumed. */
+ DWORD timeout = (DWORD)( 2 * blockingState->writeRingBuffer.bufferSize * 1000
+ / stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate );
+ DWORD waitResult = WaitForSingleObject( blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent, timeout );
+ /* If something seriously went wrong... */
+ if( waitResult == WAIT_FAILED )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() failed in StopStream()\n"));
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ else if( waitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() timed out in StopStream()\n"));
+ result = paTimedOut;
+ }
+ }
+ stream->stopProcessing = true;
+ /* wait for the stream to finish playing out enqueued buffers.
+ timeout after four times the stream latency.
+ @todo should use a better time out value - if the user buffer
+ length is longer than the asio buffer size then that should
+ be taken into account.
+ */
+ if( WaitForSingleObject( stream->completedBuffersPlayedEvent,
+ (DWORD)(stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.outputLatency * 1000. * 4.) )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() timed out in StopStream()\n" ));
+ }
+ }
+ asioError = ASIOStop();
+ if( asioError == ASE_OK )
+ {
+ EnsureCallbackHasCompleted( stream );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ stream->isStopped = 1;
+ stream->isActive = 0;
+ if( !stream->streamFinishedCallbackCalled )
+ {
+ if( stream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback != 0 )
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback( stream->streamRepresentation.userData );
+ }
+ return result;
+static PaError AbortStream( PaStream *s )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ stream->zeroOutput = true;
+ asioError = ASIOStop();
+ if( asioError == ASE_OK )
+ {
+ EnsureCallbackHasCompleted( stream );
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ }
+ stream->isStopped = 1;
+ stream->isActive = 0;
+ if( !stream->streamFinishedCallbackCalled )
+ {
+ if( stream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback != 0 )
+ stream->streamRepresentation.streamFinishedCallback( stream->streamRepresentation.userData );
+ }
+ return result;
+static PaError IsStreamStopped( PaStream *s )
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ return stream->isStopped;
+static PaError IsStreamActive( PaStream *s )
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ return stream->isActive;
+static PaTime GetStreamTime( PaStream *s )
+ (void) s; /* unused parameter */
+ return (double)timeGetTime() * .001;
+static double GetStreamCpuLoad( PaStream* s )
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ return PaUtil_GetCpuLoad( &stream->cpuLoadMeasurer );
+ As separate stream interfaces are used for blocking and callback
+ streams, the following functions can be guaranteed to only be called
+ for blocking streams.
+static PaError ReadStream( PaStream *s ,
+ void *buffer,
+ unsigned long frames )
+ PaError result = paNoError; /* Initial return value. */
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s; /* The PA ASIO stream. */
+ /* Pointer to the blocking i/o data struct. */
+ PaAsioStreamBlockingState *blockingState = stream->blockingState;
+ /* Get blocking i/o buffer processor and ring buffer pointers. */
+ PaUtilBufferProcessor *pBp = &blockingState->bufferProcessor;
+ PaUtilRingBuffer *pRb = &blockingState->readRingBuffer;
+ /* Ring buffer segment(s) used for writing. */
+ void *pRingBufferData1st = NULL; /* First segment. (Mandatory) */
+ void *pRingBufferData2nd = NULL; /* Second segment. (Optional) */
+ /* Number of frames per ring buffer segment. */
+ long lRingBufferSize1st = 0; /* First segment. (Mandatory) */
+ long lRingBufferSize2nd = 0; /* Second segment. (Optional) */
+ /* Get number of frames to be processed per data block. */
+ unsigned long lFramesPerBlock = stream->bufferProcessor.framesPerUserBuffer;
+ /* Actual number of frames that has been copied into the ring buffer. */
+ unsigned long lFramesCopied = 0;
+ /* The number of remaining unprocessed dtat frames. */
+ unsigned long lFramesRemaining = frames;
+ /* Copy the input argument to avoid pointer increment! */
+ const void *userBuffer;
+ unsigned int i; /* Just a counter. */
+ /* About the time, needed to process 8 data blocks. */
+ DWORD timeout = (DWORD)( 8 * lFramesPerBlock * 1000 / stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate );
+ DWORD waitResult = 0;
+ /* Check if the stream is still available ready to gather new data. */
+ if( blockingState->stopFlag || !stream->isActive )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("Warning! Stream no longer available for reading in ReadStream()\n"));
