diff options
14 files changed, 1344 insertions, 189 deletions
diff --git a/honey.bak/ecs-systems.lua b/honey.bak/ecs-systems.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..5dec159
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/ecs-systems.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
+local ecs = require 'honey.ecs'
+local module = {}
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
+--===== transform cascading =====--
+local function recursiveComputeTransform(entity)
+ if entity._transformComputed then
+ return entity._transform
+ end
+ if entity.parent == false then
+ entity._transformComputed = true
+ entity._transform = entity.transform
+ return entity.transform
+ end
+ entity._transformComputed = true
+ local parentTransform = recursiveComputeTransform(entity.parent)
+ entity._transform = parentTransform * entity.transform
+ return entity._transform
+-- update transforms
+transformCascade = {
+ filter=ecs.Filter.AND{"transform", "parent"},
+ prepareEntity=function(self, entity)
+ entity._transform = nil
+ entity._transformComputed = false
+ end,
+ update=function(self, entity, dt)
+ recursiveComputeTransform(entity)
+ end,
+ priority=98,
+--===== rendering =====--
+function renderCam(camera, priority)
+ local priority = priority or 99
+ return {
+ filter=ecs.Filter.AND{"mesh", "shader", "transform"},
+ update=function(self, entity, dt)
+ entity.shader:use()
+ entity.shader:configure{
+ matrix={
+ model=entity._transform,
+ view=camera.view,
+ projection=camera.projection,
+ },
+ }
+ entity.mesh:drawElements()
+ end,
+ nopause=true,
+ priority=priority,
+ }
+--===== update functions =====--
+update = {
+ filter=ecs.Filter.AND{"update"},
+ update=function(self, entity, dt)
+ entity.update(entity, dt)
+ end,
+ priority=50,
+return module
diff --git a/honey.bak/ecs.lua b/honey.bak/ecs.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..0672efe
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/ecs.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
+local module = {}
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
+--===== filters =====--
+Filter = {}
+-- base filter creation
+function, operation, tbl)
+ local self = {}
+ self.keys = {}
+ self.filters = {}
+ self.op = operation
+ for _, v in ipairs(tbl) do
+ if type(v) == "function" then
+ table.insert(self.filters, v)
+ elseif type(v) == "string" then
+ table.insert(self.keys, v)
+ end
+ end
+ return function(entity, _self)
+ local entity = _self or entity -- able to call as . or :
+ return Filter.check(self, entity)
+ end
+setmetatable(Filter, {})
+-- base filter checking
+function Filter.check(self, entity)
+ local funcname = "check" .. self.op
+ return Filter[funcname](self, entity)
+-- AND filter (all keys and subfilters must match)
+function Filter.AND(tbl)
+ return Filter("AND", tbl)
+function Filter.checkAND(self, entity)
+ for _, subfilter in ipairs(self.filters) do
+ if not subfilter(entity) then return false end
+ end
+ for _, key in ipairs(self.keys) do
+ if entity[key] == nil then return false end
+ end
+ return true
+-- OR filter (at least one key or subfilter must match)
+function Filter.OR(tbl)
+ return Filter("OR", tbl)
+function Filter.checkOR(self, entity)
+ for _, subfilter in ipairs(self.filters) do
+ if subfilter(entity) then return true end
+ end
+ for _, key in ipairs(self.keys) do
+ if entity[key] ~= nil then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+-- NAND filter (at least one key or subfilter must NOT match)
+function Filter.NAND(tbl)
+ return Filter("NAND", tbl)
+function Filter.checkNAND(self, entity)
+ for _, subfilter in ipairs(self.filters) do
+ if not subfilter(entity) then return true end
+ end
+ for _, key in ipairs(self.keys) do
+ if entity[key] == nil then return true end
+ end
+ return false
+-- NOR filter (no keys or subfilters may match)
+function Filter.NOR(tbl)
+ return Filter("NOR", tbl)
+function Filter.checkNOR(self, entity)
+ for _, subfilter in ipairs(self.filters) do
+ if subfilter(entity) then return false end
+ end
+ for _, key in ipairs(self.keys) do
+ if entity[key] ~= nil then return false end
+ end
+ return true
+--===== levels =====--
+Level = {}
+Level.__index = Level
+ local self = {}
+ = {}
+ self.entities = {}
+ self.nextId = 1
+ setmetatable(self, Level)
+ return self
+setmetatable(Level, {})
+function Level.getEntity(self, id)
+ return self.entities[id]
+local function systemLt(a, b)
+ return (a.priority or 50) < (b.priority or 50)
+function Level.addSystem(self, system)
+ assert(system.update, "systems must have an 'update' key")
+ assert(system.filter, "systems must have a 'filter' key")
+ system.entities = {}
+ system.level = self
+ table.insert(, system)
