path: root/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp
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Diffstat (limited to 'src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp')
8 files changed, 0 insertions, 2646 deletions
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index bb67a43..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from .core import *
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deleted file mode 100644
index 35ad882..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,556 +0,0 @@
-This is the main-module of PyAssimp.
-import sys
-if sys.version_info < (2,6):
- raise RuntimeError('pyassimp: need python 2.6 or newer')
-# xrange was renamed range in Python 3 and the original range from Python 2 was removed.
-# To keep compatibility with both Python 2 and 3, xrange is set to range for version 3.0 and up.
-if sys.version_info >= (3,0):
- xrange = range
- import numpy
-except ImportError:
- numpy = None
-import logging
-import ctypes
-from contextlib import contextmanager
-logger = logging.getLogger("pyassimp")
-# attach default null handler to logger so it doesn't complain
-# even if you don't attach another handler to logger
-from . import structs
-from . import helper
-from . import postprocess
-from .errors import AssimpError
-class AssimpLib(object):
- """
- Assimp-Singleton
- """
- load, load_mem, export, export_blob, release, dll = helper.search_library()
-_assimp_lib = AssimpLib()
-def make_tuple(ai_obj, type = None):
- res = None
- #notes:
- # ai_obj._fields_ = [ ("attr", c_type), ... ]
- # getattr(ai_obj, e[0]).__class__ == float
- if isinstance(ai_obj, structs.Matrix4x4):
- if numpy:
- res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]).reshape((4,4))
- #import pdb;pdb.set_trace()
- else:
- res = [getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]
- res = [res[i:i+4] for i in xrange(0,16,4)]
- elif isinstance(ai_obj, structs.Matrix3x3):
- if numpy:
- res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]).reshape((3,3))
- else:
- res = [getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]
- res = [res[i:i+3] for i in xrange(0,9,3)]
- else:
- if numpy:
- res = numpy.array([getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_])
- else:
- res = [getattr(ai_obj, e[0]) for e in ai_obj._fields_]
- return res
-# Returns unicode object for Python 2, and str object for Python 3.
-def _convert_assimp_string(assimp_string):
- if sys.version_info >= (3, 0):
- return str(, errors='ignore')
- else:
- return unicode(, errors='ignore')
-# It is faster and more correct to have an init function for each assimp class
-def _init_face(aiFace):
- aiFace.indices = [aiFace.mIndices[i] for i in range(aiFace.mNumIndices)]
-assimp_struct_inits = { structs.Face : _init_face }
-def call_init(obj, caller = None):
- if helper.hasattr_silent(obj,'contents'): #pointer
- _init(obj.contents, obj, caller)
- else:
- _init(obj,parent=caller)
-def _is_init_type(obj):
- if obj and helper.hasattr_silent(obj,'contents'): #pointer
- return _is_init_type(obj[0])
- # null-pointer case that arises when we reach a mesh attribute
- # like mBitangents which use mNumVertices rather than mNumBitangents
- # so it breaks the 'is iterable' check.
- # Basically:
- # FIXME!
- elif not bool(obj):
- return False
- tname = obj.__class__.__name__
- return not (tname[:2] == 'c_' or tname == 'Structure' \
- or tname == 'POINTER') and not isinstance(obj, (int, str, bytes))
-def _init(self, target = None, parent = None):
- """
- Custom initialize() for C structs, adds safely accessible member functionality.
- :param target: set the object which receive the added methods. Useful when manipulating
- pointers, to skip the intermediate 'contents' deferencing.
- """
- if not target:
- target = self
- dirself = dir(self)
- for m in dirself:
- if m.startswith("_"):
- continue
- if m.startswith('mNum'):
- if 'm' + m[4:] in dirself:
- continue # will be processed later on
- else:
- name = m[1:].lower()
- obj = getattr(self, m)
- setattr(target, name, obj)
- continue
- if m == 'mName':
- = str(_convert_assimp_string(self.mName))
- target.__class__.__repr__ = lambda x: str(x.__class__) + "(" + getattr(x, 'name','') + ")"
- target.__class__.__str__ = lambda x: getattr(x, 'name', '')
- continue
- name = m[1:].lower()
- obj = getattr(self, m)
- # Create tuples
- if isinstance(obj, structs.assimp_structs_as_tuple):
- setattr(target, name, make_tuple(obj))
- logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added array " + str(getattr(target, name)) + " as self." + name.lower())
- continue
- if m.startswith('m') and len(m) > 1 and m[1].upper() == m[1]:
- if name == "parent":
- setattr(target, name, parent)
- logger.debug("Added a parent as self." + name)
- continue
- if helper.hasattr_silent(self, 'mNum' + m[1:]):
- length = getattr(self, 'mNum' + m[1:])
- # -> special case: properties are
- # stored as a dict.
- if m == 'mProperties':
- setattr(target, name, _get_properties(obj, length))
- continue
- if not length: # empty!
- setattr(target, name, [])
- logger.debug(str(self) + ": " + name + " is an empty list.")
- continue
- try:
- if obj._type_ in structs.assimp_structs_as_tuple:
- if numpy:
- setattr(target, name, numpy.array([make_tuple(obj[i]) for i in range(length)], dtype=numpy.float32))
- logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added an array of numpy arrays (type "+ str(type(obj)) + ") as self." + name)
- else:
- setattr(target, name, [make_tuple(obj[i]) for i in range(length)])
- logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added a list of lists (type "+ str(type(obj)) + ") as self." + name)
- else:
- setattr(target, name, [obj[i] for i in range(length)]) #TODO: maybe not necessary to recreate an array?
- logger.debug(str(self) + ": Added list of " + str(obj) + " " + name + " as self." + name + " (type: " + str(type(obj)) + ")")
- # initialize array elements
- try:
- init = assimp_struct_inits[type(obj[0])]
- except KeyError:
- if _is_init_type(obj[0]):
- for e in getattr(target, name):
- call_init(e, target)
- else:
- for e in getattr(target, name):
- init(e)
- except IndexError:
- logger.error("in " + str(self) +" : mismatch between mNum" + name + " and the actual amount of data in m" + name + ". This may be due to version mismatch between libassimp and pyassimp. Quitting now.")
- sys.exit(1)
- except ValueError as e:
- logger.error("In " + str(self) + "->" + name + ": " + str(e) + ". Quitting now.")
- if "setting an array element with a sequence" in str(e):
- logger.error("Note that pyassimp does not currently "
- "support meshes with mixed triangles "
- "and quads. Try to load your mesh with"
- " a post-processing to triangulate your"
- " faces.")
- raise e
- else: # starts with 'm' but not iterable
- setattr(target, m, obj)
- logger.debug("Added " + name + " as self." + name + " (type: " + str(type(obj)) + ")")
- if _is_init_type(obj):
- call_init(obj, target)
- if isinstance(self, structs.Mesh):
- _finalize_mesh(self, target)
- if isinstance(self, structs.Texture):
- _finalize_texture(self, target)
- if isinstance(self, structs.Metadata):
- _finalize_metadata(self, target)
- return self
-def pythonize_assimp(type, obj, scene):
- """ This method modify the Assimp data structures
- to make them easier to work with in Python.
- Supported operations:
- - MESH: replace a list of mesh IDs by reference to these meshes
- - ADDTRANSFORMATION: add a reference to an object's transformation taken from their associated node.
- :param type: the type of modification to operate (cf above)
- :param obj: the input object to modify
- :param scene: a reference to the whole scene
- """
- if type == "MESH":
- meshes = []
- for i in obj:
- meshes.append(scene.meshes[i])
- return meshes
- def getnode(node, name):
- if == name: return node
- for child in node.children:
- n = getnode(child, name)
- if n: return n
- node = getnode(scene.rootnode,
- if not node:
- raise AssimpError("Object " + str(obj) + " has no associated node!")
- setattr(obj, "transformation", node.transformation)
-def recur_pythonize(node, scene):
- '''
- Recursively call pythonize_assimp on
- nodes tree to apply several post-processing to
- pythonize the assimp datastructures.
- '''
- node.meshes = pythonize_assimp("MESH", node.meshes, scene)
- for mesh in node.meshes:
- mesh.material = scene.materials[mesh.materialindex]
- for cam in scene.cameras:
- pythonize_assimp("ADDTRANSFORMATION", cam, scene)
- for c in node.children:
- recur_pythonize(c, scene)
-def release(scene):
- '''
- Release resources of a loaded scene.
- '''
- _assimp_lib.release(ctypes.pointer(scene))
-def load(filename,
- file_type = None,
- processing = postprocess.aiProcess_Triangulate):
- '''
- Load a model into a scene. On failure throws AssimpError.
- Arguments
- ---------
- filename: Either a filename or a file object to load model from.
- If a file object is passed, file_type MUST be specified
- Otherwise Assimp has no idea which importer to use.
- This is named 'filename' so as to not break legacy code.
- processing: assimp postprocessing parameters. Verbose keywords are imported
- from postprocessing, and the parameters can be combined bitwise to
- generate the final processing value. Note that the default value will
- triangulate quad faces. Example of generating other possible values:
- processing = (pyassimp.postprocess.aiProcess_Triangulate |
- pyassimp.postprocess.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes)
- file_type: string of file extension, such as 'stl'
- Returns
- ---------
- Scene object with model data
- '''
- if hasattr(filename, 'read'):
- # This is the case where a file object has been passed to load.
- # It is calling the following function:
- # const aiScene* aiImportFileFromMemory(const char* pBuffer,
- # unsigned int pLength,
- # unsigned int pFlags,
- # const char* pHint)
- if file_type is None:
- raise AssimpError('File type must be specified when passing file objects!')
- data =
- model = _assimp_lib.load_mem(data,
- len(data),
- processing,
- file_type)
- else:
- # a filename string has been passed
- model = _assimp_lib.load(filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), processing)
- if not model:
- raise AssimpError('Could not import file!')
- scene = _init(model.contents)
- recur_pythonize(scene.rootnode, scene)
- try:
- yield scene
- finally:
- release(scene)
-def export(scene,
- filename,
- file_type = None,
- processing = postprocess.aiProcess_Triangulate):
- '''
- Export a scene. On failure throws AssimpError.
- Arguments
- ---------
- scene: scene to export.
- filename: Filename that the scene should be exported to.
- file_type: string of file exporter to use. For example "collada".