+ result = paStreamIsStopped;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* If the stream is a input stream. */
+ if( stream->inputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* Prepare buffer access. */
+ if( !pBp->userOutputIsInterleaved )
+ {
+ userBuffer = blockingState->readStreamBuffer;
+ for( i = 0; i<pBp->inputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ ((void**)userBuffer)[i] = ((void**)buffer)[i];
+ }
+ } /* Use the unchanged buffer. */
+ else { userBuffer = buffer; }
+ do /* Internal block processing for too large user data buffers. */
+ {
+ /* Get the size of the current data block to be processed. */
+ lFramesPerBlock =(lFramesPerBlock < lFramesRemaining)
+ ? lFramesPerBlock : lFramesRemaining;
+ /* Use predefined block size for as long there are enough
+ buffers available, thereafter reduce the processing block
+ size to match the number of remaining buffers. So the final
+ data block is processed although it may be incomplete. */
+ /* If the available amount of data frames is insufficient. */
+ if( PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(pRb) < (long) lFramesPerBlock )
+ {
+ /* Make sure, the event isn't already set! */
+ /* ResetEvent( blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent ); */
+ /* Set the number of requested buffers. */
+ blockingState->readFramesRequested = lFramesPerBlock;
+ /* Signalize that additional buffers are need. */
+ blockingState->readFramesRequestedFlag = TRUE;
+ /* Wait until requested number of buffers has been freed. */
+ waitResult = WaitForSingleObject( blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent, timeout );
+ /* If something seriously went wrong... */
+ if( waitResult == WAIT_FAILED )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() failed in ReadStream()\n"));
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if( waitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() timed out in ReadStream()\n"));
+ /* If block processing has stopped, abort! */
+ if( blockingState->stopFlag ) { return result = paStreamIsStopped; }
+ /* If a timeout is encountered, give up eventually. */
+ return result = paTimedOut;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now, the ring buffer contains the required amount of data
+ frames.
+ (Therefor we don't need to check the return argument of
+ PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadRegions(). ;-) )
+ */
+ /* Retrieve pointer(s) to the ring buffer's current write
+ position(s). If the first buffer segment is too small to
+ store the requested number of bytes, an additional second
+ segment is returned. Otherwise, i.e. if the first segment
+ is large enough, the second segment's pointer will be NULL.
+ */
+ PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadRegions(pRb ,
+ lFramesPerBlock ,
+ &pRingBufferData1st,
+ &lRingBufferSize1st,
+ &pRingBufferData2nd,
+ &lRingBufferSize2nd);
+ /* Set number of frames to be copied from the ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_SetInputFrameCount( pBp, lRingBufferSize1st );
+ /* Setup ring buffer access. */
+ PaUtil_SetInterleavedInputChannels(pBp , /* Buffer processor. */
+ 0 , /* The first channel's index. */
+ pRingBufferData1st, /* First ring buffer segment. */
+ 0 ); /* Use all available channels. */
+ /* If a second ring buffer segment is required. */
+ if( lRingBufferSize2nd ) {
+ /* Set number of frames to be copied from the ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_Set2ndInputFrameCount( pBp, lRingBufferSize2nd );
+ /* Setup ring buffer access. */
+ PaUtil_Set2ndInterleavedInputChannels(pBp , /* Buffer processor. */
+ 0 , /* The first channel's index. */
+ pRingBufferData2nd, /* Second ring buffer segment. */
+ 0 ); /* Use all available channels. */
+ }
+ /* Let the buffer processor handle "copy and conversion" and
+ update the ring buffer indices manually. */
+ lFramesCopied = PaUtil_CopyInput( pBp, &buffer, lFramesPerBlock );
+ PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferReadIndex( pRb, lFramesCopied );
+ /* Decrease number of unprocessed frames. */
+ lFramesRemaining -= lFramesCopied;
+ } /* Continue with the next data chunk. */
+ while( lFramesRemaining );
+ /* If there has been an input overflow within the callback */
+ if( blockingState->inputOverflowFlag )
+ {
+ blockingState->inputOverflowFlag = FALSE;
+ /* Return the corresponding error code. */
+ result = paInputOverflowed;
+ }
+ } /* If this is not an input stream. */
+ else {
+ result = paCanNotReadFromAnOutputOnlyStream;
+ }
+ return result;