+ table.sort(, systemLt)
+ if system.setup then
+ system.setup(system)
+ end
+local function addEntityToSystem(system, id, entity)
+ -- check if entity is already present
+ if system.entities[id] then return end
+ if system.onAddEntity then
+ system:onAddEntity(id, entity)
+ end
+ system.entities[id] = true
+local function removeEntityFromSystem(system, id, entity)
+ -- check if entity is already absent
+ if not system.entities[id] then return end
+ if system.onRemoveEntity then
+ system:onRemoveEntity(id, entity)
+ end
+ system.entities[id] = nil
+function Level.addEntity(self, entity)
+ local id = self.nextId
+ self.entities[id] = entity
+ self.nextId = id + 1
+ for _, system in ipairs( do
+ if system.filter(entity) then
+ addEntityToSystem(system, id, entity)
+ end
+ end
+ return id
+function Level.reconfigureEntity(self, id)
+ local entity = self.entities[id]
+ for _, system in ipairs( do
+ if system.filter(entity) then
+ addEntityToSystem(system, id, entity)
+ else
+ removeEntityFromSystem(system, id, entity)
+ end
+ end
+function Level.removeEntity(self, id)
+ local entity = self.entities[id]
+ if not entity then error("bad id: "..tostring(id)) end
+ for _, system in ipairs( do
+ removeEntityFromSystem(system, id, entity)
+ end
+ self.entities[id] = nil
+function Level.reconfigureAllEntities(self)
+ for id in ipairs(self.entities) do
+ self:reconfigureEntity(id)
+ end
+function Level.update(self, dt, paused)
+ local paused = paused or false
+ for _, system in ipairs( do
+ if (not paused) or (paused and system.nopause) then
+ if system.preUpdate then
+ system:preUpdate()
+ end
+ if system.prepareEntity then
+ for id in pairs(system.entities) do
+ local entity = self.entities[id]
+ if entity then
+ system:prepareEntity(entity)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ for id in pairs(system.entities) do
+ local entity = self.entities[id]
+ if entity then
+ system:update(entity, dt)
+ end
+ end
+ if system.postUpdate then
+ system:postUpdate()
+ end
+ end
+ end
+return module
diff --git a/honey.bak/ecs.test.lua b/honey.bak/ecs.test.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7814097
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/ecs.test.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+local function test(msg, f)
+ local success, error = pcall(f)
+ if success then
+ print(msg .. "\t\t[OK]")
+ else
+ print(msg .. "\t\t[FAIL]")
+ print(error)
+ end
+local ecs = require 'ecs'
+local Filter = ecs.Filter
+test("Filter.AND correctly matches basic keys", function()
+ local filter = Filter.AND{"hello", "world"}
+ assert(filter{hello=true} == false)
+ assert(filter{world=true} == false)
+ assert(filter{hello=true, world=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{asm=true, hello=true, world=true} == true)
+test("Filter.AND correctly matches subfilters", function()
+ local subfilter = Filter.AND{"hello"}
+ local filter = Filter.AND{subfilter, "world"}
+ assert(filter{hello=true} == false)
+ assert(filter{world=true} == false)
+ assert(filter{hello=true, world=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{asm=true, hello=true, world=true} == true)
+test("Filter.OR correctly matches basic keys", function()
+ local filter = Filter.OR{"hello", "world"}
+ assert(filter{hello=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{world=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{hello=true, world=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{asm=true} == false)
+test("Filter.OR correctly matches subfilters", function()
+ local subfilter = Filter.OR{"hello"}
+ local filter = Filter.OR{subfilter, "world"}
+ assert(filter{hello=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{world=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{hello=true, world=true} == true)
+ assert(filter{asm=true} == false)
diff --git a/honey.bak/glm.lua b/honey.bak/glm.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..af8dcb3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/glm.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@
+local glm = honey.glm
+local module = {}
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
+Vec3 = {}
+Mat4 = {}
+Quaternion = {}
+--===== Vec3 =====--
+function, values)
+ local self = {}
+ = glm.vec3_create()
+ setmetatable(self, Vec3)
+ if values then
+ self[1] = values[1]
+ self[2] = values[2]
+ self[3] = values[3]
+ end
+ return self
+setmetatable(Vec3, {})
+function Vec3.__index(self, key)
+ if type(key) == 'number' then
+ return glm.vec3_get(, key-1)
+ else
+ return Vec3[key]
+ end
+function Vec3.__newindex(self, key, value)
+ glm.vec3_set(, key-1, value)
+function Vec3.__tostring(self)
+ return string.format("Vec3[%.4f, %.4f, %.4f]", self[1], self[2], self[3])