- processing: assimp postprocessing parameters. Verbose keywords are imported
- from postprocessing, and the parameters can be combined bitwise to
- generate the final processing value. Note that the default value will
- triangulate quad faces. Example of generating other possible values:
- processing = (pyassimp.postprocess.aiProcess_Triangulate |
- pyassimp.postprocess.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes)
- '''
- exportStatus = _assimp_lib.export(ctypes.pointer(scene), file_type.encode("ascii"), filename.encode(sys.getfilesystemencoding()), processing)
- if exportStatus != 0:
- raise AssimpError('Could not export scene!')
-def export_blob(scene,
- file_type = None,
- processing = postprocess.aiProcess_Triangulate):
- '''
- Export a scene and return a blob in the correct format. On failure throws AssimpError.
- Arguments
- ---------
- scene: scene to export.
- file_type: string of file exporter to use. For example "collada".
- processing: assimp postprocessing parameters. Verbose keywords are imported
- from postprocessing, and the parameters can be combined bitwise to
- generate the final processing value. Note that the default value will
- triangulate quad faces. Example of generating other possible values:
- processing = (pyassimp.postprocess.aiProcess_Triangulate |
- pyassimp.postprocess.aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes)
- Returns
- ---------
- Pointer to structs.ExportDataBlob
- '''
- exportBlobPtr = _assimp_lib.export_blob(ctypes.pointer(scene), file_type.encode("ascii"), processing)
- if exportBlobPtr == 0:
- raise AssimpError('Could not export scene to blob!')
- return exportBlobPtr
-def _finalize_texture(tex, target):
- setattr(target, "achformathint", tex.achFormatHint)
- if numpy:
- data = numpy.array([make_tuple(getattr(tex, "pcData")[i]) for i in range(tex.mWidth * tex.mHeight)])
- else:
- data = [make_tuple(getattr(tex, "pcData")[i]) for i in range(tex.mWidth * tex.mHeight)]
- setattr(target, "data", data)
-def _finalize_mesh(mesh, target):
- """ Building of meshes is a bit specific.
- We override here the various datasets that can
- not be process as regular fields.
- For instance, the length of the normals array is
- mNumVertices (no mNumNormals is available)
- """
- nb_vertices = getattr(mesh, "mNumVertices")
- def fill(name):
- mAttr = getattr(mesh, name)
- if numpy:
- if mAttr:
- data = numpy.array([make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)], dtype=numpy.float32)
- setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data)
- else:
- setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), numpy.array([], dtype="float32"))
- else:
- if mAttr:
- data = [make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)]
- setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data)
- else:
- setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), [])
- def fillarray(name):
- mAttr = getattr(mesh, name)
- data = []
- for index, mSubAttr in enumerate(mAttr):
- if mSubAttr:
- data.append([make_tuple(getattr(mesh, name)[index][i]) for i in range(nb_vertices)])
- if numpy:
- setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), numpy.array(data, dtype=numpy.float32))
- else:
- setattr(target, name[1:].lower(), data)
- fill("mNormals")
- fill("mTangents")
- fill("mBitangents")
- fillarray("mColors")
- fillarray("mTextureCoords")
- # prepare faces
- if numpy:
- faces = numpy.array([f.indices for f in target.faces], dtype=numpy.int32)
- else:
- faces = [f.indices for f in target.faces]
- setattr(target, 'faces', faces)
-def _init_metadata_entry(entry):
- entry.type = entry.mType
- if entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_BOOL:
- = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_bool)).contents.value
- elif entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_INT32:
- = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int32)).contents.value
- elif entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_UINT64:
- = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_uint64)).contents.value
- elif entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_FLOAT:
- = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float)).contents.value
- elif entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_DOUBLE:
- = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_double)).contents.value
- elif entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_AISTRING:
- assimp_string = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(structs.String)).contents
- = _convert_assimp_string(assimp_string)
- elif entry.type == structs.MetadataEntry.AI_AIVECTOR3D:
- assimp_vector = ctypes.cast(entry.mData, ctypes.POINTER(structs.Vector3D)).contents
- = make_tuple(assimp_vector)
- return entry
-def _finalize_metadata(metadata, target):
- """ Building the metadata object is a bit specific.
- Firstly, there are two separate arrays: one with metadata keys and one
- with metadata values, and there are no corresponding mNum* attributes,
- so the C arrays are not converted to Python arrays using the generic
- code in the _init function.
- Secondly, a metadata entry value has to be cast according to declared
- metadata entry type.
- """
- length = metadata.mNumProperties
- setattr(target, 'keys', [str(_convert_assimp_string(metadata.mKeys[i])) for i in range(length)])
- setattr(target, 'values', [_init_metadata_entry(metadata.mValues[i]) for i in range(length)])
-class PropertyGetter(dict):
- def __getitem__(self, key):
- semantic = 0
- if isinstance(key, tuple):
- key, semantic = key
- return dict.__getitem__(self, (key, semantic))
- def keys(self):
- for k in dict.keys(self):
- yield k[0]
- def __iter__(self):
- return self.keys()
- def items(self):
- for k, v in dict.items(self):
- yield k[0], v
-def _get_properties(properties, length):
- """
- Convenience Function to get the material properties as a dict
- and values in a python format.
- """
- result = {}
- #read all properties
- for p in [properties[i] for i in range(length)]:
- #the name
- p = p.contents
- key = str(_convert_assimp_string(p.mKey))
- key = (key.split('.')[1], p.mSemantic)
- #the data
- if p.mType == 1:
- arr = ctypes.cast(p.mData,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_float * int(p.mDataLength/ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_float)))
- ).contents
- value = [x for x in arr]
- elif p.mType == 3: #string can't be an array
- value = _convert_assimp_string(ctypes.cast(p.mData, ctypes.POINTER(structs.MaterialPropertyString)).contents)
- elif p.mType == 4:
- arr = ctypes.cast(p.mData,
- ctypes.POINTER(ctypes.c_int * int(p.mDataLength/ctypes.sizeof(ctypes.c_int)))
- ).contents
- value = [x for x in arr]
- else:
- value = p.mData[:p.mDataLength]
- if len(value) == 1:
- [value] = value
- result[key] = value
- return PropertyGetter(result)
-def decompose_matrix(matrix):
- if not isinstance(matrix, structs.Matrix4x4):
- raise AssimpError("pyassimp.decompose_matrix failed: Not a Matrix4x4!")
- scaling = structs.Vector3D()
- rotation = structs.Quaternion()
- position = structs.Vector3D()
- _assimp_lib.dll.aiDecomposeMatrix(ctypes.pointer(matrix),
- ctypes.byref(scaling),
- ctypes.byref(rotation),
- ctypes.byref(position))
- return scaling._init(), rotation._init(), position._init()
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index e017b51..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
-#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-All possible errors.
-class AssimpError(BaseException):
- """
- If an internal error occurs.
- """
- pass
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 5d454e5..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,41 +0,0 @@
- "LWS",
- "B3D",
- "COB",
- "PLY",
- "IFC",
- "OFF",
- "SMD",
- "3D",
- "DAE",
- "MDL",
- "HMP",
- "TER",
- "WRL",
- "XML",
- "NFF",
- "AC",
- "OBJ",
- "3DS",
- "STL",
- "IRR",
- "Q3O",
- "Q3D",
- "MS3D",
- "Q3S",
- "ZGL",
- "MD2",
- "X",
- "BLEND",
- "XGL",
- "MD5MESH",
- "MAX",
- "LXO",
- "DXF",
- "BVH",
- "LWO",
- "NDO"]
-def available_formats():
- return FORMATS
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 7c14f60..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,283 +0,0 @@
-#-*- coding: UTF-8 -*-
-Some fancy helper functions.
-import os
-import ctypes
-import operator
-from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib
-import re
-import sys
-try: import numpy
-except ImportError: numpy = None
-import logging;logger = logging.getLogger("pyassimp")
-from .errors import AssimpError
-additional_dirs, ext_whitelist = [],[]
-# populate search directories and lists of allowed file extensions
-# depending on the platform we're running on.
- additional_dirs.append('./')
- additional_dirs.append('/usr/lib/')
- additional_dirs.append('/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/')
- additional_dirs.append('/usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/')
- additional_dirs.append('/usr/local/lib/')
- if 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH' in os.environ:
- additional_dirs.extend([item for item in os.environ['LD_LIBRARY_PATH'].split(':') if item])
- # check if running from anaconda.
- anaconda_keywords = ("conda", "continuum")
- if any(k in sys.version.lower() for k in anaconda_keywords):
- cur_path = get_python_lib()
- pattern = re.compile('.*\/lib\/')
- conda_lib = pattern.match(cur_path).group()
-"Adding Anaconda lib path:"+ conda_lib)
- additional_dirs.append(conda_lib)
- # note - this won't catch, but
- # currently there's always a symlink called
- # in /usr/local/lib.
- ext_whitelist.append('.so')
- # libassimp.dylib in /usr/local/lib
- ext_whitelist.append('.dylib')
- ext_whitelist.append('.dll')
- path_dirs = os.environ['PATH'].split(';')
- additional_dirs.extend(path_dirs)
-def vec2tuple(x):
- """ Converts a VECTOR3D to a Tuple """
- return (x.x, x.y, x.z)
-def transform(vector3, matrix4x4):
- """ Apply a transformation matrix on a 3D vector.
- :param vector3: array with 3 elements
- :param matrix4x4: 4x4 matrix
- """
- if numpy:
- return, numpy.append(vector3, 1.))