+static PaError WriteStream( PaStream *s ,
+ const void *buffer,
+ unsigned long frames )
+ PaError result = paNoError; /* Initial return value. */
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s; /* The PA ASIO stream. */
+ /* Pointer to the blocking i/o data struct. */
+ PaAsioStreamBlockingState *blockingState = stream->blockingState;
+ /* Get blocking i/o buffer processor and ring buffer pointers. */
+ PaUtilBufferProcessor *pBp = &blockingState->bufferProcessor;
+ PaUtilRingBuffer *pRb = &blockingState->writeRingBuffer;
+ /* Ring buffer segment(s) used for writing. */
+ void *pRingBufferData1st = NULL; /* First segment. (Mandatory) */
+ void *pRingBufferData2nd = NULL; /* Second segment. (Optional) */
+ /* Number of frames per ring buffer segment. */
+ long lRingBufferSize1st = 0; /* First segment. (Mandatory) */
+ long lRingBufferSize2nd = 0; /* Second segment. (Optional) */
+ /* Get number of frames to be processed per data block. */
+ unsigned long lFramesPerBlock = stream->bufferProcessor.framesPerUserBuffer;
+ /* Actual number of frames that has been copied into the ring buffer. */
+ unsigned long lFramesCopied = 0;
+ /* The number of remaining unprocessed dtat frames. */
+ unsigned long lFramesRemaining = frames;
+ /* About the time, needed to process 8 data blocks. */
+ DWORD timeout = (DWORD)( 8 * lFramesPerBlock * 1000 / stream->streamRepresentation.streamInfo.sampleRate );
+ DWORD waitResult = 0;
+ /* Copy the input argument to avoid pointer increment! */
+ const void *userBuffer;
+ unsigned int i; /* Just a counter. */
+ /* Check if the stream is still available ready to receive new data. */
+ if( blockingState->stopFlag || !stream->isActive )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("Warning! Stream no longer available for writing in WriteStream()\n"));
+ result = paStreamIsStopped;
+ return result;
+ }
+ /* If the stream is a output stream. */
+ if( stream->outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* Prepare buffer access. */
+ if( !pBp->userOutputIsInterleaved )
+ {
+ userBuffer = blockingState->writeStreamBuffer;
+ for( i = 0; i<pBp->outputChannelCount; ++i )
+ {
+ ((const void**)userBuffer)[i] = ((const void**)buffer)[i];
+ }
+ } /* Use the unchanged buffer. */
+ else { userBuffer = buffer; }
+ do /* Internal block processing for too large user data buffers. */
+ {
+ /* Get the size of the current data block to be processed. */
+ lFramesPerBlock =(lFramesPerBlock < lFramesRemaining)
+ ? lFramesPerBlock : lFramesRemaining;
+ /* Use predefined block size for as long there are enough
+ frames available, thereafter reduce the processing block
+ size to match the number of remaining frames. So the final
+ data block is processed although it may be incomplete. */
+ /* If the available amount of buffers is insufficient. */
+ if( PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteAvailable(pRb) < (long) lFramesPerBlock )
+ {
+ /* Make sure, the event isn't already set! */
+ /* ResetEvent( blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent ); */
+ /* Set the number of requested buffers. */
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequested = lFramesPerBlock;
+ /* Signalize that additional buffers are need. */
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequestedFlag = TRUE;
+ /* Wait until requested number of buffers has been freed. */
+ waitResult = WaitForSingleObject( blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent, timeout );
+ /* If something seriously went wrong... */
+ if( waitResult == WAIT_FAILED )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() failed in WriteStream()\n"));
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ return result;
+ }
+ else if( waitResult == WAIT_TIMEOUT )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("WaitForSingleObject() timed out in WriteStream()\n"));
+ /* If block processing has stopped, abort! */
+ if( blockingState->stopFlag ) { return result = paStreamIsStopped; }
+ /* If a timeout is encountered, give up eventually. */
+ return result = paTimedOut;
+ }
+ }
+ /* Now, the ring buffer contains the required amount of free
+ space to store the provided number of data frames.
+ (Therefor we don't need to check the return argument of
+ PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteRegions(). ;-) )
+ */
+ /* Retrieve pointer(s) to the ring buffer's current write
+ position(s). If the first buffer segment is too small to
+ store the requested number of bytes, an additional second
+ segment is returned. Otherwise, i.e. if the first segment
+ is large enough, the second segment's pointer will be NULL.