+--===== arithmetic =====--
+local function swapIfNumber(self, other)
+ if type(self) == "number" and type(other) == "table" then
+ return other, self
+ else
+ return self, other
+ end
+function Vec3.__add(self, other)
+ local self, other = swapIfNumber(self, other)
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ if type(other) == "number" then
+ glm.vec3_adds(, other,
+ elseif type(other) == "table" then
+ glm.vec3_add(,,
+ else
+ error(string.format("cannot add %s to Vec3", type(other)))
+ end
+ return dest
+function Vec3.__sub(self, other)
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ if type(other) == "number" then
+ glm.vec3_subs(, other,
+ elseif type(other) == "table" then
+ glm.vec3_sub(,,
+ else
+ error(string.format("cannot subtract %s from Vec3", type(other)))
+ end
+ return dest
+function Vec3.__mul(self, other)
+ local self, other = swapIfNumber(self, other)
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ if type(other) == "number" then
+ glm.vec3_scale(, other,
+ elseif type(other) == "table" then
+ glm.vec3_mul(,,
+ else
+ error(string.format("cannot multiply %s and Vec3", type(other)))
+ end
+ return dest
+function Vec3.__div(self, other)
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ if type(other) == "number" then
+ glm.vec3_divs(, other,
+ elseif type(other) == "table" then
+ glm.vec3_div(,,
+ else
+ error(string.format("cannot divide Vec3 by %s", type(other)))
+ end
+ return dest
+function Vec3.copyTo(self, dest)
+ glm.vec3_copy(,
+ glm.vec3_zero(
+ glm.vec3_zero(
+ glm.vec3_one(
+function, other)
+ return glm.vec3_dot(,
+function Vec3.crossTo(self, other, dest)
+ glm.vec3_cross(,,
+function Vec3.cross(self, other)
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ self:crossTo(other, dest)
+ return dest
+function Vec3.crossnTo(self, other, dest)
+ glm.vec3_crossn(,,
+function Vec3.crossn(self, other)
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ self:crossTo(other, dest)
+ return dest
+function Vec3.norm2(self)
+ return glm.vec3_norm2(
+function Vec3.norm(self)
+ return glm.vec3_norm(
+function Vec3.normalize(self)
+ glm.vec3_normalize(
+function Vec3.normalizeTo(self, dest)
+ glm.vec3_normalize_to(,
+local RowLookup = {}
+function, row, data)
+ local self = {
+ row=row,
+ data=data,
+ }
+ setmetatable(self, RowLookup)
+ return self
+setmetatable(RowLookup, {})
+function RowLookup.__index(self, col)
+ return glm.mat4_get(, col-1, self.row-1)
+function RowLookup.__newindex(self, col, value)
+ return glm.mat4_set(, col-1, self.row-1, value)
+--===== Mat4 =====--
+function, self, values)
+ local self = {}
+ self.type = "mat4"
+ = glm.mat4_create()
+ setmetatable(self, Mat4)
+ if values then
+ self[1][1] = values[1]
+ self[1][2] = values[2]
+ self[1][3] = values[3]
+ self[1][4] = values[4]
+ self[2][1] = values[5]
+ self[2][2] = values[6]
+ self[2][3] = values[7]
+ self[2][4] = values[8]
+ self[3][1] = values[9]
+ self[3][2] = values[10]
+ self[3][3] = values[11]
+ self[3][4] = values[12]
+ self[4][1] = values[13]
+ self[4][2] = values[14]
+ self[4][3] = values[15]
+ self[4][4] = values[16]
+ end
+ return self
+setmetatable(Mat4, {})
+function Mat4.__index(self, key)
+ if type(key) == "number" then
+ return RowLookup(key,
+ else
+ return Mat4[key]
+ end
+function Mat4.__tostring(self)
+ return string.format(
+ "/ %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f \\\n" ..
+ "| %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f |\n" ..
+ "| %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f |\n" ..
+ "\\ %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f, %0.4f /",
+ self[1][1], self[1][2], self[1][3], self[1][4],
+ self[2][1], self[2][2], self[2][3], self[2][4],
+ self[3][1], self[3][2], self[3][3], self[3][4],
+ self[4][1], self[4][2], self[4][3], self[4][4]
+ )
+function Mat4.__mul(self, other)
+ if other.type == "mat4" then
+ local dest = Mat4()
+ glm.mat4_mul(,,
+ return dest
+ elseif other.type == "vec4" then
+ -- todo
+ elseif other.type == "vec3" then
+ local dest = Vec3()
+ glm.mat4_mulv3(,, 1.0,
+ return dest
+ else
+ error(string.format("cannot multiply Mat4 by %s", type(other)))
+ end
+function Mat4.copy(self, other)
+ glm.mat4_copy(,
+ return self
+function Mat4.copyTo(self, dest)
+ glm.mat4_copy(,
+ return self
+function Mat4.identity(self)
+ glm.mat4_identity(
+ return self
+ glm.mat4_zero(
+ return self
+function Mat4.mul(self, other)
+ glm.mat4_mul(,,
+ return self
+function Mat4.translate(self, vec)
+ glm.translate(,
+ return self
+function Mat4.rotateX(self, angle)
+ glm.rotate_x(, angle,
+ return self
+function Mat4.rotateY(self, angle)
+ glm.rotate_y(, angle,
+ return self
+function Mat4.rotateZ(self, angle)