- else:
- m0,m1,m2,m3 = matrix4x4; x,y,z = vector3
- return [
- m0[0]*x + m0[1]*y + m0[2]*z + m0[3],
- m1[0]*x + m1[1]*y + m1[2]*z + m1[3],
- m2[0]*x + m2[1]*y + m2[2]*z + m2[3],
- m3[0]*x + m3[1]*y + m3[2]*z + m3[3]
- ]
-def _inv(matrix4x4):
- m0,m1,m2,m3 = matrix4x4
- det = m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[0] - \
- m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[0] + m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[0] + \
- m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[0] - \
- m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[1] + m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[1] + \
- m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[1] - m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[1] - \
- m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[1] + m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[1] + \
- m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[2] - m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[2] - \
- m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[2] + m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[2] + \
- m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[2] - m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[2] - \
- m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[3] + m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[3] + \
- m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[3] - m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[3] - \
- m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[3] + m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[3]
- return[[( m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[1] - m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[1] + m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[2] - m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[2] - m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[3] + m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[3]*m2[2]*m3[1] - m0[2]*m2[3]*m3[1] - m0[3]*m2[1]*m3[2] + m0[1]*m2[3]*m3[2] + m0[2]*m2[1]*m3[3] - m0[1]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[2]*m1[3]*m3[1] - m0[3]*m1[2]*m3[1] + m0[3]*m1[1]*m3[2] - m0[1]*m1[3]*m3[2] - m0[2]*m1[1]*m3[3] + m0[1]*m1[2]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[1] - m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[1] - m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[2] + m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[2] + m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[3] - m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[3]) /det],
- [( m1[3]*m2[2]*m3[0] - m1[2]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[2] + m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[2] + m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[3] - m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[2]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m2[2]*m3[0] + m0[3]*m2[0]*m3[2] - m0[0]*m2[3]*m3[2] - m0[2]*m2[0]*m3[3] + m0[0]*m2[2]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[3]*m1[2]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m1[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m1[0]*m3[2] + m0[0]*m1[3]*m3[2] + m0[2]*m1[0]*m3[3] - m0[0]*m1[2]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[2]*m1[3]*m2[0] - m0[3]*m1[2]*m2[0] + m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[2] - m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[2] - m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[3] + m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[3]) /det],
- [( m1[1]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m1[3]*m2[1]*m3[0] + m1[3]*m2[0]*m3[1] - m1[0]*m2[3]*m3[1] - m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[3] + m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[3]*m2[1]*m3[0] - m0[1]*m2[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m2[0]*m3[1] + m0[0]*m2[3]*m3[1] + m0[1]*m2[0]*m3[3] - m0[0]*m2[1]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[1]*m1[3]*m3[0] - m0[3]*m1[1]*m3[0] + m0[3]*m1[0]*m3[1] - m0[0]*m1[3]*m3[1] - m0[1]*m1[0]*m3[3] + m0[0]*m1[1]*m3[3]) /det,
- ( m0[3]*m1[1]*m2[0] - m0[1]*m1[3]*m2[0] - m0[3]*m1[0]*m2[1] + m0[0]*m1[3]*m2[1] + m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[3] - m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[3]) /det],
- [( m1[2]*m2[1]*m3[0] - m1[1]*m2[2]*m3[0] - m1[2]*m2[0]*m3[1] + m1[0]*m2[2]*m3[1] + m1[1]*m2[0]*m3[2] - m1[0]*m2[1]*m3[2]) /det,
- ( m0[1]*m2[2]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m2[1]*m3[0] + m0[2]*m2[0]*m3[1] - m0[0]*m2[2]*m3[1] - m0[1]*m2[0]*m3[2] + m0[0]*m2[1]*m3[2]) /det,
- ( m0[2]*m1[1]*m3[0] - m0[1]*m1[2]*m3[0] - m0[2]*m1[0]*m3[1] + m0[0]*m1[2]*m3[1] + m0[1]*m1[0]*m3[2] - m0[0]*m1[1]*m3[2]) /det,
- ( m0[1]*m1[2]*m2[0] - m0[2]*m1[1]*m2[0] + m0[2]*m1[0]*m2[1] - m0[0]*m1[2]*m2[1] - m0[1]*m1[0]*m2[2] + m0[0]*m1[1]*m2[2]) /det]]
-def get_bounding_box(scene):
- bb_min = [1e10, 1e10, 1e10] # x,y,z
- bb_max = [-1e10, -1e10, -1e10] # x,y,z
- inv = numpy.linalg.inv if numpy else _inv
- return get_bounding_box_for_node(scene.rootnode, bb_min, bb_max, inv(scene.rootnode.transformation))
-def get_bounding_box_for_node(node, bb_min, bb_max, transformation):
- if numpy:
- transformation =, node.transformation)
- else:
- t0,t1,t2,t3 = transformation
- T0,T1,T2,T3 = node.transformation
- transformation = [ [
- t0[0]*T0[0] + t0[1]*T1[0] + t0[2]*T2[0] + t0[3]*T3[0],
- t0[0]*T0[1] + t0[1]*T1[1] + t0[2]*T2[1] + t0[3]*T3[1],
- t0[0]*T0[2] + t0[1]*T1[2] + t0[2]*T2[2] + t0[3]*T3[2],
- t0[0]*T0[3] + t0[1]*T1[3] + t0[2]*T2[3] + t0[3]*T3[3]
- ],[
- t1[0]*T0[0] + t1[1]*T1[0] + t1[2]*T2[0] + t1[3]*T3[0],
- t1[0]*T0[1] + t1[1]*T1[1] + t1[2]*T2[1] + t1[3]*T3[1],
- t1[0]*T0[2] + t1[1]*T1[2] + t1[2]*T2[2] + t1[3]*T3[2],
- t1[0]*T0[3] + t1[1]*T1[3] + t1[2]*T2[3] + t1[3]*T3[3]
- ],[
- t2[0]*T0[0] + t2[1]*T1[0] + t2[2]*T2[0] + t2[3]*T3[0],
- t2[0]*T0[1] + t2[1]*T1[1] + t2[2]*T2[1] + t2[3]*T3[1],
- t2[0]*T0[2] + t2[1]*T1[2] + t2[2]*T2[2] + t2[3]*T3[2],
- t2[0]*T0[3] + t2[1]*T1[3] + t2[2]*T2[3] + t2[3]*T3[3]
- ],[
- t3[0]*T0[0] + t3[1]*T1[0] + t3[2]*T2[0] + t3[3]*T3[0],
- t3[0]*T0[1] + t3[1]*T1[1] + t3[2]*T2[1] + t3[3]*T3[1],
- t3[0]*T0[2] + t3[1]*T1[2] + t3[2]*T2[2] + t3[3]*T3[2],
- t3[0]*T0[3] + t3[1]*T1[3] + t3[2]*T2[3] + t3[3]*T3[3]
- ] ]
- for mesh in node.meshes:
- for v in mesh.vertices:
- v = transform(v, transformation)
- bb_min[0] = min(bb_min[0], v[0])
- bb_min[1] = min(bb_min[1], v[1])
- bb_min[2] = min(bb_min[2], v[2])
- bb_max[0] = max(bb_max[0], v[0])
- bb_max[1] = max(bb_max[1], v[1])
- bb_max[2] = max(bb_max[2], v[2])
- for child in node.children:
- bb_min, bb_max = get_bounding_box_for_node(child, bb_min, bb_max, transformation)
- return bb_min, bb_max
-def try_load_functions(library_path, dll):
- '''
- Try to bind to aiImportFile and aiReleaseImport
- Arguments
- ---------
- library_path: path to current lib
- dll: ctypes handle to library
- Returns
- ---------
- If unsuccessful:
- None
- If successful:
- Tuple containing (library_path,
- load from filename function,
- load from memory function,
- export to filename function,
- export to blob function,
- release function,
- ctypes handle to assimp library)
- '''
- try:
- load = dll.aiImportFile
- release = dll.aiReleaseImport
- load_mem = dll.aiImportFileFromMemory
- export = dll.aiExportScene
- export2blob = dll.aiExportSceneToBlob
- except AttributeError:
- #OK, this is a library, but it doesn't have the functions we need
- return None
- # library found!
- from .structs import Scene, ExportDataBlob
- load.restype = ctypes.POINTER(Scene)
- load_mem.restype = ctypes.POINTER(Scene)
- export2blob.restype = ctypes.POINTER(ExportDataBlob)
- return (library_path, load, load_mem, export, export2blob, release, dll)
-def search_library():
- '''
- Loads the assimp library.
- Throws exception AssimpError if no library_path is found
- Returns: tuple, (load from filename function,
- load from memory function,
- export to filename function,
- export to blob function,
- release function,
- dll)
- '''
- #this path
- folder = os.path.dirname(__file__)
- # silence 'DLL not found' message boxes on win
- try:
- ctypes.windll.kernel32.SetErrorMode(0x8007)
- except AttributeError:
- pass
- candidates = []
- # test every file
- for curfolder in [folder]+additional_dirs:
- if os.path.isdir(curfolder):
- for filename in os.listdir(curfolder):
- # our minimum requirement for candidates is that
- # they should contain 'assimp' somewhere in
- # their name
- if filename.lower().find('assimp')==-1 :
- continue
- is_out=1
- for et in ext_whitelist:
- if et in filename.lower():
- is_out=0
- break
- if is_out:
- continue
- library_path = os.path.join(curfolder, filename)
- logger.debug('Try ' + library_path)
- try:
- dll = ctypes.cdll.LoadLibrary(library_path)
- except Exception as e:
- logger.warning(str(e))
- # OK, this except is evil. But different OSs will throw different
- # errors. So just ignore any errors.
- continue
- # see if the functions we need are in the dll
- loaded = try_load_functions(library_path, dll)
- if loaded: candidates.append(loaded)
- if not candidates:
- # no library found
- raise AssimpError("assimp library not found")
- else:
- # get the newest library_path
- candidates = map(lambda x: (os.lstat(x[0])[-2], x), candidates)
- res = max(candidates, key=operator.itemgetter(0))[1]
- logger.debug('Using assimp library located at ' + res[0])
- # XXX: if there are 1000 dll/so files containing 'assimp'
- # in their name, do we have all of them in our address
- # space now until gc kicks in?
- # XXX: take version postfix of the .so on linux?
- return res[1:]
-def hasattr_silent(object, name):
- """
- Calls hasttr() with the given parameters and preserves the legacy (pre-Python 3.2)
- functionality of silently catching exceptions.
- Returns the result of hasatter() or False if an exception was raised.
- """
- try:
- if not object:
- return False
- return hasattr(object, name)
- except AttributeError:
- return False
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index a36e50a..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,89 +0,0 @@
-# Dummy value.
-# No texture, but the value to be used as 'texture semantic'
-# (#aiMaterialProperty::mSemantic) for all material properties
-# # not* related to textures.
-aiTextureType_NONE = 0x0
-# The texture is combined with the result of the diffuse
-# lighting equation.
-aiTextureType_DIFFUSE = 0x1
-# The texture is combined with the result of the specular
-# lighting equation.
-aiTextureType_SPECULAR = 0x2
-# The texture is combined with the result of the ambient
-# lighting equation.
-aiTextureType_AMBIENT = 0x3
-# The texture is added to the result of the lighting
-# calculation. It isn't influenced by incoming light.
-aiTextureType_EMISSIVE = 0x4
-# The texture is a height map.
-# By convention, higher gray-scale values stand for
-# higher elevations from the base height.
-aiTextureType_HEIGHT = 0x5
-# The texture is a (tangent space) normal-map.
-# Again, there are several conventions for tangent-space
-# normal maps. Assimp does (intentionally) not
-# distinguish here.
-aiTextureType_NORMALS = 0x6
-# The texture defines the glossiness of the material.