+ */
+ PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteRegions(pRb ,
+ lFramesPerBlock ,
+ &pRingBufferData1st,
+ &lRingBufferSize1st,
+ &pRingBufferData2nd,
+ &lRingBufferSize2nd);
+ /* Set number of frames to be copied to the ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_SetOutputFrameCount( pBp, lRingBufferSize1st );
+ /* Setup ring buffer access. */
+ PaUtil_SetInterleavedOutputChannels(pBp , /* Buffer processor. */
+ 0 , /* The first channel's index. */
+ pRingBufferData1st, /* First ring buffer segment. */
+ 0 ); /* Use all available channels. */
+ /* If a second ring buffer segment is required. */
+ if( lRingBufferSize2nd ) {
+ /* Set number of frames to be copied to the ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_Set2ndOutputFrameCount( pBp, lRingBufferSize2nd );
+ /* Setup ring buffer access. */
+ PaUtil_Set2ndInterleavedOutputChannels(pBp , /* Buffer processor. */
+ 0 , /* The first channel's index. */
+ pRingBufferData2nd, /* Second ring buffer segment. */
+ 0 ); /* Use all available channels. */
+ }
+ /* Let the buffer processor handle "copy and conversion" and
+ update the ring buffer indices manually. */
+ lFramesCopied = PaUtil_CopyOutput( pBp, &userBuffer, lFramesPerBlock );
+ PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferWriteIndex( pRb, lFramesCopied );
+ /* Decrease number of unprocessed frames. */
+ lFramesRemaining -= lFramesCopied;
+ } /* Continue with the next data chunk. */
+ while( lFramesRemaining );
+ /* If there has been an output underflow within the callback */
+ if( blockingState->outputUnderflowFlag )
+ {
+ blockingState->outputUnderflowFlag = FALSE;
+ /* Return the corresponding error code. */
+ result = paOutputUnderflowed;
+ }
+ } /* If this is not an output stream. */
+ else
+ {
+ result = paCanNotWriteToAnInputOnlyStream;
+ }
+ return result;
+static signed long GetStreamReadAvailable( PaStream* s )
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ /* Call buffer utility routine to get the number of available frames. */
+ return PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable( &stream->blockingState->readRingBuffer );
+static signed long GetStreamWriteAvailable( PaStream* s )
+ PaAsioStream *stream = (PaAsioStream*)s;
+ /* Call buffer utility routine to get the number of empty buffers. */
+ return PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteAvailable( &stream->blockingState->writeRingBuffer );
+/* This routine will be called by the PortAudio engine when audio is needed.
+** It may called at interrupt level on some machines so don't do anything
+** that could mess up the system like calling malloc() or free().
+static int BlockingIoPaCallback(const void *inputBuffer ,
+ void *outputBuffer ,
+ unsigned long framesPerBuffer,
+ const PaStreamCallbackTimeInfo *timeInfo ,
+ PaStreamCallbackFlags statusFlags ,
+ void *userData )
+ PaError result = paNoError; /* Initial return value. */
+ PaAsioStream *stream = *(PaAsioStream**)userData; /* The PA ASIO stream. */
+ PaAsioStreamBlockingState *blockingState = stream->blockingState; /* Persume blockingState is valid, otherwise the callback wouldn't be running. */
+ /* Get a pointer to the stream's blocking i/o buffer processor. */
+ PaUtilBufferProcessor *pBp = &blockingState->bufferProcessor;
+ PaUtilRingBuffer *pRb = NULL;
+ /* If output data has been requested. */
+ if( stream->outputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* If the callback input argument signalizes a output underflow,
+ make sure the WriteStream() function knows about it, too! */
+ if( statusFlags & paOutputUnderflowed ) {
+ blockingState->outputUnderflowFlag = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Access the corresponding ring buffer. */
+ pRb = &blockingState->writeRingBuffer;
+ /* If the blocking i/o buffer contains enough output data, */
+ if( PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(pRb) >= (long) framesPerBuffer )
+ {