+ glm.rotate_z(, angle,
+ return self
+function Mat4.scale(self, vec)
+ glm.scale(,
+ return self
+function Mat4.perspective(self, fovy, aspect, near, far)
+ glm.perspective(fovy, aspect, near, far,
+ return self
+function Mat4.perspectiveResize(self, aspect)
+ glm.perspective_resize(aspect,
+ return self
+--===== Quaternion =====--
+Quaternion.__index = Quaternion
+function, tbl)
+ local tbl = tbl or { 0, 0, 0, 0 }
+ local self = {}
+ = glm.quat_create()
+ glm.quat_init(, unpack(tbl))
+ setmetatable(self, Quaternion)
+ return self
+setmetatable(Quaternion, {})
+function Quaternion.toMat4(self)
+ local m = Mat4()
+ glm.quat_mat4(,
+ return m
+return module
diff --git a/honey.bak/init.lua b/honey.bak/init.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cf8801
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/init.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+local glfw = honey.glfw
+local gl =
+local window = require 'honey.window'
+local module = {}
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
+function init(width, height, title)
+ local width = width or 640
+ local height = height or 480
+ local title = title or "honey3d"
+ glfw.Init()
+ glfw.WindowHint(glfw.OPENGL_PROFILE, glfw.OPENGL_CORE_PROFILE)
+ glfw.WindowHint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MAJOR, 4)
+ glfw.WindowHint(glfw.CONTEXT_VERSION_MINOR, 1)
+ local window = honey.Window(width, height, title)
+ glfw.MakeContextCurrent(
+ gl.InitGlad()
+ gl.Enable(gl.DEPTH_TEST)
+ honey.ode.InitODE()
+ return window
+function loop(window, update)
+ local prevTime = 0
+ while not window:shouldClose() do
+ local time = glfw.GetTime()
+ local dt = time - prevTime
+ prevTime = time
+ update(dt)
+ window:swapBuffers()
+ glfw.PollEvents()
+ end
+function terminate()
+ glfw.Terminate()
+return module
diff --git a/honey.bak/mesh.lua b/honey.bak/mesh.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..430d5c3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/mesh.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
+local mesh = {}
+local gl =
+setmetatable(mesh, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, mesh)
+local function insertVertex(vertices, attrib, vertex)
+ local pos = 3*vertex.v_idx
+ for i=1,3 do
+ table.insert(vertices, attrib.vertices[pos+i])
+ end
+ local normal = 3*vertex.vn_idx
+ for i=1,3 do
+ table.insert(vertices, attrib.normals[normal+i])
+ end
+ local tex = 3*vertex.vt_idx
+ for i=1,2 do
+ table.insert(vertices, attrib.texcoords[tex+i])
+ end
+function loadShape(shape, attrib)
+ local vertices = {}
+ local indices = {}
+ local start = shape.face_offset
+ local finish = start + shape.length
+ for i=start,finish-1 do
+ assert(attrib.face_num_verts[i+1] == 3, "non-triangular face!")
+ for j=0,2 do
+ local vertex = attrib.faces[(3*i) + j + 1]
+ insertVertex(vertices, attrib, vertex)
+ table.insert(indices, #indices)
+ end
+ end
+ return vertices, indices
+function loadFile(filename)
+ local flags = honey.tinyobj.FLAG_TRIANGULATE
+ local attrib, shapes, materials = honey.tinyobj.parse_obj(filename, flags)
+ local meshes = {}
+ for _, shape in ipairs(shapes) do
+ local vertices, indices = loadShape(shape, attrib)
+ table.insert(meshes, Mesh(vertices, indices))
+ end
+ return meshes
+Mesh = {}
+Mesh.__index = Mesh
+function, vertices, indices)
+ local self = {}
+ setmetatable(self, Mesh)
+ self.vertexArray = gl.GenVertexArrays()
+ self.vertexBuffer = gl.GenBuffers()
+ self.elementBuffer = gl.GenBuffers()
+ self.vertexCount = #indices
+ gl.BindVertexArray(self.vertexArray)
+ gl.BindBuffer(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, self.vertexBuffer)
+ gl.BufferData(gl.ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.FLOAT, vertices, gl.STATIC_DRAW)
+ gl.BindBuffer(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, self.elementBuffer)
+ gl.BufferData(gl.ELEMENT_ARRAY_BUFFER, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, indices, gl.STATIC_DRAW)
+ gl.VertexAttribPointer(0, 3, false, 8, 0)
+ gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(0)
+ gl.VertexAttribPointer(1, 3, false, 8, 3)
+ gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(1)
+ gl.VertexAttribPointer(2, 2, false, 8, 6)
+ gl.EnableVertexAttribArray(2)
+ return self
+setmetatable(Mesh, {})
+function Mesh.drawElements(self)
+ gl.BindVertexArray(self.vertexArray)
+ gl.DrawElements(gl.TRIANGLES, self.vertexCount, gl.UNSIGNED_INT, 0)
+return mesh
diff --git a/honey.bak/shader.lua b/honey.bak/shader.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..083b260
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/shader.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
+local gl =
+local module = {}