-# The glossiness is in fact the exponent of the specular
-# (phong) lighting equation. Usually there is a conversion
-# function defined to map the linear color values in the
-# texture to a suitable exponent. Have fun.
-aiTextureType_SHININESS = 0x7
-# The texture defines per-pixel opacity.
-# Usually 'white' means opaque and 'black' means
-# 'transparency'. Or quite the opposite. Have fun.
-aiTextureType_OPACITY = 0x8
-# Displacement texture
-# The exact purpose and format is application-dependent.
-# Higher color values stand for higher vertex displacements.
-aiTextureType_DISPLACEMENT = 0x9
-# Lightmap texture (aka Ambient Occlusion)
-# Both 'Lightmaps' and dedicated 'ambient occlusion maps' are
-# covered by this material property. The texture contains a
-# scaling value for the final color value of a pixel. Its
-# intensity is not affected by incoming light.
-aiTextureType_LIGHTMAP = 0xA
-# Reflection texture
-# Contains the color of a perfect mirror reflection.
-# Rarely used, almost never for real-time applications.
-aiTextureType_REFLECTION = 0xB
-# Unknown texture
-# A texture reference that does not match any of the definitions
-# above is considered to be 'unknown'. It is still imported
-# but is excluded from any further postprocessing.
-aiTextureType_UNKNOWN = 0xC
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index 0c55d67..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,530 +0,0 @@
-# <hr>Calculates the tangents and bitangents for the imported meshes.
-# Does nothing if a mesh does not have normals. You might want this post
-# processing step to be executed if you plan to use tangent space calculations
-# such as normal mapping applied to the meshes. There's a config setting,
-# <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_CT_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE<tt>, which allows you to specify
-# a maximum smoothing angle for the algorithm. However, usually you'll
-# want to leave it at the default value.
-aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace = 0x1
-## <hr>Identifies and joins identical vertex data sets within all
-# imported meshes.
-# After this step is run, each mesh contains unique vertices,
-# so a vertex may be used by multiple faces. You usually want
-# to use this post processing step. If your application deals with
-# indexed geometry, this step is compulsory or you'll just waste rendering
-# time. <b>If this flag is not specified<b>, no vertices are referenced by
-# more than one face and <b>no index buffer is required<b> for rendering.
-aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices = 0x2
-## <hr>Converts all the imported data to a left-handed coordinate space.
-# By default the data is returned in a right-handed coordinate space (which
-# OpenGL prefers). In this space, +X points to the right,
-# +Z points towards the viewer, and +Y points upwards. In the DirectX
-# coordinate space +X points to the right, +Y points upwards, and +Z points
-# away from the viewer.
-# You'll probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for
-# rendering. The #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded flag supersedes this
-# setting and bundles all conversions typically required for D3D-based
-# applications.
-aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded = 0x4
-## <hr>Triangulates all faces of all meshes.
-# By default the imported mesh data might contain faces with more than 3
-# indices. For rendering you'll usually want all faces to be triangles.
-# This post processing step splits up faces with more than 3 indices into
-# triangles. Line and point primitives are #not# modified! If you want
-# 'triangles only' with no other kinds of primitives, try the following
-# solution:
-# <ul>
-# <li>Specify both #aiProcess_Triangulate and #aiProcess_SortByPType <li>
-# <li>Ignore all point and line meshes when you process assimp's output<li>
-# <ul>
-aiProcess_Triangulate = 0x8
-## <hr>Removes some parts of the data structure (animations, materials,
-# light sources, cameras, textures, vertex components).
-# The components to be removed are specified in a separate
-# configuration option, <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_RVC_FLAGS<tt>. This is quite useful
-# if you don't need all parts of the output structure. Vertex colors
-# are rarely used today for example... Calling this step to remove unneeded
-# data from the pipeline as early as possible results in increased
-# performance and a more optimized output data structure.
-# This step is also useful if you want to force Assimp to recompute
-# normals or tangents. The corresponding steps don't recompute them if
-# they're already there (loaded from the source asset). By using this
-# step you can make sure they are NOT there.
-# This flag is a poor one, mainly because its purpose is usually
-# misunderstood. Consider the following case: a 3D model has been exported
-# from a CAD app, and it has per-face vertex colors. Vertex positions can't be
-# shared, thus the #aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices step fails to
-# optimize the data because of these nasty little vertex colors.
-# Most apps don't even process them, so it's all for nothing. By using
-# this step, unneeded components are excluded as early as possible
-# thus opening more room for internal optimizations.
-aiProcess_RemoveComponent = 0x10
-## <hr>Generates normals for all faces of all meshes.
-# This is ignored if normals are already there at the time this flag
-# is evaluated. Model importers try to load them from the source file, so
-# they're usually already there. Face normals are shared between all points
-# of a single face, so a single point can have multiple normals, which
-# forces the library to duplicate vertices in some cases.
-# #aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices is #senseless# then.
-# This flag may not be specified together with #aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals.
-aiProcess_GenNormals = 0x20
-## <hr>Generates smooth normals for all vertices in the mesh.
-# This is ignored if normals are already there at the time this flag
-# is evaluated. Model importers try to load them from the source file, so
-# they're usually already there.
-# This flag may not be specified together with
-# #aiProcess_GenNormals. There's a configuration option,
-# <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_GSN_MAX_SMOOTHING_ANGLE<tt> which allows you to specify
-# an angle maximum for the normal smoothing algorithm. Normals exceeding
-# this limit are not smoothed, resulting in a 'hard' seam between two faces.
-# Using a decent angle here (e.g. 80 degrees) results in very good visual
-# appearance.
-aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals = 0x40
-## <hr>Splits large meshes into smaller sub-meshes.
-# This is quite useful for real-time rendering, where the number of triangles
-# which can be maximally processed in a single draw-call is limited
-# by the video driverhardware. The maximum vertex buffer is usually limited
-# too. Both requirements can be met with this step: you may specify both a
-# triangle and vertex limit for a single mesh.
-# The split limits can (and should!) be set through the
-# settings. The default values are <tt>#AI_SLM_DEFAULT_MAX_VERTICES<tt> and
-# Note that splitting is generally a time-consuming task, but only if there's
-# something to split. The use of this step is recommended for most users.
-aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes = 0x80
-## <hr>Removes the node graph and pre-transforms all vertices with
-# the local transformation matrices of their nodes.
-# The output scene still contains nodes, however there is only a
-# root node with children, each one referencing only one mesh,
-# and each mesh referencing one material. For rendering, you can
-# simply render all meshes in order - you don't need to pay
-# attention to local transformations and the node hierarchy.
-# Animations are removed during this step.
-# This step is intended for applications without a scenegraph.
-# The step CAN cause some problems: if e.g. a mesh of the asset
-# contains normals and another, using the same material index, does not,
-# they will be brought together, but the first meshes's part of
-# the normal list is zeroed. However, these artifacts are rare.
-# @note The <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_PTV_NORMALIZE<tt> configuration property
-# can be set to normalize the scene's spatial dimension to the -1...1
-# range.
-aiProcess_PreTransformVertices = 0x100
-## <hr>Limits the number of bones simultaneously affecting a single vertex
-# to a maximum value.
-# If any vertex is affected by more than the maximum number of bones, the least
-# important vertex weights are removed and the remaining vertex weights are
-# renormalized so that the weights still sum up to 1.
-# The default bone weight limit is 4 (defined as <tt>#AI_LMW_MAX_WEIGHTS<tt> in
-# config.h), but you can use the <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_LBW_MAX_WEIGHTS<tt> setting to
-# supply your own limit to the post processing step.
-# If you intend to perform the skinning in hardware, this post processing
-# step might be of interest to you.
-aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights = 0x200
-## <hr>Validates the imported scene data structure.
-# This makes sure that all indices are valid, all animations and
-# bones are linked correctly, all material references are correct .. etc.
-# It is recommended that you capture Assimp's log output if you use this flag,
-# so you can easily find out what's wrong if a file fails the
-# validation. The validator is quite strict and will find #all#
-# inconsistencies in the data structure... It is recommended that plugin
-# developers use it to debug their loaders. There are two types of
-# validation failures:
-# <ul>
-# <li>Error: There's something wrong with the imported data. Further
-# postprocessing is not possible and the data is not usable at all.
-# The import fails. #Importer::GetErrorString() or #aiGetErrorString()
-# carry the error message around.<li>
-# <li>Warning: There are some minor issues (e.g. 1000000 animation
-# keyframes with the same time), but further postprocessing and use
-# of the data structure is still safe. Warning details are written
-# to the log file, <tt>#AI_SCENE_FLAGS_VALIDATION_WARNING<tt> is set
-# in #aiScene::mFlags<li>
-# <ul>
-# This post-processing step is not time-consuming. Its use is not
-# compulsory, but recommended.
-aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure = 0x400
-## <hr>Reorders triangles for better vertex cache locality.
-# The step tries to improve the ACMR (average post-transform vertex cache
-# miss ratio) for all meshes. The implementation runs in O(n) and is
-# roughly based on the 'tipsify' algorithm (see <a href="
-# http:www.cs.princeton.edugfxpubsSander_2007_%3ETRtipsy.pdf">this
-# paper<a>).
-# If you intend to render huge models in hardware, this step might
-# be of interest to you. The <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_ICL_PTCACHE_SIZE<tt>config
-# setting can be used to fine-tune the cache optimization.
-aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality = 0x800
-## <hr>Searches for redundantunreferenced materials and removes them.
-# This is especially useful in combination with the
-# #aiProcess_PretransformVertices and #aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes flags.
-# Both join small meshes with equal characteristics, but they can't do
-# their work if two meshes have different materials. Because several
-# material settings are lost during Assimp's import filters,
-# (and because many exporters don't check for redundant materials), huge
-# models often have materials which are are defined several times with
-# exactly the same settings.
-# Several material settings not contributing to the final appearance of
-# a surface are ignored in all comparisons (e.g. the material name).
-# So, if you're passing additional information through the
-# content pipeline (probably using #magic# material names), don't
-# specify this flag. Alternatively take a look at the
-# <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_RRM_EXCLUDE_LIST<tt> setting.
-aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials = 0x1000
-## <hr>This step tries to determine which meshes have normal vectors
-# that are facing inwards and inverts them.
-# The algorithm is simple but effective:
-# the bounding box of all vertices + their normals is compared against
-# the volume of the bounding box of all vertices without their normals.
-# This works well for most objects, problems might occur with planar
-# surfaces. However, the step tries to filter such cases.