+ /* Extract the requested data from the ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_ReadRingBuffer( pRb, outputBuffer, framesPerBuffer );
+ }
+ else /* If no output data is available :-( */
+ {
+ /* Signalize a write-buffer underflow. */
+ blockingState->outputUnderflowFlag = TRUE;
+ /* Fill the output buffer with silence. */
+ (*pBp->outputZeroer)( outputBuffer, 1, pBp->outputChannelCount * framesPerBuffer );
+ /* If playback is to be stopped */
+ if( blockingState->stopFlag && PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(pRb) < (long) framesPerBuffer )
+ {
+ /* Extract all the remaining data from the ring buffer,
+ whether it is a complete data block or not. */
+ PaUtil_ReadRingBuffer( pRb, outputBuffer, PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(pRb) );
+ }
+ }
+ /* Set blocking i/o event? */
+ if( blockingState->writeBuffersRequestedFlag && PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteAvailable(pRb) >= (long) blockingState->writeBuffersRequested )
+ {
+ /* Reset buffer request. */
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequestedFlag = FALSE;
+ blockingState->writeBuffersRequested = 0;
+ /* Signalize that requested buffers are ready. */
+ SetEvent( blockingState->writeBuffersReadyEvent );
+ /* What do we do if SetEvent() returns zero, i.e. the event
+ could not be set? How to return errors from within the
+ callback? - S.Fischer */
+ }
+ }
+ /* If input data has been supplied. */
+ if( stream->inputChannelCount )
+ {
+ /* If the callback input argument signalizes a input overflow,
+ make sure the ReadStream() function knows about it, too! */
+ if( statusFlags & paInputOverflowed ) {
+ blockingState->inputOverflowFlag = TRUE;
+ }
+ /* Access the corresponding ring buffer. */
+ pRb = &blockingState->readRingBuffer;
+ /* If the blocking i/o buffer contains not enough input buffers */
+ if( PaUtil_GetRingBufferWriteAvailable(pRb) < (long) framesPerBuffer )
+ {
+ /* Signalize a read-buffer overflow. */
+ blockingState->inputOverflowFlag = TRUE;
+ /* Remove some old data frames from the buffer. */
+ PaUtil_AdvanceRingBufferReadIndex( pRb, framesPerBuffer );
+ }
+ /* Insert the current input data into the ring buffer. */
+ PaUtil_WriteRingBuffer( pRb, inputBuffer, framesPerBuffer );
+ /* Set blocking i/o event? */
+ if( blockingState->readFramesRequestedFlag && PaUtil_GetRingBufferReadAvailable(pRb) >= (long) blockingState->readFramesRequested )
+ {
+ /* Reset buffer request. */
+ blockingState->readFramesRequestedFlag = FALSE;
+ blockingState->readFramesRequested = 0;
+ /* Signalize that requested buffers are ready. */
+ SetEvent( blockingState->readFramesReadyEvent );
+ /* What do we do if SetEvent() returns zero, i.e. the event
+ could not be set? How to return errors from within the
+ callback? - S.Fischer */
+ /** @todo report an error with PA_DEBUG */
+ }
+ }
+ return paContinue;
+PaError PaAsio_ShowControlPanel( PaDeviceIndex device, void* systemSpecific )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi;
+ PaDeviceIndex hostApiDevice;
+ ASIODriverInfo asioDriverInfo;
+ ASIOError asioError;
+ int asioIsInitialized = 0;
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi;
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo;
+ PaWinUtilComInitializationResult comInitializationResult;
+ /* initialize COM again here, we might be in another thread */
+ result = PaWinUtil_CoInitialize( paASIO, &comInitializationResult );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ return result;
+ result = PaUtil_GetHostApiRepresentation( &hostApi, paASIO );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ result = PaUtil_DeviceIndexToHostApiDeviceIndex( &hostApiDevice, device, hostApi );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ /*
+ In theory we could proceed if the currently open device was the same
+ one for which the control panel was requested, however because the
+ window pointer is not available until this function is called we
+ currently need to call ASIOInit() again here, which of course can't be
+ done safely while a stream is open.