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
+Shader = {}
+Shader.__index = Shader
+local function compileShader(source, type)
+ local shader = gl.CreateShader(type)
+ gl.ShaderSource(shader, source)
+ gl.CompileShader(shader)
+ return shader
+local function readFile(filename)
+ local f, err =
+ if not f then error(err) end
+ local str = f:read("*a")
+ f:close()
+ return str
+function, sources)
+ local self = {}
+ self.locations = {}
+ self.links = {}
+ if sources.vertexFile then
+ sources.vertex = readFile(sources.vertexFile)
+ end
+ if sources.fragmentFile then
+ sources.fragment = readFile(sources.fragmentFile)
+ end
+ local shaders = {}
+ if sources.vertex then
+ table.insert(shaders, compileShader(sources.vertex, gl.VERTEX_SHADER))
+ end
+ if sources.fragment then
+ table.insert(shaders, compileShader(sources.fragment, gl.FRAGMENT_SHADER))
+ end
+ self.program = gl.CreateProgram()
+ for _, shader in ipairs(shaders) do
+ gl.AttachShader(self.program, shader)
+ end
+ gl.LinkProgram(self.program)
+ for _, shader in ipairs(shaders) do
+ gl.DeleteShader(shader)
+ end
+ setmetatable(self, Shader)
+ return self
+setmetatable(Shader, {})
+function Shader.getLocation(self, name)
+ if self.locations[name] then
+ return self.locations[name]
+ end
+ local location = gl.GetUniformLocation(self.program, name)
+ self.locations[name] = location
+ return location
+function Shader.use(self)
+ gl.UseProgram(self.program)
+function Shader.setInt(self, name, value)
+ local location = self:getLocation(name)
+ gl.Uniform1i(location, value)
+function Shader.setFloat(self, name, value)
+ local location = self:getLocation(name)
+ gl.Uniform1f(location, value)
+function Shader.setVec3(self, name, value)
+ local location = self:getLocation(name)
+ gl.Uniform3f(location, value[1], value[2], value[3])
+function Shader.setVec4(self, name, value)
+ local location = self:getLocation(name)
+ gl.Uniform3f(location, value[1], value[2], value[3], value[4])
+function Shader.setMatrix(self, name, matrix)
+ local location = self:getLocation(name)
+ gl.UniformMatrix4fv(location, false,
+function Shader.configure(self, tbl)
+ local processKey = function(key, set)
+ local subtbl = tbl[key]
+ if subtbl then
+ for name, value in pairs(subtbl) do
+ self[set](self, name, value)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ processKey("int", "setInt")
+ processKey("float", "setFloat")
+ processKey("vec3", "setVec3")
+ processKey("vec4", "setVec4")
+ processKey("matrix", "setMatrix")
+return module.Shader
diff --git a/honey.bak/std.lua b/honey.bak/std.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a08bf35
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/std.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+local init = require 'honey.init'
+honey.init = init.init
+honey.loop = init.loop
+honey.terminate = init.terminate
+honey.ecs = require 'honey.ecs'
+honey.standardSystems = require 'honey.ecs-systems'
+honey.mesh = require 'honey.mesh'
+honey.Shader = require 'honey.shader'
+honey.Window = require 'honey.window'
+local glm = require 'honey.glm'
+honey.Vec3 = glm.Vec3
+honey.Mat4 = glm.Mat4
+honey.Quaternion = glm.Quaternion
diff --git a/honey.bak/window.lua b/honey.bak/window.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..fa777d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/honey.bak/window.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+local module = {}
+local glfw = honey.glfw
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
+Window = {}
+Window.__index = Window
+function, width, height, title, monitor, share)
+ local monitor = monitor or glfw.monitor_NULL
+ local share = share or glfw.window_NULL
+ local self = {}
+ setmetatable(self, Window)
+ = glfw.CreateWindow(width, height, title, monitor, share)
+ self.__gc = honey.util.gc_canary(function()
+ glfw.DestroyWindow(
+ end)
+ return self
+setmetatable(Window, {})
+function Window.shouldClose(self)
+ return glfw.WindowShouldClose( == glfw.TRUE
+function Window.setShouldClose(self, state)
+ glfw.SetWindowShouldClose(, state)
+function Window.setTitle(self, title)
+ glfw.SetWindowTitle(, title)
+function Window.getPos(self)
+ return glfw.GetWindowPos(
+function Window.setPos(self, x, y)
+ glfw.SetWindowPos(, x, y)
+function Window.getSize(self)
+ return glfw.GetWindowSize(
+function Window.setSizeLimits(self, minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, maxheight)
+ glfw.SetWindowSizeLimits(, minwidth, minheight, maxwidth, maxheight)
+function Window.setAspectRatio(self, numerator, denominator)
+ glfw.SetWindowAspectRatio(, numerator, denominator)
+function Window.setSize(self, width, height)
+ glfw.SetWindowSize(, width, height)
+function Window.getFramebufferSize(self)