-# The step inverts all in-facing normals. Generally it is recommended
-# to enable this step, although the result is not always correct.
-aiProcess_FixInfacingNormals = 0x2000
-## <hr>This step splits meshes with more than one primitive type in
-# homogeneous sub-meshes.
-# The step is executed after the triangulation step. After the step
-# returns, just one bit is set in aiMesh::mPrimitiveTypes. This is
-# especially useful for real-time rendering where point and line
-# primitives are often ignored or rendered separately.
-# You can use the <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE<tt> option to specify which
-# primitive types you need. This can be used to easily exclude
-# lines and points, which are rarely used, from the import.
-aiProcess_SortByPType = 0x8000
-## <hr>This step searches all meshes for degenerate primitives and
-# converts them to proper lines or points.
-# A face is 'degenerate' if one or more of its points are identical.
-# To have the degenerate stuff not only detected and collapsed but
-# removed, try one of the following procedures:
-# <br><b>1.<b> (if you support lines and points for rendering but don't
-# want the degenerates)<br>
-# <ul>
-# <li>Specify the #aiProcess_FindDegenerates flag.
-# <li>
-# <li>Set the <tt>AI_CONFIG_PP_FD_REMOVE<tt> option to 1. This will
-# cause the step to remove degenerate triangles from the import
-# as soon as they're detected. They won't pass any further
-# pipeline steps.
-# <li>
-# <ul>
-# <br><b>2.<b>(if you don't support lines and points at all)<br>
-# <ul>
-# <li>Specify the #aiProcess_FindDegenerates flag.
-# <li>
-# <li>Specify the #aiProcess_SortByPType flag. This moves line and
-# point primitives to separate meshes.
-# <li>
-# <li>Set the <tt>AI_CONFIG_PP_SBP_REMOVE<tt> option to
-# @code aiPrimitiveType_POINTS | aiPrimitiveType_LINES
-# @endcode to cause SortByPType to reject point
-# and line meshes from the scene.
-# <li>
-# <ul>
-# @note Degenerate polygons are not necessarily evil and that's why
-# they're not removed by default. There are several file formats which
-# don't support lines or points, and some exporters bypass the
-# format specification and write them as degenerate triangles instead.
-aiProcess_FindDegenerates = 0x10000
-## <hr>This step searches all meshes for invalid data, such as zeroed
-# normal vectors or invalid UV coords and removesfixes them. This is
-# intended to get rid of some common exporter errors.
-# This is especially useful for normals. If they are invalid, and
-# the step recognizes this, they will be removed and can later
-# be recomputed, i.e. by the #aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals flag.<br>
-# The step will also remove meshes that are infinitely small and reduce
-# animation tracks consisting of hundreds if redundant keys to a single
-# key. The <tt>AI_CONFIG_PP_FID_ANIM_ACCURACY<tt> config property decides
-# the accuracy of the check for duplicate animation tracks.
-aiProcess_FindInvalidData = 0x20000
-## <hr>This step converts non-UV mappings (such as spherical or
-# cylindrical mapping) to proper texture coordinate channels.
-# Most applications will support UV mapping only, so you will
-# probably want to specify this step in every case. Note that Assimp is not
-# always able to match the original mapping implementation of the
-# 3D app which produced a model perfectly. It's always better to let the
-# modelling app compute the UV channels - 3ds max, Maya, Blender,
-# LightWave, and Modo do this for example.
-# @note If this step is not requested, you'll need to process the
-# <tt>#AI_MATKEY_MAPPING<tt> material property in order to display all assets
-# properly.
-aiProcess_GenUVCoords = 0x40000
-## <hr>This step applies per-texture UV transformations and bakes
-# them into stand-alone vtexture coordinate channels.
-# UV transformations are specified per-texture - see the
-# <tt>#AI_MATKEY_UVTRANSFORM<tt> material key for more information.
-# This step processes all textures with
-# transformed input UV coordinates and generates a new (pre-transformed) UV channel
-# which replaces the old channel. Most applications won't support UV
-# transformations, so you will probably want to specify this step.
-# @note UV transformations are usually implemented in real-time apps by
-# transforming texture coordinates at vertex shader stage with a 3x3
-# (homogenous) transformation matrix.
-aiProcess_TransformUVCoords = 0x80000
-## <hr>This step searches for duplicate meshes and replaces them
-# with references to the first mesh.
-# This step takes a while, so don't use it if speed is a concern.
-# Its main purpose is to workaround the fact that many export
-# file formats don't support instanced meshes, so exporters need to
-# duplicate meshes. This step removes the duplicates again. Please
-# note that Assimp does not currently support per-node material
-# assignment to meshes, which means that identical meshes with
-# different materials are currently #not# joined, although this is
-# planned for future versions.
-aiProcess_FindInstances = 0x100000
-## <hr>A postprocessing step to reduce the number of meshes.
-# This will, in fact, reduce the number of draw calls.
-# This is a very effective optimization and is recommended to be used
-# together with #aiProcess_OptimizeGraph, if possible. The flag is fully
-# compatible with both #aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes and #aiProcess_SortByPType.
-aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes = 0x200000
-## <hr>A postprocessing step to optimize the scene hierarchy.
-# Nodes without animations, bones, lights or cameras assigned are
-# collapsed and joined.
-# Node names can be lost during this step. If you use special 'tag nodes'
-# to pass additional information through your content pipeline, use the
-# <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_OG_EXCLUDE_LIST<tt> setting to specify a list of node
-# names you want to be kept. Nodes matching one of the names in this list won't
-# be touched or modified.
-# Use this flag with caution. Most simple files will be collapsed to a
-# single node, so complex hierarchies are usually completely lost. This is not
-# useful for editor environments, but probably a very effective
-# optimization if you just want to get the model data, convert it to your
-# own format, and render it as fast as possible.
-# This flag is designed to be used with #aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes for best
-# results.
-# @note 'Crappy' scenes with thousands of extremely small meshes packed
-# in deeply nested nodes exist for almost all file formats.
-# #aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes in combination with #aiProcess_OptimizeGraph
-# usually fixes them all and makes them renderable.
-aiProcess_OptimizeGraph = 0x400000
-## <hr>This step flips all UV coordinates along the y-axis and adjusts
-# material settings and bitangents accordingly.
-# <b>Output UV coordinate system:<b>
-# @code
-# 0y|0y ---------- 1x|0y
-# | |
-# | |
-# | |
-# 0x|1y ---------- 1x|1y
-# @endcode
-# You'll probably want to consider this flag if you use Direct3D for
-# rendering. The #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded flag supersedes this
-# setting and bundles all conversions typically required for D3D-based
-# applications.
-aiProcess_FlipUVs = 0x800000
-## <hr>This step adjusts the output face winding order to be CW.
-# The default face winding order is counter clockwise (CCW).
-# <b>Output face order:<b>
-# @code
-# x2
-# x0
-# x1
-# @endcode
-aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder = 0x1000000
-## <hr>This step splits meshes with many bones into sub-meshes so that each
-# su-bmesh has fewer or as many bones as a given limit.
-aiProcess_SplitByBoneCount = 0x2000000
-## <hr>This step removes bones losslessly or according to some threshold.
-# In some cases (i.e. formats that require it) exporters are forced to
-# assign dummy bone weights to otherwise static meshes assigned to
-# animated meshes. Full, weight-based skinning is expensive while
-# animating nodes is extremely cheap, so this step is offered to clean up
-# the data in that regard.
-# Use <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_DB_THRESHOLD<tt> to control this.
-# Use <tt>#AI_CONFIG_PP_DB_ALL_OR_NONE<tt> if you want bones removed if and
-# only if all bones within the scene qualify for removal.
-aiProcess_Debone = 0x4000000
-aiProcess_GenEntityMeshes = 0x100000
-aiProcess_OptimizeAnimations = 0x200000
-aiProcess_FixTexturePaths = 0x200000
-aiProcess_EmbedTextures = 0x10000000,
-## @def aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded
- # @brief Shortcut flag for Direct3D-based applications.
- #
- # Supersedes the #aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded and #aiProcess_FlipUVs and
- # #aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder flags.
- # The output data matches Direct3D's conventions: left-handed geometry, upper-left
- # origin for UV coordinates and finally clockwise face order, suitable for CCW culling.
- #
- # @deprecated
- #
-aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded = ( \
- aiProcess_MakeLeftHanded | \
- aiProcess_FlipUVs | \
- aiProcess_FlipWindingOrder | \
- 0 )
-## @def aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtimeUse_Fast
- # @brief Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
- #
- # Applications would want to use this preset to load models on end-user PCs,
- # maybe for direct use in game.
- #
- # If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
- # the #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded step. If you don't support UV transformations
- # in your application apply the #aiProcess_TransformUVCoords step, too.
- # @note Please take the time to read the docs for the steps enabled by this preset.
- # Some of them offer further configurable properties, while some of them might not be of
- # use for you so it might be better to not specify them.
- #
-aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast = ( \
- aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
- aiProcess_GenNormals | \
- aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | \
- aiProcess_Triangulate | \
- aiProcess_GenUVCoords | \
- aiProcess_SortByPType | \
- 0 )
- ## @def aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality
- # @brief Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
- #
- # Unlike #aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Fast, this configuration
- # performs some extra optimizations to improve rendering speed and
- # to minimize memory usage. It could be a good choice for a level editor
- # environment where import speed is not so important.
- #
- # If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
- # the #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded step. If you don't support UV transformations
- # in your application apply the #aiProcess_TransformUVCoords step, too.
- # @note Please take the time to read the docs for the steps enabled by this preset.
- # Some of them offer further configurable properties, while some of them might not be
- # of use for you so it might be better to not specify them.
- #
-aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality = ( \
- aiProcess_CalcTangentSpace | \
- aiProcess_GenSmoothNormals | \
- aiProcess_JoinIdenticalVertices | \
- aiProcess_ImproveCacheLocality | \
- aiProcess_LimitBoneWeights | \
- aiProcess_RemoveRedundantMaterials | \
- aiProcess_SplitLargeMeshes | \
- aiProcess_Triangulate | \
- aiProcess_GenUVCoords | \
- aiProcess_SortByPType | \
- aiProcess_FindDegenerates | \
- aiProcess_FindInvalidData | \
- 0 )
- ## @def aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_MaxQuality
- # @brief Default postprocess configuration optimizing the data for real-time rendering.
- #
- # This preset enables almost every optimization step to achieve perfectly
- # optimized data. It's your choice for level editor environments where import speed
- # is not important.
