AgeCommit message (Expand)Author
2023-05-17add glPointSize and glLineWidth bindsHEADmainsanine-a
2023-05-16add gl.PolygonMode bindsanine
2023-05-12add glDeleteProgram bindsanine
2023-05-11add deletion functions for gl buffers and vertex arrayssanine
2023-05-10add ability to convert dContactGeom to tablesanine
2023-05-03add cursor input mode enumssanine-a
2023-03-28fix mis-binding of shader uniform setterssanine
2023-03-25add the ability to store data in geomssanine
2023-03-24do chdir error checkingsanine
2023-03-24add verbosity & working directory optionssanine
2023-03-23fix dContact paramenters getting parsed as integers instead of numberssanine-a
2023-03-22re-implement bouncing ballsanine
2023-03-21move modules.h -> common.h and add version numberssanine-a
2023-03-13fix null pointer errorssanine
2023-03-12really really strongy suggest core profile (looking @ u, mac)sanine
2023-03-12switch to core profilesanine
2023-03-12specify opengl version in CMakeLists.txtsanine
2023-03-12add glGetString bindsanine
2023-03-12remove opengl bindssanine
2023-03-12remove glfw binds from openglsanine
2023-03-11fix LUAJIT_DIR not set bugsanine
2023-03-11remove superfluous changes to buildvm's CMakeLists.txtsanine
2023-03-11build & link with luajit instead of lua5.1sanine
2023-03-10demonstrate working glfw refactored bindingssanine
2023-03-10refactor: move glfw functions into separate tablesanine
2023-03-02fully remove honeysuckle and stop building cglmsanine
2023-03-02remove honeysucklesanine
2023-03-01switch glad profile to gl4.1sanine
2023-02-26bind (almost) all miniaudio functionssanine
2023-02-26bind engine and sound functionssanine
2023-02-25bind ode heightfield and trimesh collider functionssanine
2023-02-24refactor: bind (almost) all ode functionssanine
2023-02-23refactor: remove honeysuckle from imagesanine
2023-02-23add glm.version()sanine
2023-02-23refactor: remove honeysuckle from loggingsanine
2023-02-23refactor: remove honeysuckle from utilsanine
2023-02-23handle errors properly when binding multiple signaturessanine
2023-02-23fix bug with byte alignment and update fancy demo to use refactored glm bindingssanine
2023-02-22refactor: bind all basic matrix & vector functions from cglmsanine
2023-02-22begin cglm bind refactorsanine
2023-02-22implement and demo basic obj loadingsanine
2023-02-20add font rendering to demosanine-a
2023-02-20add some better comments to generate-binding.luasanine
2023-02-20implement basic binding auto-generationsanine
2023-02-19fix OpenGL CMake linksanine
2023-02-19remove cairo include in image.csanine
2023-02-19refactor: bind (nearly) all nvg functionssanine
2023-02-17begin remove honeysuckle refactorsanine
2023-02-15implement basic vector bindingssanine
2023-02-14add basic nanovg bindingssanine