+ return glfw.GetFramebufferSize(
+function Window.getFrameSize(self)
+ return glfw.GetWindowFrameSize(
+function Window.getContentScale(self)
+ return glfw.GetWindowContentScale(
+function Window.getOpacity(self)
+ return glfw.GetWindowOpacity(
+function Window.setOpacity(self, opacity)
+ return glfw.SetWindowOpacity(, opacity)
+function Window.iconify(self)
+ return glfw.IconityWindow(
+function Window.restore(self)
+ return glfw.RestoreWindow(
+function Window.maximize(self)
+ return glfw.MaximizeWindow(
+ return glfw.ShowWindow(
+function Window.hide(self)
+ return glfw.HideWindow(
+function Window.focus(self)
+ return glfw.FocusWindow(
+function Window.requestAttention(self)
+ return glfw.RequestWindowAttention(
+function Window.getMonitor(self)
+ return glfw.GetWindowMonitor(
+function Window.setMonitor(self, monitor, xpos, ypos, width, height, refreshRate)
+ return glfw.SetWindowMonitor(, monitor, xpos, ypos, width, height, refreshRate)
+function Window.getAttrib(self, attrib)
+ return glfw.GetWindowAttrib(, attrib)
+function Window.setAttrib(self, attrib, value)
+ return glfw.SetWindowAttrib(, attrib, value)
+function Window.setPositionCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowPosCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setSizeCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowSizeCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setCloseCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowCloseCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setRefreshCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowRefreshCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setFocusCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowFocusCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setIconifyCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowIconifyCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setMaximizeCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetWindowIconifyCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setFramebufferSizeCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetFramebufferSizeCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setContentScaleCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetContentScaleCallback(, cb)
+function Window.setKeyCallback(self, cb)
+ return glfw.SetKeyCallback(, cb)
+function Window.swapBuffers(self)
+ glfw.SwapBuffers(
+return module.Window
diff --git a/honey/ecs.lua b/honey/ecs.lua
index 8aa5c5c..72cc41d 100644
--- a/honey/ecs.lua
+++ b/honey/ecs.lua
@@ -84,6 +84,7 @@ end
setmetatable(EntityDb, {})
+-- check if a given entity id is legitimate
function EntityDb.checkIsValid(self, id)
if not self.entities[id] then
error(string.format("invalid entity id: %s", tostring(id)))
@@ -91,22 +92,29 @@ function EntityDb.checkIsValid(self, id)
-local function uid()
- local template ='xxxx:xxxx:xxxx'
- return string.gsub(template, 'x', function (c)
- local v = math.random(0, 0xf)
+local random = math.random
+local function uuid()
+ local template ='xxxxxxxx-xxxx-4xxx-yxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx'
+ return string.gsub(template, '[xy]', function (c)
+ local v = (c == 'x') and random(0, 0xf) or random(8, 0xb)
return string.format('%x', v)
-function EntityDb.createEntity(self)
- local id = uid()
+-- create a new entity
+function EntityDb.createEntity(self, id)
+ local id = id or uuid() -- allow inserting entities at preset ids for loading
self.entities[id] = true
return id
+-- add a component to an entity
function EntityDb.addComponent(self, id, name, value)
+ -- create the relevant component table if it doesn't exist
if not self.components[name] then
self.components[name] = { count=0 }
@@ -124,6 +132,7 @@ local function shallowCopy(tbl)
+-- get all entities with a given component
function EntityDb.queryComponent(self, name)
local query = shallowCopy(self.components[name])
query.count = nil
@@ -131,6 +140,7 @@ function EntityDb.queryComponent(self, name)
+-- get all components associated with an entity
function EntityDb.queryEntity(self, id)
local query = {}
@@ -141,6 +151,14 @@ function EntityDb.queryEntity(self, id)
+-- get a specific component from an entity
+function EntityDb.getComponent(self, id, name)
+ self:checkIsValid(id)
+ return self.components[name][id]
+-- remove a component from an entity
function EntityDb.removeComponent(self, id, name)
local component = self.components[name]
@@ -154,6 +172,7 @@ function EntityDb.removeComponent(self, id, name)
+-- remove an entity from the db
function EntityDb.deleteEntity(self, id)
for name in pairs(self.components) do
@@ -162,4 +181,66 @@ function EntityDb.deleteEntity(self, id)
self.entities[id] = nil