- #
- # If you're using DirectX, don't forget to combine this value with
- # the #aiProcess_ConvertToLeftHanded step. If you don't support UV transformations
- # in your application, apply the #aiProcess_TransformUVCoords step, too.
- # @note Please take the time to read the docs for the steps enabled by this preset.
- # Some of them offer further configurable properties, while some of them might not be
- # of use for you so it might be better to not specify them.
- #
-aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_MaxQuality = ( \
- aiProcessPreset_TargetRealtime_Quality | \
- aiProcess_FindInstances | \
- aiProcess_ValidateDataStructure | \
- aiProcess_OptimizeMeshes | \
- 0 )
diff --git a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/ b/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
deleted file mode 100644
index e1fba19..0000000
--- a/src/mesh/assimp-master/port/PyAssimp/pyassimp/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,1135 +0,0 @@
-#-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from ctypes import POINTER, c_void_p, c_uint, c_char, c_float, Structure, c_double, c_ubyte, c_size_t, c_uint32
-class Vector2D(Structure):
- """
- See 'vector2.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- ("x", c_float),("y", c_float),
- ]
-class Matrix3x3(Structure):
- """
- See 'matrix3x3.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- ("a1", c_float),("a2", c_float),("a3", c_float),
- ("b1", c_float),("b2", c_float),("b3", c_float),
- ("c1", c_float),("c2", c_float),("c3", c_float),
- ]
-class Texel(Structure):
- """
- See 'texture.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- ("b", c_ubyte),("g", c_ubyte),("r", c_ubyte),("a", c_ubyte),
- ]
-class Color4D(Structure):
- """
- See 'color4.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Red, green, blue and alpha color values
- ("r", c_float),("g", c_float),("b", c_float),("a", c_float),
- ]
-class Plane(Structure):
- """
- See 'types.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Plane equation
- ("a", c_float),("b", c_float),("c", c_float),("d", c_float),
- ]
-class Color3D(Structure):
- """
- See 'types.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Red, green and blue color values
- ("r", c_float),("g", c_float),("b", c_float),
- ]
-class String(Structure):
- """
- See 'types.h' for details.
- """
- MAXLEN = 1024
- _fields_ = [
- # Binary length of the string excluding the terminal 0. This is NOT the
- # logical length of strings containing UTF-8 multibyte sequences! It's
- # the number of bytes from the beginning of the string to its end.
- ("length", c_uint32),
- # String buffer. Size limit is MAXLEN
- ("data", c_char*MAXLEN),
- ]
-class MaterialPropertyString(Structure):
- """
- See 'MaterialSystem.cpp' for details.
- The size of length is truncated to 4 bytes on 64-bit platforms when used as a
- material property (see MaterialSystem.cpp aiMaterial::AddProperty() for details).
- """
- MAXLEN = 1024
- _fields_ = [
- # Binary length of the string excluding the terminal 0. This is NOT the
- # logical length of strings containing UTF-8 multibyte sequences! It's
- # the number of bytes from the beginning of the string to its end.
- ("length", c_uint32),
- # String buffer. Size limit is MAXLEN
- ("data", c_char*MAXLEN),
- ]
-class MemoryInfo(Structure):
- """
- See 'types.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Storage allocated for texture data
- ("textures", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated for material data
- ("materials", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated for mesh data
- ("meshes", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated for node data
- ("nodes", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated for animation data
- ("animations", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated for camera data
- ("cameras", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated for light data
- ("lights", c_uint),
- # Total storage allocated for the full import.
- ("total", c_uint),
- ]
-class Quaternion(Structure):
- """
- See 'quaternion.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # w,x,y,z components of the quaternion
- ("w", c_float),("x", c_float),("y", c_float),("z", c_float),
- ]
-class Face(Structure):
- """
- See 'mesh.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Number of indices defining this face.
- # The maximum value for this member is
- ("mNumIndices", c_uint),
- # Pointer to the indices array. Size of the array is given in numIndices.
- ("mIndices", POINTER(c_uint)),
- ]
-class VertexWeight(Structure):
- """
- See 'mesh.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Index of the vertex which is influenced by the bone.
- ("mVertexId", c_uint),
- # The strength of the influence in the range (0...1).
- # The influence from all bones at one vertex amounts to 1.
- ("mWeight", c_float),
- ]
-class Matrix4x4(Structure):
- """
- See 'matrix4x4.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- ("a1", c_float),("a2", c_float),("a3", c_float),("a4", c_float),
- ("b1", c_float),("b2", c_float),("b3", c_float),("b4", c_float),
- ("c1", c_float),("c2", c_float),("c3", c_float),("c4", c_float),
- ("d1", c_float),("d2", c_float),("d3", c_float),("d4", c_float),
- ]
-class Vector3D(Structure):
- """
- See 'vector3.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- ("x", c_float),("y", c_float),("z", c_float),
- ]
-class MeshKey(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The time of this key
- ("mTime", c_double),
- # Index into the aiMesh::mAnimMeshes array of the
- # mesh corresponding to the
- #aiMeshAnim hosting this
- # key frame. The referenced anim mesh is evaluated
- # according to the rules defined in the docs for
- #aiAnimMesh.
- ("mValue", c_uint),
- ]
-class MetadataEntry(Structure):
- """
- See 'metadata.h' for details
- """
- AI_BOOL = 0
- AI_INT32 = 1
- AI_UINT64 = 2
- AI_FLOAT = 3
- _fields_ = [
- # The type field uniquely identifies the underlying type of the data field
- ("mType", c_uint),
- ("mData", c_void_p),
- ]
-class Metadata(Structure):
- """
- See 'metadata.h' for details
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Length of the mKeys and mValues arrays, respectively
- ("mNumProperties", c_uint),
- # Arrays of keys, may not be NULL. Entries in this array may not be NULL
- # as well.
- ("mKeys", POINTER(String)),
- # Arrays of values, may not be NULL. Entries in this array may be NULL
- # if the corresponding property key has no assigned value.
- ("mValues", POINTER(MetadataEntry)),
- ]
-class Node(Structure):
- """
- See 'scene.h' for details.
- """
-Node._fields_ = [
- # The name of the node.
- # The name might be empty (length of zero) but all nodes which
- # need to be accessed afterwards by bones or anims are usually named.
- # Multiple nodes may have the same name, but nodes which are accessed
- # by bones (see
- #aiBone and
- #aiMesh::mBones) *must* be unique.
- # Cameras and lights are assigned to a specific node name - if there
- # are multiple nodes with this name, they're assigned to each of them.
- # <br>
- # There are no limitations regarding the characters contained in
- # this text. You should be able to handle stuff like whitespace, tabs,
- # linefeeds, quotation marks, ampersands, ... .
- ("mName", String),
- # The transformation relative to the node's parent.
- ("mTransformation", Matrix4x4),
- # Parent node. NULL if this node is the root node.
- ("mParent", POINTER(Node)),
- # The number of child nodes of this node.
- ("mNumChildren", c_uint),
- # The child nodes of this node. NULL if mNumChildren is 0.
- ("mChildren", POINTER(POINTER(Node))),
- # The number of meshes of this node.
- ("mNumMeshes", c_uint),
- # The meshes of this node. Each entry is an index into the mesh
- ("mMeshes", POINTER(c_uint)),
- # Metadata associated with this node or NULL if there is no metadata.
- # Whether any metadata is generated depends on the source file format.
- ("mMetadata", POINTER(Metadata)),
- ]
-class Light(Structure):
- """
- See 'light.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The name of the light source.
- # There must be a node in the scenegraph with the same name.
- # This node specifies the position of the light in the scene
- # hierarchy and can be animated.
- ("mName", String),
- # The type of the light source.
- # aiLightSource_UNDEFINED is not a valid value for this member.
- ("mType", c_uint),
- # Position of the light source in space. Relative to the
- # transformation of the node corresponding to the light.
- # The position is undefined for directional lights.
- ("mPosition", Vector3D),
- # Direction of the light source in space. Relative to the
- # transformation of the node corresponding to the light.
- # The direction is undefined for point lights. The vector
- # may be normalized, but it needn't.
- ("mDirection", Vector3D),
- # Up direction of the light source in space. Relative to the
- # transformation of the node corresponding to the light.
- #
- # The direction is undefined for point lights. The vector
- # may be normalized, but it needn't.
- ("mUp", Vector3D),
- # Constant light attenuation factor.
- # The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from
- # the light's position is
- # @code
- # Atten = 1/( att0 + att1
- # d + att2
- # d*d)
- # @endcode
- # This member corresponds to the att0 variable in the equation.
- # Naturally undefined for directional lights.
- ("mAttenuationConstant", c_float),
- # Linear light attenuation factor.
- # The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from
- # the light's position is
- # @code
- # Atten = 1/( att0 + att1
- # d + att2
- # d*d)
- # @endcode
- # This member corresponds to the att1 variable in the equation.
- # Naturally undefined for directional lights.
- ("mAttenuationLinear", c_float),
- # Quadratic light attenuation factor.
- # The intensity of the light source at a given distance 'd' from
- # the light's position is
- # @code
- # Atten = 1/( att0 + att1
- # d + att2
- # d*d)
- # @endcode
- # This member corresponds to the att2 variable in the equation.
- # Naturally undefined for directional lights.
- ("mAttenuationQuadratic", c_float),
- # Diffuse color of the light source
- # The diffuse light color is multiplied with the diffuse
- # material color to obtain the final color that contributes
- # to the diffuse shading term.
- ("mColorDiffuse", Color3D),
- # Specular color of the light source
- # The specular light color is multiplied with the specular
- # material color to obtain the final color that contributes
- # to the specular shading term.
- ("mColorSpecular", Color3D),
- # Ambient color of the light source
- # The ambient light color is multiplied with the ambient
- # material color to obtain the final color that contributes
- # to the ambient shading term. Most renderers will ignore
- # this value it, is just a remaining of the fixed-function pipeline
- # that is still supported by quite many file formats.
- ("mColorAmbient", Color3D),
- # Inner angle of a spot light's light cone.
- # The spot light has maximum influence on objects inside this
- # angle. The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point
- # lights and undefined for directional lights.
- ("mAngleInnerCone", c_float),
- # Outer angle of a spot light's light cone.
- # The spot light does not affect objects outside this angle.
- # The angle is given in radians. It is 2PI for point lights and
- # undefined for directional lights. The outer angle must be
- # greater than or equal to the inner angle.
- # It is assumed that the application uses a smooth
- # interpolation between the inner and the outer cone of the
- # spot light.
- ("mAngleOuterCone", c_float),
- # Size of area light source.
