path: root/portaudio/doc/src/tutorial/querying_devices.dox
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-/** @page querying_devices Enumerating and Querying PortAudio Devices
-@ingroup tutorial
-@section tut_query1 Querying Devices
-It is often fine to use the default device as we did previously in this tutorial, but there are times when you'll want to explicitly choose the device from a list of available devices on the system. To see a working example of this, check out pa_devs.c in the tests/ directory of the PortAudio source code. To do so, you'll need to first initialize PortAudio and Query for the number of Devices:
- int numDevices;
- numDevices = Pa_GetDeviceCount();
- if( numDevices < 0 )
- {
- printf( "ERROR: Pa_CountDevices returned 0x%x\n", numDevices );
- err = numDevices;
- goto error;
- }
-If you want to get information about each device, simply loop through as follows:
- const PaDeviceInfo *deviceInfo;
- for( i=0; i<numDevices; i++ )
- {
- deviceInfo = Pa_GetDeviceInfo( i );
- ...
- }
-The Pa_DeviceInfo structure contains a wealth of information such as the name of the devices, the default latency associated with the devices and more. The structure has the following fields:
-int structVersion
-const char * name
-PaHostApiIndex hostApi
-int maxInputChannels
-int maxOutputChannels
-PaTime defaultLowInputLatency
-PaTime defaultLowOutputLatency
-PaTime defaultHighInputLatency
-PaTime defaultHighOutputLatency
-double defaultSampleRate
-You may notice that you can't determine, from this information alone, whether or not a particular sample rate is supported. This is because some devices support ranges of sample rates, others support, a list of sample rates, and still others support some sample rates and number of channels combinations but not others. To get around this, PortAudio offers a function for testing a particular device with a given format:
- const PaStreamParameters *inputParameters;
- const PaStreamParameters *outputParameters;
- double desiredSampleRate;
- ...
- PaError err;
- err = Pa_IsFormatSupported( inputParameters, outputParameters, desiredSampleRate );
- if( err == paFormatIsSupported )
- {
- printf( "Hooray!\n");
- }
- else
- {
- printf("Too Bad.\n");
- }
-Filling in the inputParameters and outputParameters fields is shown in a moment.
-Once you've found a configuration you like, or one you'd like to go ahead and try, you can open the stream by filling in the PaStreamParameters structures, and calling Pa_OpenStream:
- double srate = ... ;
- PaStream *stream;
- unsigned long framesPerBuffer = ... ; //could be paFramesPerBufferUnspecified, in which case PortAudio will do its best to manage it for you, but, on some platforms, the framesPerBuffer will change in each call to the callback
- PaStreamParameters outputParameters;
- PaStreamParameters inputParameters;
- bzero( &inputParameters, sizeof( inputParameters ) ); //not necessary if you are filling in all the fields
- inputParameters.channelCount = inChan;
- inputParameters.device = inDevNum;
- inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
- inputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;
- inputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(inDevNum)->defaultLowInputLatency ;
- inputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; //See you specific host's API docs for info on using this field
- bzero( &outputParameters, sizeof( outputParameters ) ); //not necessary if you are filling in all the fields
- outputParameters.channelCount = outChan;
- outputParameters.device = outDevNum;
- outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL;
- outputParameters.sampleFormat = paFloat32;
- outputParameters.suggestedLatency = Pa_GetDeviceInfo(outDevNum)->defaultLowOutputLatency ;
- outputParameters.hostApiSpecificStreamInfo = NULL; //See you specific host's API docs for info on using this field
- err = Pa_OpenStream(
- &stream,
- &inputParameters,
- &outputParameters,
- srate,
- framesPerBuffer,
- paNoFlag, //flags that can be used to define dither, clip settings and more
- portAudioCallback, //your callback function
- (void *)this ); //data to be passed to callback. In C++, it is frequently (void *)this
- //don't forget to check errors!
-Previous: \ref utility_functions | Next: \ref blocking_read_write
-*/ \ No newline at end of file