+--===== SystemDb =====--
+SystemDb = {}
+SystemDb.__index = SystemDb
+ local self = {
+ systems = {},
+ sorted = {},
+ }
+ setmetatable(self, SystemDb)
+ return self
+setmetatable(SystemDb, {})
+local function systemId()
+ local template = "xx:xx:xx"
+ return string.gsub(template, "x", function(c)
+ return string.format("%x", random(0, 0xf))
+ end)
+function SystemDb.addSystem(self, systemFunc, params)
+ local system
+ if type(systemFunc) == "table" then
+ system = systemFunc
+ else
+ system = systemFunc(params)
+ end
+ local id = systemId()
+[id] = system
+ table.insert(self.sorted, id)
+ self:sort()
+ return id
+function SystemDb.sort(self)
+ table.sort(self.sorted, function(a, b) return ([a].priority or 100) < ([b].priority or 100) end)
+function SystemDb.update(self, dt)
+ for _, system in ipairs(self.sorted) do
+ end
+function SystemDb.removeSystem(self, id)
+[id] = nil
+ for i=#self.sorted,1,-1 do
+ if self.sorted[i] == id then table.remove(self.sorted, i) end
+ end
return module
diff --git a/honey/ecs.test.lua b/honey/ecs.test.lua
index 0577dcd..74e27dc 100644
--- a/honey/ecs.test.lua
+++ b/honey/ecs.test.lua
@@ -229,4 +229,52 @@ test("EntityDb.deleteEntity() correctly removes an entity", function()
+--===== SystemDb tests =====--
+local SystemDb = ecs.SystemDb
+test("addSystem() correctly sorts systems", function()
+ local sdb = SystemDb(nil)
+ local str = ""
+ sdb:addSystem(function () return {
+ update=function(self, dt) str = str .. "c" end,
+ priority = 3,
+ } end)
+ sdb:addSystem{
+ update=function(self, dt) str = "a" end,
+ priority = 1,
+ }
+ sdb:addSystem{
+ update=function(self, dt) str = str .. "b" end,
+ priority = 2,
+ }
+ sdb:update(0)
+ assert(str == "abc")
+test("removeSystem() correctly handles things", function()
+ local sdb = SystemDb(nil)
+ local str = ""
+ sdb:addSystem(function () return {
+ update=function(self, dt) str = str .. "c" end,
+ priority = 3,
+ } end)
+ sdb:addSystem{
+ update=function(self, dt) str = "a" end,
+ priority = 1,
+ }
+ local id = sdb:addSystem{
+ update=function(self, dt) str = str .. "b" end,
+ priority = 2,
+ }
+ sdb:update(0)
+ assert(str == "abc")
+ sdb:removeSystem(id)
+ sdb:update(1)
+ assert(str == "ac")
print(string.format("ran %d tests, %d failed", testCount, failCount))
diff --git a/honey/mesh.lua b/honey/mesh.lua
index 430d5c3..e46c399 100644
--- a/honey/mesh.lua
+++ b/honey/mesh.lua
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
-local mesh = {}
+local module = {}
local gl =
-setmetatable(mesh, {__index=_G})
-setfenv(1, mesh)
+setmetatable(module, {__index=_G})
+setfenv(1, module)
local function insertVertex(vertices, attrib, vertex)
@@ -54,6 +54,15 @@ function loadFile(filename)
+local meshCache = {}
+function loadMesh(filename, index)
+ if not meshCache[filename] then
+ meshCache[filename] = loadFile(filename)
+ end
+ return meshCache[filename][index]
Mesh = {}
Mesh.__index = Mesh
@@ -92,4 +101,4 @@ function Mesh.drawElements(self)
-return mesh
+return module
diff --git a/honey/std.lua b/honey/std.lua
index a08bf35..2a5d2c2 100644
--- a/honey/std.lua
+++ b/honey/std.lua
@@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ honey.loop = init.loop
honey.terminate = init.terminate
honey.ecs = require 'honey.ecs'
-honey.standardSystems = require 'honey.ecs-systems'
+--honey.standardSystems = require 'honey.ecs-systems'
honey.mesh = require 'honey.mesh'
honey.Shader = require 'honey.shader'
honey.Window = require 'honey.window'
diff --git a/main.lua b/main.lua
index 2463bdd..098a65b 100644
--- a/main.lua
+++ b/main.lua
@@ -1,28 +1,4 @@
require 'honey.std'
-local paused = true
-local balls = {}
-local function formatize(f)
- return function(fmt, ...)
- f(string.format(fmt, ...))
- end
-local printf = formatize(print)
-local log = honey.log
-log.fatal = formatize(log.fatal)
-log.error = formatize(log.error)
-log.warn = formatize(log.warn) = formatize(
-log.debug = formatize(log.debug)
-log.trace = formatize(log.trace)
- "honey v%d.%d.%d -- %s",
- honey.version.major,
- honey.version.minor,
- honey.version.patch,
- honey.version.string
local glfw = honey.glfw
local gl =
@@ -43,80 +19,14 @@ local vg = nvg.CreateContext()
local november = nvg.CreateFont(vg, "November", "assets/november.regular.ttf")
local vw, vh = 640, 480
-- create camera matrices
local camera = {
view=Mat4():identity():translate(Vec3{0, 0, -30}),
projection=Mat4():perspective(math.rad(45), 640/480, 0.1, 100),
--- setup ecs
-local level = ecs.Level()
--- physics system
-local world = ode.WorldCreate()
-local space = ode.HashSpaceCreate(ode.Space0)
- setup=function(self)
- self.time = 0
- ode.WorldSetGravity(, 0, -100, 0)
- ode.WorldSetCFM(, 1e-5)
- self.contactgroup = ode.JointGroupCreate(200)