- ("mSize", Vector2D),
- ]
-class Texture(Structure):
- """
- See 'texture.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Width of the texture, in pixels
- # If mHeight is zero the texture is compressed in a format
- # like JPEG. In this case mWidth specifies the size of the
- # memory area pcData is pointing to, in bytes.
- ("mWidth", c_uint),
- # Height of the texture, in pixels
- # If this value is zero, pcData points to an compressed texture
- # in any format (e.g. JPEG).
- ("mHeight", c_uint),
- # A hint from the loader to make it easier for applications
- # to determine the type of embedded textures.
- #
- # If mHeight != 0 this member is show how data is packed. Hint will consist of
- # two parts: channel order and channel bitness (count of the bits for every
- # color channel). For simple parsing by the viewer it's better to not omit
- # absent color channel and just use 0 for bitness. For example:
- # 1. Image contain RGBA and 8 bit per channel, achFormatHint == "rgba8888";
- # 2. Image contain ARGB and 8 bit per channel, achFormatHint == "argb8888";
- # 3. Image contain RGB and 5 bit for R and B channels and 6 bit for G channel,
- # achFormatHint == "rgba5650";
- # 4. One color image with B channel and 1 bit for it, achFormatHint == "rgba0010";
- # If mHeight == 0 then achFormatHint is set set to '\\0\\0\\0\\0' if the loader has no additional
- # information about the texture file format used OR the
- # file extension of the format without a trailing dot. If there
- # are multiple file extensions for a format, the shortest
- # extension is chosen (JPEG maps to 'jpg', not to 'jpeg').
- # E.g. 'dds\\0', 'pcx\\0', 'jpg\\0'. All characters are lower-case.
- # The fourth character will always be '\\0'.
- ("achFormatHint", c_char*9),
- # Data of the texture.
- # Points to an array of mWidth
- # mHeight aiTexel's.
- # The format of the texture data is always ARGB8888 to
- # make the implementation for user of the library as easy
- # as possible. If mHeight = 0 this is a pointer to a memory
- # buffer of size mWidth containing the compressed texture
- # data. Good luck, have fun!
- ("pcData", POINTER(Texel)),
- # Texture original filename
- # Used to get the texture reference
- ("mFilename", String),
- ]
-class Ray(Structure):
- """
- See 'types.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Position and direction of the ray
- ("pos", Vector3D),("dir", Vector3D),
- ]
-class UVTransform(Structure):
- """
- See 'material.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Translation on the u and v axes.
- # The default value is (0|0).
- ("mTranslation", Vector2D),
- # Scaling on the u and v axes.
- # The default value is (1|1).
- ("mScaling", Vector2D),
- # Rotation - in counter-clockwise direction.
- # The rotation angle is specified in radians. The
- # rotation center is 0.5f|0.5f. The default value
- # 0.f.
- ("mRotation", c_float),
- ]
-class MaterialProperty(Structure):
- """
- See 'material.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Specifies the name of the property (key)
- # Keys are generally case insensitive.
- ("mKey", String),
- # Textures: Specifies their exact usage semantic.
- # For non-texture properties, this member is always 0
- # (or, better-said,
- #aiTextureType_NONE).
- ("mSemantic", c_uint),
- # Textures: Specifies the index of the texture.
- # For non-texture properties, this member is always 0.
- ("mIndex", c_uint),
- # Size of the buffer mData is pointing to, in bytes.
- # This value may not be 0.
- ("mDataLength", c_uint),
- # Type information for the property.
- # Defines the data layout inside the data buffer. This is used
- # by the library internally to perform debug checks and to
- # utilize proper type conversions.
- # (It's probably a hacky solution, but it works.)
- ("mType", c_uint),
- # Binary buffer to hold the property's value.
- # The size of the buffer is always mDataLength.
- ("mData", POINTER(c_char)),
- ]
-class Material(Structure):
- """
- See 'material.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # List of all material properties loaded.
- ("mProperties", POINTER(POINTER(MaterialProperty))),
- # Number of properties in the data base
- ("mNumProperties", c_uint),
- # Storage allocated
- ("mNumAllocated", c_uint),
- ]
-class Bone(Structure):
- """
- See 'mesh.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The name of the bone.
- ("mName", String),
- # The number of vertices affected by this bone
- # The maximum value for this member is
- ("mNumWeights", c_uint),
- # The vertices affected by this bone
- ("mWeights", POINTER(VertexWeight)),
- # Matrix that transforms from mesh space to bone space in bind pose
- ("mOffsetMatrix", Matrix4x4),
- ]
-class AnimMesh(Structure):
- """
- See 'mesh.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Anim Mesh name
- ("mName", String),
- # Replacement for aiMesh::mVertices. If this array is non-NULL,
- # it *must* contain mNumVertices entries. The corresponding
- # array in the host mesh must be non-NULL as well - animation
- # meshes may neither add or nor remove vertex components (if
- # a replacement array is NULL and the corresponding source
- # array is not, the source data is taken instead)
- ("mVertices", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Replacement for aiMesh::mNormals.
- ("mNormals", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Replacement for aiMesh::mTangents.
- ("mTangents", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Replacement for aiMesh::mBitangents.
- ("mBitangents", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Replacement for aiMesh::mColors
- # Replacement for aiMesh::mTextureCoords
- # The number of vertices in the aiAnimMesh, and thus the length of all
- # the member arrays.
- #
- # This has always the same value as the mNumVertices property in the
- # corresponding aiMesh. It is duplicated here merely to make the length
- # of the member arrays accessible even if the aiMesh is not known, e.g.
- # from language bindings.
- ("mNumVertices", c_uint),
- # Weight of the AnimMesh.
- ("mWeight", c_float),
- ]
-class Mesh(Structure):
- """
- See 'mesh.h' for details.
- """
- AI_MAX_BONE_WEIGHTS = 0x7fffffff
- AI_MAX_VERTICES = 0x7fffffff
- AI_MAX_FACES = 0x7fffffff
- _fields_ = [ # Bitwise combination of the members of the
- #aiPrimitiveType enum.
- # This specifies which types of primitives are present in the mesh.
- # The "SortByPrimitiveType"-Step can be used to make sure the
- # output meshes consist of one primitive type each.
- ("mPrimitiveTypes", c_uint),
- # The number of vertices in this mesh.
- # This is also the size of all of the per-vertex data arrays.
- # The maximum value for this member is
- ("mNumVertices", c_uint),
- # The number of primitives (triangles, polygons, lines) in this mesh.
- # This is also the size of the mFaces array.
- # The maximum value for this member is
- ("mNumFaces", c_uint),
- # Vertex positions.
- # This array is always present in a mesh. The array is
- # mNumVertices in size.
- ("mVertices", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Vertex normals.
- # The array contains normalized vectors, NULL if not present.
- # The array is mNumVertices in size. Normals are undefined for
- # point and line primitives. A mesh consisting of points and
- # lines only may not have normal vectors. Meshes with mixed
- # primitive types (i.e. lines and triangles) may have normals,
- # but the normals for vertices that are only referenced by
- # point or line primitives are undefined and set to QNaN (WARN:
- # qNaN compares to inequal to *everything*, even to qNaN itself.
- # Using code like this to check whether a field is qnan is:
- # @code
- #define IS_QNAN(f) (f != f)
- # @endcode
- # still dangerous because even 1.f == 1.f could evaluate to false! (
- # remember the subtleties of IEEE754 artithmetics). Use stuff like
- # @c fpclassify instead.
- # @note Normal vectors computed by Assimp are always unit-length.
- # However, this needn't apply for normals that have been taken
- # directly from the model file.
- ("mNormals", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Vertex tangents.
- # The tangent of a vertex points in the direction of the positive
- # X texture axis. The array contains normalized vectors, NULL if
- # not present. The array is mNumVertices in size. A mesh consisting
- # of points and lines only may not have normal vectors. Meshes with
- # mixed primitive types (i.e. lines and triangles) may have
- # normals, but the normals for vertices that are only referenced by
- # point or line primitives are undefined and set to qNaN. See
- # the
- #mNormals member for a detailed discussion of qNaNs.
- # @note If the mesh contains tangents, it automatically also
- # contains bitangents (the bitangent is just the cross product of
- # tangent and normal vectors).
- ("mTangents", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Vertex bitangents.
- # The bitangent of a vertex points in the direction of the positive
- # Y texture axis. The array contains normalized vectors, NULL if not
- # present. The array is mNumVertices in size.
- # @note If the mesh contains tangents, it automatically also contains
- # bitangents.
- ("mBitangents", POINTER(Vector3D)),
- # Vertex color sets.
- # A mesh may contain 0 to
- # colors per vertex. NULL if not present. Each array is
- # mNumVertices in size if present.
- # Vertex texture coords, also known as UV channels.
- # A mesh may contain 0 to AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS per
- # vertex. NULL if not present. The array is mNumVertices in size.
- # Specifies the number of components for a given UV channel.
- # Up to three channels are supported (UVW, for accessing volume
- # or cube maps). If the value is 2 for a given channel n, the
- # component p.z of mTextureCoords[n][p] is set to 0.0f.
- # If the value is 1 for a given channel, p.y is set to 0.0f, too.
- # @note 4D coords are not supported
- ("mNumUVComponents", c_uint*AI_MAX_NUMBER_OF_TEXTURECOORDS),
- # The faces the mesh is constructed from.
- # Each face refers to a number of vertices by their indices.
- # This array is always present in a mesh, its size is given
- # in mNumFaces. If the
- # is NOT set each face references an unique set of vertices.
- ("mFaces", POINTER(Face)),
- # The number of bones this mesh contains.
- # Can be 0, in which case the mBones array is NULL.
- ("mNumBones", c_uint),
- # The bones of this mesh.
- # A bone consists of a name by which it can be found in the
- # frame hierarchy and a set of vertex weights.
- ("mBones", POINTER(POINTER(Bone))),
- # The material used by this mesh.
- # A mesh does use only a single material. If an imported model uses
- # multiple materials, the import splits up the mesh. Use this value
- # as index into the scene's material list.
- ("mMaterialIndex", c_uint),
- # Name of the mesh. Meshes can be named, but this is not a
- # requirement and leaving this field empty is totally fine.
- # There are mainly three uses for mesh names:
- # - some formats name nodes and meshes independently.
- # - importers tend to split meshes up to meet the
- # one-material-per-mesh requirement. Assigning
- # the same (dummy) name to each of the result meshes
- # aids the caller at recovering the original mesh
- # partitioning.
- # - Vertex animations refer to meshes by their names.