+ */
+ asioHostApi = (PaAsioHostApiRepresentation*)hostApi;
+ if( asioHostApi->openAsioDeviceIndex != paNoDevice )
+ {
+ result = paDeviceUnavailable;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ asioDeviceInfo = (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)hostApi->deviceInfos[hostApiDevice];
+ if( !asioHostApi->asioDrivers->loadDriver( const_cast<char*>(asioDeviceInfo-> ) )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ /* CRUCIAL!!! */
+ memset( &asioDriverInfo, 0, sizeof(ASIODriverInfo) );
+ asioDriverInfo.asioVersion = 2;
+ asioDriverInfo.sysRef = systemSpecific;
+ asioError = ASIOInit( &asioDriverInfo );
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ asioIsInitialized = 1;
+ }
+PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_ShowControlPanel: ASIOInit(): %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+PA_DEBUG(("asioVersion: ASIOInit(): %ld\n", asioDriverInfo.asioVersion ));
+PA_DEBUG(("driverVersion: ASIOInit(): %ld\n", asioDriverInfo.driverVersion ));
+PA_DEBUG(("Name: ASIOInit(): %s\n", ));
+PA_DEBUG(("ErrorMessage: ASIOInit(): %s\n", asioDriverInfo.errorMessage ));
+ asioError = ASIOControlPanel();
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_ShowControlPanel: ASIOControlPanel(): %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ goto error;
+ }
+PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_ShowControlPanel: ASIOControlPanel(): %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ asioError = ASIOExit();
+ if( asioError != ASE_OK )
+ {
+ result = paUnanticipatedHostError;
+ asioIsInitialized = 0;
+ goto error;
+ }
+PA_DEBUG(("PaAsio_ShowControlPanel: ASIOExit(): %s\n", PaAsio_GetAsioErrorText(asioError) ));
+ return result;
+ if( asioIsInitialized )
+ {
+ ASIOExit();
+ }
+ PaWinUtil_CoUninitialize( paASIO, &comInitializationResult );
+ return result;
+PaError PaAsio_GetInputChannelName( PaDeviceIndex device, int channelIndex,
+ const char** channelName )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi;
+ PaDeviceIndex hostApiDevice;
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo;
+ result = PaUtil_GetHostApiRepresentation( &hostApi, paASIO );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ result = PaUtil_DeviceIndexToHostApiDeviceIndex( &hostApiDevice, device, hostApi );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ asioDeviceInfo = (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)hostApi->deviceInfos[hostApiDevice];
+ if( channelIndex < 0 || channelIndex >= asioDeviceInfo->commonDeviceInfo.maxInputChannels ){
+ result = paInvalidChannelCount;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ *channelName = asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[channelIndex].name;
+ return paNoError;
+ return result;
+PaError PaAsio_GetOutputChannelName( PaDeviceIndex device, int channelIndex,
+ const char** channelName )
+ PaError result = paNoError;
+ PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi;
+ PaDeviceIndex hostApiDevice;
+ PaAsioDeviceInfo *asioDeviceInfo;
+ result = PaUtil_GetHostApiRepresentation( &hostApi, paASIO );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ result = PaUtil_DeviceIndexToHostApiDeviceIndex( &hostApiDevice, device, hostApi );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ goto error;
+ asioDeviceInfo = (PaAsioDeviceInfo*)hostApi->deviceInfos[hostApiDevice];
+ if( channelIndex < 0 || channelIndex >= asioDeviceInfo->commonDeviceInfo.maxOutputChannels ){
+ result = paInvalidChannelCount;
+ goto error;
+ }
+ *channelName = asioDeviceInfo->asioChannelInfos[
+ asioDeviceInfo->commonDeviceInfo.maxInputChannels + channelIndex].name;
+ return paNoError;
+ return result;
+/* NOTE: the following functions are ASIO-stream specific, and are called directly
+ by client code. We need to check for many more error conditions here because
+ we don't have the benefit of pa_front.c's parameter checking.
+static PaError GetAsioStreamPointer( PaAsioStream **stream, PaStream *s )
+ PaError result;
+ PaUtilHostApiRepresentation *hostApi;
+ PaAsioHostApiRepresentation *asioHostApi;
+ result = PaUtil_ValidateStreamPointer( s );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ return result;
+ result = PaUtil_GetHostApiRepresentation( &hostApi, paASIO );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ return result;
+ asioHostApi = (PaAsioHostApiRepresentation*)hostApi;
+ if( PA_STREAM_REP( s )->streamInterface == &asioHostApi->callbackStreamInterface
+ || PA_STREAM_REP( s )->streamInterface == &asioHostApi->blockingStreamInterface )
+ {
+ /* s is an ASIO stream */
+ *stream = (PaAsioStream *)s;
+ return paNoError;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ return paIncompatibleStreamHostApi;
+ }
+PaError PaAsio_SetStreamSampleRate( PaStream* s, double sampleRate )
+ PaAsioStream *stream;
+ PaError result = GetAsioStreamPointer( &stream, s );
+ if( result != paNoError )
+ return result;
+ if( stream != theAsioStream )
+ return paBadStreamPtr;
+ return ValidateAndSetSampleRate( sampleRate );