- self.__gc = honey.util.gc_canary(function()
- ode.WorldDestroy(
- ode.SpaceDestroy(
- end)
- end,
- filter = ecs.Filter.AND{"transform", "collisionShape", "physicsBody"},
- preUpdate = function(self)
- self.dt = nil
- if self.time > 0.01 then
- self.time = self.time - 0.01
- ode.SpaceCollide(, function(o1, o2)
- local b1 = ode.GeomGetBody(o1)
- local b2 = ode.GeomGetBody(o2)
- local contact = ode.CreateContact{
- surface = {
- mode = ode.ContactBounce + ode.ContactSoftCFM,
- mu = ode.Infinity,
- bounce = 0.90,
- bounce_vel = 0.1,
- soft_cfm = 0.001,
- },
- }
- local collisions = ode.Collide(o1, o2, 1)
- if #collisions > 0 then
- local e1 = ode.GeomGetData(o1)
- local e2 = ode.GeomGetData(o2)
- ode.ContactSetGeom(contact, collisions[1])
- local joint = ode.JointCreateContact(, self.contactgroup, contact)
- ode.JointAttach(joint, b1, b2)
- end
- end)
- ode.WorldQuickStep(, 0.01)
- ode.JointGroupEmpty(self.contactgroup)
- end
- end,
- update = function(self, entity, dt)
- if not self.dt then
- self.dt = dt
- self.time = self.time + dt
- end
- local x, y, z = ode.BodyGetPosition(entity.physicsBody)
- local d, a, b, c = ode.BodyGetQuaternion(entity.physicsBody)
- entity.transform:identity():translate(Vec3{x, y, z}):mul(Quaternion{a, b, c, d}:toMat4())
- end,
- onRemoveEntity = function(self, id, entity)
- print("remove", id)
- ode.GeomDestroy(entity.collisionShape)
- ode.BodyDestroy(entity.physicsBody)
- end,
-- create shader
local shader = honey.Shader{
@@ -132,97 +42,12 @@ local octa = honey.mesh.loadFile("assets/octahedron.obj")[1]
local dodeca = honey.mesh.loadFile("assets/dodecahedron.obj")[1]
local icosa = honey.mesh.loadFile("assets/icosahedron.obj")[1]
--- update function for each entity
-function updateTransform(self, dt)
- self.transform:rotateY(0.3 * math.pi * dt)
- self.transform:rotateX(0.1 * math.pi * dt)
--- create entities
-function growLine(prev, depth)
- if depth == 0 then return prev end
- local entity = {
- transform=Mat4():identity():translate(Vec3{2, 0, 0}),
- parent=false,
- mesh=octa,
- shader=shader,
- update=updateTransform,
- }
- prev.parent = entity
- level:addEntity(prev)
- return growLine(entity, depth-1)
-local leaf = {
- transform=Mat4():identity():translate(Vec3{2, 0, 0}),
- parent=false,
- mesh=tetra,
- shader=shader,
-local root = growLine(leaf, 24)
-root.update = function(self, dt)
- self.transform:rotateY(0.2 * math.pi * dt)
-local groundPlane = {
- transform=Mat4():identity():translate(Vec3{0, -2, 0}):scale(Vec3{10, 10, 10}),
- parent=false,
- mesh=plane,
- shader=shader,
-local function createNewBall()
- local ball = {
- transform=Mat4():identity(),
- parent=false,
- mesh=icosa,
- shader=shader,
- collisionShape=ode.CreateSphere(space, 1.0),
- physicsBody=ode.BodyCreate(world),
- }
- local id = level:addEntity(ball)
- = id
- table.insert(balls, id)
- if #balls > 200 then
- level:removeEntity(table.remove(balls, 1))
- end
- local mass = ode.MassCreate()
- ode.MassSetSphere(mass, 1, 0.5)
- ode.BodySetMass(ball.physicsBody, mass)
- local function tiny() return (6 * math.random()) - 3 end
- local x, y, z = tiny(), tiny(), tiny()
- ode.GeomSetBody(ball.collisionShape, ball.physicsBody)
- ode.BodySetPosition(ball.physicsBody, x, y, z)
- ode.BodySetLinearVel(ball.physicsBody, x, y, z)
- ode.GeomSetData(ball.collisionShape, ball)
-ode.CreatePlane(space, 0, 1, 0, -2)
-- close window on ESCAPE key
window:setKeyCallback(function(_, key, scancode, action)
if action == glfw.PRESS then
if key == glfw.KEY_ESCAPE then
- elseif key == glfw.KEY_SPACE then
- paused = not paused
- elseif
- key == glfw.KEY_Z or
- key == glfw.KEY_X or
- key == glfw.KEY_C or
- key == glfw.KEY_V or
- key == glfw.KEY_B or
- key == glfw.KEY_N or
- key == glfw.KEY_M
- then
- createNewBall()
@@ -248,15 +73,47 @@ function averager(memory)
local fpsAverage = averager(200)
+-- setup ecs
+local edb = ecs.EntityDb()
+local sdb = ecs.SystemDb()
+ update = function(self, dt)
+ local entities = self.db:queryComponent("renderMesh")
+ for entity, tbl in pairs(entities) do
+ tbl.shader:use()
+ tbl.shader:configure{matrix={
+ view=camera.view,
+ projection=camera.projection,
+ model=Mat4():identity(),
+ }}
+ local mesh = honey.mesh.loadMesh(tbl.mesh.filename, tbl.mesh.index)
+ mesh:drawElements()
+ end
+ end,
+ db = edb,
+ priority = 99,
+local id = edb:createEntity()
+edb:addComponent(id, "renderMesh", {
+ shader = shader,
+ mesh = { filename="assets/icosahedron.obj", index=1 },
-- main loop
honey.loop(window, function(dt)
gl.ClearColor(0.2, 0.4, 1.0, 1.0)
- gl.UseProgram(0)
+ gl.Disable(gl.CULL_FACE)
- level:update(dt, paused)
+ sdb:update(dt)
nvg.BeginFrame(vg, vw, vh, 1.0)
nvg.StrokeColor(vg, nvg.RGBf(1, 1, 1))
nvg.FontFace(vg, "November")