- ("mName", String),
- # The number of attachment meshes. Note! Currently only works with Collada loader.
- ("mNumAnimMeshes", c_uint),
- # Attachment meshes for this mesh, for vertex-based animation.
- # Attachment meshes carry replacement data for some of the
- # mesh'es vertex components (usually positions, normals).
- # Note! Currently only works with Collada loader.
- ("mAnimMeshes", POINTER(POINTER(AnimMesh))),
- # Method of morphing when animeshes are specified.
- ("mMethod", c_uint),
- ]
-class Camera(Structure):
- """
- See 'camera.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The name of the camera.
- # There must be a node in the scenegraph with the same name.
- # This node specifies the position of the camera in the scene
- # hierarchy and can be animated.
- ("mName", String),
- # Position of the camera relative to the coordinate space
- # defined by the corresponding node.
- # The default value is 0|0|0.
- ("mPosition", Vector3D),
- # 'Up' - vector of the camera coordinate system relative to
- # the coordinate space defined by the corresponding node.
- # The 'right' vector of the camera coordinate system is
- # the cross product of the up and lookAt vectors.
- # The default value is 0|1|0. The vector
- # may be normalized, but it needn't.
- ("mUp", Vector3D),
- # 'LookAt' - vector of the camera coordinate system relative to
- # the coordinate space defined by the corresponding node.
- # This is the viewing direction of the user.
- # The default value is 0|0|1. The vector
- # may be normalized, but it needn't.
- ("mLookAt", Vector3D),
- # Half horizontal field of view angle, in radians.
- # The field of view angle is the angle between the center
- # line of the screen and the left or right border.
- # The default value is 1/4PI.
- ("mHorizontalFOV", c_float),
- # Distance of the near clipping plane from the camera.
- # The value may not be 0.f (for arithmetic reasons to prevent
- # a division through zero). The default value is 0.1f.
- ("mClipPlaneNear", c_float),
- # Distance of the far clipping plane from the camera.
- # The far clipping plane must, of course, be further away than the
- # near clipping plane. The default value is 1000.f. The ratio
- # between the near and the far plane should not be too
- # large (between 1000-10000 should be ok) to avoid floating-point
- # inaccuracies which could lead to z-fighting.
- ("mClipPlaneFar", c_float),
- # Screen aspect ratio.
- # This is the ration between the width and the height of the
- # screen. Typical values are 4/3, 1/2 or 1/1. This value is
- # 0 if the aspect ratio is not defined in the source file.
- # 0 is also the default value.
- ("mAspect", c_float),
- ]
-class VectorKey(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The time of this key
- ("mTime", c_double),
- # The value of this key
- ("mValue", Vector3D),
- ]
-class QuatKey(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The time of this key
- ("mTime", c_double),
- # The value of this key
- ("mValue", Quaternion),
- ]
-class MeshMorphKey(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The time of this key
- ("mTime", c_double),
- # The values and weights at the time of this key
- ("mValues", POINTER(c_uint)),
- ("mWeights", POINTER(c_double)),
- # The number of values and weights
- ("mNumValuesAndWeights", c_uint),
- ]
-class NodeAnim(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The name of the node affected by this animation. The node
- # must exist and it must be unique.
- ("mNodeName", String),
- # The number of position keys
- ("mNumPositionKeys", c_uint),
- # The position keys of this animation channel. Positions are
- # specified as 3D vector. The array is mNumPositionKeys in size.
- # If there are position keys, there will also be at least one
- # scaling and one rotation key.
- ("mPositionKeys", POINTER(VectorKey)),
- # The number of rotation keys
- ("mNumRotationKeys", c_uint),
- # The rotation keys of this animation channel. Rotations are
- # given as quaternions, which are 4D vectors. The array is
- # mNumRotationKeys in size.
- # If there are rotation keys, there will also be at least one
- # scaling and one position key.
- ("mRotationKeys", POINTER(QuatKey)),
- # The number of scaling keys
- ("mNumScalingKeys", c_uint),
- # The scaling keys of this animation channel. Scalings are
- # specified as 3D vector. The array is mNumScalingKeys in size.
- # If there are scaling keys, there will also be at least one
- # position and one rotation key.
- ("mScalingKeys", POINTER(VectorKey)),
- # Defines how the animation behaves before the first
- # key is encountered.
- # The default value is aiAnimBehaviour_DEFAULT (the original
- # transformation matrix of the affected node is used).
- ("mPreState", c_uint),
- # Defines how the animation behaves after the last
- # key was processed.
- # The default value is aiAnimBehaviour_DEFAULT (the original
- # transformation matrix of the affected node is taken).
- ("mPostState", c_uint),
- ]
-class MeshAnim(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Name of the mesh to be animated. An empty string is not allowed,
- # animated meshes need to be named (not necessarily uniquely,
- # the name can basically serve as wild-card to select a group
- # of meshes with similar animation setup)
- ("mName", String),
- # Size of the #mKeys array. Must be 1, at least.
- ("mNumKeys", c_uint),
- # Key frames of the animation. May not be NULL.
- ("mKeys", POINTER(MeshKey)),
- ]
-class MeshMorphAnim(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Name of the mesh to be animated. An empty string is not allowed,
- # animated meshes need to be named (not necessarily uniquely,
- # the name can basically serve as wildcard to select a group
- # of meshes with similar animation setup)
- ("mName", String),
- # Size of the #mKeys array. Must be 1, at least.
- ("mNumKeys", c_uint),
- # Key frames of the animation. May not be NULL.
- ("mKeys", POINTER(MeshMorphKey)),
- ]
-class Animation(Structure):
- """
- See 'anim.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # The name of the animation. If the modeling package this data was
- # exported from does support only a single animation channel, this
- # name is usually empty (length is zero).
- ("mName", String),
- # Duration of the animation in ticks.
- ("mDuration", c_double),
- # Ticks per second. 0 if not specified in the imported file
- ("mTicksPerSecond", c_double),
- # The number of bone animation channels. Each channel affects
- # a single node.
- ("mNumChannels", c_uint),
- # The node animation channels. Each channel affects a single node.
- # The array is mNumChannels in size.
- ("mChannels", POINTER(POINTER(NodeAnim))),
- # The number of mesh animation channels. Each channel affects
- # a single mesh and defines vertex-based animation.
- ("mNumMeshChannels", c_uint),
- # The mesh animation channels. Each channel affects a single mesh.
- # The array is mNumMeshChannels in size.
- ("mMeshChannels", POINTER(POINTER(MeshAnim))),
- # The number of mesh animation channels. Each channel affects
- # a single mesh and defines morphing animation.
- ("mNumMorphMeshChannels", c_uint),
- # The morph mesh animation channels. Each channel affects a single mesh.
- # The array is mNumMorphMeshChannels in size.
- ("mMorphMeshChannels", POINTER(POINTER(MeshMorphAnim))),
- ]
-class ExportDataBlob(Structure):
- """
- See 'cexport.h' for details.
- Note that the '_fields_' definition is outside the class to allow the 'next' field to be recursive
- """
- pass
-ExportDataBlob._fields_ = [
- # Size of the data in bytes
- ("size", c_size_t),
- # The data.
- ("data", c_void_p),
- # Name of the blob. An empty string always
- # indicates the first (and primary) blob,
- # which contains the actual file data.
- # Any other blobs are auxiliary files produced
- # by exporters (i.e. material files). Existence
- # of such files depends on the file format. Most
- # formats don't split assets across multiple files.
- #
- # If used, blob names usually contain the file
- # extension that should be used when writing
- # the data to disc.
- ("name", String),
- # Pointer to the next blob in the chain or NULL if there is none.
- ("next", POINTER(ExportDataBlob)),
- ]
-class Scene(Structure):
- """
- See 'aiScene.h' for details.
- """
- _fields_ = [
- # Any combination of the AI_SCENE_FLAGS_XXX flags. By default
- # this value is 0, no flags are set. Most applications will
- # want to reject all scenes with the AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE
- # bit set.
- ("mFlags", c_uint),
- # The root node of the hierarchy.
- # There will always be at least the root node if the import
- # was successful (and no special flags have been set).
- # Presence of further nodes depends on the format and content
- # of the imported file.
- ("mRootNode", POINTER(Node)),
- # The number of meshes in the scene.
- ("mNumMeshes", c_uint),
- # The array of meshes.
- # Use the indices given in the aiNode structure to access
- # this array. The array is mNumMeshes in size. If the
- # AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE flag is not set there will always
- # be at least ONE material.
- ("mMeshes", POINTER(POINTER(Mesh))),
- # The number of materials in the scene.
- ("mNumMaterials", c_uint),
- # The array of materials.
- # Use the index given in each aiMesh structure to access this
- # array. The array is mNumMaterials in size. If the
- # AI_SCENE_FLAGS_INCOMPLETE flag is not set there will always
- # be at least ONE material.
- ("mMaterials", POINTER(POINTER(Material))),
- # The number of animations in the scene.
- ("mNumAnimations", c_uint),
- # The array of animations.
- # All animations imported from the given file are listed here.
- # The array is mNumAnimations in size.
- ("mAnimations", POINTER(POINTER(Animation))),
- # The number of textures embedded into the file
- ("mNumTextures", c_uint),
- # The array of embedded textures.
- # Not many file formats embed their textures into the file.
- # An example is Quake's MDL format (which is also used by
- # some GameStudio versions)
- ("mTextures", POINTER(POINTER(Texture))),
- # The number of light sources in the scene. Light sources
- # are fully optional, in most cases this attribute will be 0
- ("mNumLights", c_uint),
- # The array of light sources.
- # All light sources imported from the given file are
- # listed here. The array is mNumLights in size.
- ("mLights", POINTER(POINTER(Light))),
- # The number of cameras in the scene. Cameras
- # are fully optional, in most cases this attribute will be 0
- ("mNumCameras", c_uint),
- # The array of cameras.
- # All cameras imported from the given file are listed here.
- # The array is mNumCameras in size. The first camera in the
- # array (if existing) is the default camera view into
- # the scene.
- ("mCameras", POINTER(POINTER(Camera))),
- # This data contains global metadata which belongs to the scene like
- # unit-conversions, versions, vendors or other model-specific data. This
- # can be used to store format-specific metadata as well.
- ("mMetadata", POINTER(Metadata)),
- # Internal data, do not touch
- ("mPrivate", POINTER(c_char)),
- ]
-assimp_structs_as_tuple = (Matrix4x4,
- Matrix3x3,
- Vector2D,
- Vector3D,
- Color3D,
- Color4D,
- Quaternion,
- Plane,
- Texel)